Together at Last


It was the beginning of summer and the bedroom was almost uncomfortably stuffy. I had the window open and the large fan on as high as it would go and it still wasn’t moving the air quick enough to cool things off so I could sleep.

Ah, sleep. It would be easier to do that if I didn’t feel so restless. I had wanted to pounce on my boyfriend earlier, but he was so exhausted he had fallen asleep on the couch, so I was left to my own devices. I caressed my body lightly and gave myself goose bumps, dragging my fingers across my stomach, crossing my arms and softly ran my fingers down my neck. Skin-gasm. I glanced at my man’s sleeping form and decided to go to bed anyway. There would always be other times, now that we were living together.

We picked a nice apartment and we had moved in together after several months of planning, writing, texting and monthly visits by Greyhound bus. Now there wouldn’t have to be goodbyes anymore, because we were finally together. That always made me smile.

I lay in bed in the cotton nightshirt I’d carelessly tossed on. It was light gray and came to below my knees. Normally it’s very comfortable but not when it’s so warm out. I shut off the light and lay in bed with my eyes open, scanning the ceiling as I tried to talk myself into slumber while listening to the mechanical drone of the fan blades. The rhythm was almost meditative.

I felt my masturbasyon porno body start to drop into fatigue and I gradually closed my eyes as I drifted off into deep sleep. Somewhere along the way I felt the bed shift and creak like someone else had climbed in. The presence curled up close next to me and I felt a silk blindfold slip over my eyes. The hands lifted my head as the elastic was slid over, then they started to move down my chest to the top of my leg and moved lower. I thought it was my man as I felt my nightshirt get pulled up and his hand trace up my leg, leaving a very hot trail in its wake. Dream or not, I didn’t want to wake up. I love my man’s touch.

“Mmm…” I quietly moaned and shifted, my cheek touching his. His cheek felt scraggly like he hadn’t shaved in a day or two, providing a rough contrast to the softness of his hand, which was now working its way up between my thighs. I tried to reciprocate, but he pushed my hand away and I heard a voice quietly say “No, allow me to give this to you.”

I stopped. I had to be dreaming. “I, I—” I started. He kissed me hard, his hair falling in silken tendrils about my face.

“Would you rather I stop?” he breathed just as his fingers found my clit and began to manipulate it expertly.

I moaned loudly, orgasm racking my muscles as I arched, fire racing up my body and mature porno causing me to see sparks.

“So responsive…. so sensitive. You are like an instrument and your moaning is music.” He inserted one finger into my slick, wet pussy and I orgasmed again. I tried pushing him off, but instead he sat up, grabbed both my hands with one hand and pinned them down on the pillow above my head, then continued the assault on my now dripping pussy. I moaned and writhed, helpless to shake him off and helpless in the throes of the orgasms that coursed through me.

He let up, caressing my side and my face before he kissed me again. I felt him snake one leg between mine, resting his chest lightly against mine. His body heat was intense as though he had a fire burning inside him. So… hot… hotter than the room…..

“Please… I want you.” He kissed me again. This time I kissed back, nibbling his lip as I did so. If this was a dream, I was going to enjoy every bit of it.

“I want you. I want you to be mine.” he breathed, nuzzling my neck and nipping it lightly. This was almost too much.

“Please..” I whispered. “I’m going crazy here.” I turned my head and he nuzzled it harder, bringing the blood to the surface and setting my heart to pounding.

I begged again “Please.” He dragged his teeth across the skin, causing me to suck air through milf porno my teeth. He got his other leg between mine. I whimpered a bit at feeling so exposed.

My breathing sped up as he pinned both my hands with both of his. He nudged my head to the side with his, then sank his teeth into my neck at the same time he entered me. I stiffened and came hard, my breathing coming hard and fast as he rode me, finally taking me and fulfilling my body’s hunger.

“Ooohhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! AAAHHHHHHHHH!!!” I moaned loudly. He rode me hard making me cum over and over again, until his moaning came quicker and he climaxed, stiffening over me.

He held me and I held him tightly for a few moments. Then he worked one arm free and pulled the blindfold off me. It took my eyes a few seconds to adjust to the dimness, but I could see my boyfriend’s smile above me.

I broke into giggles. “Oh my GODS!! I can’t believe you did that to me!!” “Yep, it was me. I thought I’d surprise you with an early wake-up call.” he said with a smirk. “I’ll say it’s early.” I glanced at the clock; it was nearly 4am. “What gave you the idea to pounce on me in my sleep?” I asked.

“Well, I recall you liked it quite a lot when you came to visit and thought you might want a refresher course. You always slept really well afterwards.” I smiled.

“Let’s sleep together now, shall we?” he grinned. I couldn’t possibly be irked with somebody I was so crazy about.

“Ok.” said I and we cuddled up on the bed and fell asleep in each other’s arms, my head on his bicep and his arm around my waist, my hand cradling his. There wouldn’t be any more goodbyes, I thought with a smile, and drifted off.

The end

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