Triana Ch. 04

Public Sex

Disclaimer: All characters in this plot are over 18 years old. The story takes place on a high school and whenever Triana refers to Tobias as “kid” or “boy” she just exaggerates the age gap between them.

Triana by StarDust


Couple of days later it was a sunny day again. However, being it April with its unpredictable weather changes, in the afternoon, out of nowhere, big clouds appeared and it started to rain exactly when I was leaving the school.

I wasn’t prepared for that, I was expecting clear sky all the day. I was wearing ankle boots because the temperature was supposed to be low despite the sun, but I was not prepared for rain. Normally I wear rain coat when it rains because I cannot handle an umbrella with my arm stumps properly. But I didn’t take any with me this morning and the one, that I kept in closet in my office usually, was no more there. I used it the other time and forgot to bring it back.

That’s how I ended up standing at the school entrance, protected from the rain by a small roof above it and thinking hard of what to do. Then a melodic voice came for rescue.

“Good afternoon, miss Barker,” I heard Tobias and saw him emerging from the entrance as I turned my head that direction.

“Good afternoon, Tobias,” I answered and smiled lightly.

“Want a walk home?” he asked looking at me and realizing my problem immediately. “I’ve got an umbrella,” he added and opened it up in front of him. “I can walk you home, if you wish.”

“Aren’t you in hurry?” I asked.

“Not at all. It’s raining, I’m gonna stay at home all the evening anyway. Plenty of time to do my homework.”

“Ok then,” I agreed relieved. “I will gladly accept your offer. I forgot my rain coat at home, I didn’t expect it would rain today.”

“Yes, some forecasts said it was going to be a sunny day, although I saw one where they spoke about local rains in the afternoon. That’s why I took the umbrella,” he grinned with satisfaction.

“Smart guy,” I smiled back at him.

After that he came to me and stood by my right side, holding the umbrella above us. He used his free arm and took my over shoulder bag from me and hung it on his own shoulder. I smiled at this small gentleman’s act, casually inserted my abbreviated right forearm in the crook of his elbow and we stepped forward.

It took us a while to find the right pace and rhythm as my walk was a bit uneven. Fortunately, Tobias was very understanding and attentive and had adapted to my special gait quite quickly. At the end, we were walking swiftly side by side, very close to each other. I started to rely on Tobias and began to lean profoundly on his arm for support every second step, when my weight was fully on the false leg and I was swinging the real one forward. Despite the rain it was one of my nicest walks home, undoubtedly.

I navigated us to the building where my apartment was located and eventually we stopped at its entrance. I withdrew my arm stump from the crook of Tobias’s elbow and thanked him for the walk and for helping me to not get soaked completely.

“I can carry your bag up to your apartment, if you wish,” he offered eagerly.

“No, thank you, Tobias. I shouldn’t be robbing you more of your time,” I rejected.

“You are not robbing me of my time, dear lady,” he objected quickly. “Don’t take it like that.”

I noticed he wanted to say more but was struggling to find right words. I waited and tried to comfort him with an encouraging smile.

“I don’t take time spent with you as a loss. Not by any mean. Quite contrary…” he started after a short while. “Frankly… you may find it strange, but for me it is very nicely spent time. I… I don’t know why, but I undeniably enjoy it. For some strange reasons I’m happy being around you and I am very pleased to be of any help for you.”

I still waited, not saying anything. I was just looking at his pretty face and reading in it as in an open book. He was confused by his own feelings, he didn’t understand them. But I did. I knew what it was what had been attracting him to me. I just wasn’t sure how deep the attraction was. My radar was telling me it was a very deep attraction and my heart was flooded with enjoyment from that. However, my rational mind was reluctant to accept it.

“You don’t need to question my offers, believe me,” Tobias continued when he realized I still had not agreed. “If you accept them, it will be like a win for me, not a loss. Do you believe me?” he asked in a husky voice after another short while of silence.

I just nodded, at first. Honestly, I would have liked to kiss him for such nice words, but I managed to maintain my authority.

“Yes, I believe you, Tobias,” I said finally. “I know you mean it, but there’s also another side to it and I have to bear it in mind. We both have to. You should not sacrifice all your time to me, even though – and I’m quite sure about it now – you would have done that if I had only asked. You are a student and you are a member of your family. These are the two things that are most important for you and they must sivas seks hikayeleri be your top priorities. These things should take the greatest part of your time. Do you know what I mean?”

I let him think about it for a while.

“I’ll be more than happy if you spend part of your free time with me and if you help me with this or that, occasionally. It is really nice to have somebody who truly cares about me like you do. I don’t meet such persons every day, not even every month, nor year. It is, indeed, very special to me… YOU – are special to me. But that’s also the reason why I cannot let you overdo it. Do you understand?”

I waited again.

“We have to act responsibly. If we both have a kind of pleasure from being together, there’s no reason why we should not let it happen. But we cannot let it ruin other aspects of our lives. It should not happen at the expense of our professional or family lives. Do you understand?”

Another wait.

“I just want you to keep it in mind. I’m sure you are a smart guy. I’m questioning your offers only to give you another chance to think it all over, I’m not doubting your good will that stands behind them. And if you want me to stop questioning them you must promise me – now and here – that you will act responsibly and you will not spend more time with me than you can really afford without letting your family or studies suffer because of it. Do you promise that?”

“Yes, I promise,” he nodded. “I think I understand it and I think you are perfectly clear and right. I will bear it in mind, you can rely on me. But today… well, I really have nothing special to do. I can spend some time out and still manage to do all my duties.”

“Ok, boy,” I gave up finally, with a wide smile. “Come in then, I will show you to my apartment.”

We entered the building and took the lift to the second floor where my apartment was located. I let Tobias unlock the door and we went inside. I hoped he would help me get off my ankle boots but he surprised me with a question whether he could use my toilet. My eyebrows went up in amazement but I showed him the way. He slipped his shoes off and rushed to the restroom.

I sat down on a simple bench in the hall and clumsily slipped boots off myself as I was used to do every other day. Then I walked to the living room and dropped wearily down on the sofa. I leaned back on the armrest and lifted the nylon clad left leg on cushions to have a rest, leaving the right-leg prosthesis bent at knee with the plastic foot on the floor.

A few seconds later Tobias entered the room. I turned my head to him and smiled.

“Are you tired?” he asked with concern, approaching slowly to the sofa.

“Like a dog,” I admitted.

He didn’t say anything, just walked to the other side of the sofa and sat on the floor in front of it. He leaned his upper body on soft cushions and sort-of casually put his hands on my foot that rested within his comfortable reach. He placed his thumbs on the sole and started to massage in circle motions. He applied just a light pressure at the beginning as if being shy, although as my sole gradually softened under his treatment, his fingers dug deeper.

“Oh my god,” I sighed. “That’s wonderful!”

Tobias smiled and kept massaging my foot tenderly. He focused on the ball of it now, kneading small muscles thoroughly. He went more to the front and massaged right under toes which felt absolutely erotic. I sighed again and closed my eyes with pleasure.

“I wish I had two legs,” I said without thinking, “so I could take a double pleasure now.”

Tobias giggled and then… – I wasn’t sure, to be honest, because I had my eyes closed, but I think he might have kissed my foot then. I just felt some uncommon touch between the two spots where his thumbs were gently dug in the soft tissue of my foot. I moaned involuntarily and didn’t dare to open eyes.

Tobias’ hands then moved down. I felt him insert one of his hands under my heel and rise it from cushions a bit. The thumb of the other hand started to make small circles around the bottom of my heel. I moaned again.

“That’s sooo relaxing!” I encouraged him. “I could stand it the whole evening long!”

“You’ve got a beautiful foot,” Tobias said with a surprising seriousness in his voice. I smiled in my mind and wriggled toes for him. Another strange touch followed, blunted by the nylon. This time on the tip of two of my toes.

Suddenly Tobias stopped massaging me and I opened eyes to check what was happening. I saw him stand up with the heel of my leg still in his hand. He turned around and sat on the sofa, bringing my leg up and letting it lay across his lap. I raised my head for better view and looked at him puzzled. He smiled and patted my shin contently. Then he gently twisted my foot sideways with one hand and started to massage the calf through the nylon with the other.

I dropped my head back on the soft armrest and closed eyes again. I enjoyed the warm feelings induced by his tender kneading and squeezing of strong muscles inside my calf. On the side of my shin I could feel two locations where my leg touched each of Tobias’ thighs. In fact, it must have been very close to his crotch, I realized suddenly! Just the thought of it brought another soft moan to my mouth.

Now I felt both Tobias’ hands wandering along my shin and the calf. It wasn’t a massage anymore. He was clearly fondling my leg at that time and I only hoped he had been enjoying it at least half that much as I was. I sighed with pleasure again when his hand – for the first time – touched my knee and then caressed the sensitive skin on the back of it. He rubbed me there ever so lightly for a longer period of time and I shivered form the increasing pleasure.

After a while his hands shifted again and started to cares my thigh, just above the knee. I could even feel him move the hem of my skirt up a bit to reach higher. Although I enjoyed his caressing very much, and his touch on the inner part of my thigh had almost made me groan with pleasure, I knew it wasn’t right. We shouldn’t have been doing that. Not yet. It was already getting too far and if we – or I, for that matter – would let it go on, we might not be able to stop it later on.

“Tobias,” I said softly and opened my eyes.

He looked at me questioningly with strange gleam in eyes and face visibly blushing.

“Tobias, we must stop it now. I’m sorry, but I’m afraid we shouldn’t be doing that.”

“Oh, sorry,” he started to apologize. “I thought you were enjoying it.”

“Oh dear, sure, I did!” I said probably too enthusiastically. “It was heavenly, believe me. But that’s also the reason, actually. I mean… Look, it’s been becoming too arousing and I… I think it’s not the right thing.”

“I’m sorry for that,” he said sadly.

“No, no, don’t take me wrong,” I retorted quickly. “There’s nothing to apologize about, you didn’t do anything wrong. I just think we shouldn’t let it get further.”

“Why not?” he asked plainly.

I was desperately trying to find right words for the explanation.

“Because I’m just a student and you are my teacher?” he tried to guess what I meant.

“No! Yes,” I started, feeling confused myself. “Well, yes, but that’s only a part of it.”

“So what’s the other part?” he queried.

“Look… What you was doing was very exciting to me, you know?” I decided to be fair and honest with him. “I mean… your touches and all that fondling have started to build a… hmmm, sexual arousal in me, you know? And that’s what I think we shouldn’t be doing.”

“But why? Why not? What’s wrong with it?” he kept asking.

“I… I just don’t want to misuse you. I should not be misusing your kindness,” I said, having found the right words finally.

“Do you really think you were misusing me!?” he did look shocked by that.

“Yes, sure,” I said firmly. “Look, I’m a heavily crippled person with limited abilities in real life – and that’s why it is understandable that I may accept some help from others, from you in this case. Such help is supposed to make my life easier – that’s tolerable. But I cannot exploit your good will only for my own pleasure. That’s not right. That would be clearly a misuse. Do you understand me?”

“Would it change anything if I confessed I’d been getting my own thrill out of it too?” he said after a short while of hesitation.

It was my time to look shocked now. I raised up slightly and supported myself on elbows behind me. I looked at him, trying to read in his face. My radar told me he was about to fully realize what was happening between us. This was an important moment.

“What do you mean?” I encouraged him to continue and express his thoughts and feelings.

“I mean… Look, for some strange reason – and I must say I’m confused about it myself – however, for some reason I find you very attractive. More attractive than other women or girls. I really don’t know why, but for me you are beautiful. I find your body – in all its uniqueness – just… beautiful. And being a male like any other, of course, I do feel excited when I’m allowed to touch and caress a woman’s leg. A leg that I find incredibly pretty, to say the truth! That’s it. Believe me, I’ve been enjoying every second of it perhaps as much as you did.”

That was a big confession. I guess it helped that I was open with him before and that I used words like “sexual”, “pleasure” and “arousal”. I kept looking at him. His sight was lowered to the floor, clearly embarrassed by what he had just said. However, I was happy about it. I needed him to see the truth if we were to push it further.

“Tobias, that’s the nicest thing I’ve heard in ages. It’s actually so nice that I could hardly believe that. Look, when it comes to us, I have always been in the position of the demander and you’ve been the servant, if I can say so. I’ve had no chance to see or even notice what it really meant for you, or why you had been so kind to me. Being always the one who asks for something is risky. There is a permanent danger I might get too demanding and you would be just too polite to tell me off. And that’s the last thing on Earth I would want to happen. That’s why I’m in constant doubts and over-too-careful about it all.”

I stopped and let him think about what I had just said. Then I continued: “Tobias, you must be absolutely fair and open with me, do you understand that? I need to know what exactly you feel, it’s crucially important to me. You must let me know about your feelings and wishes too, to allow me to see and learn it is a mutual relation between us. Do you understand? Just let me know, sometimes, that you need me too, that it’s not only me who is always getting and you who is always giving.”

“I think I understand you perfectly,” Tobias said and there was an adult man sounding in his voice. “I know you are absolutely right and I’m sorry for not noticing it myself. I do need you, and you would probably never believe how much I do need you. Could you please do something for me right now? It’s something I have dreamt about since the very beginning but never dared to bring it up.”

“Sure!” I said trying hard to hide the huge happiness I felt inside me. “What is it?”

Tobias removed my leg from his lap, let it bend at knee and hung it lovingly over the backrest cushions of the sofa. I was anxious to see what he had on mind. He twisted a bit and turned towards me. He brought his right leg up on the sofa, bent it at knee and tucked the foot under the thigh of his left leg, which still hung over the edge like a mirror reflection of my prosthesis. Then he took my leg again and placed its sole onto his right thigh.

“Would you please caress me with your beautiful foot?”

I shivered from just hearing him say that.

“My pleasure!” I exclaimed happily. Then I started to slide my foot along his thigh. It was a great feeling. I would have liked to do it barelegged, but didn’t dare to lose time removing my pantyhose.

Since Tobias’ leg on the sofa was twisted, resting with right side on cushions, I was, in fact, caressing his inner thigh. He seemed to enjoy it greatly. He moaned quietly and closed his eyes. I let my foot travel over the whole surface of his thigh, towards the knee and onto his calf. I flexed my ankle and dug the heel into the crook of his bent knee. Then I moved on to trace the bottom part of the thigh with my heel.

Tobias moaned lightly, which was very satisfying for me. His crotch was hidden in the shadow cast by his body, although I thought I might have glimpsed contours of the bulge in his pants. I was still rubbing the bottom of his thigh with the heel and as I reached the upper end of it, my upraised foot and toes touched Tobias’ stomach. I saw him shiver and he moaned again.

I straightened my foot again and let it touch Tobias’ thigh with just a ball of it and with my toes. This time the heel was in the air and I dragged my toes across Tobias’ inner thigh. He started to pant. I let my toes fell into the small crease formed under his bent knee and then climb up onto bulging muscles of his calf. I rubbed across the calf with the instep of my foot until Tobias moaned again. By this time he was panting hard, already.

I started my tour back and wriggling toes rhythmically I sort-of walked them up his thigh. Tobias breathed heavily and I was aroused almost as much as he was. I must have been blushing like a teenage girl, but I didn’t care. I was absolutely taken away by the situation and was totally mesmerized by the revelation of what I was still able to do to a man. And all I needed for that, was my single foot! Suddenly I felt a huge rush of pride inside me. I was incredibly proud of myself and that was the feeling I hadn’t had for ages.

My toes were marching very close to Tobias’ groin by the time and he leaned back, supported on his arms. The shadow in the crotch had disappeared and I could clearly see the big bulge there. I let my toes tickle Tobias’ hip when he suddenly freed one of his hands, grabbed my foot, raised it up in the air a little, moved to the side and placed it square on the bulge! This time we both sighed together.

My leg trembled from excitement. I could feel the pressure of Tobias hard-on under my sole and I rubbed it tenderly. I let it travel along my foot, occasionally poking at it with the heel. I was panting too, from the feeling of it alone. I let my sole slide down, only to be able to run the outer edge of my foot over the bulge. Then I moved my leg to the other side and let the erected penis rub the arc of my instep. Tobias groaned and I felt in heaven.

I brought my foot on top of the lump again and pressed softly. I could see the great excitement radiating from Tobias’ face. I was breathing heavily myself. I pressed again and Tobias groaned. Then, ever so slowly, I slid my foot back couple of centimeters which brought my toes to the bulge. I let the top of the bulge bury under my toes and tried to spread them around it as much as I could. Then I curled them in a futile attempt to grab the protuberance with them. The material of Tobias’ pants and my nylon pantyhose didn’t allow me to get a proper hold of the penis under the cloth. However, the result was mesmerizing anyway. Tobias’ face frowned with excitement and he tried to mute the scream that had escaped from his throat.

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