True Nature Ch. 12


Hello my beautiful readers!!

So, this was meant to be the last chapter of True Nature but as I wrote, I kept thinking of more I had to add until suddenly I was completely overwhelmed by the sheer amount of words in my chapter, despite planning on it being long. Now, because I only have the option of writing and editing on my phone, a word count of more than 10,000 words just ends up being too much for me. So, we will have at least one more chapter coming. Possibly two but I know the end is very near. It’s mostly tooth rotting fluff from here on out! I hope you enjoy and thank you as always for all the lovely comments. I love reading them.

P.S. Male pregnancy is mentioned often in this chapter and the next and because this is a fantasy story and not realistic anyways, I’ve taken liberties to make it happen as I want. It won’t be completely identical to real pregnancy. For example, my male omega’s only experience 6 months of it, so body changes and such happen faster and well as other unconventional things 🙂

Much love, xx

Fae’s Pov:

“Fae… baby are you okay?”

Cain’s voice sounded so far away.

“Omega?” He questioned again, nosing against my scent gland as his arms tightened around me. “I hope you’re okay,” he murmured, sounding worried.

Pain. Fear.

I winced, feeling the sudden onslaught of emotion. The feelings were miserable and wretched but… they weren’t my feelings.


I suddenly realized that I could feel him in every way. Yes, his body was pressed tightly to mine but it was more than that. I could smell him. Not just in the faint sort of way that I’d been able to since getting pregnant but I could really smell him. It felt as if his scent had soaked right into my skin and I knew then that I’d always know how to find him. It felt like there was a physical line between us and I somehow knew I’d be able to sense him even if we weren’t physically connected. Incredibly, I could scent him and feel his emotions… I could also feel his love. It was warm and deep, pure and passionate. I could feel how completely it consumed him. He adored me, I realized, completely dazed by the truth that I meant everything to him. It didn’t seem real but somehow, it was.

“You love me,” I whispered, in awe of what I was feeling. “You… you really love me.”

Cain sighed in relief and held me even tighter, “Yes, I really love you,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to my neck before he quickly pulled back. “Did that hurt?” He asked and I could both feel and smell his overprotective concern.

“No. I only feel you… and Alpha, now you smell as bad as I imagine I do,” I answered in jest, trying to comfort him by being lighthearted.

He chuckled and nipped at my ear playfully before sitting up a little. I winced beneath him, feeling his knot catch at my rim.

“I’m sorry baby, I didn’t fully think this through… but I need to try and untie you… I don’t know how long it will take for the swelling to go down.”

I nodded and held myself as still as possible while he quickly untied the ropes holding my hands and feet together and then the rope around my ankles before slowly releasing my legs, massaging them until all the ache had drained from my muscles. Next he untied my arms and repeated the process, bringing life and feeling back into my limbs. Finally, I could touch him and hold him back. I clung tightly to my mate, loving how warm he felt against me.

“Was…” Cain started, and I could sense his shyness as he snuggled against me, “Was it all good for you? Maybe you would have rather been untied or… should I have not used toys? I.. I should have just made love in a normal way-“

“Shhh,” I soothed, unwilling to have him doubt himself. “I love our games. Everything was perfect.”

“You screamed and it sounded… you screamed…” he repeated, still sounding concerned.

“Frank didn’t make it easy… but he’s gone now. I know it sounds crazy but I can tell that his claim has been dissolved. I can’t hear him at all… I can’t feel him… all I feel, all I smell, all I see, is you and it’s perfect,” I cooed, suddenly realizing how much he needed me to tell him everything was okay.

Cain was silent for a long while as he clung to me but I could feel that he didn’t fully believe me. Even if he could read me in the same way I was reading him.

“I’m really that important?” I asked, not expecting to feel the depth of his need for me.

“More than I ever knew,” he answered, rolling us so that I could settle on top of him. “Is that more comfortable love?” He asked as I leaned forward, resting against his chest while he massaged my back.

I traced my fingers against his peck, stopping to pull at his nipple. I smiled when it instantly hardened beneath my touch while my mate moaned in pleasure. “Yes Alpha,” I finally answered, pressing a kiss to his chest.

“Alpha… I… please don’t be upset by what I have to say, alright? We are together now, yes, but I just wanted you to know… I-I’ve loved escort bursa you, I think since the moment I saw you but I didn’t recognize it as love back then. I had.. too much going on but then, when I got to spend time with you, well, I fell so hard for you and it broke my heart when you left me. So, thank you for coming back, thank you for loving me back. I-I don’t know how to be without you. I would have wanted you even if I never had to be rescued. I’m so glad you finally gave into your wolf,” I admitted, thinking of how scared and depressed I’d been since the moment I saw him with another omega.

“I’ll never leave you without me again,” he promised, wrapping his arms tightly around me. “And I’m sorry I ever broke your heart. I promise that omega never meant a damn thing to me. He was just a distraction from you.”

I nodded against him, not needing his promises for I believed him, even without the words. Due to our mating bite I had a very clear sense of what my mate felt and thought of me and I could see that I was his whole world. He could never lie to me, not now, not ever, thanks to our bond. After several minutes we fell silent, resting peacefully in each other’s embrace.


About an hour later Cain’s knot had finally gone down, allowing him to carefully pull out of me. The moment he did, he grabbed a small butt plug with a pink, heart shaped jewel on the end and quickly pushed it inside of me. A small smile tugged at my lips. I love having to hold his cum inside of my body and I loved how pretty the plug looked.

“We don’t want any of my cream escaping, do we pet?” He murmured, causing me to flush.

“Am I to eat it later?” I asked innocently, knowing how much the alpha loved seeing me feed on our cum.

He blushed a little, “Not this time love. This time is just because I’ve claimed you and I feel the need to keep my seed inside you for a little while longer. I… I want you to smell like me as much as possible and knowing my cum is still inside of you makes my wolf satisfied with my claim to you. However, in the future, would that be okay? Would you really be willing to eat my cum from your ass for me?”

“I think… anything you want would be okay with me,” I admitted shamelessly. “I’m your omega… your mate… I want to do anything to please you. I.. I can’t help it. Any time I’ve made you unhappy in the past I felt so bad about myself. But making you happy… it’s addictive.”

“I’m sorry I ever got upset with you,” he apologized and I could feel my wolf scolding me for upsetting the alpha yet again but then Cain’s wolf interrupted, shushing mine with a comforting growl. “Making you happy is addictive to me too,” he added and his wolf confirmed this with his own rush of feelings towards mine.

“Oh,” I breathed, feeling completely overcome with love all over again, “Your wolf is obsessed with mine.. he… he’s sorry for not accepting me as pack before.”

“Yes… he’s been pretty pissed at me for taking so long to claim you. I was an idiot for waiting at all.”

I felt myself flush happily, loving that turning me down had actually been hard for him. It was flattering in a twisted sort of way.

“Speaking of claiming you,” he started, leaning over to collect a smallish pink box from his nightstand. “I have something for you and I thought you might like it. You wouldn’t have to wear it in public if you don’t want to but I would like for you to wear it whenever it’s just us.”

He nodded at me to open the box and as I did, I watched his cheeks go pink as he bit his lip nervously. I slowly looked down to the contents of the box and felt my jaw drop. Inside, surrounded by pink tissue paper, was the most beautiful collar I had ever seen. It was light pink and made of soft leather with a small pink silk bow on the front. Attached to the bow was a small, silver charm in the shape of a heart with the words “Alpha’s” written across it in delicate cursive script. I let my thumb gently trace over the words, feeling a lump in my throat as my chest tightened.

“I’ve always wanted a collar,” I whispered, completely overcome by what I was looking at. “I… I don’t know if that’s wrong of me… being an omega and all… maybe our kind would think me liking it makes me more of… an animal but,” I gulped, feeling stupid as I tried to explain how much his gift meant to me. “I’ve always wanted to belong to someone… and I always wanted that someone to be my mate. It’s one of the only things I would dream of when I was a little boy. All of this is… more than I ever hoped for.” I started crying then, feeling everything I’d ever been through catch up with me.

I’d been sent away. Yes, my mothers were sorry but they still sent me away. I still couldn’t understand why… they hadn’t told me but the scar of their actions remained. Then, Miss Luna had died, the only person that I could remember ever giving me kind, human contact before Cain. Then, Owen had taken me and ruined me. He completely bursa yabancı escort broke me and shared me and then Frank had taken over. I’d been raped, humiliated, used, degraded and treated as less than worthless. I thought that would be my life forever. I thought my pain was normal, that I was a bad omega and that my disability was to blame. I felt that no one could ever love me or even want me with how much of a whore I’d become, especially with all the temporary marks I’d borne across my skin. Then, when I met Cain, I had to deal with rejection after rejection as I fell in love. I never, ever thought I’d get a happy ending. And while I did forgive my parents and my mate, it was still so much to mentally deal with. Finally feeling safe and wanted had completely broken the damn of emotions that I hadn’t realized I’d been holding back. So I cried… and cried and cried.

Cain held me close the entire time, kissing me softly on top of my head every so often as he rubbed my back. I’m fairly certain he was keeping strong control over his own emotions and scent for I couldn’t feel his reaction towards me. All I could feel was my own pain and his calming presence and pheromones and I was grateful for it. Once I calmed a bit, he carefully let go of me and unbuckled the collar. I leaned forward and allowed him to close it over my neck. The moment it was locked into place I began to feel better.

“You’re mine, little wolf. You always will be,” he promised as he wiped my tears away.

“Do I- does it look… nice?” I asked shyly, feeling a little self conscious of my new jewelry. I knew I was far from looking like the Prince I was supposed to be… or even a beautiful omega. I’d been scarred heavily in the weeks I’d been gone. I was practically bald and my nails were still healing. I was much too skinny and I’d been without my fake teeth since Frank attacked me. I knew I probably looked hideous but I desperately wanted to somehow look pretty for my alpha. I wanted my appearance to please him and hold him captive. Maybe that was too much to ask for?

“You look lovely,” he answered, probably reading my insecurities. “So beautiful,” he continued, pressing a kiss to the part of his bite that was still visible above the leather.

“Are you just saying that because you’re reading me?” I asked sadly.

“I’ve always thought you were the prettiest little omega that I’d ever seen,” he promised, pulling me to stand. “Let’s get you cleaned up while dinner cooks.”

I nodded and followed him around as he put the food in the oven and set up the tub. The entire time I kept hold of one of his hands. It made things go a little slower as my doing so made things a bit difficult but Cain never complained and he never shook me off. Once the tub was filled with warm water and bath salts, he got in and then tenderly helped me ease into the space in between his legs. I laid my head back on his chest, enjoying that it was safe to feel this close to the alpha.

“Cain.. do you think if we had met the way we were supposed to, like a proper couple at our mating ceremony, that you would have wanted me right away? I mean, I would have been beautiful if things had happened right. I.. I wouldn’t be bald and scarred. I probably would have been a virgin and so innocently eager to present myself to you. I know deep in my heart that I would have wanted you immediately. I would have been yours from the moment I saw you and I probably would have been even more submissive than when we met but… I’d still smell like this,” I admitted sadly.

While in the hospital I’d heard whispers of how Cain had rejected the idea of bonding with me when I came of age because of my disability. While I didn’t believe this, considering he had never even heard of me until Frank’s poker games, I still cared about what he would have done, in a more perfect world.

“I have no doubt that I would have claimed you immediately little wolf but Fae… it took overdosing on some very strong, somewhat illegal, medication for me to resist you in the first place. It was so hard to give you back. And Fae, please understand this, you had no choice in who fucked you before me. I think you should stop blaming yourself for having to be of use to other people. I don’t blame you for it. You did nothing wrong and I promise to cover your gorgeous body with my marks and scent until the day you die so that you never forget that I’m the one you really belong to. I will never share anything about you. You’re mine and you’re perfect. You are beautiful, my love. Not only that, you’re so strong for making the choice to survive and move forward and I’ll be at your side to help every step of the way. Everything about you is good and kind and your gentle heart takes my breath away. I don’t want anyone else.”

I felt my eyes fill with tears, still so unused to Cain talking this sweetly to me. However, the emotion was cut short as the alpha began to kiss my neck, right over the bit bursa escort of his claiming mark that wasn’t hidden by my collar. I trembled as he nibbled and licked at the tender skin, growing hard immediately.

“Mmm, yes Alpha,” I moaned, blissful as I barred my neck for more of his attention.

I moaned again as his fingers lazily grazed across my stomach and then slowly up my body. I held my breath as he caressed up my ribs until he got to my chest. Then he slowly ran his wet fingers across my pectorals, letting drops of water hit my overly sensitive tits without actually touching them himself. Then he began to massage my chest, tracing the areola’s simultaneously without touching my actual nipples. I gasped a little as my cock throbbed with anticipation, needing my mate to touch me more.

“Don’t worry sweetheart, I won’t torture you for long,” he promised as the circles he traced became smaller and smaller. Before I knew it, he was finally playing with my nipples. “These have grown, did you know that? He whispered as he continued to rub at the tender flesh with both hands, slowly at first but gently building up speed. “They’re all swollen and puffy constantly now. At first I thought it was from our playing but they’re still so much bigger than they were before. I think they’re growing because of our pup,” he groaned, sounding like the change was the hottest thing he’d ever seen. “Do you think I can make you cum just from giving them attention?” He purred as his touch softened even more, lightly tracing over the center of both my nipples with his finger tips in a quick motion.

I felt my breath quicken at his words, feeling so turned on and a little bit dirty, completely forgetting to feel self conscious about a change that I hadn’t even noticed. “Pleased Alpha,” I begged, trying to push more of my swollen tits into his palms.

“You’re so beautiful, my sweet little omega,” he purred into my ear as he began to lightly pinch my skin. “You’re beautiful, even without the long hair and all the rest. Your beauty is so much deeper than how you look. You’re so sweet and thoughtful and loving and you’re so, so loyal. I know I was an ass when I started going back to work but I honestly loved coming home to you. You were so precious with your cooking and waiting for me on your knees. You’re the sexiest little thing I’ve ever seen and you’re always such a good omega. Such a good boy.” He purred, flooding my body with warmth.

“I love being good for you,” I whimpered quietly and the alpha pressed a kissed against my temple in response.

While Cain spoke he began to pinch and twist my nipples with more force, pulling little gasps from me as I came undone under his hands, melting from the sweetness of his words and the sting of his fingers. I was so in love with him.

“You’re so beautiful when you cum. Did you know that Fae? Your cheeks get all splotched with pink and a light sweat always covers your body, making you glow. You completely lose yourself and fall apart so loudly that I feel amazing for making you do it. And that sweet little cock of yours… watching it spurt is one of my favorite things. I love pleasing my little omega. I was a fool for ever trying to live without you.”

Cain began to kiss and nip at my ear in between his words, causing chills to erupt across my skin. I arched my back as the pleasure slowly built and began to move my hand down my body to my cock but Cain stopped me.

“No sweetheart, no touching. Let your Alpha take care of you,” he promised as he continued to play with my tits while kissing my neck and shoulders.

I completely surrendered, giving my mate control as I writhed against him. Cain tugged at my nipples, using more pressure the longer he touched them. All of a sudden I felt the explosion of a powerful orgasm ripping through my body as I shot ropes of cum into the bath water. I hadn’t expected to cum yet and found myself drowning in the waves of pleasure that rolled over me as I gasped and moaned out my mates name.

“So beautiful,” Cain hummed in my ear as he continued to squeeze my overly sensitive nipples. After about a minute of his continued touch, I began to whimper, unable to take more stimulation and at the sound his fingers stopped. Then he wrapped his arms around me. “I think dinner is about done,” he murmured as I sagged against his chest. “Since you haven’t been eating much lately, you’re going to sit in my lap and let me feed you, okay little wolf?”

I simply nodded, perfectly content with the prospect of being taken care of so thoroughly. Cain got out of the tub and unplugged the drain before helping me out and wrapping me in a towel. After he’d wrapped one around himself he scooped me up and carried me back to his room. Once there, he dried me and then pulled out one of his T-shirts. He carefully slipped it over my head and pulled out my arms, doing everything for me as if I were an infant. Next he pulled a pair of pink cotton panties up my legs, pulling them carefully over the plug I still wore. He gave my cock a gentle pat and then grabbed a pair of soft, thick socks, pulling them up my thighs to keep me warmer. I purred contentedly, basking in the care and attention I was receiving. I had always longed to be spoiled with affection so what my mate was currently doing for me was like a dream come true.

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