Tucker the Fucker

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Two shapely coeds, Gina and Lynn headed toward the campus library to do some advance studying for an exam the following week. Gina, who was concerned about the grade she would receive and trying to concentrate on the chapter read the night before, was distracted by the comments and wolf whistles from the guys they passed along the way. Worse, she couldn’t help but notice how the guys kept checking out Lynn’s lithe body and not hers.

“I’m not that bad,” Gina told herself, “but she does have bigger boobs and an ass to die for, but my tits aren’t that bad,” and to confirm the fact she glanced down at them. And then reflected on how Rudy had lovingly caressed them just last week; licking and nipping at them and praising them as the best, the greatest he’d ever seen. Just thinking about that moment gave her a warm tingle and caused her to wonder how Lynn kept attracting guys like bees to flowers and apparently yet didn’t notice them or seem care that they were all dying to get into her pants. Gina decided to mention it to Lynn and see just what Lynn herself thought about it.


“Yes?” She replied, not breaking stride.

“What is it with all these guys?”

“Oh, don’t pay any attention to them. They’re just boys pretending to be men.”


“Sure, I don’t give them a second thought. Remember in high school how the freshmen and sophomores would stare and we girls paid them no attention at all because we wanted to catch the attention of the seniors and possibly a junior or two?”

“I can’t say that I do. Actually I didn’t have many boyfriends in high school.”

“You didn’t?” Lynn stopped in her tracks and looked at her friend. “I could have sworn you told me you got laid several times back then.”

“I did, but the first time I was drunk and the other two times I was on double dates and well, the other girl went down on her date and I . . . I guess I thought I was expected to do it too and so I lay back and let him fuck me.”

“You just said there were two times.”

“Oh, yeah, we went out again the next weekend and I . . . I put out for him, actually both of them. It was at the drive-in. We switched after the first feature, so I got laid by two guys that night.”

Gina was embarrassed a little and countered by asking Lynn, “How ’bout you? You must have met some older guys early on if you avoided the younger guys.”

“Mmmmm, I did,” Lynn said, “First was a fella named . . . Holy shit! Check that stud muffin out!”

Gina’s head turned to follow Lynn’s stare and saw a tall, dark and handsome man approaching them. So this was what Lynn was attracted to . . . and small wonder, Gina thought, He is a stud. And the tingle got warmer.


Tucker had seen the two girls before they spotted him and noted their reaction to him.

That’s good, he thought, they like what they see and I just might persuade them to pose for me. And with that thought in mind he strode toward the girls with a bright smile on his face.

“Hi ladies, it’s a beautiful day isn’t it?”

“Um, yeah,” Lynn replied with a smile equal to Tucker’s. “Are you an instructor here?”

He smiled again and followed it with a pleasant laugh. “No, actually I’m visiting the campus looking for models. I do free lance photography. I have several magazines as regular clients.”

Gina spoke for the first time. “Oh, that’s interesting, which magazine, Playboy?” She asked, having decided he was a phony.

He laughed again. “Don’t I wish, no . . . Cosmo, Redbook, Men’s Fitness and Sports Illustrated and I’ve even done several photo layouts for Jet.”

“Wow,” Gina said, obviously impressed, and having had more time to look him over, began to hope that he was what he said he was.

Lynn was on him in an instant. So how do you discover your models?”

“That’s easy; I meet them just like I met the both of you. The thing is, meeting girls isn’t complicated. But convincing them to pose is a lot harder.”

Does it pay?” Lynn asked.

And before he could reply, Gina asked, “How much does it pay?” Thereby informing him of her strong interest in posing.”

“That depends,” Tucker responded, checking their faces closely for their reaction. “For example the first session usually involves my taking most of the time to show the model, who is generally inexperienced, just what’s expected of her. So it’s really the second and third times that the models make good money. The first time out I pay $25 an hour.”

Both girls earned far less than that amount and Tucker knew it.

“Well how many hours are involved and how much do the follow up sessions pay?” Lynn asked.

Tucker appeared to ponder the question, but while doing so took a moment to flex his muscles discreetly and saw both girls eyes widen in appreciation. “I’d say the first session would last about . . . well if it were the two of you that would mean each one of you would require training, some we could do in tandem, some of it separately; so let’s just say about three hours in all. But that means an hour and a half each. Let’s say you’d each walk away with, oh, let almanbahis me round it off, $40 each.”

Gina gulped at the amount of money for the time involved and inquired, “And the remaining sessions?’

“The hourly rate doubles and the total time involved may double as well. The thing is if I manage to sell the photos to a magazine then your rate climbs proportionally. What that means is I would probably be given an assignment with the girl in mind. In those cases, I pay the model a percentage of the total amount the magazine pays. It’s usually in the 15% range, but there’s no real firm percentage. That’s played by how much they are willing to pay. But I can assure you it is decent enough money.”

Both Lynn and Gina’s heads were swimming with items they wanted to purchase by this point. Giddy with excitement, Lynn asked, “Do you think we’re modeling material?”

Tucker was careful not to make the sell appear to easy, “It’s hard to tell, but if you’re agreeable we can do some test shots now. My place is six blocks away. My van is the green one across the street. I’ll be happy to give you a ride over, what do you say?’

“Count me in,” Gina said immediately.

“Me too,” Lynn chimed in right after her. And with no apparent concern about entering a van with a complete stranger they accompanied Tucker to the van and drove to his studio/apartment.


After arriving at his place, Tucker offered the girls a glass of wine which both accepted and holding their glasses, they followed Tucker around his “studio” as he explained how the various pieces of equipment functioned.

“I have several cameras; my personal favorite is this Nikon, which I think is perfect for studio work. I also use this 4×5 for some commercial jobs as well as some portraits.” He glossed over other details, just touching on the strobe lights and tripods. For their part the girls were impressed with the silver umbrellas that he informed them were used to reflect light onto the subject and the backdrop stand that permitted him to place various backgrounds behind the model.

Gina spoke first. “You certainly have a fully equipped studio,” she said, implying that she knew whereof she spoke. However, Tucker knew that while his studio had most items necessary to take good quality photos, his was not by any means a real professional studio.

It turned out that Gina was a very good model, and not at all shy about posing in front of the camera. A few times she even assumed poses on her own without being told how and Tucker was pleased. Lynn on the other hand, despite her superior beauty, had trouble grasping the essence of posing, remaining stiff and aloof, not playing to the lens of the camera.

When the allotted time had passed, Tucker called a timeout and Gina excused herself to use the bathroom. He offered Lynn another glass of wine which she readily agreed to.

“I want to be completely candid with you Lynn,” he said as she sipped her wine. “While Gina seems to have a natural ability to model, you require some work. I don’t know if spending the necessary time with you will benefit either of us. I know I’m being blunt here, but honestly you don’t react well to the camera at all.”

Lynn was stunned at this, having felt all along that she was the better of the two at modeling. “I don’t understand . . . you’re saying Gina is better at this than I am?”

“That’s right,” he said nonplussed at her distress. “Perhaps if you viewed the camera differently it would help.”

“What do you mean?” she asked as Gina returned and sat on the couch curling her legs beneath her and remaining quiet as she realized they were in the middle of a serious conversation.

“Gina you might as well hear this too. I’ve been telling Lynn here that you seem to be a natural at this, but she has a long way to go. Now, perhaps, and I mean a big perhaps Lynn, if you looked at the camera as if it were your lover certain things would change.”

Lynn reacted with some skepticism, “Like a lover? Are we doing porno here?”

“No,” he laughed, “not at all. What I’m referring to is an intangible. You have to transmit a certain something to the lens. You see, the camera lens doesn’t lie. When I click that shutter the camera records exactly what it sees, not what you think or want it to see. So that’s why I suggested looking at it as you would your lover. Then you’d have a certain,” he paused for emphasis, “let’s say, smokiness in your eyes. Maybe you’ll generate a come hither look . . . a desire for him that will translate to the photo and definitely help sell whatever product we’re selling. Please bear in mind that any picture worth buying is selling something or else people won’t pay for it.”

A look of understanding came over Lynn’s face. She glanced at Gina and saw her nodding affirmatively, and she realized that she had not put any real effort into her poses.

He reached for an album. “Here’s a portfolio of mine. Look it over while I use the restroom. Examine the facial expression of the girls in it. Now there are several nudes, but don’t get the wrong idea. almanbahis adres I’m talking about posing in general. I think you’ll see what I’m talking about.”

When he returned, both girls had added some wine to their glasses and were feeling good. Not that either one was drunk, but they had that mellow felling that comes after a few drinks.

Lynn was quick to ask, “Can I try one or two more poses? I’ve looked over the portfolio and I think I see what you mean.” she said plaintively.

“Of course,” he replied and moved to the camera setup.

Lynn assumed a pose from an earlier setup and followed his advice, looking into the lens with a sudden smoldering desire.

“That’s good!” Tucker shouted and Gina clapped her hands, pleased that Lynn had caught on and pleased with how Tucker had explained her faults to her without crushing her ego.

The second pose went better than the first and when it was finished he put the camera down and gave Lynn a big hug. He enjoyed feeling her ample breasts crushed against his chest.

To her surprise, Lynn felt like a little girl being praised by her father for performing well in a school play. She was disappointed when the hug ended, having relished both the praise and the firm body he had pressed into her.

“So, what’s next?” she asked.

“Are the both of you free tomorrow?”

Both girls nodded yes, and a time was set for them to return.

“Here’s my number if for some reason you can’t make it,” he said. Gina reached out and took it.

“Gina?” He said softly.


“You didn’t get your hug. And you certainly deserve one for making it easy for me.”

She almost leapt into his arms and melted as he crushed her small frame against his. Just before they parted he gave her a brotherly like kiss on the lips, soft and chaste.

Gina was smoldering as she left his studio, thinking the walk back to her room on campus unbearably long; wanting desperately to be alone in order to masturbate while fantasizing being in his arms again.

She would have been very surprised to learn that Lynn was having similar thoughts, but managed to suppress them.

The following day around eleven in the morning, Tucker was arranging his photographic equipment when the girls arrived. Both were excited because each saw themselves as becoming Tucker’s lover as well as beginning a successful career in modeling. Neither saw the other as strong competition and thought the other would fall by the wayside. Still, they were not overly jealous of one another.

Tucker made them welcome, giving each a firm hug that held a promise of more to come later and then started with Lynn, feeling that Gina would fall right into the flow of things and that by working with Lynn he wouldn’t have top repeat the steps again.

They worked through two sets of photos each before he suggested they disrobe. To his surprise the girls didn’t object, but smiled serenely as they both stepped behind the dressing/undressing screen provided them in the corner of the room.

Soon he had them posing, using a barstool as the major prop in front of a facsimile of a bar.

“Now, Lynn, can you try to, umm, slide off the edge of the stool there. Yes, that’s it! Now lean back on the bar itself, its okay it will support you just fine. That’s it . . . that’s it.” He said clicking away. Lynn’s pelvis was thrust forward toward the camera lens and Tucker noted her growing excitement as tiny beads of moisture began to form on her lightly colored bush. Glancing upward he saw that her nipples were erect — almost straining in expectancy of being nibbled on.

He finished the roll of film and told Lynn to take a break and summoned Gina, who approached wearing a blue robe.

“We won’t use the barstool, Gina,” he told her as she moved lithely before him. “If you don’t object, I’d like you to sit in the armchair and we’ll try a masturbatatory scene.”

“Well, I . . .” She started to protest.

“You don’t want to, you don’t do it. I’m not going to coerce you girls into anything you don’t want to do. I hope you understand that.”

“I know, I know,” Gina said, bite her upper lip and followed with, “but right off the bat, like that’s a little strong, don’t you think?”

Tucker said nothing. Lynn jumped in as he thought she would. “I’ll do it, I don’t mind, it’s only make believe, right?’

“Only for the camera, it’s not real, no.”

Gina frowned in thought. She didn’t want to be upstaged by Lynn. Clutching the robe tightly around her she said, “Well . . . okay, I’ll do it.” And moved to the front of the chair, removed the robe, tossing it in Lynn’s direction and sat in the chair, crossing her legs and placing her arms over her breasts.

“Good,” he said, observing the disappointment on Lynn’s face as she bent to retrieve the blue robe and drape it over the end of the sofa.

“All right now,” Tucker said, exerting his control over Gina. “You’re in the chair, but the camera and I can’t see your privates.”

Gina gave him a slightly sulky look.

“Hey, either you want to do this or you almanbahis giriş don’t. Make up your mind. I can’t use you if you’re determined to be a prima donna.”

Gina was stunned by his comment, her eyes widened in surprise and Tucker used it to his advantage and issued several instructions to her.

“Now uncross the legs. You can’t even feign masturbating with then closed.” She uncrossed them and he smiled as he saw her furred cunt for the first time.

“And the tits too,” he added.

Gina gave him a quizzical look.

“What I mean is,” he began to explain, “that, well think about it, how you can diddle yourself with your hands covering those big boobs of yours?”

She began laughing, giddily at first and then with gusto. Soon Lynn had joined in the laughing and they made eye contact and as they continued laughing a silent bond was formed between the two girls. They were no longer rivals contesting for his affection, but had tacitly agreed to share him as best they could. It was really a remarkable thing to witness, and Tucker did pick up on it and to demonstrate his good will, joined in the laughter.

Wiping a tear from his eye, he smiled at Gina. “All right now, let’s think for a moment. What should you be thinking about as you . . . play with your pussy, eh?”

Gina met his eye, but said nothing.

“Lynn, got any ideas?” He asked quietly.

“I don’t know . . . a guy maybe?”

“Maybe?” he said,”And maybe a great looking dress, huh?”

Both girls began tittering, feeling silly about the whole thing.

“Okay, Gina lift your right leg up and lay it on the arm of the chair. That’s it,” he said as she followed his direction thereby exposing her entire cunt to his lens. Without further prompting, Gina laid two fingers over her outer labia and gradually began to move them up and down. Tucker moved behind his camera and clicked away, using three rolls of films up before Gina began to really feel her climax stirring. He moved in closer, perhaps three feet away from her. Gina’s eyes were closed and a dreamy expression covered her face. Lynn was squirming around on the barstool and he knew she was almost as hot as Gina at this point. Deliberately, he stood and shook his trousers, signaling Lynn of his erection and caught her staring at the bulge in his slacks.

She saw him watching her and wet her lips, sending a signal that she was ready for action.

Turning back to Gina, he whispered softly, “That’s great Gina,” and not wanting to disturb her concentration, even softer, “Now, just spread those lovely legs a little, I want to see the pink inside.”

With a slight nod, affirming she understood him, Gina used her thumbs to open her genital area to his lens and after hearing the camera shutter whine three times, Gina let her middle finger slip inside.

“Like this?” Gina asked amiably. Her eyes now opened and fixed on the bulge in his slacks. He clearly heard Lynn suck in her breath. And a soft moan from Gina’s lips a second later. Taking two more shots he decided to take a break, if the girls wanted one at this point.

The girls slipped back into their thongs, halters and shorts and after a soda, he had them sit on the sofa next to one another. He knew Gina was on simmer after playing with herself for about 30 minutes and suspected Lynn was awfully excited as well from having watched and participating herself.

“I’ve got this fetish piece I’d like to try out with the two of you,” he said off-handedly.

“Umm, I don’t know . . .” Gina began. “What kind of fetish?”

“A foot fetish, that’s all. Some guys enjoy making love to a person’s foot. You know, toe sucking, maybe licking the sole of the foot, a little tongue-play along the calf. That kind of stuff, it’s harmless really.”

“How would we start . . . I mean I’m totally inexperienced in this,” Lynn said.

“Me too,” Gina volunteered.

He approached the couch and sat on the floor in front of them and took Lynn’s foot in his hand and lifted it to his mouth.

“Let me demonstrate,” he said and placed Lynn’s big toe in his mouth and sucked gently on it.

“EWE!” she gasped as Gina giggled.

“That’s wild! I never expected it to be erotic, I mean . . .”

“Is it really hot?” Gina inquired.

“You better believe it’s hot,” she moaned and took his head in her hands. “What else can you do down there?”

Tucker took her meaning to be anywhere he wanted to go . . . down there, but raised her foot by the heel and ran his tongue along the sole of her foot. He knew from experience that this was a highly erogenous zone on a woman’s body and had it confirmed when Lynn groaned and cried out, “Oh, Jesus!” And she shivered delightedly before them.

A moment later, he was holding her calf and just before he ran his tongue from that tender spot to the secret place behind her knee, he signaled Gina to take hold of her foot. Gina offered no objections, readily moving from her seated position to the floor next to Tucker. He nodded and she placed Lynn’s big toe in her mouth and lacking any special instructions, pretended it was a cock and began to blow it. Tucker’s tongue moved slowly upward. The higher he went, the tenser Lynn became and when his tongue lapped the erogenous zone behind her knee his hand moved out and lightly rested on the zipper of her shorts, just above her cunt.

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