Unveiled Ch. 02


I woke the next morning ready to do some more writing. In my sleep I had developed an idea that I wanted to explore. It was the scenario of a bride sleeping with another man on her wedding day whilst her husband was lying next to her asleep from too much alcohol. I had been tossing and turning all night as I got the concept sorted in my mind and could not wait to get started. I looked over to the other side of the bed looking to see if my wife had gone to work but she was still fast asleep. Curiously I thought about things and then I remembered that it was Saturday and Cath would be having a lie-in. I slipped out of bed and went to the bathroom and did my ablutions.

Being as quiet as I could be I came back into the bedroom and went for my male drawers to get dressed. I slipped on a pair of socks and trunks then some black jeans and a roll neck jumper. I did my hair and applied some aftershave then went downstairs. I put the kettle on and went outside and had my first cigarette of the day. This one always tasted the best and I inhaled deeply. It hit the base of my lungs and tasted amazing. I smoked all of the cigarette and then I went back inside and made myself a pot of coffee. Knowing Cath and it being Saturday I would get through the pot of coffee before she got up for the day.

I took the pot of coffee and a mug and went into the front room. I switched on my computer and the first thing that I did was change all the passwords on all my files and made it so that some could only be accessed by a second password. It took about half an hour to do all my files and then I changed the access password to the whole computer. Although it had led to some benefits Cath catching me and reading my files I was a very private person and I was determined that would not happen again.

About an hour later I had jotted down the basics of the next scenario that I was going to write and I would start on that Monday now that I had completed all the stories that I been asked to write for people and this one was for myself. I heard Cath enter the bathroom and start running the bath. Whilst she waited for it to run she flipped the kettle on and went outside for her first cigarette of the day. After about five minutes she came into the front room. She walked over to me and gave me a kiss.

“Good morning darling.” She said.

“Morning sweetheart.” I replied.

Cath went back to the kitchen and made her morning coffee and brought it back into the front room. She sat herself on the sofa and flicked the television and started watching some trite cooking programme. I hated them but I put up with them for Cath. Noticing her looking at me I shut down the computer and came and sat next to her on the sofa and said.

“Penny for them.”

She continued to look at me for a while and then she said.

“I think today we will go through that suitcase of yours. I am sure that it will be so out of fashion.”

She drained her coffee and then she went and had her bath. I could hear her splashing about and cleansing herself and then I heard the water being drained. I imagined that she was now in the bedroom getting dressed. She was gone for about half an hour and then she came down. She was wearing some black jeans and a white blouse. I would love to have known what kind of underwear that she had on but it was not to be this morning.

We sat and chatted for a while and then she said.

“Right let’s get going.”

She took my hand and led me upstairs. We entered the bedroom and she said.

“Show me where the suitcase is.”

I crossed the room and went to my side of the bed. I reached under the bed and pulled out this battered old suitcase and placed it on the bed.

“How long have you had that?” She asked.

“I have had it since I was nineteen and it has followed me throughout my life and it is like an old friend to me.”

“Well I am not having that in my house anymore. We shall have to go and buy you a new one. In fact we could do with a shopping trip. Why do we not get ourselves organised and then we can go to a shopping centre do some shopping, have a spot of lunch, do a bit more shopping and then come home and try the clothes on and see how we look?” She said.

“Yeah that sounds like a good idea.” I said.

We got ourselves together and then we got in the car and set off to do the shopping trip. It took us about half an hour to get to the shopping centre. It was harder for me to find a parking space. This agitated me. I hated not being able to find a parking space and it also meant that it would be busy inside. I suffered with anxiety attacks. I finally found a parking space about half a mile from the doors of the centre-or so it seemed. I parked up and took my anxiety tablets ready to face the centre. We get out of the car and walked hand and hand to the shops.

We entered the centre and I was immediately hit by the heaving crowds. I stepped outside again and lit a cigarette. I inhaled deeply and tried to control my breathing as my psychiatrist would tell istanbul escort me to do. It took me ten minutes and three cigarettes to compose myself. Cath waited inside knowing that I would be back before too long. I always did face my anxieties and this would be no different.

I eventually re-entered the shopping centre and took hold of Cath by the hand and said.

“Come on then darling. Lead on.”

I was being stupid and thick at the same time but we will get to that later. For the first hour we just perused the shops, picking up items and admiring them. What I hadn’t noticed was that Cath was checking out not only the price of them but she was also checking out the size of them. After about an hour we stopped for coffee. It took us about fifteen minutes to drink the coffee and then we hit the shops again. Further investigation was done and then we stopped for dinner. Over dinner we had an interesting conversation.

“Have you still got the royalties from the book that you sold?” She asked.

“Yes I have hardly touched them as you know.” I replied.

“Good Good.” She said.

“Why?” I responded.

“You will see later on.” She said.

“Okay” I responded.

With that we went back to eating our dinner. We took our time in the hope that some of the crowds would disappear for lunch. It worked. By the time we had finished dinner the crowds were a lot thinner. We started shopping again but this time Cath started spending money. She went into one Department store and saw that it was rather busy. She decided to go in on her own.

“Why do you not go and have a cigarette and some fresh air for a bit?” She said.

“Are you sure?” I asked.

“Yeah go on. Just give me your credit card.” She replied.

I reached into my wallet and gave her my Gold Card and left her to do her shopping. I was glad to get outside to have a smoke. I waited around for about an hour and then Cath came out to join me. She was laden down with carrier bags.

“Let’s go and put these in the car.” She said.

“Okay” I replied.

We walked across the car park and located the car. We deposited the carrier bags in the boot of the car and then Cath said to me.

“Right we have one more shop to go to but I need your help for that one but we can go for a beer and a glass of wine first if you want?”

I readily agreed to that and followed her back into the centre. We went and found the bar. I went to the bar to order the drinks whilst Cath went to find a seat. Thankfully it was not too busy and there were seats available. I got the drinks and went to find Cath. I located her after a couple of minutes. She had found a booth in a little darkened corner of the bar. I walked up to her and handed her the drink that I had got for her and slid in next to her. We chatted for a bit and then she said.

“I have a proposition for you.”

“Yeah.” I replied.

“From what I gather all you like to do is dress in woman’s clothes and you have no gay sexual tendencies at all. Is that correct?”

“Yes Cath it is.” I replied.

“Good because you know I could never stay with a man who had gay tendencies.” She responded.

I nodded as she talked.

“Now as regards this dressing as a woman. I have to say that when I first saw you it was a shock but then I was even more surprised that when I thought about it I was turned on and last night we had the best sex that we have had in a long time.”

I nodded again.

“Well over the past twenty four hours I have been doing a lot of thinking. I was surprised at my reaction and I have decided that you can do that all you want if we continue to have sex like that. I have discovered a new sex drive and I need to be satisfied.” She said.

“It certainly was the best sex that we have had for some time” I responded.

“I am glad that you feel comfortable with what I am doing it takes a weight off of my mind because I have always wanted to tell you but never knew how to broach the subject.”

I moved in and gave her a kiss. She responded for a couple of minutes and then she broke the kiss and took a sip of her drink.

“However there a few codicils to that. I have fantasies of my own and if you are allowed to fulfil your fantasies then I must be allowed to fulfil mine. If I do fulfil one I will tell you and you do not have to worry most of them involve you.”

I listened intently as she spoke and I picked up on one word. The word most. What else did she have planned? I decided now was not the time to push the issue. We were having a really good time with our relationship at the moment and now was not the time not to change things. We sat and drank our drinks when Cath turned to me and said.

“Would you finger my pussy please?”

I looked at her with a shocked look but my body betrayed me and I started to get an erection. This was a side of Cath I never seen before and I was beginning to like it. I took a gulp of my drink and then I placed it on the table. I reached across and began to istanbul escort bayan pull down the zipper on her jeans. Once it was down I took my hand and placed it inside her jeans and there I got my first surprise for the day. She had no knickers on.

Cath looked at me and said.

“This is your first surprise and my first fantasy. I am going to wear no knickers from now on because when I am turned on I want to feel the juice ease out of my pussy.”

Who was I to argue? It was damn sexy and if this was the start I could not wait for more. I ran my hand over her pubis and played with the small bush that was there. I loved the feel of her pubic hair. It was not coarse to the touch. It was downy and I could play with it for hours but we were in a pub and we did not have that much time. I moved my finger down and found her pussy lips. I touched them and she twitched. She tried not to show what was happening but she had begun to squirm in the booth chair.

I stroked her pussy lips and she was on the verge of an orgasm. She had to bite her tongue but she could not stop herself cumming. She was so turned on. I did not stop. I caressed her pussy lips for a few minutes more then I took a finger and inserted it into her pussy. She was so wet that she consumed my finger. I began to move it in and out of her pussy. She slid down in the chair and took my finger deeper into her.

I looked around to make sure that no-one was watching then I put my hand under her blouse and touched her breasts. With my finger moving in and out of her and me playing with her tits she came again and this time she leaked juice into her jeans enough to leave a wet patch that fortunately would not be seen because the jeans were black.

I continued to work my finger in and out of her pussy. She turned to me and said.

“You bastard. Do you want to see me slide to the floor in pleasure?”

“Too bloody right I do.” I said.

“Good so do not stop.”

I moved my finger harder and faster into her pussy. She was cumming constantly and I was loving it. In and out my finger moved. I managed to get into her bra and get hold of her nipple. I twisted it and she came with such an explosion that she wet her jeans thoroughly and my finger. I removed my finger and licked it clean. She looked at me and kissed me and sucked the juice off of my lips.

“I love you” She said.

“I love you too darling.” I said.

We sat there and finished our drinks and then Cath said to me.

“Right we have one more shop to hit.”

“Okay.” I said refreshed by the beer I had just consumed.

Cath stood up and took me by the hand. She led me out of the bar and back into the shopping area. She had kept me there long enough that it was getting to closing time for the shops. She made me hurry up. We moved down the corridors of the centre until we came to a private little boutique.

“This is the next surprise of the day.” She said.

We walked in. The assistants looked up and said.

“Oh we are sorry we are about to close.”

Cath stepped forward and pulled out my Gold Card.

“Would this keep you here for a bit longer?” She said.

The manager looked at the card and said.

“That will do fine madam.”

Cath was busy looking at the manager. She was about fifty with greying hair. She was quite plumpish with a big butt and massive breasts and she actually found herself getting wet. She walked forward and went up to the manager.

“Can I have a private word please?” She said.

“Of course.” The manager said.

They both disappeared into a quiet corner of the shop and had a secret conversation. When they came back the manager said.

“Right girls you can go for the day. I will deal with this.”

The girls looked disappointed because overtime was difficult to come by but the manager/owner made sure that they were financially recompensed. She gave them their wages and added an extra twenty quid to them. The girls left the shop happy. The owner went and locked the door. She double-locked it so that people would definitely know that the shop was closed. She then pulled down the blinds and made sure that the shop was completely private. She turned to Cath and said.

“How much can I spend on that card?”

She had a very dominant voice and Cath quivered. She was having an effect on Cath when she wanted her to have an effect on me. I knew none of this. I was just stood there like a total idiot looking at all the lingerie thinking I could see Cath in some of it. I was in for one big surprise. The first one came when the manager turned and said.

“Oi sissy remove your clothes now.”

I was shaken back to reality when I realised that she was talking to me and then she turned to Cath and said.

“You might as well take off your clothes as well.”

I looked at Cath expecting to see her standing up and protesting but instead she stood up and began to undo the buttons on her blouse. I watched her until she had undone all the buttons escort istanbul on her blouse and then removed her bra and her small breasts came into view. It was warm in the shop but Cath’s nipples were erect. This woman was turning Cath on and she had given me an erection because of it.

“Hurry up boy.” She barked.

I started to undress as I had been ordered to. I knew that Cath only had her jeans to remove. I thought I better hurry up to catch up. I started to remove my clothes and soon Cath and I were stood there naked.

“Right you two let me look at you.” The manager said.

She walked forward and stood in front of Cath first. She ran her hands all over her. She touched her breasts, her abdomen, her pussy, her back and her arse then she stepped back and gave her summation.

“Well Cath is it?”

“Yes ma’am.” Cath said.

“Well we need to put some weight on you for starters. Fill out those breasts and arse cheeks of yours.”

“What!!” Cath said.

“I said that we need to put some weight on you. Have you got a problem with that missy?”

I could see Cath mulling things over then she said.

“No ma’am that is not a problem.”

The owner then moved to me. Again she ran her hands all over my body and stepped back.

“Well we need to bulk those arms and chest up and we could do with lengthening and thickening that cock of yours.”

I looked at Cath and wondered where she had brought me too. The owner then stepped back and went behind the cash counter. When she came back round she had two cards in her hand. She handed one to each of us and stepped back as we read them.

Madame Fantasy- they said.

“You two have entered your worst nightmare. I am a mistress and you have just agreed to become my slaves just by entering the shop. Now turn round and read what is on the door. We both turned and walked to the door and began to read what was written there. It was a contract and it said at the top.

“If you wish to leave this shop then you need to sign the contract.” It said.

Cath and I looked at each other and then we turned back to who we now knew who was called Madame Fantasy and Cath said.

“Can I have a pen please?” She said.

I was shocked but I was also turned on. It appeared that Cath had a submissive streak as well. She went back to the door and just signed at the bottom of the page. She then handed the pen to me. I struggled with my conscience but then I took the pen and added my signature next to Cath’s. We were now both servants to Madame Fantasy. We turned back naked and Cath said.

“What happens now Madame?” Cath asked.

“Well Madame.” Said.

“It is too late tonight to do anything and for coming here so late and not before you will be punished at a later date. I have an invitation to dinner that I must attend. I will send you home tonight but you will come to my address tomorrow and we will start our treatment and transformation. Do you understand?”

“Yes Madame.” We both said.

She wrote down her address and then she took a key from under her blouse and opened the door to the shop.

“I will expect you at eleven o’clock tomorrow.” She said.

“Yes Madame.” We both said.

With that she showed us out of the shop. We walked down the corridors of the now empty centre and made our way to the car park. We found our car and I drove us in. Cath went to the boot and took out the bags that she brought out of the shop and brought them into the house.

“Let’s go to the bedroom.” She said.

I followed her through the house and up to the bedroom. When I got there she was unloading some of the bags and laying clothes onto the bed. I noticed that there seemed to be two of everything. Then I noticed that she had chosen the same clothes for both of us. I instantly got an erection and wanted to take her to bed and fuck her there and then. Instead Cath had other ideas.

“Go and run the bath.” She said.

I left the bedroom and did as I was told. It was obvious that despite that all that happened in the shop things had not changed and Cath was still the boss at home. I ran the bath and added some bubbles.

Cath shouted from the bedroom.

“Strip and get in.”

I did as I was told. I took off all my clothes and stepped into the bath. I luxuriated in the hot bath with the bubbles covering me and almost fell asleep it was that relaxing. After about ten minutes Cath came in wrapped in her dressing gown and had a small bag in her hand. She walked to the bath and said.

“Let’s get things sorted.”

She took a sponge and some female washing lotion and began to cleanse me. She covered all my body with soap and then she washed me down and then she went to the bag and pulled out a razor and some shaving foam and said.

“If you want to dress like a woman then you better look like a woman.”

“Stand up.” She ordered.

I could tell from the tone of her voice that I better do as I was told so I stood up and waited for what was about to happen. I watched as she dropped herself out of the dressing gown and stepped naked into the bath. She gave me a kiss on the lips then she covered me head to toe in shaving foam. She then shaved every part of my body including my cock and balls. We talked as she did this about what might happen tomorrow.

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