Vermillion: Learning


Alex waited for the blue orb to answer him, before it faded out completely. After a few more minutes the voice piped up again.

“Outside of Romus along an empty path between here and Neisa. That is all I can say for it all that I know.” The light then disappeared leaving Alex a mess. He didn’t know whether to be happy to know where to find answers or pissed off that his mother lied to him his entire life about his father being alive. But what if it was a joke? And what did this seer have to say about Luna and Lynx? Was it all connected somehow?

He breathed in then out carefully and closed his eyes again. He would sleep on all the unanswered questions and inform everyone in the morning of what he learned, and he’d coerce his mother in the same room with him if was the last thing that could do.

When light shone into the room Alex was adamant about what he had to say, what he was about to reveal. He robotically showered, brushed his teeth, combed his hair, and dressed for the new day. Once he left his room he went straight to his mother’s he knocked on the door and told her it was urgent to meet him for breakfast. He didn’t wait for her to answer, but left for the balcony that he had had breakfast on the day prior.

Nick was the first to notice when Alex came to join them. He was giving off doubt, anxiety, confusion, worry, and anger. He didn’t look anyone in the eye, he didn’t smile, and despite him feeling warm his king could feel the chill on his skin as he sat down.

“Everything okay?” Luna asked sipping tea, Marley suggested this flavor for her to try and it was not disappointing. It tasted like cinnamon cream.

Alex looked up and gave a half smile “Just a little tired.” He fixed his plate and tried not to look in anyone’s direction.

“Alex if there’s a problem- But of course Areya cut in before Nick could finish, before Brina cut into her maple tart.

She took a seat opposite of her son and waited “Alex, I’m not one for games. You didn’t knock on my door telling me you had urgent news for nothing, right?”

Everyone calmly stopped eating, because they knew a peaceful breakfast was no longer in the cards for them. Alex gripped his hands together and looked at his mother’s cold eyes and frowned. He breathed as if his breath was trapped inside his throat. But he couldn’t keep it inside, so he let the breath out the best he could. The cold feeling from last night lingered, the worry was draining him of energy.

“What’s wrong, Alex?” Nick asked.

“Um…” Alex rubbed the back of his neck “A spirit visited me last night…or at least I think it was one, maybe a wisp. It said some things.”

“What kind of things?” Dom pressed.

“That I had to find the man with the silver eye, that he would lead me to the truth.”

“Alex, are you sure you’re okay?” Areya placed a hand on his head, but Alex flinched back. It was almost as if he was afraid of her “Alexander, please tell me what the spirit said.”

“That the seer would reveal the truth about Lynx, about Luna, and…about me.”

Luna gave him a quizzical look and before she responded Alex spoke up again “I don’t know what it’s about Luna, or why. But apparently it’s important.”

Luna nodded “But what did it say about you? You’re shaking.” Luna’s eyes were warm like the sun rays that flashed down on the nearby trees. When a single ray hit a leaf it gave that leaf something, something that helped it shine, glow into something more vibrant, more open. It was something that Luna’s eyes did to Alex, he felt compelled to tell the truth, so he did.

“It said that my father was alive.”

This was something that made Areya falter, she nearly stepped back into Brina. It was shocking news, but it seemed to shock their king more than anyone else. Nick had literally choked on his tea, Dom handed him a napkin and watched as he coughed it out. Luna looked at Nick knowing that this was probably something that would anger him even in the slightest. But something in his eyes showed constraint and understanding.

“It can’t be…” Nick murmured to himself.

“My king?” Alex was still gripping his hands nervously “Did you know?”

“W-what?! Just wait a minute, you don’t know that it’s true!” Areya pointed out.

“You reaction was all I needed to know that it is! You lied to me my entire life! Why?!” Alex snapped. The wind began to become a thick heatwave that was being emitted from the young witch.

“It’s complicated, Alex, I-

“I want to know the reason and who he is and why he never comes around.”

Areya bit her tongue and shamefully looked to the ground not wanting to admit to the truth.

“Because he didn’t know. Did he, Areya?” Nick raised an arched eyebrow at her sternly as she shrunk down into a seat far from her son.

“My king-

“Please, Areya. No excuses.”

“So you know him?” Alex asked hopefully.

Nick closed his eyes and rubbed his temples “I’m starting to, at least I have my assumption which would explain something I’ve been istanbul escort wondering about for a long time.”

“But it is not your place, my king.” Areya said quietly “I am his mother and despite me withholding this truth, it shouldn’t be you to reveal him.”

“Then who?”

“A day after tomorrow we will see the seer and we can settle this. Would that please his majesty?”

Nick shrugged “It’s not me who needs to be pleased, Areya. Alex is the one hurting.”

“I’m not hurting…” Alex mumbled “I’m just…I’m going to walk around.” Alex stood ready to leave.

“You should eat something at least.” Luna told him, she knew from experience that starving yourself through personal struggles was a bitch to feel.

“I’ll eat later, thanks Luna. My king. Everyone.” Alex gave a half wave before leaving. And Areya left a minute after.

“He’s slowly pulling himself apart.” Brina sighed “Poor Alex.”

“I know he reminds me of another stubborn friend.” Dom lightly nudged Luna who flicked him off while smiling.

“I think he’ll be okay once he knows…I’ve been foolish.” Nick groaned “I want to go with them, to support Alex.”

“How kingly of you to say so.” Luna smirked “I’m sure he’d like that.”

“I doubt it, you didn’t. At first you didn’t.”

Luna shrugged, Alex wasn’t her and even after knowing him for some time she knew his demons weren’t the same as hers. He might have a harder time with them as well as real ones crossing his paths like Sirus and Lynx. But for now the best was to leave him alone. He would return later in the day or so they all hoped.

That night Alex came back a bit calmer, but he avoided his mother every time she came near. Everyone was so nice and that Alex appreciated, as much as he was furious he was more curious than anything and went to bed with thoughts of what would soon be known about himself.

Tonight was also a very special date night for Brina and Dominic who met back in her room. They felt it was time for a more intimidate relationship and neither was shy about it. Dom was on the bed in his black shorts waiting for his date to come back from “freshening up”.

He wasn’t disappointed when she slinked out in sweet pink night grown with black trim that came up to the middle of her thigh, straps, and her red hair was straightened and went a little way down her neck.

Brina smiled “Dom, you there?”

“Ahem. Yes, you look beautiful.” To Dom she wasn’t just that, but sexy. He could make out her form which was a little curvy, but bountiful nonetheless. Her breasts pressed against the top snuggly, he could make out the outline of her nipples pressed firmly against the fabric.

She walked over to the bed and set down next to him, she wanted to make the first move, but Dom beat her to it. He took her mouth in his and they slowly descended onto the bed with Brina on her back and Dom hanging over her. His tranquil eyes, olive in the light, watched her breathe slowly waiting for him, wanting him.

Dom ran his fingers down her arms, then her sides, down to her hips before he started kissing her again. This time the kiss lasted longer, was more wily. It wasn’t Dom’s first time, but he was nervous about pleasing Brina who seemed stress free about it all. Dom tugged his shorts off and guided himself knowingly into Brina’s gate.

He could feel her body heat up, feeling how her gate began to expand when he pressed his sword into her. She made a small gasping noise, her body reacted by trying to bind the invader, trap them before they continued their search. Dom breached her opened well by pressing harder against her wet flesh, in return it gave a bit allowing him more access inside.

His movement was slow, but Brina was thrilled by the fact that Dom wasn’t average. It would have been okay if he was, but this was better. She felt every inch of him slide through the deepest parts of her body before hitting at a soft wall. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his bottom lip with her mouth.

He took no more time in being patient as their tongues began to wrestle in a tight lip lock where no one was giving in, he moved his body forward then back breathing in the sweet scent of her perfume and night air that wafted through the window.

Brina gave small low moan against his lips as Dom rocked her body to and fro slowly building up speed. He was stronger than she knew, she could feel his muscles coil up as he thrusted harder. It was a warm sea that he was plunging into, it was becoming warmer, and as more water formed the smaller the sea passage became.

Dom could hear Brina purring against his mouth, her nails began to dig into his back. Her actual transformed claws, his skin was broken, bleeding, in pain. But in urge he didn’t stop or scream out, he’d let her open up to him, release her true self and feel him reach her in a new depth, a new way, where his body and heart gave into her.

Brina’s eyes lit up like orange Christmas lights, her body became hot istanbul escort bayan and began to make small creaking noises. She sprouted reddish orange fur all over her body, ears, and a tail with dark brown rings. Her nose had shrunk, and her lips too had transformed, but Dom didn’t care. He caressed her body and accepted the change as their bodies merged in a never ending loop.

Brina growled lustfully before she got the upper hand and turned Dom over onto his back so that she was now on top. She let her body sank down onto his pipe letting him watch her with wonder. She then pulled the gown off over her head and placed her hands on the sides of Dom’s body.

She began to slide herself forward onto him, feeling his full sword scrape at her tight walls, Brina felt her arousal as it leaked from underneath her messily into a puddle. Dom’s face flushed feeling over wrapped around him, it nearly suffocated him. He reached up to pulled her into a kiss during which his hands wandered up to her breasts which were fur covered, but her nipples were still the same pinkish hue and were too delectable to pass over.

Dom rubbed the soft fur, feeling the full cups that he lightly squeezed. He found out that when he squeezed her bounty, she squeezed him in return with her well. She was so tight that it actually hurt, more her than him. But it felt so good. Neither wanted to stop even with his thumbs rubbing her soft nipples, the sensitivity of his touch made Brina pump her hips faster against his might.

She literally purred as he touched her, her body was as soft a cotton, but smooth and moist within. Dom was pulling at her plump hips delivering his own small thrusts upward, their bodies moved together in a rhythmic beat with their breaths becoming ragged, their skin was erupting with heat and sweat that mixed together with their conjoined body fluids. With each movement they came close to losing control. In the next moment Dom rolled Brina back over in their tug of war and delivered the final strokes. He thrusted five times, out halfway, then back all the way in quickly with determined strength.

He knew both of their bodies were about to give in, so when he felt the warm tingle transform into a searing pain down below. When the surge was about to hit he withdrew himself and released into the sheets whilst Brina did the same.

Brina giggled out of breath and Dom just stared as usual, calmly without much emotion.

“Are you still nervous?”

Dom smiled and kissed her lips once more “No, but promise me one thing?”

“And what is that, love?”

Dom couldn’t help, but blush when she called him love. He tried to shake it off, but she could see that it gave him joy. “Don’t tell Luna.”


“I love you, but I know you and her have been hanging out. Luna’s socially attractive to everyone including you. And I know you’ve talked about us.”

Brina blushed in admittance “Only a little.”


“I promise I won’t tell Luna about our first time together. I swear.”

“Great.” Dom edged himself closer to her leaning her head under her chin, nuzzling her before closing his eyes. Brina laughed kissing the side of his head before she herself took off into sleep.

In the early morning Marley found herself walking on the second floor to talk to Luna. While she walked towards the room she saw a man with white eyes speaking with a woman who smiled at him, touching his arm before she left down another hallway.

Marley sighed internally, Sirus was walking towards her. Marley was a few feet from Luna’s door when he stopped in front of her smiling down darkly. His entire presence felt like death and dismay.

“Lord Hirea.” Marley said quietly, she didn’t smile as him. There was no need to pretend that she liked him or would put up with his games.

“I told you please call me Sirus, you are quite the match for lord Romus.”

“Excuse me?”

Sirus walked to the railing and looked out towards the first floor “Everyone knows that you and he are together. It’s not hard to guess. I can smell him on your skin, Miss Hughes.”

Marley didn’t freak or panic, she would remain calm until a threat presented itself “And you’re now interested in our relationship?”

“No.” Sirus turned to her “It’s just obvious and annoying to see it hidden so poorly. If lord Romus wasn’t in the picture, I can’t say that I wouldn’t be tempted.”

Marley grinned “While chasing Luna who you claim to love?”

“I am what I am, my lady. And for now with Luna being with the king, I have to seek refuge elsewhere.”

“Sure.” Marley rolled her eyes, he was just the type of guy to screw anything to fill a void of what he actually wanted. And being that Luna and Nick were solid, she knew that void would never be filled. “If you’ll excuse me.”

Marley began walking to her room when a voice came into her head: “Please tell Luna that I’d still like a chat.” Marley groaned as the voice faded out.

She knocked on Luna’s door escort istanbul and she was instantly invited in. Ever since Luna had came to Romus she felt a bit better about her situation, so she was in a small fantasy land. It wouldn’t cause her harm to pretend that there were no problems bearing down on her, not yet anyway.

Luna wore regular jeans, a sky blue tee and flipflops today, Marley was in another patterned gown consisting of red and orange colors. Marley sat on her bed as Luna put her hair up into a ponytail before Luna joined her.

“What’s up?” Luna yawned. Luna already knew looking at Marley that she had that look. The look she saw the first time that they officially met, she had all these inquiries that she needed answers to. She had something to say desperately, that much she could tell. Marley’s eyes weren’t completely on her and her hands were a bit unsteady.

“Besides Sirus stalking the halls wanting you to talk to him, many things.” Marley scratched the back of her head and chanced looking Luna directly in the eyes “Would it be weird if I wanted to talk to you about Mason?”

Luna shook her head, as long as it wasn’t about Sirus it was a viable subject of discussion. In fact Luna had been purposely ignoring Sirus ever since he had dropped by during the meet and greet. Anytime he approached and tried to say hello she’d walk past him as if he weren’t visible. And Sirus was actually complying with this. Well, for now he was.


Marley rubbed her the sides of her face “Before the arrival of our guests I told Mason that I loved him.”

“And what? He didn’t say it back?”

Marley shook her head “No, he did. And I’m happy, but he’s been acting very territorial as of late. I mean with me. He introduced me to other weres and they seemed taken by me.”

Luna grinned slyly “How taken?”

“One wanted to know me…um…better.” Marley coughed the words out, but Luna knew that it was to get to know her in a physical state.

“Did he freak?”

“Almost, but that doesn’t matter. I think that he wants to mark me.”

Luna paused a bit, what would he mark her as? She wasn’t his property. Werewolves sometimes marked their mates to keep them from others. It seemed a bit artificial at times how weres interacted with one another. The mark tied two weres together and would enhance their feelings for one another exponentially. The thought scared Marley.

“Just tell him you don’t want to be marked, or better yet ask him what he’s been acting out about. Guys are moody too.” Luna pointed at her “Secondly, you need to chill, if he loves you then he won’t subject you to some dumbass arcane ritual. And thirdly and most importantly if he does want to mark you…”

Luna moved her hand forward gesturing for Marley to lean in which she did.

“Tell him to fuck off.”


“Look, he may be a lord, but he isn’t a god. He has no reign over you or your body, he doesn’t pull your strings.”

Marley leveled her eyes with Luna seriously and lowered her voice “Would you tell our king to fuck off?”

Luna rubbed her forehead, it would be nice to be fucked on, but that thought that was niggling in the back of her head, the one where she told Nick that she wanted him to be her first, she was slowly trying to push it back down again. Vacation first, etcetera later…

Luna cleared her throat before saying another word and looked at Marley smiling “If he pushed me into a corner, most definitely.”

After the chat Marley and Luna emerged from her room together where they spotted Brina and Dom coming from Dom’s room. Brina was wearing a robe and Dom was in a white tee and long gray plaid pajama bottoms.

Luna stopped looking them over, Dom leered at her, because now he knew she knew and his sex life would never be safe ever again. Instead of being blunt about it Luna casually walked up to the couple with Marley by her side and smiled.

“Rest well, friend?”

“Yes.” Dom hissed “What about you?”

“I have no idea, hey is that lord Mason?” Luna looked over his shoulder, Dom not suspecting this turned his head for a moment, Luna held her hand out to the side and Brina gave her a quick high five before Dom turned back.

“What was that?”

“I apologize, something flew in.” Marley told him smiling back. Dom felt odd, all three women around him smiled as if there was nothing wrong. But he didn’t force the subject lest be picked on by his best friend and maybe one day future queen, Luna.

“Whatever, talk about it all you want. Just don’t do it in front of my count.” He then turned to Brina who he kissed fully on the lips “I’ll see you at breakfast.”

Brina nodded and began walking towards her room. Once she made it Dom turned back to Luna and Marley who were staring at him strangely.


“I’m so jealous.” Luna said shaking her head as Marley laughed “But I wanted to know if you saw Alex?”

“Last night? Yeah. Nick went to speak with him, I think he was drinking.”

“Shame…Maybe he’ll join you all. Listen, I have to join my lord to go over a few things. But if you need my help or any assistance please remember that I’m here.”

“Sure thing.” Dom nodded.

“And thanks for the talk, Luna.” Marley patted her hand and smiled before walking off.

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