We Need to Talk Ch. 01


Just like most of my stories, this is based on my fantasies. There’s a lot of truth to Harry’s thoughts though as his thoughts are mine and his secret is my secret.

I do reference another story from the site, Caught Wearing Girlfriend’s Panties by SluttyBisexualGuy. If you haven’t read it or any of his stuff check it out. He’s a big part of why I started to write my own fantasies out.

All characters are over 18.


“Harry, we need to talk.”

It was a text from my roommate John. We were random roommate assignments freshmen year of college but we became fast friends.

The following year we moved off campus into an apartment with another friend. After graduating, our other friend moved for a job. John and I stayed in town and decided to rent a house together. It just made financial sense.

The text was a little ominous. I wasn’t sure what he wanted to talk about. I finished up my shift and headed home. I noticed that John’s car was in the driveway so he was home already, which was odd, he usually worked later than I did.

I walked in and he was sitting in the recliner, wearing sweats and a no shirt with a beer in his hand. This wasn’t unusual, he normally went shirtless around the house. I didn’t mind, we’ve lived together for years it’s not like we haven’t seen each other in various states of undress.

John was a good-looking man, he didn’t have any trouble with the ladies. As mentioned we’ve lived together for years so I’ve seen him naked and I know that he has a pretty decent-sized dick. I was envious of that. He kept his hair short all around except for the top were had a little bit of length to it for styling. He was in decent shape, not an athlete’s toned body but he did have well-formed pecs, and abs, but also a little hint of love handles on the sides. He had a small patch of black chest hair as well as a small treasure trail leading down into his pants. He decided a couple of weeks ago to stop shaving to try and grow out a beard so he had a bit of growth on his face.

“Hey John, give me a minute to change. I’ll be right back.” I said as I walked through the door and down into the basement. I flipped the switch at the bottom of the stairs and turned on the lights.

I noticed that my laptop was open. I usually kept it closed when I left. I went over and moved the mouse to make the screen come to life. My browser history was front and center. My heart sank as I realized what John probably wanted to talk about. He’d discovered my secret.

Over time, I’ve had a growing attraction to cock. Specifically big cut cocks. I don’t remember exactly when it started maybe five or six years ago, I’m not sure. It started with porn, as most things like this do, I realized that I only enjoyed the videos where the guy had a big cock. Initially, I stuck to straight porn and focused on the dick, admiring it and nothing more.

Eventually, though I discovered the transsexual women categories on the various websites and that’s what shifted my mentality from just liking looking at cock to thinking about being on the receiving end of a big fat cock. Something about watching a feminine body with a huge cock fucking a man made me so horny. It drove me crazy that I was having these thoughts and I didn’t know what to do about it. So I tried to go back to strictly straight porn.

That had its problems though, I found myself still drawn to the cocks and fantasizing about being the women in the videos. It was extremely confusing and it eventually led me to watch some gay porn.

I also discovered a love of erotica. I ventured into all categories of that but had a particular fascination with trans, gay and bisexual stories. They became my go-to jerk material over porn recently.

John had used my laptop and discovered all this and probably wanted me to find a new place to live. That thought scared me, where would I go? I got changed quickly while I was freaking out on the inside and then made my way back upstairs.

John had twisted the recliner and was angled toward the couch now. I made my way over to our big comfy couch and had a seat on the end.

“So, um, what’s up John?” I asked nervously.

“Are you gay?” He just came right out with it. He always was pretty blunt and direct.

“No.” I said but continued anxiously “I don’t know. Maybe? It’s all very confusing…”

“It’s okay if you are, you know,” he said with a smile.

I was taken aback but let out a sigh of relief. “What?” I asked.

“Let me start over, I need to apologize for something, my computer blue screened on me while I was working and I needed to borrow yours to print something. I noticed a tab left open that was some porn story. I was intrigued and read it. It made me horny, so nevşehir escort bayan I kept looking. I checked out your history and saw the stuff you’ve been watching, lots of stories and videos of men taking dick,” he paused “anyway I just wanted to apologize for invading your privacy like that. And it’s cool if your gay or whatever, to each their own.”

Oh shit. This did not go the way I expected.

“You like those stories though?” He asked.

“Yeah,” I said shyly.

“Dude don’t be like that. We’ve known each other for years. You can tell me. I’m not ashamed to admit that I read that story you had open and I jerked one out. It was hot.”

“Which story was it?” I asked.

“Caught Wearing Girlfriends Panties. It was so hot. And the twist at the end.”

That was one of my favorites. Most of that author’s stories were great, I had many of them saved on my favorites. It’s the story that had me thinking about buying some panties and wearing them. I just haven’t worked up the nerve to do it.

“Yeah, it is,” I said. I felt my cock start to stir a little bit. John and I had never really talked about sex in the years we’d known each other. Occasionally he told me about some hottie that he slept with but not in too much detail.

“Which friend would you be in that scenario?” He asked me and then took a gulp of his beer and then looked me right in the eyes.

“Ummm. I don’t know.”

Still staring me dead in the face he said, “I think you do. I think we both know which one you would be.” He winked at me.

My breathing got heavier. What was happening? This was like something right out of one of the stories I jerked off to. Two friends talking about sex, one thing leads to another and someone’s dick ends up inside someone else. I stared silently my mouth hanging open struggling to make words come out. I tried to talk but nothing was working. I was so nervous about where this conversation was going to lead.

Of course, I imagined myself as the friend that gets caught wearing panties and then gets fucked by his friend. I’ve thought about that scenario too many times to count. I just never thought about it happening with John.

John got up and walked past me towards the kitchen. I noticed that he was mostly erect in his sweats. I could his semi-stick swaying as he walked. He opens the fridge, “You want a beer Hare?”

I knew his dick was big, but I’d never really thought of him in that way. We were friends, I wouldn’t want to jeopardize that. But seeing it sway as he walked almost had me drooling.

“Yeah.” I was able to blurt out between my inappropriate thoughts. Watching porn or reading stories and thinking about cock was one thing. I’d never once fantasized about my friend. And yet. Here I was drooling over my best friend’s cock.

He stood in front of me and handed me the beer. I couldn’t help but stare at his package some more.

“Hare, are you staring at my dick?” He joked.

I cracked the beer and chugged half of it. “Umm no. I mean yes. I don’t know. I’m so confused…” I chugged some more. “And horny.”

“Me too. So you’re not gay, but you like reading gay stories?”

“Yes,” I said and took another sip.

“How did that happen?” He asked as he drank his beer.

“I don’t know man, it just kind of gradually happened over time. I’m not sure I could explain it. But yes, I like looking at cocks and reading gay stories.”

“So just cocks? You’re not into guys?”

“I don’t think so. I’m not attracted to men, I don’t think. I don’t have any desire to kiss a man. I just like cock.”

“Interesting,” he said as he took a big pull of his beer and then asked “Do you like all cocks? Or just certain ones?”

“I can’t believe I’m about to say this out loud, but I like big cocks. The bigger the better, preferably cut.” I swallowed the rest of my beer.

John got up again. “Another?” he offered as he walked by. This time he was completely hard. His pants were sticking straight out. He made a huge tent. I held my empty can out and up and his dick grazed my arm as he walked by and grabbed the empty can.

“Yeah” I squealed as electricity shot up my arm and then down my chest into my crotch making my much smaller but also erect penis twitch.

He came back with two more beers. He held the beer in front of his tent. I reached out to grab it and as I did he pulled his hand away and I ended up bumping into his giant, stiff cock. I quickly pulled back and moved towards the beer. I could feel my hard-on getting harder if that was even possible. I opened the beer and started drinking. I’m a bit of a lightweight when it comes to alcohol and with how fast I drank that first one and now this big gulp I nevşehir escort felt a buzz coming on.

“So what is it that you like about big cocks?” He asked as he sat back down and cracked open his drink.

“Oh God, I can’t believe we’re having this conversation right now,” I said

“Hare, it’s okay. I’m genuinely curious about how this all happened, what lead you to liking cock and reading these stories.”

“I don’t know man, it didn’t happen overnight, it was a slow realization while watching porn, that I was focused on the cock sometimes.” I sipped my beer and continued, “That lead me to transsexual porn, then to some gay porn and erotica.”

“Woah Woah, let’s not gloss over it. Details man details.”

I sighed, my heart was racing. I’d never told anyone any of them this. I was embarrassed and ashamed of this. I knew I shouldn’t be, people like what they like and even if I were gay there’s nothing wrong with that, but where I grew up sex wasn’t something that was talked about so it was hard.

“What kind of details?” I asked.

“By transsexuals? You mean chicks with dicks right?”

“Yes, but that’s not a nice way to put it.”

“Okay. Sorry, not familiar with the lingo.”

“I wasn’t either until started delving into that world, I’m sure there are a lot of things I still don’t know.”

“So, you like seeing a big cock no matter who owns it? Man or woman?”


“Interesting. What do you think about when you’re watching porn or reading the stories?”

“Usually, I’m the one on the receiving end. I imagine myself in place of the women in straight porn when I watch it.”

“So you’d be the one in the panties in that story?” He asked with a wink.

“Yes, I would. I’ve thought about…” I stopped myself but it was too late.

“Oh no don’t stop there, what have you thought about.”

I took a big gulp of the beer. “I’ve thought about buying panties to wear.” I blurted it out as fast as I could before I lost my courage.

“Hmmm, interesting. So you think about getting fucked in the ass?”


“And sucking cock?”


“What else do you think about?”

“Getting spit-roasted,” I said softly as I put the can to my lips.

“What?” John asked as he apparently couldn’t hear me.

I slammed the rest of my beer. “Taking two cocks at once, getting spit-roasted!” I yelled.

“Woah.” He said and got up for more beer. He was still hard, maybe even bigger than before. This time he brought the rest of the box and set it down between us. He tossed me one.

I caught it and opened it.

“So you’re like a bit of a slut in your head then?” He asked.

“Yeah, I guess I am.” I was starting to feel the buzz now.

“Have you thought about doing it in real life?”

“All the time, but I always chicken out.”


“I don’t know honestly.”

“Okay, so you like thinking about big cock, you fantasize about it, you jerk off thinking about it. You want to take a cock in your ass and your mouth, but you haven’t done it yet. Does that about sum it up?”

I replied, doing my best John C. Reily from Stepbrothers impression, “Yep!”

John stood up and moved in front of me. The tent in his pants sticking straight out towards my face. His cock looked huge. He just stood there for a minute or two drinking his beer and looking down at me. I could see that his wheels were spinning.

Honestly, mine was too. I knew where this was going but couldn’t believe it was happening.

He finally broke the silence. “Would you like to see my big dick?” He asked nonchalantly.

I was expecting it but it also caught me off guard and I almost spit out the mouthful of beer I had.


He slipped his free hand into the front of his waistband and pulled down slowly. His treasure trail was slowly revealed, followed by a nearly shaven public mound with just a small tuft of hair. Then he slowly revealed his shaft, pushing down further and further until he got the waistband past the head. As soon as he did that his cock jumped up and bounced up and down, it was so happy to be free. He let go of the waistband and it settled between his cock and balls.

I just stared in amazement. My mouth was practically watering at the sight of it. I knew it was big but I’d never seen it hard. It was impressive, at least 8 inches and thick, not at thick as the beer can I was holding but it was damn thick. It looked like something straight out of the fantasies that I imagine when I’m stroking myself.

My eyes widened and I chugged my whole beer and set the can down. I adjusted myself on the couch, my dick was throbbing. I started to reach out and grab it but hesitated and pulled escort nevşehir back.

“It’s okay Harry. You can touch it.” He looked down at me.

I did want to touch it. Now that I’d seen it wanted to do much more than touch it. I adjusted myself again trying to get comfortable on the couch, sitting down like this with a rock-hard penis straining to be let free wasn’t easy, so I slipped off the couch and onto my knees in front of John. I pulled my shorts down to my knees to let my penis out. It wasn’t as big as John’s only about five and a half inches and not nearly as this thick.

I looked up at him. He smiled and nodded.

I placed my hands on his hips and leaned forward to take his cock into my mouth. I stopped just before my tongue touched the tip, just before I got a taste of the little drop of precum I saw oozing out.

“Are you sure this is okay? Are we going to be okay?” I asked looking up at him.

“Yeah man, you want this. I want this. Suck my dick.” He put a hand on my head and guided me forward. I placed a hand on my stiff dick as he slid between my lips.

It was like a flip switched in my brain. After all those years of reading, watching, and fantasizing about cock I finally had one in my mouth and it was amazing. It was soft yet hard. I moaned as soon as I tasted his skin and the little drop of nectar that was waiting for me. I grabbed the base of his cock with my free hand and stroked it as I sucked on the head.

“Mmmmmm” I moaned.

“Oh yeah, that feels good. You like that Harry?” He asked as I worked my tongue around the tip of his head.

I pulled my mouth off and noticed there was a thick coating of saliva on his cock now that made it glisten in the light. “Yes, yes I do,” I replied and dove back in.

I lifted his cock up and licked the shaft up and down a few times before popping it back into my mouth. John’s hand was still resting on my head, my other hand was slowly stroking my cock, bringing me closer and closer to the edge.

I started to get into the fact that I was giving my best friend and roommate a blowjob. I trusted him and wanted to please him. I tried to emulate what I liked done and what I’d seen and fantasized about doing in porn. I took him out of my mouth and stroked him while I licked the head playfully and looked up into his eyes.

“That is hot Harry.” He said with a smile and drank some more of his beer.

I had to stop stroking myself for fear of cumming too soon. I brought that hand up and stroked him with both as I asked, “You like the way I’m sucking your dick?”

“God yes,” he replied “Keep going, I’m getting close.”

I removed my hands from his shaft and grabbed his hips and pulled him back into my mouth as I dove back onto his cock. I was bobbing back and forth and moaning. I couldn’t believe I had waited so long to suck a cock. Also couldn’t believe that the first cock I was sucking was John’s. It was heavenly.

“Oh fuck Harry, turns out all your fantasizing has paid off you’re so good at this,” he said as he closed his hand into my hair gripping me tightly. “Do you want to swallow my load?”

“MMMMMHHHHMMM” I moaned as I continued to bob on his cock.

He started to thrust his hips forward and back. Fucking my face slightly. On one of his thrusts, he went a little too far and made me gag. I coughed and pulled back, spit running down my chin and dripping off the head of his cock.

“Guess we’ll have to work on that,” he said as he tightened his grip and pulled me back onto his cock, and continued his thrusting. He kept it shallow after that and methodically worked his cock back and forth between my lips.

I reached down and stocked my cock in time with his thrusts.

“Here it comes.” He grunted and kept sawing away at my mouth as I felt his cock pulse and fire the first shot onto my tongue. As his first shot fired off so did mine and I moaned so loud the neighbors down the street probably heard me. We were both cumming like crazy. He fired another shot. Then another and another. I tried to swallow it all but couldn’t keep up and felt it escape my mouth and down my chin and onto my shirt and my cock. My load was now soaking into the carpet of our living room. I was out of breath from trying to keep up swallowing and from my intense orgasm.

“Oh fuck Harry.” He said as he released his grip on my hair and slowly pulled back. I leaned forward to try and keep him in my mouth. I didn’t want it to be over yet. I grabbed his cock and licked the head clean, then popped it back into my mouth to try and suck out any remaining cum.

“Oh shit Harry. Give me a minute. It’s so sensitive.” He laughed and pulled away. I whimpered.

“Okay,” I whined.

“Wow you’re quite the sight right now.” He said. “On your knees, out of breath, my cum dripping down your body, your cum all over the floor in front of you. You look like you’re begging for more. The only thing missing is some panties like in that story.”

He sat down and grabbed another beer. “Next time. Next time we’ll do the panties.” He said.

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