Wedding Jitters Ch. 2

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She hadn’t known such pleasure existed.

Lying in the warm aftermath of the orgasmic tidal wave her dark lover had just put her through, Miranda wondered with no small amount of dismay if it was over.

God, she hoped not.

He slipped away from her and out of the bed and she made a keening sound of need in her throat. Even though she was sure he was a big man, he moved with utter silence in the room and she waited for the door to open and close, then thought crazily, since he hadn’t fucked her or forced her to perform oral sex, that he wouldn’t leave until he’d had at least one orgasm as well. Surely not.

This was insane.

That thought registered in her brain, pulling her back toward rationality. She was hoping to be raped? Well, no, of course not…but this wasn’t really rape, was it? A woman didn’t have an orgasm unless her brain was as involved in the process as her body, so she’d just proven by leaps and bounds that she was willing. Being tied to the bed took away her decision capabilities about whether to participate physically, but now the orgasm-induced insanity was over and still, she wanted more.

She was going to kill Peg in the morning–right after she got down on her knees and thanked her.

A warm, silent touch on the delicate skin beneath her right breast startled her so badly that she jumped in her bonds and squeaked in surprise.

“What’s wrong, baby?” the man’s voice crooned softly in the darkness. “Were you hoping I’d gone?” He skimmed one hot palm over her breast, cupping its fullness; purposefully rasping his thumb over the nipple, which had relaxed and softened. At the renewed attention it tightened for him, sending another shaft of electric pleasure down to her pelvis.

“Or were you afraid that I’d leave you?” His hand left her breast, only to be replaced by his mouth, and he licked her slowly; deliberately, making her shudder. “Don’t worry, sweetheart,” he assured her. “I haven’t finished with you yet.”

Miranda moaned softly when he lay on the bed again, stretched out alongside her. This time, however, she could feel the length and breadth of his cock pulsing against her hip. She pictured him in her mind’s eye, his left elbow propped on the bed and his head in his hand, seeing her even in the darkness, and the image made her wet again.

Then he moved, shifting slightly, and she realized when she felt his knuckles brush her thigh that he had wrapped his right hand around his own cock and was stroking himself slowly. That picture rode through her mind like heat lightning. She’d never realized just how incredibly erotic a man masturbating in front of her might be, even if she couldn’t see him, and she mewled in protest against the darkness and her inability to beg him for…anything. Everything.

He bent to her ear to speak, sending hot prickles down her spine. “What’s wrong, baby?” he whispered. “Are you afraid I might want to fuck you?” He waited a moment, obviously intrigued by the response she made. “Or maybe you think I’d rather force my prick into that hot little mouth of yours and fuck your throat. Would you like that, Miranda?” In a harsh, low grumble full of barely restrained lust he asked, “Do you want to suck my cock?”

The sound of his voice, tense with desire, and the feel of him masturbating made her squirm. Miranda made a soft, pleading sound of need.

“Mmm,” he agreed, obviously pleased with the answer. “I want that, too.”

This time when he moved, he didn’t leave her alone on the bed. Miranda writhed softly, twisting impatiently as he moved up to the headboard. The king-sized hotel bed left him plenty of space to maneuver between her outstretched arms and her head. After a moment, Miranda found herself feeling even more exposed and vulnerable than when he’d had his mouth between her thighs. He was kneeling above her, his muscular thighs bracketing her head so that what little sound there was came to her muffled.

She felt like some kind of offering to him, the pagan priest who would decide if she was acceptable. From his position above, she lay spread out, completely at Escort bayan his mercy. But even more powerful than all of that was the feel of his heavy thighs flexing as he shifted, then the brush of something heavy…something warm, flesh and swollen…over her forehead, her nose. Her silk-bound lips.

Oh sweet heaven, she thought silently. Something wild and untamed inside her broke loose, making her tremble. His balls. The erotic, spicy smell of aroused male mixed even more heavily with his cologne now and she pulled a long, deep breath through her nose, her nostrils flaring like those of an animal scenting its mate. Arching her neck, she tried desperately to get more than a fleeting brush of contact with his body.

Teasing her unmercifully, he moaned softly at her eager response but still refused to allow her anything but the brush of his inner thigh; his heavy sacs against her bound lips.

“I’ve imagined this,” he said, and his voice seemed to float to her from far away, dreamlike. “Of having you desperate to take my cock.”

Without warning, she felt him shift then felt his knuckles again, this time brushing her cheek, and she knew that his stiff cock was jutting out over her face and he was masturbating himself again. She tried to get her mouth higher, but found herself frustrated in the tight lock between his knees.

“Maybe I should just drive you insane for a little while, hmm?” he murmured thoughtfully. “Or maybe I should jerk myself off, letting you ache for a taste, until I shoot my cum all over those perfect tits.” He drew in a hiss of air, as if by imagining the picture he’d come too close to his own orgasm, and she felt his fist slow its stroking.

“Do you want to suck my dick, Miranda?”

She nodded and made a too-eager sound in the back of her throat, which she would have gladly replaced with the hard flesh between his thighs, knowing that he couldn’t mistake her intention. Lying there with his cock and balls ripe and nearly bursting over her mouth, she realized that she must be experiencing what he’d felt with his mouth at her clit. The feel and smell and temptation of him so close to her mouth was making her insane. She wanted him against her tongue; sliding past her lips to fuck her throat with slow, hard thrusts.

“I’m going to let you suck me, Miranda,” he rasped, adjusting position again, this time to put his hands to her gag. But before untying her, he finished his instructions. “But only on one condition. Do you understand?”

She nodded.

“To get my dick in your mouth, I’m going to have to take this off. But if you want a taste, you have to be absolutely silent,” he said firmly. “You may not say anything except what I tell you to and when I tell you to. Do you understand?”

She nodded again, furiously. Anything to have him in her mouth. PLEASE.

He paused a moment, as if deciding whether to trust her. “If you’re a very good girl, Miranda, I promise you that we’ll play again…soon. I’ll give you every erotic fantasy you can imagine, and a hell of a lot more that you could never dream up in your sweet little mind. But now I’m giving you the choice. When I take the gag away, you are to say one word and one word only. What that word is will be up to you.” Taking a deep, unsteady breath, he brushed his thumb over the silk of her cheek.

“If you say ‘no’, I’ll go, Miranda. I’ll remove the cuffs and leave you with the memory of your pleasure. But if you want me to stay…if you want to give me the same pleasure and take my cum into your hot little mouth, then just say one word for me. Say please.”

Time stopped as the knot he’d made in the silk slipped out under the clever twists of his fingers. Miranda felt the slack, then the silk dipping between her barely parted lips, touching her tongue as if in a final kiss before being lifted away. Then the material was gone, vanishing into the black nothingness of the room.

Silence boomed like the deafening roar of a waterfall around them. For an instant Miranda wasn’t certain she could speak at all; her mouth was a little dry and she Escort had to swallow and lick her lips to rid them of the feel of the gag. She felt him over her, his body tempered by patience despite the fact that he was trembling. Turning her head to the left, she pressed her mouth to his thigh, opening it there and tasting his skin; letting her tongue rid itself of its lethargy by playing it over him. He groaned at the gesture, then she tilted her face back into position and arched her neck up and breathed, “Please,” with a hunger she hadn’t known could register in a human voice.

He swore viciously above her and framed her face in his big hands.

Please!” she repeated, impatient.

He fed her. With one hand wrapped around his cock, he touched her mouth with the fingers of the other, testing the shape and feel of her lips. Miranda slid the tip of her tongue out to wet them, catching the calloused pads of his fingers in the moist bath, making him groan at the same moment he put the ripe head of his cock on her lips.

“Suck me.”

The command sounded more plea than her ‘please’ had. Miranda knew that, despite the fact that she was tied and he was unbound, she now had the control. Remembering his command that she was not to speak beyond the word she had already uttered, she made a purr of pleasure and took her first taste of him, licking the underside of his head and shaft in one long, warm stroke of her tongue. He jerked and groaned for her.

She bathed him with her tongue, his head and shaft and balls and, when he rose up on his knees as if he could read the unspoken demand from her, the sensitive skin between his balls and asshole, making him squirm as impatiently as she had for his mouth. And after long minutes of oral play with him, she put her mouth under the ripe, swollen head of his cock, opened her lips, wrapped her tongue up around it, and pulled it demandingly into her mouth.

“UNH…Fuck!” he hissed, body spasming. “Miranda…yesss!”

She moaned again, the sound muffled by cock, and closed her eyes and sucked delicately at just the head and the first inch of his shaft, stroking the flesh-covered steel with her tongue to make him insane and making eager sounds in her hungry throat. While he shivered and trembled and jerked at the feel of her mouth on him, she arched her neck, taking another inch. Another.

He moved again, mindless in his need to have her take all of his meat. Leaning forward, he braced himself with his hands on the mattress at either side of her waist. When Miranda relaxed and opened to pull the rest of him down into her throat, he collapsed onto his elbows, weak with pleasure. And when she moved her mouth up and back, he buried his head between her thighs and began pumping his hips, fucking her mouth and throat, allowing her only an instant between deep thrusts for her to gasp in breaths before plunging down again.

“Yes…oh, fuck,” he moaned, his balls tightening at the sounds she made–wet, hungry, animal sounds as she ate every inch of him and his sacs slammed against her face at each stroke. “Don’t stop, baby,” he begged. “Please….” His big body jerked and shuddered, racked by spikes of deep, driving pleasure so intense it was all he could do not to throw back his head and howl like an animal.

Miranda couldn’t get him deep enough; his strokes hard enough. She had all of him and wanted more, feeling a rush of incredible feminine satisfaction at his obvious pleasure. But there was something else she wanted. Parting her thighs wider, she growled like a wild thing beneath him when he immediately put his mouth to her, his groans adding a delicious vibration that rocked through her cunt.

She was desperate. Like an animal, she devoured him; drove him toward release while she sucked unmercifully and took him deeper than her own breath. He ate at her pussy, ravenous, and both of them made a concert of lust with every moan; every wet sound of hunger and flesh against flesh. With his hands sliding under and between her thighs he pulled her open to feast more fully, exposing the beautifully Bayan Escort swollen, dark pink bud of her clitoris to his eyes before laving it with his tongue.

Miranda made little high-pitched screams and guttural groans around his pounding shaft. As his mouth brought her quickly near to another shattering orgasm, she felt him begin to shake above her, his mouth grinding down onto her clit, his thighs tightening and his thrusts coming faster; harder. She was about to make him cum with her mouth.

That thought brought her helplessly over the edge and she jerked hard beneath him, her feet digging into the bed and her fists clenching as she came for her captor–deliriously; willingly. Her hips spasmed over and over again, thrusting at his hot, stabbing tongue, until she could take no more pleasure and she forced his mouth away by closing her legs as much as she could manage.

Taking his mouth from her pussy, he could focus on his own impending orgasm and he began whispering roughly to her, closing his eyes in the darkness and fucking her without thought of anything else.

“Unh…yes, Miranda,” he growled, his voice shaking as badly as his thighs. “You love it, don’t you, baby? Suck it…harder. HARDER!” he demanded, lost in mindless lust. “Fuck…yes! Like that, baby. Move your tongue just like that. Oh shit…you’re gonna make me cum so hard…so good. UNH!” Throwing back his head, he slammed his hips into her face, his cock going deep and everything in him jerking and shaking with as though he’d been hit with ten thousand volts. “FUCK!” he shouted. “Eat it, Miranda! Eat every fucking drop!”

Hot cream shot hard into her mouth and down her throat as he came, his body jolting; incoherent sounds of rough, masculine pleasure grating from his throat. He spent himself in her hot, eager mouth, letting her swallow every delicious bit of his cum, finally pulling himself away from her until only the head of his cock remained in her mouth and she pulled at it, sucking the last drops from the slit and making soft, satisfied sounds at having tasted him so fully.

Leaning all his weight on his left arm, he put his right hand around his cock and milked the last remaining drops into her mouth, then told her quietly to lick him clean, moaning softly while she obeyed.

“I’m going to take my cock out of your sweet little mouth now, baby,” he whispered. “But the rules haven’t changed. You are to say nothing unless I tell you.”

She made a quiet sound that was both disappointment and acquiescence. His hand still around his shaft, he drew his cock fully from her mouth and was equally disappointed. He could easily have let her suck him all night, but it wasn’t possible.

He left the gag off. Silently moving away, he went to the foot of the bed to release her ankles, then came back to lie beside her.

“I’m going to release you now, sweetheart,” he whispered roughly. “And when I do, I want you to turn onto your side, facing away from me. Do you understand?”

She whispered, ‘yes’ in a voice that trembled with uncertainty. What was to come now?

Reaching up, he unfastened her hands and immediately she turned to lie on her left side. Behind her, he spooned their bodies together, her bare ass pressed intimately into his groin. Then he pulled the covers over them both, wrapped his arm around her waist, and whispered into her ear,

“You are delicious, Miranda. Sweeter than I ever imagined. I wanted so badly to fuck you tonight but…I know you’re getting married tomorrow.”

“Y..yes,” she whispered back, trembling.

“Don’t be afraid, baby,” he assured her, his hand caressing at her waist.

“But…I don’t know what to do,” she admitted. “I was having doubts and now…”

“You’ll make the right decision.”

Oh, sure. She’d just screwed…well, okay not screwed, really, but had sex with a stripper her sister had hired–a man she hadn’t even been aroused by– and now she’d have to admit that maybe Peg was right about her. Maybe she should have been more experienced before making such a huge decision as marriage…

“I can’t believe I just…oh, sweet heaven,” she moaned pitifully, glad he couldn’t see the shame burning in her face. “I’ve never…”

“I know,” he whispered hoarsely, comforting her with his big, rough hands. “Don’t worry, baby. Sleep now. Go to sleep, Miranda.”

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