Weekend in Seattle


“I’ve been thinking, babe……….I think we should invite Kari to Seattle for the weekend.”

Dan was was busy stirring a large pot of fragrant tomato sauce at the stove and he looked over at me, somewhat skeptically.

“I thought that seeing her in Atlanta was a one-off thing, Kate? You’ve been talking with her almost daily since you got back. Is there something you need to tell me?”

I didn’t reply immediately, instead allowing my mind to slowly meander through the mental snapshots from the weekend that I had spent with Kari in Atlanta. The stream of images that my brain served up suffused my body with warm pleasurable thoughts; our first kiss, which honestly almost set the room alight, Kari’s mouth ravaging my pussy and finally, of me, riding waves of orgasmic pleasure when she eventually pushed me over the edge.

“Dan……..of course not. I love you! What she and I shared while together has no bearing on you and me, or our relationship. But ………..I don’t know. I just don’t know. All I can tell you is that she is constantly in my thoughts and that I’d like for you to get to know her too.”

“Really? Know her platonically…………….or in a more intimate sense?” He responded, a note of hesitancy coming through in his voice.

We had our first experience of swapping partners a year ago when we spent a weekend with my boss, Crystal, and her husband at their lake house. Both of us had professed to enjoy expanding our sexual horizons although, so far, we’ve chosen not to repeat the experience. However, after that weekend my relationship with Crystal had grown and I’d been sleeping with her on a regular basis. I’d also spent a weekend with Kari in Atlanta and seduced a young associate at the firm while on a business trip to Florida. So yes, I’d definitely been broadening my sexual horizons and while Dan said that he was ok with me seeing other women I still wasn’t one hundred percent certain how he truly felt about me satisfying the bi side of my personality. Added to that is the fact that he hasn’t expressed any desire to fuck another woman, even though I knew that he enjoyed having Crystal at the lake house.

“I don’t know the answer to that either, babe. I haven’t talked to her about coming to Seattle, let alone what the sleeping arrangements might be. Would you want to join her and me?”

He hesitated again, before smiling softly. “She is attractive and sexy, Kate. I’m a man, ………of course, I’d like to have her. Not at the expense of our relationship though. Do you think you can handle watching me fuck her?”

“Of course. I watched you fuck Crystal at the lake and watching you together only made what Dave and I were doing all the more erotic. I really doubt that I would feel any different seeing you and Kari together.”

“So talk with her……….see whether she is comfortable coming to visit and, if so, whether she is interested in a threesome or just you. Now let’s eat!”

Even though Dan had given me the green light to invite Kari to Seattle I knew that I really needed to be sure that bringing her deeper into our life was something that both he and I could handle. Consequently, it was another month, and quite a few more conversations with Dan, before I was ready to talk with her about visiting Seattle.

I raised the topic towards the end of one of our extended, late-night conversations.

“I’ve been thinking it’s time that we got together again! Two months really is too long for me.”

Kari grinned. “I’ve missed you too, Kate. But at least you have Dan to keep you satisfied. I haven’t had any sex since Atlanta………..well, not if you exclude time with my toy collection.”

“That doesn’t count,” I said, laughing. “What do you think about coming to Seattle some time?”

She looked surprised and took a moment to think before responding.

“Ummmmmmm, ……….I’m really not sure. Wouldn’t it be a little difficult for Dan?”

“He and I have talked a lot about you visiting and we’re both comfortable that it won’t have any impact on our relationship, Kari.”

“I don’t know, Kate…….let me think about it a little. I need to get my head around whether I would feel OK seeing you with Dan around.”

“I understand ……….. and just so you know, it’s perfectly OK that only you and I sleep together if that’s what you want. He told me that he thinks you are very sexy but that it’s up to you and me to decide if we want to include him or not.”

Kari blushed. “Oh my, that thought hadn’t even crossed my mind until now! Oh, wow…………I think that possibility is something that you and I are going to have to talk about.”

And talk about it we did, over more than a few conversations, in the weeks that followed. I worked hard to reassure Kari that I had no jealousy issues around Dan and that it really was a question of whether she found him attractive and wanted to be with him. Eventually, we agreed that she would come to Seattle for a weekend and that we’d play the whole Dan issue by bakımlı gaziantep escort ear, once she was here.

Just two weeks later I found myself standing by the baggage carousel in SeaTac airport eagerly awaiting Kari’s arrival. She arrived, as scheduled, at eleven am and my face broke into a broad grin as I watched her descend the escalator from the arrivals hall. She looked amazing, even though she was dressed casually; the tight jeans and long boots that she wore showed off her ass perfectly and the sleeveless silk top that she was wearing seemed to cling seductively to her breasts. She sported a golden tan on her arms and my heart skipped a beat as I realized just how much I had missed her over the past two months. We kissed softly when she reached the bottom of the escalator, totally oblivious to everyone around us.

“Welcome to Seattle, Kari. You look absolutely gorgeous. Was the flight good?”

“Oh, thank you! It’s so good to be here. I’m so looking forward to spending the weekend with you and Dan.”

“Oh, I’m sure that he will be delighted to meet you this evening. He’s picking the kids up from school and taking them to his Mom’s for the weekend. That way we can have the house to ourselves.”

We talked excitedly as we made the short, thirty minute, drive home. I shot an occasional glance at her, marveling at her effortless beauty, and just how lucky I was to have her as a lover. I desperately wanted to take advantage of that status before Dan arrived home. Besides, I reasoned, it will give me an opportunity to find out whether she wants to sleep alone or with Dan and I this evening.

I grabbed Kari’s bag from the trunk when we arrived and shepherded her towards the house. As soon as I closed the door Kari turned and kissed me passionately, pushing me up against the closed door and pressing her breasts against mine. Our tongues tangled excitedly as we reacquainted ourselves with the other’s body.

“Mmmmmmmm I’ve been dying to kiss you like that ever since I saw you at the airport. But I didn’t think you’d want anyone to see you kissing me. It’s so good to have a little privacy so that I can let you know just how wonderful it is to see you again.”

I grinned. “Come on…….I’ll show you around and then you can get settled.”

Our first stop was the kitchen where I took a chilled bottle of chardonnay from the wine fridge, pouring us both a large glass.

“Here’s to a fantastic weekend …….cheers!” I said, while I raised my glass and smiled at Kari.

A few minutes later, having completed the downstairs tour, I showed her into our guest suite.

“Oh, this is so beautiful, Kate.” Her eyes took in the mint green walls and the large wooden sleigh bed that dominated the room. “You obviously have an eye for home decor. “

Walking towards the large picture window, she took a moment to absorb the views of Lake Washington that the window afforded.

“I just love the view from this window,” she said, sitting on the large easy chair positioned by the window. “It’s so peaceful.”

“Thank you. By the way, I’m only putting you in here so that you don’t feel any pressure regarding Dan. I’ve told him that I will likely sleep here with you this evening so don’t worry about anything.”

Kari blushed a little.

“Well, you know, I was thinking about that very subject while I was on the plane. I kind of came to the decision that, assuming you are still ok with it, I’d love to be with both you and Dan. It’ll be a first for me, but just thinking of it makes me feel hot and bothered!”

I giggled, “Mmmmmm should I be taking advantage of the fact that you are hot and bothered?”

She giggled in return and I gently pulled her from the chair into a deep embrace, luxuriating in the feminine, flowery, scent that surrounded her. Our lips came together softly and time seemed to stop as Kari’s lips parted allowing my tongue to slip sensually between them. I was immediately transported back to our first kiss in Atlanta as she, once again, sighed softly and pulled me closer, her hands roaming up and down my back. Her lips tasted of sweet cherries and my mind conjured up a vision of Kari smiling at the airport, her beautiful, full lips coated with bright red gloss. As our kiss deepened, Kari’s small breasts pressed against mine causing me to moan softly at the warm, tingly feelings that began to suffuse my body.

“God, you make me so hot!” I gasped as we came up for air. “I’d forgotten just how well you kiss. I’m tingling all over.”

“That’s good,” Kari whispered as she returned her lips to mine, her tongue demanding access as she kissed me even more passionately.

Her kiss left little doubt as to what she wanted and, as I relaxed into her, she backed her intent up, sliding her hands over my ass, squeezing gently and pulling my body into hers. Her mouth moved to my neck and, between gentle kisses and nips with her teeth, she proceeded to describe just what bakımlı gaziantep escort bayan she intended to do with me. Her words made me hot and I closed my eyes, moving my head back to expose more of my neck to her, as she skillfully stoked my desire. My hands went to her breasts, squeezing the soft mounds through the thin material of her silk blouse.

We were both panting when we broke the kiss. We smiled at each other, silently communicating that it was time for us to get naked. I watched Kari as I undressed, my need for her growing as she wiggled out of her jeans and seductively unbuttoned her blouse, all the while looking at me with smoldering brown eyes. I could hardly contain myself when she hooked her thumbs into her bright pink panties and, bending a little at the waist, drew them down her long, lean and tanned legs.

I pulled back the comforter and slid, naked, between the crisp white sheets that I had put on the bed earlier that morning. Kari joined me, immediately rolling on top, kissing me with an intensity that made me moan, and grinding her pussy against mine. All of the emotion and desire that I had felt over the past two months was released and I caressed Kari’s soft body while our passion grew quickly. Kari seemed to know, instinctively, that this was not the time for soft, gentle lovemaking however; in an instant her head was between my open thighs, her talented tongue lapping insistently at my swollen clit, while the fingers of her left hand pulled and strummed my nipples. I was in ecstasy, hands gripping at the sheet as she expertly ate my dripping pussy, drawing repeated moans of pleasure from my throat.

“Oh, fuck Kari………that feels so good…….don’t stop…..” I groaned when she sucked my clit into her mouth and swirled her tongue over it.

The moans became even louder when I felt two of her long, elegant fingers slide into me.

“God, yes………deeper, …….please deeper!” I pleaded as she inched them in.

She took her time, slowly pushing them forward until they were buried all the way, filling my tight pussy. She looked up from between my thighs, smiling, as she began to fuck me with her fingers.

“You’re so tight, Kate……..I bet Dan just loves having his cock in here,” she said, a mischievous grin on her face.

I could only manage a low moan in response, as she increased the pace of her fingers.

“Does that feel good……….?”

“God, yes……..” I moaned as she returned her mouth to my clit. “Oh…….fuck……yessssssss!”

I knew that I wouldn’t last long and it appears that Kari knew it too since she began to work my pussy feverishly, using both her fingers and her mouth to drive me relentlessly towards orgasm. It wasn’t long before I screamed and my back arched from the bed.

“Oh my God, oh my God”, I repeated over and over, as an orgasm of almost nuclear intensity gripped my body.

Kari continued to move her fingers in me tenderly, drawing further moans of pleasure, as the aftershocks continued to pour pleasure into my brain. Slowly, I regained my senses and looked down at Kari between my legs as she gently withdrew her fingers from my sopping pussy.

“You are amazing………just amazing!” I said, a happy smile lighting my face.

“You bring it out in me, Kate,” Kari responded. “You are delicious…….I love how you respond when I make love to you.”

I laughed. “Ummmmmmm I think that I do too!”

A little later, over a light lunch of seared tuna and salad, Kari seemed a little pensive.

“What’s wrong, Kari? You’ve become quiet and seem kind of worried.”

“I guess I’m just a little nervous about meeting Dan. It feels strange to know that in just a few hours I’ll be saying hi to a guy whose wife I’ve just slept with. Even stranger to think that a few hours after that I’ll be sleeping with both of them!”

“Oh, honestly don’t sweat it. Dan is happy that you and I have developed a relationship. He knows I’m attracted to women and is very supportive of me fulfilling that side of my sexuality. As for the three of us together…….it’s going to be totally hot! I can’t wait to see him pounding himself into you while he makes you moan and scream.”

Kari blushed a deep shade of red as she contemplated that picture.

“Are you totally sure that you are happy to share him, Kate?”

“Yes, I told you. He and I have spent a lot of time talking about our feelings when we see the other making love with someone else. We’ve reached the understanding that it is just recreational sex, something to be enjoyed, not something that impacts the relationship that we have with each other. The morning after we swapped with Crystal and Dave was an amazing emotional experience for me. I’ve never felt closer to him than when he held me tightly that morning. That’s why I’m happy to share, I know that both he and I will find incredible pleasure from the experience but that at the end of the day escort gaziantep bakımlı bayan he’ll still be mine.”

Kari smiled sweetly at me.

“OK, I hear you but just know that I intend to fuck his brains out! I want it to be an experience that neither he, or you, is ever likely to forget!”

Dan called me just after 4:30 pm.

“Just dropped the kids off babe. Should be home in half an hour, traffic willing.”

I laughed. “Good luck with that! This is Seattle, remember! No rush, Kari and I are just enjoying some wine on the deck. I made a reservation at Anthony’s for seven so you have plenty of time.”

Anthony’s is our local Italian restaurant, a favorite of mine.

“OK…………ummmm, have you guys talked about sleeping arrangements for tonight?”

“Really Dan! I knew that you would ask that! You are so obvious! Well, the good news for you is that she wants to sleep with both of us tonight. And, mmmmmmm I can tell you that she is just as sexy as she was in Atlanta.”

“Seriously……..you two have been to bed already! Kate, you better not to be too tired later!”

“Don’t worry, I’m sure that we will both be fully recovered by bedtime!”

We heard Dan’s BMW pull into the garage forty minutes later and I could tell by Kari’s body language that she was still nervous about meeting him. Even though she hadn’t bothered to apply any make-up after we had showered together I knew that Dan would love the natural look that she was rocking. I reassured her quietly.

“Don’t worry………he’ll love you, Kari.”

Dan sauntered into the kitchen a few moments later, looking very hot in a grey Armani suit. He’s an attorney with Johnson, Kline and is always sharply dressed for the office. Even after being together all these years I still get tingles whenever he walks into the room.

He smiled at the two of us before kissing me softly. His attention then turned to Kari.

“Hi, Kari……….It’s so nice to meet you!” He said, striding over to Kari and embracing her in a deep hug. “I’ve heard so much about you from Kate. I’m really glad that you could come to see us this weekend.”

I noticed a slight blush color Kari’s face as Dan released her from the hug.

“Oh, thank you for having me and allowing me to……..ummmmm…….visit with Kate and you. It’s so nice to spend time with her again.”

Dan looked towards me. “I’m sure she is really happy that you are here! In fact, she told me that very thing on the phone earlier.”

I blushed red.

“Dan, why don’t you pour us all a glass of wine. We can chat for a bit before getting ready for dinner. I thought we’d take an Uber so that none us need to drive.”

We spent the next half an hour or so on getting to know you smalltalk. Somewhat surprisingly there seemed to be no nerves or tension in the air; everyone seemingly at ease with the situation and what was to come later. I wondered if that feeling would continue as the evening progressed.

Dan and I were already dressed and deep in conversation when we heard Kari descend the stairs. She was stunning, having chosen a short, navy blue cocktail dress paired with black stockings and heels. The dress was strapless, cut in a heart shape across her breasts allowing just a hint of cleavage and the pleated skirt perfectly emphasized her ass and legs.

I glanced over at Dan and saw that Kari had his full, undivided attention.

“Well Kari, it seems that you have Dan’s full attention already!” I said with a laugh. “You look absolutely stunning! Dan is going to be the envy of everyone at Anthony’s tonight!”

“That’s undisputed!” Dan said. “How could I not with two beautiful women escorting me. Kate is right though, Kari……….you look absolutely amazing in that dress.”

She blushed. “Thank you. Both of you look fantastic too. You look gorgeous in yellow, Kate……and, if I may say so, your husband looks totally hot in that suit!”

“He always looks hot, Kari………..hopefully you’ll find out just how hot he can be after we get back from dinner!”

Kari turned an even deeper shade of red and only the timely arrival of our Uber saved her from having to find a response to my comment.

“OK, let’s go,” Dan said, opening the front door. “Ladies in back and I’ll sit up front.

As usual, dinner at Anthony’s was fabulous. We had cocktails to start, followed by a good bottle of red wine with dinner. As always on a Friday evening, the place was noisy and bustling but that didn’t inhibit the flow of conversation around the dinner table. Dan flirted openly with Kari, going out of his way to ensure that she knew just how attracted he was to her. She gave as good as she got, confidently flirting back with both Dan and I. It was evident that there was attraction all around and that fireworks were likely once we got back to the house.

“I’ll pour us all a little nightcap,” Dan said as we all walked into the lounge.

While Dan busied himself pouring drinks I decided to get things moving along so that neither Dan or Kari felt awkward. I joined Kari on the sofa and, one hand on her knee began to kiss her deeply and passionately. She responded just as I had hoped, leaning into me and returning the kiss while her hand caressed my cheek. Our kissing grew more intense and soon I was lying back on the sofa with Kari kissing me ardently and moaning softly as my hands roamed across her body.

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