What Would You Do To Me? Ch. 01


Ted closed his eyes and rubbed them several times, hard, before sliding his hands down his face and staring at the computer screen with exasperated exhaustion.

His eyes hurt.

His head hurt.

He was fairly certain that he could feel his brain beating its own head against the wall of his skull in frustration.

“Why. Won’t. You. WORK?” he half growled at the screen.

As he sat there, contemplating whether or not to keep trying or start over, his phone beeped to let him know that he had a new email.

“Bet that’s Sasha,” he said with a deep sigh. “If I’m having this much trouble figuring this out, she’s got to be ripping her hair out.”

He pulled up the message on his phone and chuckled. “Yep, sure enough.”

‘Hate to be the bearer of bad news,” he typed, “but I’m three steps ahead of you and it’s not getting any better.”

Ted shook his head and looked at the screen while he waited for her to reply, which didn’t take long.

‘Seriously? This is ridiculous. I’m never taking an online class again.

Any chance you would be willing to help me with step 4?’

He squinted up at the clock. “Might as well,” he said to himself. “I’m not getting any farther on this tonight.”

‘Gladly’ he replied. “Here’s my number, I can talk you through it a whole lot easier than trying to email back and forth.’

A moment later his phone rang. “Hello?” he answered.

“Ted?” asked the voice on the other end, almost as if she was unsure that she had the right number.

“Yep, it’s me,” he answered.

“Hi. So sorry to have to ask for your help again on this. I consider myself pretty good with computers for my age, but this has just been an uphill battle for me.”

Ted chuckled. “Not a problem at all, I’ve worked with this program for several years straight now, and it’s giving even me a lot of headache. I think the instructor knows how to do all this, but forgets that we aren’t experts at it.”

‘What’s she mean by “for her age”?’ Ted thought to himself. ‘She doesn’t sound old… she actually sounds kind of hot’.

“I’m just thankful I have a work partner who’s willing and patient enough to help me out.”

Even in her frustrated state, her voice had a husky, seductive melody to it. ‘I bet I could really enjoy listening to her talk´ he thought.

“Glad I can help. Let’s see…” He clicked back over to the assignment instructions to refresh his memory on where she was stuck at. “Step four… step four… here we go.”

“I have what it gave me for step three, and I put it in the box on the other tab like the instructions said to,” Sasha informed him.

“Okay… and you told it to process that, along with the added yield?”

“Yes, and it popped up an error that said – wait, hold on one second.”

Ted heard her hand brush over the microphone as she covered it, and he could hear another muffled voice in the background. A few seconds later, Sasha came back.

“Sorry, that was my daughter. She’s sixteen, has a driver’s license, and the world belongs to her.”

“Yeah… I can understand that,” he answered with a chuckle.

“Really?” He heard her voice perk up. “Kids of your own?”

“No,” he answered. “Sadly, putting my parents through that is still relatively fresh in my memory.”

“Oh,” she said, a little dejected. “Great. Now I gave away that I’m old and accused you of the same.”

Ted laughed. “What are you talking about?”

Sasha sighed. “Well… it just bugs me. I know that people my age usually don’t go in to this field, and I don’t want to be seen as a dumb, old lady who can’t figure this stuff out.”

“Like I said, don’t worry about it,” he reassured her. “You’re not the only one struggling. It’s no secret that I’m half way decent with this program, and that’s the only reason I’m as far along as I am. Over the last couple days most of the people in all the other groups have been asking me for help. Most of them were completely stuck back on step two. Trust me, you’re getting this and doing well.”

He heard a quiet, relieved sigh on the other end of the phone. “Thank you,” she said. “It really helps me to hear that. This project has really been stressing me out.”

“Well, let’s at least get you through this step. I don’t know about you, but I think after that I’m going to be about done dealing with this for tonight.”


“Okay, so you said it gave you an error…”

* * *

“… and that should come up with 147. Well, at least that’s what I got, and it seems to make sense with the numbers later on,” Ted informed her.

Sasha sighed anxiously. “Okay… here we go. I’m telling it to process… now it’s processing.”

“It’ll take a second.”

“Okay… wow, has it been forty-five minutes already?”

Ted looked at the clock. “Yeah, time flies when you’re having fun,” he said with a chuckle.

“Sure, if you want to call-” A loud shriek came across the line. Ted cringed and jerked the phone away from his head.

As he brought it back to his hear, he could hear Sasha carrying on excitedly. “It worked! It worked! I can’t believe it worked!” She shrieked with joy again. “Thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you so much, Ted! I can’t tell you what a help you’ve been. Thank you.”

After another chorus of “thank you”, Ted finally got a word in.

“Glad I could help. I’m glad you were able to figure it out.”

“Oh, thank you. Wow… You know what, it may be late, but I think I am going to open a bottle of wine and celebrate. I think I deserve that.”

Ted opened his mouth to speak, but Sasha continued on.

“No, we deserve that. You, for your work and for putting up with me. Too bad you’re not here so we could share some.”

“As enticing as that sounds, I’m ready to crash. So, have one for me and go celebrate with your husband.”

“I’d love to, but unfortunately he passed away quite a few years ago.”

‘Great job there, dufus.’ Ted thought. ‘Way to go, put ting your foot in your mouth her tits bouncing under his hands as she rode on top of him and around his cock as he slid back and forth between them; Sasha bent over a table and moaning with pleasure as he slammed in to her from behind, over and over…

It wasn’t long before he grunted sharply and his hips bucked forcefully upward, his sticky cum erupting in torrents for what seemed like several minutes.

Soon after that, he drifted off to a deep, deep sleep… where he enjoyed even more time with the lovely Sasha.

* * *

Ted was not the only one with difficulty falling asleep that night. Sasha, too, tossed and turned as her mind played out fantasy after fantasy.

‘I haven’t been this horny in years’, she thought.

She imagined his arms around her, their lips locked in passionate kisses as their tongues darted gracefully in and out of each other’s mouth. As the fire burning between her legs built, this image was soon replaced by one of Ted’s tongue licking and teasing her crevice below.

By now Sasha was moaning along softly with her visions. Somewhere in the back of her mind, a voice commanded, ‘Keep it quiet! The door is open and you don’t want Alysha hearing you… or worse!’ She attempted to heed the voice, at first, but soon she was completely lost in the fantasy. Her body writhed as her hand found its way down, under her soaked panties, through her thick patch of pubic hair, and to her hot, slick lips. Vaguely, she heard herself gasp and her whole body shuddered at a near-orgasm as soon as her fingers found her engorged lips.

She rubbed them, firmly and slowly, several times before an insatiable urge to be naked overwhelmed her better senses. No long caring about her bedroom door, she bolted up to her knees and hurriedly whipped off her nightshirt. The she struggled, briefly, with her panties – the leg of one side ripping loudly and falling away as she forced them down. Falling forward on to her elbow, she finished sliding them down and kicked them free of her other foot.

Flipping around, she buried her head in the pillow to stifle her moans as she jammed two fingers in to her fire-hot pussy. The pillow barely contained her moans as she forcefully finger-fucked herself while her thumb madly stroked her clit.

She imagined herself riding Ted, but only shortly as her first orgasm hit her – and hard.

* * *

It would be the first of several before she finally collapsed in to an exhausted, but very satisfied, sleep.

* * *

Two days later brought another much-welcomed “date”. ‘I hope he can’t see me blushing,’ Sasha thought as she recalled what she had imagined the other night.

‘ ‘Imagined’?’, her mind asked. ‘You stripped yourself naked, ripped your underwear, and fingered yourself FOUR times. Little bit more than imagination there!’

“You’re right, I shouldn’t be thinking that about someone so young,” she said to herself.

“What was that?” Ted asked.

Sasha jerked in her chair and blushed even deeper, unable to believe she had said it out loud.

“Just talking to myself.”

“Oh, ok. Um… did you get table 7 figured out by any chance?”

“No, still working on that,” she half-heartedly answered, leaning back in her chair. In truth, her mind had been all over him the last couple days rather than the course work.

She was vaguely aware that her left hand had strayed downward and her fingers were making gentle circles over her mound.

‘Oh, well… at least he can’t see what I’m doing,’ she thought once she realized it.

* * *

‘Damn, she’s hot’ kept going through Ted’s mind every time he looked at the screen. “Keep your mind on the work,” he whispered with a sigh.

Looking over the paperwork in front of him, he thought he heard her say something. “What was that?” he asked, not looking up from the papers.

“Just talking to myself,” came the answer.

“Oh, ok. Um… did you get table 7 figured out by any chance?” he asked.

“No, still working on that.”

“Me, either. I half wonder if the instructor was drunk when he wrote that up.”

‘I bet she’s fun when she’s tipsy… I bet her voice gets even hotter,’ said a little voice.

Ted shook his head. “Knock that off!” he mouthed silently.

Finally, he looked up and opened his mouth to ask Sasha a question. It died on his lips, though, as he squinted and furrowed his brow. Sasha was leaned back in her chair, just slightly enough to be noticeable, with a glazed and distant look in her eyes.

The table she sat at obscured everything below about the midline of her stomach from his view, but her arm placement and faint motion was very suggestive…

‘Is her hand… is she…’ His mind tried to comprehend what he was seeing. ‘Is she… rubbing on herself?’

Ted gulped. “Sasha?”

That startled her back to reality, and her hand jerked back up in to view. This he knew he saw her blush.

“I’m here, I’m here,” she said, very obviously flustered. “Sorry, I was… uh… daydreaming. This work about puts me to sleep.”

He chuckled. “Yeah, me too.”

‘She’s hornier than me… Wonder who she was thinking about?’ thought Ted. “Not you, old buddy,” he half whispered. “You’re barely older than her kid – waaaay too young for her.”

Ted, somehow, was able to delve his mind back in to the work at hand. He talked and listened, not looking up as his mind worked numbers; formulas; and rules.

Seven words, though, snapped him back.

“Ted, what would you do to me?”

His head jerked up, confused, as he looked at the screen. “Huh?” came his reflex response.

Ted’s mind registered that Sasha was looking directly at him, her eyes half lidded, her lips pursed, and he could see her chest (‘How could you miss that?’ he thought) rising and falling with each deep breath she took. She was leaned back a little farther now, and her hand was definitely doing something down lower.

“What would you do?” she asked again, her voice smoky and lustful. “If you were here… right now… with me?”

Ted blinked & gulped, barely able to comprehend what this red-haired goddess was asking him. “Uh… um, uh… I, uh…” he stammered.

Suddenly, Sasha blinked and terror overtook her face. “Oh, my goodness…” she began. “Ted, Ted… I’m- I’m… so sorry,” she stammered, rubbing her face with her hands.

She wouldn’t even look at him now.

“I… I can’t believe I said that. I’m so sorry… I’ve been just so turned on lately… and… and… I’m way too old to be doing something like that… I… I…”

He saw her reach to end the call.

“Sasha, wait!” he pleaded, more forcefully than he intended to.

She paused in mid motion, finally looking at him with an expression of guilt and absolute shame.

“Sasha, please… It’s ok… It’s… It’s all right. I’m, I’m not mad.”

She swallowed hard, not quite believing what she was hearing. “You’re not?”

“No, no I’m not.” It was his turn to blush, now. “It’s actually quite flattering… to hear someone as attractive as you… want me.”

She blinked several times, processing what he was saying. “Even if I’m old and you barely know me?”

He shook his head slowly. “You’re not “old”, by any means – and even if you were, you’ve got enough beauty to last you a lifetime.”

Sasha closed her eyes & blushed, smiling with relief this time. “Thank you, Ted,” she said softly. “That means a lot to me, coming from a guy with his choice of much younger women.”

Ted snorted softly. “There’s a lot more to you than just looks. I can tell that from a mile away.”

She sat back in her chair, relieved. “Thank you,” she said again, twisting her chair side to side. Both of them sat there in silence for a moment, unable to think of anything to say.

“So…” she finally said, softly and with a coy look in her eye, “Do I get an answer to my inappropriate question?”

Ted laughed and closed his eyes a second before responding. ‘Please, don’t screw this up,’ he thought.

“Well… I’d probably start with kissing those gorgeous lips.”

“Hmmm,” she said, nodding thoughtfully. “Sounds like a good start… Which ones?” she finished, raising an eyebrow suggestively.

Now it was Ted’s turn to turn beet-red. ‘Now THAT”S tempting…’ he thought. ‘I wonder if I can up the ante here without making her mad…’

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