When You Stop Looking


Whoever said you find love when you stop looking is a liar. I have tried looking and not looking and pretty much everything besides a witch doctor. I mean, the closest I’ve gotten is buying some rose quartz. Everyone goes through a “spiritual phase”. Get over it. The worst that would happen would be me having a pretty stone to look at. Cost benefit ratio favours the quartz.

A little about me. I hate this question but here it goes. I’m Zane. I’m 5 11″. Black hair. Brown eyes. South African Indian (yes, with the body hair to boot). I believe I’d be known as a muscle cub? Bear lite? Maybe just a bear? I’m not too in it with the lingo. To the great delight of my parents I became a chef. The day I told my dad he followed up with, “But you’ll be poor.”

Needless to say, I’m not the ideal Indian son. Throw in the fact that I’m gay and you’d think that would make me a leper. You’d be wrong. Shook would be an understatement. My parents still loved me. To be fair, I do consider us “muslim lite” which probably made it a bit easier.

In the words of my brother, “Do you think we’d kick you out the house? We don’t do that.” I lucked out with them. However, unlike the typical Indian male I moved out as soon as possible. I chose a university in another city and proceeded to spread my wings, so to speak. I picked Johannesburg.

I like to call Johannesburg the New York of Africa. Bustling, busy and everyone involved in their own hustle. The only difference is that we have more square footage. And we don’t have Broadway. Or Time’s Square. Or a song about us. But we hosted the soccer whole cup and are known as Mandela’s people. At least we have that going for us.

So yes. Back to dying alone. Sometimes I wish I was heterosexual. Then all I’d have to do is find any random Indian auntie and say I’m looking for a wife. I’d be married in a hot five minutes. Alas, I do not enjoy these privileges. I did, however, have control my career. I started small with a food truck. Mostly Indian fusion. If this does not appeal to you then you haven’t tried my butter chicken lasagna. Starting up was hard.

Between working the truck and maintaining the gains I didn’t have a lot of free time but when I did I spent it with my friends. Tonight was one such instance but one I was starting to regret. I’m not a huge scene person and the scene here was scarce at best (at least as far as I knew). This particular “queer” space was mostly dominated teenie bopper hetero girls living their gay fantasy. Crowded, loud and stuffy. Needless to say this wasn’t my happy place.

There was, however, some key candy and while I was grabbing a drink with my friend, Joy, I was making what I hope were bedroom eyes to a guy leaning against a pillar. I sipped my drink and stared a little. He was tall, taller than me. Apparently this is a scarce resource. He had wavy brown hair. A little on the longish side on top with a fade. Listen, I am a grown ass man but the fuck boy haircut will still get me any day.

Joy said something but I wasn’t paying attention. I was cruelly whipped out of my reverie but a sharp smack on the head. “Hey! Don’t make me look like a crazy woman talking to herself,’ she whined.

“Well if the boot fits, crazy lady,” I said while trying to fend off more incoming blows.

“Oh wow. If you’re so tough why don’t you go chat up that guy you were eye fucking,” she said smirking. She got me there. “God, you’re so obvious.”

“I would do no such thing. I am a being of purity,” I said as haughtily as I could. This earned me a rather spectacular snort.

“Well I’m going to dance now. Do not follow me,” she said trotting off happily, drink in hand.

We were being classy broads tonight and had forgone our usual shot flurry for long drinks. I say usual shot flurry but these sort of nights happen around once a month (for me at least).

Tall Prince Phillip (the Disney version) started cutting through the crowd towards me. I played it cool by giving a winning smile before covertly downing the rest of my drink. I was dangerously approaching “white girl wasted”. A five second mental pep talk later and I was ready to go.

He slid through the crowd of excitable patrons and casually positioned himself on my right. I had to turn to look at him. görükle escort bayan Damn, green eyes. My weakness. He had the perfect amount of stubble, not too manscaped, and wore a t shirt that he filled out criminally well. Like Instagram would probably flag as inappropriate content. I’m a sucker for a perky chest.

“Having a fun night?” He asked casually leaning on the counter. He had to yell a little to avoid getting drowned out by Kill the Lights. The gays love Britney and we own it.

“For the most part. I’m nearing my limit though,” I huffed.

“Wanna get some air outside?” He asked giving me a winning smile.

“That’s not fair. You know I can’t say no to a smile like that.”

“I know,” he said, smirking as he walked towards the exit. What a douche. I loved it.

I gambled after him trying not to look too keen. The books always tell you to play it cool. Well magazines at least. It’s probably something Oprah would suggest. I spotted him by the outside bar. It was much breezier here. There was even space to walk without bumping into anyone. It was heaven.

“So what are we drinking tonight,” he asked. Wow. This is starting to play out like a rom com. A handsome gentleman caller out here getting me a drink and rescuing me from the sweaty mass of strangers inside. This is not my life.

“Vodka okay?” I ask. Vodka is my drink of choice. Vodka keeps one sensible. Tequila is the drink of the devil.

“Of course,” he winks and then turned to the skimpily clad bartender and ordering for us. I took the opportunity to get a little whiff of him. What was that? Sandal wood and man musk? Covid blasted my smell but now we’re back to full capacity and boy was I loving it.

He paid for the drinks (black card so he’s no scrub) and handed one to me. I thanked him and he gifted me with a little wink. Is cute hot a thing? I think that’s the situation we have on our hands here.

“Is this the part when we make an awkward toast to strangers meeting for the first time,” I ask laughing but cringing internally. Why am I such an awkward person.

“How about new friends? I’m Mark” he said holding out his glass. To be honest at this point of the fantasy I half expected him to call himself Philip.

“To new friends,” I repeated. “I’m Zane by the way. And yes. I’m more of a cultural muslim,” I say laughing.

“That’s cool. I’m not really super religious either. So this doesn’t exactly seem like your happy place,” he observed while leaning a little towards me. Heart rate currently increasing.

“Yeah I’m more of a Netflix at home person. I’m 30 now. I don’t have to subject myself to this anymore. I do, however, make exceptions. My friend just joined the geriatric club as well. He needs booze and the magical power of dance to reclaim some of his youth.”

“Lucky me. Tell your friend thanks for me,” he breathed into my ear. I felt a shiver run down my back. I was definitely not used to such brazen seduction. I probably looked like I was rebooting.

“I think I’m the lucky one. I didn’t have to brave the masses to come speak to you.”

“So you were coming in for the kill. I’m sorry for robbing you of that opportunity,’ he said stroking his way up my arm. Little Zaid was emerging. Maybe I shouldn’t call my penis Little Zaid.

“You can make it up to me,” I said as seductively as I could. Lucky I have brown boy exotic charm. Well I hope at least.

“You know, I enjoy Netflix as much as the next guy,” he whispered leaning in towards me. I bridged the rest of the gap between us. I’m only human.

He tasted sweet and a little smoky. I didn’t mind a little smoke. I returned the kiss with equal vigour. He tongue confidently navigated its way expertly into my mouth. He kissed me with a firm passion. I grabbed his neck and pulled him in closer trying to pull him deeper into me. Then I remembered where we were and detached.

He gave me the puppy dog look. A little confusion mixed with a smidge of sadness and longing. I couldn’t help it. I gave him a little peck.

“How about we go to my place?” I say. “The drinks are much cheaper and there isn’t Sissy .’

“Sounds good to me,” he said sliding up behind me and leading us to the exit.

We tried bursa otele gelen escort to control ourselves in the Uber. Well I really tried to.. The moment we got in he started running his hand up my jean covered thigh. My nerve endings were going haywire under the denim. He leaned in and started kissing my neck. I hastily glanced up at the driver in the rear view mirror and saw him smile laughing. You have to be careful these days. I don’t want to get murdered by a homophobic Uber driver. I took this as a sign of permission.

I returned his kisses with renewed force until we pulled up to my apartment building. I thanked the driver and gave him a hefty tip. He earned it. Our lips were glued to each other the moment we got into (the mercifully empty) lift. Once we got to my floor we all but ran to the door. The moment we were through he pushed me against the door.

He leaned forward and breathed me in and I could feel my skin ignite with lust. He plundered my neck gliding his adventurous tongue up before claiming my ear as his. I’ve never had a guy do this before. Ear play should be a thing. It made the hair on the back of my neck perk up in the most delightful way.

I couldn’t hold back anymore. I herded him into my bedroom and let him fall onto his back. He looked so perfect lying there. Like a greek prince waiting to be claimed by a greedy god. His green eyes lit up with a sense of quiet mischief and his lips curled up into a cheeky smile. His brown hair was mussed and a chocolate coloured lock of hair fell over his eyes. He looked hungry. And so was I.

I pounced on him stripping him of his shirt with a ferocity that surprised even me. I quickly shed my shirt and ground my hardness into him. He responded by leaning up to claim my left nipple. It rose to the occasion quite spectacularly and his brother did not disappoint either. His abs were glistening with sweat while he held his impromptu crunch. I could feel myself getting harder which I didn’t think was possible.

Suddenly he flipped up over, his gleaming emerald eyes hungrily taking in my body. He claimed my mouth again, more aggressively this time. We nipped at each other like wild animals. He started making his way down my neck languishing in my taste. He made his way through my furry chest teasing me with gentle tugs as he continued towards his goal. He finally reach my waist after licking his way down my treasure trail.

He undid my jeans with deft hands expertly manoeuvring his way through my belt and buttons. He eagerly relieved me of my denim prison and my liberated dick sprung up with excitement. I was glad I went commando.

Mark looked like he just hit the motherlode. He didn’t waste a second before swallowing me whole. I almost shot off the bed. His wet warm mouth engulfed me and every nerve lit up in my body like Christmas morning. I moaned without abandon and ran my hands through his silky hair. My nails lightly grazed his scalp. That triggered him he started fucking his face of my solid trunk, taking my throbbing dick deeper until he was grazing his nose over my trimmed pubes.

I could feel pleasure erupt from my toes and I had to pull him off to stop the wave before consumed me. I pulled him up onto me loving the feeling of his hard body against mine. His weight felt like home and I ran my hands down his sculpted back. His parents should have named him David. A little paint and he’d look like he was made of marble.

I had to have him I sat up with him straddling my hips and tenderly kissed my way from his cheek to his mouth. My tongue had a mind of it’s own. It bravely ventured forward savouring the feel of our tongues wrestling for dominance. I disengaged and lifted his firm bulging arm before diving into his den of masculinity. He assaulted his pit bathing in the scent of clean man musk. I was in heaven. I had to treat the other side with equal love and devotion. He growled like a man unhinged.

Finally I flipped him on his back and stripped him of his pants. I ran my hand up his lightly dusted thighs enjoying the prickle of hairs against my palm. I eager grasped his ample member. Feeling his heavy thickness in my hand I dove in. I was rewarded with a dewdrop of salty precum, bursa escort bayan the sweet saltiness erupting in my mouth. I tenderly kissed my way around the head standing like a crown above this pillar of strength. He grasped the sheets on either side of my head before tugging my head so my eyes met his.

“Please,” he breathed in a low moan.

I stopped teasing and went in with the determination of warrior off to battle. I managed to make it halfway before my treacherous gap reflex kicked in. I coughed but went back in like a boxer ready for round two. This time I managed to take him deeper, happily humming with accomplishment. This drove him ballistic. He grabbed my hair with desperation and held on as I bobbed on his volcanically hot cock. I cupped his generous globes rolling them in my hand before giving them a gentle tug. This earned me quite the arousing little gasp.

“You’re so big,” I said looking up at him. I caught his eye through the sculpted planes of his abs and chest. I couldn’t help myself. My fingers jumped forward and started circling the perky nubs adorning that delicious chest. His hardness throbbed in my mouth and released more sweet nectar which I swallowed happily.

I disengaged from that volcanic member with a lewd pop.

“I want you inside me,” I breathed more than said. He gave me that wicked smile before sitting up and pulling me onto his lap. I wrapped around him like a constrictor bringing our groins together in a union that can only be described as divine.

His calloused hands reached between us pulling our hard cocks together creating the optimal friction. He kissed me again and I moaned uncontrollably through his eager lips. He reached down letting one of those strong thick fingers trace my quivering hole. He spat on his hand and continued his plunder until he slid himself in to his first knuckle. I could feel fireworks going off in my head.

“Lube,” he grunted. I reached over him to grab the tube from my bed side table. If you stay ready you don’t gots to get ready. I thrust my pelvis even further into him grinding my hyper excitable member across those rigid textured abs. I took the opportunity to swipe a condom while I left a sparkling trail of my lust over his sculpted body. I generously lathered his hands warming up the smooth gel before resuming his journey. This time he slid the entire length in with ease. I gasped uncontrollably. I haven’t bottomed in the longest time.

He gently added another finger and my hole quivered with pleasure. He swept deep into me as if mining for gold. Then he struck it and a squealed with delight. No amount of self control could have contained that. He bounced his eager explorers over my prostate and I could feel myself squeezing his fingers with eagerness. I needed more.

“Do it. I’m ready,” I said looking straight into his eyes. I lifted my bulk and felt him guiding his cloaked pillar towards my entrance. He nudged gently at the door before guiding his way in with the hard softness that only comes from being with another man. I couldn’t hold back anymore and took all of him in one smooth descent. It was a familiar feeling of fullness with that enticing spark of pain. I started started riding him like a man determined.

He moaned as I encompassed him and started to meet me with short quick thrusts. There. He got it. It was like seeing stars but better. Like seeing dicks. He grasped my dick with one of his hands and pulled back on hair with the other exposing my neck. My Adam’s apple bobbed as I growled with pleasure. He grazed his nose through my neck stubble before latching on, biting my neck blinded by lust.

I could feel it. I was close. “I’m almost there,” I groaned.

He looked me dead in the eyes, his expression serious. “Come for me baby,” he commanded before meeting my lips again. That did it. I could feel pure unadulterated pleasure rip through my body in waves. I grasped him tighter feeling his thick strong dick throbbing inside me. His grip in my hair tightened and his thrusting became more erratic until he joined me in my post release bliss. He took sharp breaths while he coated in inside of that latex. I’m pretty sure it would have come out of my ears if not for the condom.

I rolled over neck to him gasping for air. My heart was pounding in my chest in the most phenomenal way. I reached down and ran my fingers through his strong sure fingers. He turned towards me smirking and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“What is it?” He asked still smiling.

“What just happened was so not Disney,” I said laughing.

I guess this was a night well spent.

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