Where the Wind Takes You


Where the Wind Takes You

Thomas stretched his arms, leaned back in his chair and exhaled. “Whew. I think that’s it!” he said out loud to no one but himself. It was after midnight, but he was excited to be finished with this piece. He had read and re-read his work five or six times in the last two hours and finally felt like it was ready to publish.

Thomas had been dabbling in writing erotic fiction for the last couple of years, and after finally working up the courage to submit some things, he found a warm reception and generally positive feedback. This was just a hobby; an occasional, albeit welcome, distraction from his insurance job and his often lonely nights.

As a widowed 52 year old with grown kids, he was not burning up the dating scene and he needed an outlet for his sexual thoughts. He was 5’10 with a slightly olive skin tone, a healthy head of salt and pepper hair, a similarly seasoned goatee and, unfortunately, a dad bod borne from years with a desk job, a love of cooking and an expense account. Thomas’ wife of twenty years died in a car accident several years before, and that lingered over him like a cloud for a long time. He had a couple of relationships in the last 18 months, but both faded and reached their predestined, yet amicable, conclusion.

Thomas doted on his adult daughters when he could. Both were on their own and were able to weather the pandemic with the good fortune of jobs in industries that allowed remote work as well as the nest eggs established as the result of the settlement from their mothers’ death. His girls visited him occasionally, but they had lives of their own. Thus Thomas would often work well into the night on his business or on his erotic creative outlet.

Thomas logged into Literotica under his pseudonym, Fourislucky, and submitted his latest story. It was a story called “An Accidental Quarantine” about a man who was ready to go on a trip with an escort when both were forced to stay home because of a COVID exposure. It was a sexy fantasy that was fun to imagine and write. It would likely be a day or two before it would show on line.

After uploading the story, Thomas sipped the last of his glass of Jameson to unwind as he looked out on the quite streets of his Manhattan neighborhood. It’s odd how the streets near him, in the city that never sleeps, could be so quiet sometimes. It was Sunday night (well, really Monday morning) which made it extra quiet.

During the next day, Thomas was talking to one of his new clients and they asked him if he would be comfortable coming to visit them in person. It was the end of their annual benefits enrollment period and the client wanted to take the opportunity to meet Thomas in person and do a wrap up of all the work done in the past few months. Thomas was fully vaccinated, and so he jumped at the chance to get out of town.

It was a welcome invitation, since Thomas had wooed and won this account only through Zoom calls and written proposals despite insurance consulting remaining a personal relationship kind of business. It’s important to shake hands and connect in person to really bond with a client. Having said that, despite the tech only client management approach so far, he built a nice little relationship with the two key people at this customer.

The senior of the two was a woman, Sue, about Thomas’ peer in age based on their conversations. She was head of Human Resources. Her deputy, Natalie, was in her mid-30s Thomas guessed. Both were really good humans; smart, kind, personable and easy to work with.

That Thursday, Thomas headed to Northern Virginia for a few days. He would take care of the business meetings Thursday afternoon and Friday, then enjoy the nation’s capital over the weekend. He was excited to meet his client in person, and to see Washington DC.

As expected, it was a very positive meeting Thursday afternoon. Both Sue and Natalie were effusive with praise for the work Thomas’ firm had done, and the executive team was happy with the financial results as well. It was late on Thursday afternoon when Thomas, Sue and Natalie agreed to meet on Friday afternoon for happy hour to get the weekend off to a good start.

On Friday afternoon, the three pulled up in their separate cars at a bar near their office and conveniently across the parking lot from Thomas’ hotel. The bar had a patio and outside bar on the shores of the Potomac. It was a perfect setting for a May evening. The three talked and laughed like old friends and learned a lot about each other over those few hours.

Sue was 53 and married with two college age children. She carried the look of a serious business woman with a short blond bob haircut, proper business suits and a serious demeanor. She was about 5’3″ with a fairly slim build. She was cute more than stunning. She and Thomas bonded over of having older children, and one of Sue’s daughters was interested in Architecture; the field Thomas’ eldest daughter chose. Thomas offered to introduce his daughter to hers to talk about that business. He knew his daughter would love that, and Sue eagerly agreed.

Thomas learned that Natalie was 35 and recently divorced. She was about 5’7 and had five kids under 14. Natalie joked that after the first was born, she and her husband wanted to try again and were blessed with twins. Then on the try for the fourth, there was another set of twins. Natalie said she couldn’t take any more chances, and made a joke about “shutting down the factory” after that.

Natalie was beautiful, and Thomas had a hard time not staring. She had beautiful features; a kind, round face, a brilliant smile, shoulder length dark brunette hair, bright blue eyes, full lips and a soft voice that was soothing and sensual. She was a woman with a perfect blend of the beautiful curves of a woman and mother with the slimness earned through chasing and carting five kids around, managing a home by herself and once weekly yoga sessions.

She carried herself with a confidence that was sexy without effort. She wasn’t trying to impress, rather she was comfortable in her own skin and gave off an impression that a distinct sensuality lie just beneath the professional surface. The casual Friday attire of a slightly too large button down shirt over a form fitting camisole and jeans that accentuated her shapely legs and butt was perfect. It defined her form without immodesty.

Thomas liked her from the beginning, but after a few drinks had to really focus on not making it obvious. In addition to having a look that was Thomas’ personal kryptonite—a brunette with blue eyes—she was fun to be around.

As the bar filled with patrons on Friday evening, the three thought it best to grab a table so they could continue to speak and have some dinner. They squeezed into a booth with Natalie in between Sue and Thomas. The drinks continued to flow, moderated with some food. Inevitably, as adults will do while drinking, the conversation got personal.

“So what’s your story, why are you single?” Natalie asked Thomas with the slightest wobble in her voice.

Thomas gave the short version of his situation—he was married for a long time with two daughters and his wife died tragically a few years ago in an accident. It took a while for him to bounce back into the dating scene, and there hasn’t been anyone special in his life. In the end, he said “I have learned to embrace the wind and enjoy the ride, wherever it takes me.”

“So Natalie, turnabout is fair play. I know you have five kids and are divorced, but there has to be more!” Thomas said.

Natalie replied “Well, the short story is, I married my high school sweetheart at 20 and we had our first child when I was 21. After that it was those two sets of twins and I’d had enough! I think Alex, my ex, wanted to keep me perpetually knocked up and at home and it caused friction. We started to fight, a lot, and soon came to realize we wanted different things after being married for 15 years.”

She continued, “It was hard at first, but I really am happier now that I have an identity other than ‘mom’. I really appreciate Sue for giving me a chance with this company, it feels like a family and has given me some purpose and direction.”

“However; dating sucks—pure and simple.” Natalie added. “I frankly don’t have a lot of time anyway, and the rare occasion when I can schedule one, it’s been underwhelming so far.” After a slight pause and almost under her breath she turned her head and added “Thank god for Literotica and my toys.”

Thomas’ ears and eyes perked up at that but he did not let on that he heard her. Turning to Sue, Thomas asked “How long have you been married?”

Sue replied “I’ve been living the dream for 24 years. We met in Colorado when we were both skiing with our friends, and haven’t looked back! We’ve been lucky that we’ve been able to stay in this area and not have to move around. I’ve switched companies over the last 20 years a couple of times but have not had to relocate.”

She continued “Once our kids finish college, who knows where we’ll end up!” After a pause, Sue excused herself to use the restroom and call her husband to check in.

Thomas took a sip of his Jameson and then said to Natalie, without looking at her, “I will confess I read a lot of Literotica too”, he said.

Natalie blushed deeply and put her head in her hands saying “Did you hear me say that? Oh no I am so embarrassed! I can’t believe I said that out loud. Oh my God you must think I am crazy!”

Thomas replied with a smile “Stop it, stop it, it’s fine—I read it too—and probably for the same reasons! I admire your honesty. Don’t worry in the least, your secret is safe with me.”

Thomas looked around as if he was about to spill a state secret before leaning a bit closer to Natalie. “I follow a few authors. I particularly like Estcher, as well as a couple of others. Do you have a favorite author?” Thomas asked.

Natalie thought for a moment and, emboldened by several chardonnays, said “I really like Fourislucky. There was just a new piece published yesterday that I really enjoyed…several times in fact!” Burying her blushing face in her hands she added “Oh Jesus, I have to stop talking! No more wine for me. You must think I am so desperate or something.”

Thomas was stunned. “Holy shit holy shit holy shit” he said to himself.

Trying to play it cool, Thomas replied “I do not think any less of you, stop it! It is a great distraction.” He looked around and added softly “I had fun writing that piece, I just submitted it on Monday. I’m glad you like it.”

Natalie nodded almost absentmindedly and then jerked her head up to look at Thomas with wide eyes and slack jaw. It just hit her. Thomas leaned in close to her ear and whispered “I am Fourislucky”.

He was so close to her ear that his breath gently pushed a few strands of her hair around, and he could see the goosebumps rise on her neck. Her breathing was slightly ragged and she flushed a little. He leaned back as if nothing had happened just as Sue returned to the table.

“Natalie? Are you OK? You look like you just saw a ghost!” Sue said.

Natalie quickly recovered herself and said “Oh gosh sorry, I’m fine Sue. Uhhhh, I realize I’ve hit my limit and need to think about getting home.”

The trio stayed another 30 minutes making small talk as the bar filled up some more. By now it had turned to a younger crowd and it was time for the three to make their way out. Sue led the way and Thomas stepped aside to let Natalie ahead of him when she firmly took his arm and said to him “My kids are with their dad this weekend, so our Literotica conversation isn’t over. I’ll check in with my kids from the car after Sue pulls out of the parking lot. Don’t go anywhere.”

Thomas nodded his agreement and they meandered their way to the door. Sue and Natalie talked a little shop walking to the parking lot before Natalie said “Goodnight Sue, I’m going to check in with my kids before I head out. See you Monday!”

Sue said “OK, and thank you Thomas, so much, for everything. It was wonderful to meet you and come back soon!”

Thomas waved goodbye, said “I’ll definitely be back soon!” and got in his car.

Natalie got in her vehicle and chatted with her kids on her cellphone for 15 minutes. When finished, she locked her car and headed toward Thomas’ vehicle. Thomas came out of his car to meet her and Natalie said “This is a cheesy line, but your place or mine?”

Thomas replied “We can be in mine in 2 minutes, let’s try that.”

The two walked across the parking lot to the hotel and were standing in front of Thomas’ hotel room door in no time at all. Thomas opened the door and let Natalie in first.

They made themselves comfortable in the well-appointed room and let the pregnant pause take shape.

Finally breaking the silence, Natalie said “So where do you get your ideas from? You said you don’t date, but you write as if you are very experienced. Are you as erotic in person as your characters?”

Thomas thought about that for a minute before replying “My imagination is like the wind. It goes where it wants, whenever it wants, and often conjures up stories as if they are a living thing. It is all just what I imagine could happen if I were in that position. As for your other question, that’s really not for me to answer.”

Natalie asked “What do you imagine about me?”

“Truth time” Thomas thought.

“I have found you exceptionally beautiful since the moment I saw you.” Thomas said. He continued “I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t imagined you and me in a situation like this.”

Natalie inched closer to him, and he halved the remaining distance himself. They stared into each other’s eyes and Natalie whispered “How did that situation turn out?”

Thomas smirked and said “I think I’ll tell you later.”

They slowly eliminated the distance between them and kissed tenderly. This first tentative connection was soft and gentle—incredibly controlled despite the electricity in the room. Each enjoyed a delicate taste of each other’s lips as the kiss closed. A brief pause followed but no more than an inch separated them. “Wow” Thomas whispered.

Natalie smiled and at that moment the second kiss came over them like a crashing wave. It pushed them together firmly and tumbled them figuratively. The held each other tightly as mouths opened and tongues danced. Gentle moans escaped each of their mouths. They momentarily drowned in their passion before breaking again, panting, as if having been under water.

It was Natalie’s turn to say “Wow.” Adding “I haven’t been kissed like that in years.”

Thomas could only nod in agreement. He was fully absorbed in the moment, getting lost in her blue eyes and bright smile. Thomas reached his hand out and pushed a strand of her hair away from her eyes and around her ear. She closed her eyes as he touched her. She felt the electricity of his touch through her causing a gentle shock in her gut like butterflies. She held his hand in place by her ear for a moment, then with eyes closed took his hand and delicately kissed the tip of each of his fingers. Opening her eyes she stared at Thomas firmly and took his first finger into her mouth, swirling her tongue around it erotically.

Thomas could occasionally miss a signal from a woman, but not this time. He again closed the small space between them and kissed her hard as he slid his hands down her sides, relishing her shape. Natalie’s hands toyed with Thomas’s hair and rubbed his back as they started to explore each other physically.

Thomas stood and pulled her up with him. He spun her delicately as if in a dance, and as she returned to face him they kissed again deeply. Natalie began to unbutton Thomas’s shirt from the top while Thomas ran his hands under her shirt and up over the camisole beneath.

Each button opened was punctuated by a kiss until she pulled the balance of his shirt out of his pants. It was quickly shed along with his undershirt. “You are overdressed” Thomas said, as he began to unbutton her oversized shirt, quickly making work of it. He then untucked her camisole and ran his hands along her flesh for the first time.

He could feel the goosebumps form when he touched her skin. Natalie raised her arms as he pushed the camisole over the swell of her breasts and quickly over her head and off her. Natalie quickly pulled Thomas into another embrace and their lips met again fiercely. Thomas unclasped her bra and stepped back to let it fall away.

“Oh my God” Thomas said. Her breasts were breathtaking. They were full C cups, round and standing proudly with dark pink half dollar sized areolae. They were soft and natural, and their delicious curves could get a man lost for hours. Her nipples were firm, like pencil erasers, and seemed to be incredibly sensitive based on the sharp hisses emitted as he brushed each with his thumbs.

Thomas bent down and took a nipple gently in his mouth while brushing the other with his palm. Natalie trembled and moaned as Thomas lavished attention her breasts with his hands and mouth. He found his favorite spot on a woman’s breast; the outside swell as the breast meets the chest, and nibbled gently there. Natalie cried out in surprise at the sensations wracking her body. “I’ve never been kissed there so gently…ohhhhh!”

Thomas trailed kisses and nibbles along her breast, to the tip of the nipple and down to the valley between. As he climbed up the second in the same fashion, he playfully teased that second nipple with a delicate lick with the point of his tongue, eliciting a sharp intake of breath from Natalie. “Why don’t we lay down?” Thomas suggested as he wrapped his arms around her, lifted her and carried her to the bed.

They lay together, the coolness of her skin against his felt refreshing to Thomas despite the heat of passion exploding in both of them. Thomas kissed her lips and slowly made his way down her body—her chin, neck, ears, the swell of her breasts and glorious nipples received tender ministrations. Thomas’ hands started to work delicately at the waistline of her jeans with a single finger slowly tracing along the garment’s edge while he nipped at her breasts. He dipped a single finger just inside the waist of her jeans and her breath hitched and she clutched his shoulders tightly. Back and forth he drew his finger along and just under the waist until she cried out with a laugh “Dammit, get my jeans off! I need to feel you touch me!”

He quickly unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans and then pulled them down in torturously slow fashion. Nipping along her navel, down over her panties where he breathed in her musky scent while nuzzling his nose against her panty clad pussy.

Her jeans, now fully off, were thrown across the room and Thomas pulled her to the edge of the bed where he knelt before her like a man at an altar. He kissed and nipped the inside of her legs from knee to groin while rubbing her now sopping pussy through her panties. Finally slipping a finger under her panties to touch her labia, Natalie nearly shrieked at that first skin to skin contact.

Thomas teased her lips with his fingers before grabbing her underwear and pulling them down quickly and tossing them aside. Her pussy was smooth save for a neatly trimmed triangle of dark hair pointing down to her lips; “this way” it beckoned. It was perfect in Thomas’ eyes. He dove into her core deeply, piercing her with his tongue while his arms were wrapped around her hips his hands were massaging her nipples. Natalie was breathing short, ragged breaths and her hands were clutching fistfuls of his hair and the bedspread. Between those sharp breaths were guttural groans and unintelligible words getting higher, octave by octave as she neared her peak.

Thomas savored her sweet and sticky nectar from her flower, dipping his tongue inside and then swirling it outside up to her hard clit. He circled it once, twice and a third time in agonizing slowness before again delving down into her core. Licking up again to her clit, he covered it with his mouth and began to hum while inserting two fingers into her and curling them in that “come here” motion to apply pressure to her most sensitive spot.

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