Wife Catches the Futa Flu


Jessica studied the research carefully, her mouth hanging open in disbelief. The science behind this was sketchy to say the least. She had studied biology at university so knew some of this was sound well known scientific fact but towards the end it drifted into scientific absurdity. She looked down to where her clit used to be and saw the micro penis it had become. According to these research notes it wouldn’t remain that size for long. It was currently the size and thickness of her middle finger, up from the size of her little pinky just an hour ago and its growth rate was rapidly accelerating.

Her clitoral hood was changing too. It had become larger and had started sagging down beneath her newly forming member. She reached down and felt it, softly weighing and assessing the two small lumps contained within the hood between her gently exploring fingers. She thought she may have felt them earlier when they were around the size of peas but now she was certain they were there and they had grown to the size of small grapes. Jessica laid her head back against the beds headboard and stared vacantly at the wall. It must be the fever. It must be causing these delusions. There is no way I’m growing a pair of fucking bollocks, she told herself, trying to convince herself all this wasn’t real.

She thought back to how this all began. The Horse Flu started out as just one more in a long line of viruses that had threatened to cause the next pandemic but had, thankfully, failed to deliver on that threat. Several new variants had later emerged but did not proliferate and were tracked only by the few nerdy scientists that still cared.

The Atlanta variant of Horse Flu was the first to finally break the species barrier and become a human to human virus resulting in wide spread infections around the globe. Luckily it turned out to be very mild in its effects and led to no recorded hospitalisations or deaths and was promptly forgotten about as people got on with their daily lives. The Horse Flu story looked set to end there and then until nature came up with an earth shattering twist and the Atlanta variant mutated into the highly contagious Futa variant.

Jessica returned to the notes on the screen.

The Horse Flu — Futa Variant — Synopsis

Many scientists do not consider viruses to be a life form as they have no cell structure and no purpose, just a random self replicating sequence of DNA or RNA wrapped in a protective protein coat. As such they have no desires, aims, plans or intentions. However, if you were to postulate the end goal of a virus the ultimate aim would be to fuse with the hosts DNA and become a permanent part of its genome. The host / virus war would effectively be over and instead of being attacked the viral DNA would instead be protected by its hosts immune system and proliferated via sexual reproduction. Indeed approximately 8% of the human genome is made up of endrogenous retroviruses which have done exactly that.

A virus will occasionally splice gene sequences from its host into its own genetic coding which can facilitate full merging and improve its ability to hide from the hosts defence system. In the Futa variant the virus has appropriated the majority of the Y chromosome from an unknown male host (Patient zero) and integrated it into all future copies of itself.

Until today the capture of a near entire chromosome from a host was unknown to science and never thought possible given the size and simplistic nature of viruses. A typical virus will contain only a fraction of the genetic content of a single bacterium nucleus let alone that of complex multicellular organisms.

When this new variant comes into contact with a host with the XX chromosomal pattern it will bond to each strand of the double helix to turn any woman from XX into XY-XY. There is no effect on the male genome and it seems that only the double X chromosome can trigger the full binding process. However, although not directly affected by the virus males can still act as vectors (carriers) and be an ongoing source of infection.

The rapid conversion of the clitoris and clitoral hood into a penis and testicles is something never before seen in nature and almost without precedent. Some species of fish such as the Black Sea Bass (Centropristis striata) change sex at a certain stage of maturity from female to male if no other males are in their group. We postulate that these same dormant genes may be found within humans and have somehow been triggered.

Whatever the reason the typical woman will grow a penis between 8-10 inches long and the double Y effect results in increased sperm production (vs genetic males) and in hosts having a far greater sex drive. As the clitoris is now a penis and few men can ever find the female G-Spot most women infected by the Futa variant go on to become the dominant partner in bed as their new penis provides most of their stimulation and release. The double Y’s also seem to effect core strength and for no logical reason innovia escort I can think of most woman gain a cup size or two, because, well, why the hell not, everyone likes big boobs.

A further side effect of the virus is the copious production of a pre-ejaculate (pre-cum) that has three key properties. First it acts as an aphrodisiac creating desire in potential mates. Second it forms a super lubricant of potentially industrial strength properties. Thirdly it contains a powerful muscle relaxant.

These may look like intelligent design but it is natural selection at work. It allows for the easy penetration of sexual partners, well easier as nothing is too easy with an 8-10 inch penis, and this encourages potential new hosts to mate. As the virus can now be sexually transmitted indefinitely rather than just aerially for a few days it provides for a strong natural selection of what we are currently terming — The Slippery Futa variant.

It is suspected that Futa variant hosts also release pheromones from the testis, possibly as a result of the splicing of residual horse RNA from the original virus into the human genome. This helps to draw in potential mates and lowers their inhibitions. So far this theory is yet to be confirmed but there is strong anecdotal evidence.

All available data suggests the changes are irreversible but do not affect female fertility as all original reproductive organs are intact and unchanged. We expect the new genetic characteristics will be inherited into future generations of female offspring.

Jessica put down the i-pad and poked her penis. It had already grown another half inch while she had been reading and was thickening markedly. Well that’s just great isn’t it, she thought to herself, by the time my husband gets home I’ll be hung like a donkey and horny as a rabbit on its honeymoon. How the hell am I going to explain this one to him. She sighed. At least I won’t have to sit down to pee any more she thought, trying to look on the bright side, that will be a serious advantage.

She glanced back at the i-pad.

Although the ejaculate will leave the new penis through the slit at the top like genetic males the females urethral opening remains in the same position.

“Damn it and I still have to to queue for the loo,” Jessica shouted into the world and thumped her fists into the mattress.

The fever and fatigue once more swept through her body and she laid back down to rest her eyes. Before she knew it she had passed out.


Jessica woke up with the fever broken. She was sweaty, hungry and… Horny. So very very horny.

“Fuck,” she said, and indeed wanted. She looked down hoping that it had all been a feverish dream. “Bollocks,” she said looking at her penis, “it wasn’t a dream. And it’s fucking huge.” She’d have to find a tape measure. She raised it up and looked underneath “Bollocks,” she said again, literally as well as figuratively this time. Proportionately they were bigger than her new penis and she cupped them in her hand feeling the weight. “Oh wow, I could make my husbands entire head look like a melted candle when these bad boys go off.” She smiled at the thought. The heightened libido had started to kick in.

She imagined how he would look covered in her cum and shuddered, slowly massaging her shaft as her new Y-chromosomes did all her thinking. Damn it I need a cold shower, she thought, my husband will be home soon and I want the first time I play with this properly to be a shared experience. A devilish smile spread across her face. I want to save my first load for him. Her husband David had such a nice peachy little ass and she’d always loved it but now she would get to appreciate it in a whole new way. She bit her lip and went back to rubbing herself with long firm stokes as she thought of him on his hands and knees, spreading himself for her, submitting to the beast between her legs. No… No. Not now. She pulled herself back together. A cold shower. A cold, cold shower.

She soaped her body wondering how to break the news to him whilst vocalising a few options.

“Hey David, you know we always talked about getting an apple tree for the garden? Well look down here. I’ve already grown us a tree trunk.” Hmm no. Then how about…

“Oh good you’re home, hands up if you have the biggest cock in the house. Not so fast Davy boy…” Or maybe…

“You know you always wanted to improve your singing voice. Well bend over and drop your pants for me baby and I’ll get you hitting all the high notes you can handle.” Hmm, so many options.

She was having difficulty washing as something was interfering with the normal arc of her arms. Oh crap, she thought, my boobs have grown too. She ran her hands over them and they tingled, far more sensitive than normal, her nipples springing to attention. She used to have some respectable, but on her frame in no way outstanding, D-cup breasts but these were EE’s ipsala escort maybe even an F-cup. Maybe she wouldn’t have to tell him about her dick after all, with these two huge fun bags he might not even notice.

She dropped lower to soap up her stomach, running her hands over her taught midsection and feeling her well defined abs. She froze, something was different, very, very different. Where the hell was all the flab!

She jumped out of the shower and stood in front of the mirror. Jessica was 46 with a kind face framed by silky black wavy hair that flowed half way down her back. She had considered her locks to be the only part of her that she was truly happy with. Middle age, two kids and the comfort of a happy stable marriage had all led to an overly expanded waist line. It wasn’t like she hadn’t tried to diet it was just that her dieting routine was word based rather than action based. She was the sort of person who excitedly tells you all about the latest, greatest, guaranteed to succeed dieting regime they’re on while eating a cream cake.

But now the mummy tummy was gone. Redistributed to her boobs and, ooh I have a tape measure in the bathroom cabinet, to the 9.5 inches of throbbing lady meat tucked between her legs. Her arms and legs were also now leaner and well toned with clearly defined muscles, nothing too manly just fit and athletic. Her big round bottom, which David had always loved, was still big and round but now firmer with less sag and with just the right amount of wobble when she walked. Her face had changed too, the wrinkles had disappeared from around her hazel brown eyes and she was down to just a single chin. She looked taller and all the little aches and pains had disappeared. Even her caesarian section scar had gone.

David was three years younger than her and had always remained trim and fit. She had been jealous of his natural good looks and the good genes he’d inherited that allowed him to easily stay that way. Now though, she was the looker.

She’d been wondering what to wear after her shower but now she knew. Nothing. Who would want to hide this body she thought, Dave will love it. Well, maybe not the cock. No. He’d love the cock too. She’d make him love it.

Besides, clothes wise she didn’t have a vast collection of sexy outfits or saucy underwear just a few nice bits here and there, nothing outstanding. Over the years her underwear had expanded along with the rest of her body into what David referred to as her granny knickers. Big and cosy like her, well the old her anyway, and more likely to conjure images of nice warm coco than hot steamy sex. That would change soon enough though and she was throbbing just at the thought of all the slinky sexy little things she would be wearing for him in the near future.

She heard the door open downstairs. She gulped, pushed her big firm boobs together and winked at herself in the mirror as she released them and they bounced quickly back into place. Come on, she said to herself as David’s voice floated up the stairs, it’s show time.

“Hi honey I’m home. How are you feeling? I’m really sorry I still had to go in today but it was a senior management meeting and I just couldn’t get out of it. I’ve re-arranged tomorrow so I can stay home with you. Is there anything you need right now?” He called up to her.

“Well,” Jessica said in a sultry voice whilst provocatively strutting naked down the stairs to see him. “Actually I can think of something I need right now.”

David saw Jessica walking down the stairs and did a double take. Was that really his wife. It was. His eyes when wide when he noticed her new sizeable assets. “Holy shit! What the hell happened! Your boobs. They’re huge.”

She smirked and rolled her eyes, typical Dave, he always was a breast man.

David smiled broadly as his gaze moved up from her breasts to her beautiful face and her intense sparkling eyes before returning to the magnificent rack on display. He felt like the luckiest man alive, she looked about twenty years younger, like when they first met. Then his eyes dropped, quickly followed by his face and lower jaw, to the massive throbbing girl meat swinging between her legs.

“Whoa Fuck me!” He cried out in surprise, backing away and stumbling into the closed front door.

“Wow. That’s quite an offer there darling. I thought I’d have to try so much harder to talk you into letting me do that,” Jessica purred while closing the distance like a tigress approaching its cornered prey. “You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear you offering yourself to me so readily.”

Never before in her life had she felt this strong or confident as she boldly strode up to stand before him in all her glory.

“Wha… Wha… What… Just… How… What?”

She took his hand and smiled as she led her dazed husband through to the kitchen. Jessica opened up the fridge to grab a bottle of wine before swiftly filling two large glasses to very generous iskenderun escort levels.

“Come on I think we both need a drink. The kids are still at my mum’s. She was taking care of them while I had my fever and she’ll keep them over night for us and take them to school in the morning as well. Sooo… We have the house all to ourselves. Hmm, what should we do? I can think of a few fun things we can get up to.” She winked and stroked his arm.

He gulped at the innuendo and sipped his wine with his hand shaking slightly. He looked down at her full round firm bosom, gulped again and took another longer sip while visibly shaking even more. His eyes drifted lower still to what lay between her legs and he quickly raised his now wildly trembling hand to knock back the whole glass in one shot. She giggled and refilled his glass.

“Come on Dave, all you need to know about this is on an i-pad in the bedroom. I’ll take you upstairs so you can read it.”

“You… You want me to go to the bedroom with you?” A flash of fear in his eyes.

For the first time Jessica’s face dropped and her confidence dipped. “You… You still love me don’t you? Despite my… My changes.”

“Yes! Yes of course I do.” He rushed to comfort and hold her, to kiss her lips. “Of course I still love you, I always will no matter what you look like or how you change. I loved you with your old body shape and I love you with your new shape it’s just… Well… This is going to take a bit of getting used too.”

She smiled back happily, even after all these years it still amazed her how much she still loved him.

The thoughts of her love for him swiftly turned into thoughts of lust for him. She fought the urge to strip him right then and there, to bend him over and take him on one of the kitchen counter-tops. She had images of him in a backless pinny bending over to do the washing up as she grasped his hips and hilted herself deep within him. Rolling her eyes back. Stomping her right leg on the floor. Her tongue lolling out from the corner of her mouth as she took him. Rutting him like an animal. She shuddered slightly trying to clear the image from her mind. Maybe a bit of horse DNA had got into her system after all.

“Right, upstairs then, I’ll follow you,” she said while in her head adding ‘so I can watch you wiggle that fine little butt of yours’. Jessica smiled broadly and her eyes twinkled with mischief.


David had finished reading through the summary on the Futa variant for the forth time and was now just sitting at the end of the bed in quiet contemplation. Jessica was laying naked on the bed propped up on one elbow with her legs spread, trying to look sexy, provocative and inviting but also trying not make it look intentionally so.

“Sooo… You still have your female parts,” he said finally speaking. “So we can still have sex.”

Not the response she truly wanted but it was definitely something she could work with. “Yes of course I do. Why don’t you take your shirt off and just go down and have a quick look,” she said widening her legs. She fixed him with a sultry stare whilst raising her eyebrows and biting her lip. Challenging him to find out for himself all that she had to offer.

“Umm… OK,” David gulped.

He removed his shirt while Jessica looked on with an eager smile. Moving forward he knelt on the bed between her legs and lowered his head, trying to see her tantalising entrance but finding it obscured by her heavy, musky sack.

“If you just raise that up a little bit you’ll be able to see my lady parts,” encouraged Jessica, desperate to feel his delicate hands fondling her scrotum. “Mmm that’s it honey,” she moaned softly at his touch. “Your fingers feel so nice touching me like that.”

David gingerly lifted and softly cradled her heavy balls to gaze at her glistening vaginal lips. They were slightly open and puffy from arousal. He breathed deeply, he had always loved the scent of her sex, the scent of her arousal. His mind fogged over as something new and powerful hit him and without thinking he raised his face to push his nose deep into the warm soft skin of her nutsack. His nostrils flared as he drew in this new intoxicating aroma and his lips parted involuntarily allowing his tongue to dart out and taste her.

Jessica moaned softly, revelling in the new sensations as her devious little plan started to come together.

David shuddered and pulled back, fighting against these new strange urges and looked up at the amazing and obviously excited creature that he had married.

“Can I… Can I fuck you,” he stammered.

“Hmm you’re not usually that crude daring, something must have got you all fired up today,” Jessica shot back teasingly. “But first you need to get me ready for you, you need to play with my little clit for a while, well… I say little…”

“Of course my darling, anything for you my love, umm… Where… Where is it?”

Jessica chuckled and tutted playfully before moving her hand just above the base of her meaty cock and pushing it down against him. She brought it to rest across his nose, up between his eyes and up over his forehead, rising above him. She bumped it against him several times and her thick aromatic pre-cum dripped into his hair and splattered down onto his face.

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