Workplace Romance – Ian and Seema Ch. 01


It really did start off as innocent flirting between colleagues… but it grew into much, much more than that.

My name is Ian, I’m in late 20s and I work within a large corporation in the UK. The team I work in is one of 12 people, 9 of which are in their 50s and then 3 of us who are in our 20s. I’m no looker, I’m not ugly but if I was in a line-up of 10 guys to be chosen for the cover of a magazine, I’m not the guy getting picked.

One of the women that I work with Seema, is younger than me and is of Pakistani heritage – though she’s as British as I am having lived here her whole life. We hit off on a good relationship as soon as we met. We clicked. Similar sense of humour and on some things, a similar outlook on life.

We’d often go for walks together on our hour long break during the day. Take the long route back to the office, but go where it was quiet – even though we worked in the middle of the city. I liked this because it gave us a chance to just speak about anything and not have to worry about people overhearing or judging what we were speaking about etc. I also liked it because sometimes I’d playfully grab her bum!

When this woman wore a skirt to work and I could see the shape of her legs, it REALLY got me going. Her whole body was stunning. Slim but with a great arse and tits that (from looking at her in clothes anyway) seemed like they were just made to fill my hands.

Her skin was pale, though you could tell she wasn’t of “British Heritage.” or white to put it bluntly. She had hair that, when left in its natural state had that exotic, wavy texture to it. Like I said earlier, we had a great rapport and this developed over the months and years into flirty banter… I’m going to tell you now, how it moved on to much, much more than that.


One morning Seema came to work and looked really unhappy. She had been arguing with some friends over something trivial, but it had upset her because of how they had made her feel. I asked if she was ok because I could clearly see she was upset but got the usual response you’d expect from most people

“I’m fine, can you just leave me alone?!” I wasn’t offended, but she knew I cared about her and I told her to just shout me if she changed her mind and wanted to talk etc.

Later in the day, around 11am the internal messenger popped up on my computer screen. A message from Seema “Hi, sorry about this morning – just my friend pissed me off and I was angry. Do you have a minute?”

“Of course, you wanna go chat on the stairs at the back?” I asked.

“yea, sounds good. Gimme 2 minutes, you go and I’ll meet you. Don’t want Janette seeing us both go off together… you know what she’s like!”

So off I go to the back stairs of the office waiting for her to come on through and tell me about how her friend had annoyed her and offer what words I could that I thought might cheer her up.

I stood at the large window next to the stairs looking out across the city when I heard the door open. I turned and faced her and I could see immediately that she was visibly upset. I reached out my arms and just brought her in to my chest to give her a hug. I won’t go into the details, but basically her friend had said some quite hurtful things about Seema and had basically called her ugly and said she was trying to steal her boyfriend (Seema steal the friend’s boyfriend) she was right to be upset.

I told her not to let it upset her, but that I could understand why she would be so upset. I also proceeded to tell her how far from ugly she was. I wasn’t meaning to do it in a way that was me coming on to her, but it just felt natural and I came out with it “Seema, you’re gorgeous. You’ve got a body to die for, your face is beautiful and when you smile it could melt anybody’s heart” She hugged me and I kissed her cheek and I think that was the moment we both knew we were going to do more. I leant in and kissed her. She pulled back from me quickly and I went the deepest shade of red the world has ever known… turns out I’d misread the situation and only I thought we were destined to do more!

She turned around and scuttled back to her desk. I stood there in the stairwell not knowing what to think or do… I waited until I thought it was safe for me to return and hopefully my face had returned to a more natural colour.

I messaged her “I’m so, so, so, so, so, so sorry about that! I overstepped the mark, I don’t know what came over me, please, please forgive me for that!”

As soon as I’d pressed send the following message came to my screen “OMG, how could you kiss me!? I mean, I like you, you know that. We’re such good friends, but I didn’t expect you’d be kissing me on the stairs at work! I don’t know what to think! Sorry if I embarrassed you by running off there though.”

I immediately sent a message back “So you’re not going to murder me for doing that?!”

“Nah, relax… Just … I don’t know what to say about it right now.” came a quick reply.

The day went by without incident and to be fair, bahis siteleri we continued as if it hadn’t happened which for me helped because I wanted to die when she had ran off!

That evening I got a text “Hey! About today, sorry. Not sure we should have done that, but thank you for the things you said … kinda made me wanna kiss you in thanks for that anyway sooooo you did it for me ;-).”

“Ha, yeah, you’re welcome I guess :-S… I’m just in the bath trying to wash the stupid off.” I replied, quick as possible.

“In the bath, really? Sounds good ;)”

I then proceeded to life my butt out of the water and through the bubbles and take a selfie “Yea, see. Pink skin where I’m boiling away in here!”

“HA! Yea, but that’s not a side of you I wanna see.” came the response. Followed by “I wanna see the front!”

This message was followed by the shy face emoji. If I’m honest… my cock grew instantly. I’d thought about this girl but never had any idea she’d think of me in similar terms.

I responded with “There’s not much point in me sending a photo of the front… there’s not enough megapixels in the world to pic out something that small! XD.”

There was no response for a little bit until another text came through “In your words… Proof needed, or I’m not believing ;).”

Wow… what should I think of that!? There she is, asking to see my cock … I mean, I wanted her to see it, I wanted her to feel it mostly! But I was nervous about it. “Tell you what, maybe I’ll show you tomorrow at work that way you’ve got the night to decide if you actually want to or not.”

Sleep didn’t happen that night. I was all consumed by the idea of us fucking each other’s brains out.

The next morning we both arrived at work as usual – the standard good morning pleasantries etc.

“So about last night… you still sure?” I sent to her on the internal communicator.

“Just as sure… though I’m not sure where we can. Can’t exactly do that on the stairs can we!?”

My cock started pulsing and growing just off the thought of this beautiful woman at the desk opposite me wanting to see it. I rolled my chair round to the side of hers at her desk, full hard-on pointing to the side off down my leg… and as I pretended to show her something work related I said quietly “Look down… you’ll see the outline… about as much as I can offer right now!”

I’ll be honest. The thrill of having the hard-on at work and having her look at it was nearly enough to make me cum there and then. I rolled back round to my desk and carried on as if nothing had happened. My mind was racing and my heart beating treble it’s usual beats.

“That was alright, thanks.” came the message “But I didn’t quite get to see what I wanted to because of that spreadsheet getting in the way. Show me later if you don’t mind.”

Anybody looking at the message would have taken it as being in regards to something work related… we both knew she was talking about my cock. We arranged to go out for our break the same time together that day and as usual, went for a walk.

As soon as we were far enough from work I just started laughing and said to her “I cannot believe I was sat at your desk with a boner and you were looking at it, both of us purposely! Where has this come from!? Also… I think we’ll have to wait for me to show you it out’a my trousers because I don’t fancy getting arrested for having it out in the street!”

We agreed and again, the rest of the day passed… it was kinda dragging though because I was SO, SO horny.


I got home that evening and as soon as I walked in I text her “Just wanked in.” and clicked send and then noticed what I’d put … “Just WALKED in… sorry. Damn auto-correct.”

“Done that quick!? Shame, thought you’d last longer than that :-P.”

“Ha, thought about me wanking then have you? ;-).” I replied, almost instantly.

“Maybe I’ve thought about more than that…”

“God, you’re making this *hard* for me ;).” I said clearly implying my cock was hard.

“Better show me or I’ll think you’re lying.”

Here it was… the moment of truth. My cock was about to be photographed and sent to a woman who works mere feet from me EVERY day… Was she just doing this as a form of entrapment? Had I upset her that much with that kiss on the stairs that she wanted me to send this so that she could get me sacked?! To be honest none of those thoughts had crossed my mind until later on because all of my thinking bloody was currently engorging my cock. SEND. Done. “SO. Is it better in or out of my trousers?”

“In this situation, definitely out… at my desk probably better it stays in :D.”

“I can’t believe I’ve just shown you my dick.” I said “I don’t think I’d ever imagined any of this ACTUALLY happening.” and there it was… genie from the bottle …

“What do you mean ACTUALLY happening? Have you thought about this sort of thing happening between us?”

OH SHIT, what do I say to that?! Should I be canlı bahis siteleri honest? Tell her I’ve been thinking about it for months now. Wanking over her when I’m at home? Should I say just from the other day when I kissed her? I decided I’d be honest. No point lying… “Yea… to be honest, I’ve thought about it more than once.”

“Really? And what do you think about when you’re thinking? ;).”

WOW… are we sexting now? Has this actually escalated this quickly?!

“Well, when I start stroking it, I often think about coming over to you at your desk and while I’m telling you how to do something with a piece of work, I’m stroking my hand along your thigh…”

“That’s a bit tame to be stroking yourself over… :-P.”

“I said that was when I started ;-). SO as I say, my fingers are slowing going up your thigh and the rest of the team are at their desks, so the risk is definitely there that we’ll get caught.” “I love to imagine you wearing soft, black cotton knickers and I imagine softly pressing my finger between your lips and rubbing up to your clit a few times before I tell you to meet me by the stairs like we did the other day.”

“[Image]” My heart pounds in my chest as I see the text come through containing a photo… there they are. Golden brown thighs, spread not too wide, but wide enough for me to see that this photo has been taken up her skirt and showing… black cotton knickers. “Good guess.” accompanied the photo.

“You gonna tell me more?” came the next message.

“I think I’ll wait.” I replied.

“Mmmm, well, don’t keep me waiting too long ;).”

“Let it build, it’ll be more satisfying that way 😛 x.”

The rest of the night we continued to text and have a little flirt, but nothing too strong and we said our good nights and wished each other sweet dreams with a cheeky little wink emoji each. The next morning I woke and decided that I’d see how she was when I saw her that morning and see if I could get away with doing what I had said I liked thinking about while we were at her desk. My heart was pounding ALL MORNING. I kept thinking about how I’d go about making an excuse to get over to her desk etc but she made it so much easier for me by saying good morning as she came in and stroking the top of my head – about an hour in to our shift she asked me if I could “come at her desk for her.” I knew what she was doing but everybody else just took it as a slip of the tongue.

As we were discussing the work, I had noticed that, as usual she was sat on her legs on her chair. Seema had a skirt on, but today… tights off. I slowly and I’ll be honest, nervously I reached out and I put my hand on her knee. She acted as if absolutely nothing had happened so I slowly starting rubbing my finger in a circle on her knee. Again, she sat there speaking about the work as if nothing at all was happening (it was for me, my bulge was growing!). I decided I’d get a bit more adventurous and started to move my hand up her thigh and towards what I had been imagining as a beautifully warm area of her body. Now, whereas in my text I had said that I rubbed her pussy lips THROUGH her knickers, I decided I’d be bold and I just slipped my finger straight into the side of them and I was touching her skin. There wasn’t a hair to be felt anywhere.

My cock was now absolutely throbbing and I wanted to just throw her on the desk and fuck her right there – not caring at all if people were around, such was my desire for this woman. I slowly slid my finger tip along her soft, moist lips and up to the top lightly brushing her clit under its hood before I dipped it quickly into her before taking my hand away. She looked at me and smiled. We finished up our charade of “work” and I went back to my desk.

“Meet me by the front stairs on our way out at break?” came the message to my computer.

“Yea, course. Why not try something new at work like a different exit, eh!?”

As I was walking through to the stairs at the front of the building I had to pass the toilets (individual men and women’s) and as I got to the women’s I spotted Seema there and she grabbed me pulling me in quickly. Then ensued some of the most fun kissing I’ve ever had. I held her by the waist and we ground against each other hard. I could tell that she was enjoying feeling my cock rubbing against her pussy through our clothes. I thought about fucking her right there and then but decided I wanted something else first.

I propped her left leg up on the sink and dropped down to my knees and planted my face straight into her pussy. The taste and the aroma was divine. I started off slowly. I was enjoying the feel of her smooth lips spreading out as my tongue moved up between them and towards her clit. I could feel myself getting more and more aroused. I started stroking my dick as I enjoyed every taste of her. As my excitement built and I stroked my dick, I went at her like a mad man.

My tongue was licking up and down along her pussy and I was licking and sucking at her clit now. I didn’t care if I went güvenilir bahis back to my desk and my face smelled like her I needed to taste her and by the way she was holding my head against her, she needed it too. I started to feel her grind her pussy against my mouth and I could feel it begin to quiver. I knew exactly what that meant and so I began stroking my fingers inside her pussy in a sort of “Come here” motion against the inner walls… that was it. She was moaning, trying to contain it and doing a decent job but I could hear soft moans escaping. I started to slow down my licking as I let her come down from her climax.

I stood up, we hugged each other and kissed for what seemed like forever. My dick was solid but I knew we couldn’t start fucking each other right now because I’d never want to stop! I moved my cock along her opening and felt just how wet she was. It was such a beautiful feeling to feel the softness of her lips and the wetness of her excitement running along my full cock. “Come to my house tonight. You’ve got your car in the car park, we can get in and be at mine within half an hour.” I said.

“I can’t tonight, I’ve got things on with my family but I’d love to. Tomorrow.”

“It’s Saturday tomorrow mate and we’re meeting those guys for food in the morning, remember?”

It was a bit of a sticky one. We’d arranged with our group of friends from work to meet up in the morning to all go for some food together before we all went off and did our own things for the rest of the day.

“Pick me up then. We can have a little play around before we meet them.” so we agreed it. She’d come to my house in her car, we’d have some fun and then we’d go in to town together.

She opened the door to the ladies toilet slowly and tentatively so she could see if I was clear to leave. Thankfully I was! I managed to quickly run from the door. Luckily my jacket did as much as was possible to hide the hard-on I had flipped up into my waistband.

I got out of the building and made it to the local shop… I needed some face wipes and some mints. I decided that sitting at my desk with my face smelling of pussy probably wasn’t going to be an ideal career move.

That night the texts weren’t quite as frequent as she was doing things with her family as she had said. But I had plenty of fun by myself just thinking about the day’s events.


The next morning I woke late, I’d forgotten to set my alarm for an early rise. I quickly jumped up and ran to the shower. When I got out I checked my phone – 1 new message – “Hiya, sorry, I’m running late. I’ll be there to grab you and we’ll get into town together, but we’re not gonna have any time for you to give me that fucking I need :'(.”

I read it and was a little disappointed because I needed to be inside of her so much, but I’ve waited this long and I’m sure I could wait a bit longer. “That’s alright my little love. I’m ready and willing the moment you are :). See you when you get here.” and with that I got myself ready for the day.

My plans for the day after we’d all had food together was to go and watch football. That was it. Nothing fancy, just sit on my sofa. Quite what anybody else had in their minds I wasn’t sure and the only thing in my mind really was that beautiful Pakistani woman Seema on her back with me between her legs.

We all enjoyed a bit of food together and then people started leaving. People knew me and Seema were close, but nobody ever actually expected anything would happen between the two of us because we never actually thought anything would happen between us before this week! It just didn’t seem like something that was possible. Maybe it was because of our “cultural differences.” – that’s what people would say rather than “She’s a Pakistani Muslim and, well, he’s not” – or maybe it was just because we were such good friends that people just didn’t think of us connecting like that.

Seema said that she was just going to go home as she had some stuff to do and when I was asked I decided that I just wanted to do things to myself and said that I’d be heading home too. Seema then said “I’ll give you a ride if you like?” and I knew exactly what she was getting at and I accepted immediately.

Now, where Seema parks her car is often busy through the week. However, at weekends, it’s a lot quieter. It’s just out of town and there isn’t really anything around it – couple of shops but not much more than that. So we reach the car, a small silver Toyota and we both climb in. Sitting side by side, separated only by the gear stick and the handbrake I leant over and I kissed her. We sat there kissing for what seemed like forever. It was beautiful. Feeling her soft lips part and our tongues slowly wind together and feeling my blood flow into and fill my cock. I thought to myself, “I need this woman now” and I reached over to the lever on the side of her chair, pulled it and slowly pushed the back of her chair back until it was lying as low as possible. I climbed over on top of her and we carried on kissing. My hands started to roam around her body. From her sexy hips, along the side of her ribs and then grabbing at her tits. My cock, sticking forward was being crushed by my jeans, but she seemed to be enjoying running her pussy along the hard bulge and she was grabbing at my hair.

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