World’s Biggest Harem Ch. 06


I came home and worked on my book for about an hour or so before Crystal arrived at my doorstep. She was sweaty again, and breathing hard. Apparently she had run all the way here from the gym.

“You were in that much of a hurry to get here?” I teased, as I open the door to let her in.

She leapt at me, wrapping her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist.

“I missed you!” She chirped, as I carried her into the room. I shut the door behind her with a kick, and we looked at each other.

“Back from the gym?”

“Yes.” She said. She tightened her legs more firmly around me. “Take me now, sir.”

We had sex, but when we were finished it was still light outside. Scarlet had really gotten me into taking walks, so I invited Crystal to come with me.

She was eager, but insistent that it should become a run.

“We should start working out together.” She said, as she slipped her shorts back on. Her long, slender legs twisted as she bounced on her heels.

“Not today.” I told her. She pouted at me.

“You need to exercise more.”

“I’m at a healthy weight.”

“But you’re sitting in here all the time.” She pointed out. I couldn’t deny that. In the end she agreed that we would go on a walk together today, but next time I would be expected to run with her.

“But only because I’ve already gone today.” She said. She gripped my arm and placed her head on my shoulder.

“Lucky me.”

She laughed and gripped my arm harder.

I took her out along the same trail that I had taken Scarlet. I took notice of how differently the two acted. Scarlet was demure and tended to fondly gaze at animals and such, but Crystal was more interested in the terrain and distance.

“It’s a pretty long trail.” She observed. “Great for running.”

As if to prove her point she broke out into a jog. I continued walking, and she turned back around to glance at me.

“Come on, it’s fun.”

“Not today.” I said. “I could watch you.”

“And what, walk behind me?”

“I like your ass.”

She looked surprised for moment, and then giggled.

“You’re really lucky you’re charming.” She said. She bent over and in one fluid movement placed her hands on the concrete and stood on her hands. She balanced for a precarious five seconds or so, before neatly lowering herself back down.

“That wasn’t bad.” I said, impressed.

“I used to do them in school, but I fell out of it as an adult.” Crystal said. “I’m trying to get back into it. Make my nice ass even nicer.”

“Why thank you.” I said. “You are a woman of culture.”

She grinned. She was about to respond when her eyes flittered past me. She frowned. Sensing something was wrong, I turned.

Sitting there behind us, just off the trail, was a Japanese girl. Perhaps twenty or so, kaçak bahis with somewhat unkempt black hair and round, ill fitting glasses. She was watching us rather intently.

“Can I help you?” I ask, sensing that Crystal had seen something that had put her off about this girl.

“Oh, I was just watching you.” The girl said. She gestured to the pad she had strewn out in front of her. “I was wondering… if you aren’t busy… if you would let me draw you?”

Crystal’s confused expression became somewhat even more confused.

“Draw?” She repeated. “Why?”

“She’s an artist.” I told her. “Right?”

“Yes, that’s right.” The girl said. “I’m Alise. A pleasure.’

Her voice was rather soft spoken, and very pleasant. I found myself inexplicably drawn to it. I rather liked artists.

“You want to draw us?” Crystal repeated. “Why?”

“I’m good at drawing people, but not couples.” She said. “So I’m trying… to capture love in my drawings.” She flipped open her pamphlet and showed it to us. I had no idea what she was talking about: all the drawings I saw seemed to be immaculate recreations of ordinary couples going about their day. I certainly didn’t see anything wrong with them. On the contrary I thought they were gorgeous.

“You just sit here and draw passerby?” Crystal asked, wrinkling her nose. “That’s kind of weird, isn’t it?”

“It’s not weird, it’s art.” I said, before Alise could respond. “I rather like these. I’d love to be drawn.”

“Excellent.” Alise said. “I’ve already started.” And she showed us a quick sketch of us. Crystal had just run on ahead.

“You pumped this out in just a couple of minutes?” I asked, surprised.

“I want to get the details just right so… if you wouldn’t mind… would you recreate this scene for me?” She asked. “If it’s not too much trouble.”

“I’d love to.” I told her. “What do you think, Crystal?”

She looked rather unenthusiastic, but in the end she agreed.

We posed for about fifteen minutes as Alise’s pen rapidly ran over her pad. Her movements were quick and precise, and I found myself rather enjoying the sound of her pen on paper. It reminded me a little bit of my own work, and I understood the drive to succeed and improve. Crystal seemed rather put off, even bored.

“That should do it.” Crystal said at last. “Come and see.”

We stepped over to look at it, and I was taken aback by the likeness.

“It’s gorgeous.” I said. “I’d love to have a copy.”

“Really?” She seemed happy about that. “I’ll have to copy it for you… would your girlfriend like one as well?”

“I guess I should.” Crystal grunted, looking a little perturbed. “I mean, if he’s getting one…”

“Lovely.” Alise said. “How do you want to receive them? Do you want to pick them up, bedava bahis or… should they be delivered?”

“I’ll come get them.” I told her. “Where do I go?”

She gave me an address of where she would be working doing portraits on the street later, and promised that the copies would be ready by then.

“She was weird.” Crystal said., as we walked away.

“I liked her.” I said. She narrowed her eyes.

“And what does that mean?”

“I liked her.” I repeated. I smiled and wrapped my arm around her. She rolled her eyes and pressed herself up against me.

“I should go with you to pick up the portraits.” She said. “To make sure that you won’t try anything funny.”

We ended up parting ways when we returned to my apartment, and Crystal promised to be back the next day. I barely had time to recall whether I would be able to fit that into my schedule when she ran off.

I worked for a couple of hours or so before I decided it was time to go find Alise. I saved my documents, got to my feet, and made my way down to where we had agreed to meet.

I was surprised to see that when I approached her she was already hard at work drawing another girl. She reminded me a little of Celeste, with her long hair and thigh high socks, but her hair was brown, not black, and she did not smile. She turned to look at me as I approached, and I saw that she was wearing a pair of glasses.

“Oh… Hi.” Alise said, as she noticed me. “Um, I have your portraits ready… but could you sit and wait for a moment? I need to finish this.”

I ordered some tea at the nearby restaurant and took a seat, watching Alise work. I was taken aback, not just by her skill, but how much she managed to capture all of the minor details. The girl she was drawing looked stoic, and sat almost like a statue, but Alisa’s pen managed to adequately capture all of the little touches. For instance, the girl would occasionally glance down at her side, where a small book lay waiting. I was under the impression she was sorely tempted to resume reading it. Alisa seemed to think the same, or at least managed to capture the feeling in her portrait.

When she was finished, she stood up and showed the girl her portrait. The girl stared at it for a moment.

“It’s gorgeous.” She said. “Thank you.”

I found myself smiling as the girl clutched it to her chest and thanked her. She bent down to pick up her book and was on her way out when she turned to look at me. She stared very hard for a couple of seconds.

“Oh…” She said. “It’s you.”

I was taken aback. “Pardon?”

“It’s just…”

She held out the book she had been reading to me. I found myself completely taken aback. It was one of my own.

“I’d ask… for an autograph… but I’m not finished yet.” The girl kazandıran bahis siteleri said. “But… I really enjoy it. So far.” She seemed to be struggling to speak. I wondered if shew as star struck, or just shy.

“Oh, I’m glad to hear that.” I told her.

She smiled at me, and I found myself rather taken with her.

“Tell you what.” I said. “When you finish it, come find me. I’ll give you an autograph then.”

“You would do that for me?” The girl asked. She seemed rather flustered. “I… thank you.” She fingered her long, brown hair and I found myself wishing I could touch it myself. “Where… should I come find you?”

That was a difficult question. I tended not to do the same things in town often.

“Well I’ve been taking walks in the park a lot.” I said. “And this girl I know wants to go running with me. So maybe if you go there…”

“Okay.” The girl said, nodding. “I’ll… try and remember that.”

She thanked me again, and then moved for the door. I didn’t even watch her leave, as Alisa had already gotten the portraits out and ready for me.

“Thank you for waiting.” She chirped. “Did you know Charlotte?”


“That girl who stopped to speak to you.” Alisa said. “You’ve never met before?”

“No, never.”

“Oh.” Alisa said. “That’s a surprise. She’s very shy.”

She ruffled the paper with her fingers, and I was suddenly taken with how small and delicate her hands were.

“I really liked how these portraits turned out.” Alisa said. “Um, I know I didn’t bring it up when I suggested I copy these… but I expect payment.” She seemed almost a little bit embarrassed.

“Of course I’ll pay you.” I said, surprised. “Why wouldn’t I?”

“Oh, good.” Alisa said, relieved. “I was worried I would have to sleep in the street again.” She had bent her head back to give one last look at the portrait, and did not seem to register my shocked expression.

“The street?” I repeated. “Why would you do that?”

Alisa looked up at me, and blinked. “Well, I’m homeless.” She said. “My parents kicked me out because all I wanted to do was draw, so…”

“You don’t have anywhere to go?” I demanded. “No boyfriend, no…?”

“Oh, I’m up working all hours of the day.” She said brightly. “So I can’t really impose myself on anyone else. Otherwise nothing would get done. I don’t have time for a boyfriend… I just save up money all years to rent rooms when it gets cold.”

She handed me the portraits and smiled. “Here you are.”

I stared at her. I gripped the portraits in my hand, but didn’t pull away from her. Her smile didn’t fade, but I could sense a twinge of confusion behind her expression.

“Is… something the matter?” She asked, cautiously.

“Come live with me.” I told her. “You shouldn’t be living out in the street.”

She stared at me for a moment, as if trying to process what I was saying, before letting out a laugh. “Oh, that was a joke.” She said.

“It wasn’t a joke.” I told her. “Come with me.”

In the end she realized I was completely serious.

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