Yvette´s adventure A new series?)

Yvette´s adventure A new series?)
That Alain had taken the opportunity and said YES to 4 month abroad (in Bangkok, of all places!), was certainly not been Yvette´s idea!
Giving up her own job and carrier for just a few months was of cause out of the question, so she stayed at home in Paris, sulking for a few weeks. Especially when they talked on Skype.
She did trust her husband, of cause. They had been married for more than 10 years, but Bangkok had a certain reputation; the whole country had, for crying out loud!
And 4 months being separated was along time. Plus she knew that he had a fascination for anything exotic, including women. Heck, he could be doing it on a daily basis, and she would never know a thing. Not that she thought that he would ever do something like that, but he could!
And then, one rainy Monday afternoon Yvette realized that she too could do things that she normally never would. Like first opening a bottle of wine even though she was all by her self. Secondly, by making sure that the lights were on in the apartment.
The house was on a narrow city street and Yvette knew that if one of her neighbours let the lights on without closing the curtains, one could look into their apartments.
After the first few sips, she took her glass to one of the windowsills. Pretending to look out at the rain and the empty streets. There was lights on in several windows on the other side of the street. Her apartment was on the first floor, so she knew that any person across the street on the level same or higher up, would be able to see her.
Trying to look casual, she opened two buttons of her shirt. She was 37 at that time. A slim woman of around 165 cm with short, brown hair. A pretty woman, but not an extraordinarily beautiful woman. A woman one hardly would notice, unless she was suddenly smiling. She took a short sip and opened a third button. She knew that any person across the street would be able to see her bra now. Not that is was any big sensation. Most women wear them. Yet she felt daring. She put the glass down and then opened the remaining few buttons and pulled the tails out of her descent grey skirt.
A curtain was suddenly closed across the street, on the second floor. Pretending to be casual, she scanned the other windows. There was no obvious signs of other audience. For a few seconds, she seriously considered giving it all up and go do something else.
Then she noticed that the same curtained moved a tiny bit. As if some-one was trying to look out and not be seen doing so. She gasped. Some one was watching her!
She took a single step back, into the room. Why was this so exiting?
She was wearing a lot less when she was at the beach!
Very slowly, she began to open her skirt. There instantly was another movement by the curtain. Yep, her audience was still there. She stepped out of the skirt when it fell to the floor. Turned her side to the window and slipped out of the panties. Too everyday-ish to be sexy in any context anyway. Luckily, the shirt still covered much. She could feel how her cheeks began to redden slightly. She drank a little more wine. Why did she have to be so impulsive?
Or rather, why did she have to react on her impulses?
She walked into the bedroom, took her shirt off and removed her bra before putting a long black silky bathrobe on. It would be easy to just close it and tie the belt. It could be done in a matter of seconds without even thinking about doing it.
Yvette walked through the living room with the bathrobe open. She had a quick glance, there was still some kind of activity behind the curtain across the street. She went into Alain´s office. Grabbed his binoculars that her rarely used for watching birds any more (and why hadn´t he brought it along to Bangkok?).
There was several potted plants on the window sill, so she thought it safe to look back at her watcher, without being detected. That did not help much. All she could see was some dark hair and some lighter skin.
Back in the living room, she powered the lap top up. It was on the coffee table, but the angle was not the worst. The stranger should have a decent view. As she began to make an on-line search for the name of the persons living across the street, the telephone, the old land-line one, suddenly rang. No one really used it any more, and they had only kept it for emergencies. It could be something important, so she picked up the receiver and said hello, only to be met by the sound of some-one hanging up on her. She glanced towards the window on the other side of the street. Suddenly the blinds were down in two of the windows. That made her confused. The watcher could just have been an old grumpy spinster or something like that. She hung up and began wondering about what to do on this Monday. It was really a bit too early to open a bottle of wine, or at least, it would have been, if Alain had been there.
She was holding a glass of decent red in her hand, when the phone rang again.
“Yes?…” she said, expecting to her the other person hanging up again.
“Alain asked me to take care of you while he is away…”
She gasped and nearly spilled wine on the floor. Hadn´t he (Alain, that is), said some thing similar, the previous time he was away?
But then he had surely been joking. Or was her mind playing tricks on her?
“It is a long time to be alone, Yvette..”
She drank some wine. Almost half a glass in one mouthful. She know that hanging up would be the correct thing to do.
“And women have needs too…”
She had to put the glass down in the window sill. Could her husband really arrange such a naughty surprise for her?
“Perhaps he even told me where you keep your spare key…
She gasped again. They did have a spare key hidden, in the basement, close to their storage room, but you really needed to know where to look to be able to find the key.
“Who are you?” she finally managed to ask.
“The man your husband asked to take care of your needs while he is abroad, Yvette…”
She sighed. As far as she could hear, the man was on a mobile phone and he was somewhere outside. She could hear traffic in the background. Why had she not ended this conversation long, long ago?
“Are you in the hallway, Yvette?”
“Why?” she asked back. She had one foot in the hallway, the other still in the living room.
“Because I want you to unlock the door….”
The phone sounded a bit different now. As if the caller was inside a building now. She heard the faint sound of the house door shutting on the ground floor. She took a few, quick steps towards the door and lifted her hand. It would be so easy to put the safety chain on. Then he would need bolt-cutters to enter. That would be the right thing to do.
In stead she quietly opened the door, then turned her back to it and leaned her shoulder against the wall of the hallway. She heard steps on the staircase. Some one coming up towards the second floor where she was. Her heart was beating fast. She pressed the red button on the phone and dropped it on the carpet. The person had reached the landing now. She knew that her legs would be wobbly and possibly give away, if she tried to move.
“Very good, Yvette…” he said. There was a sudden rush of cold air. Then she heard him close the door behind them. He also took the time to actually put the safety chain on. Then she felt his hands on her hips. He was getting the belt out of its tiny cotton rings. Was it his intention to use that belt to tie her up?
She had never really told Alain about THAT fantasy of hers (although she might have hinted it over the years).
“Do you want to drop that now?” he asked, his voice still completely calm. She moaned softly and let the bathrobe slide off her shoulders. Only then did her put his arms around her from behind, hugged her tight, while making sure that she could not really move her arms, and placed a soft, warm kiss on the side of her neck.
“Who…are…you?” she asked, hardly above a whisper.
“Does that really matter right now, Yvette?”
One of his hands was climbing up towards her chest. The other was just below her navel. Her arms were hanging down her sides, locked between her own body and his arms. Tight, but not so tight that it was scary.
“You don´t deserve that information yet, “he said and kissed her neck once more, “Besides, I bet that will give you a kick…being gently possessed by a complete stranger…”
Yvette snapped for air. What did he know about that?
She had never shared that with any one!
His hands was between her thighs now. She took a tiny step forwards, leaned her shoulder against the wall.
“You know…i expected to….be alone…” she said softly as his fingers were running over her groin, covered in about 2 weeks of growth.
“It´s okay…”
He got hold of both her wrists, held them in one of his firsts, but then, she did not really offer any resistance. She moaned softly. The fingers of his other hand was caressing her, teasing her.
“Maybe I should tie you up first…”
“Well, because I can, Yvette..
“Ahh!” she gasped loudly as his finger penetrated her. She was wet, very wet. Her husband had been gone for almost three weeks.
“Hands behind your back, bitch” he said and let her go. She stumbled forwards, got sort of wedged into the corner. Her legs were apart and she was leaning forwards a little. She could hear him opening his pants. This was not happening, it had to be her mind playing tricks on her. As soon as she reached behind her, she felt his firm grip again.
“Oh, we are gonna have so much fun, Yvette…”
His cock was between her thighs not. Back in the living room her phone beeped with an incoming text message. She moaned loudly as he slowly penetrated her. His teeth closed softly on the muscle of her left shoulder and the hand that was not clutching her wrists, went down her front.
“You are mine now…
He began to fuck her. Alain never took things this far. Never took charge of her like this. Mayne she should tell him more about what she really liked when he got home.
“Please…” she gasped, her voice higher than usual. Her clitoris were between two of his fingers,
“Mine, all mine….bought and paid…
There was no way that Alain could know about that fantasy!
Then a fingertip on her clit, rubbing it. Making her come, like seldom before. Her legs threatened to give up under her.
Yvette realized that the stranger had let her go.
“Now…get me something to drink….and don´t forget to bring an ashtray, bitch” he said and went into the living room.

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