MILF Addiction Ch. 02



After that first Saturday with Steve, it was like something that had died inside me came out of hibernation, and it was hungry. Even John noticed, and after a couple of days of snuggling and groping him in bed he responded by making love to me for the first time since my surgery that he wasn’t blind drunk. Sure, he’d had a few drinks after work, but that was normal for him.

He shied away from my damaged left breast, but sucked away at the right one like a starving infant and pounded away at my pussy like when we’d first met. I was still a little sore after my weekend adventures, but I didn’t let him know, and frankly I loved it so much I didn’t care. He always slept naked, and afterwards, I didn’t put my nightgown back on and we slept naked like new lovers since I couldn’t remember when.

The next morning, I woke up first as usual, pulled back the covers as he slept and revealed his morning hard-on. I couldn’t help myself, even though I knew he didn’t like being awakened before he was ready, and started gently kissing it up one side and down the other. I worshiped it. John really did have a beautiful prick, although compared to Steve’s, not quite as long or thick. Whatever, it had certainly done the job last night, and I allowed myself to hope it could do it again this morning.

He didn’t wake, but a gentle smile came across his face. I carefully got on top of him and lowered myself onto his erection. Bit by bit, he slowly filled me up, until it was in as far as he could go. I didn’t dare move for fear of waking him, and just hovered there, feeling him inside me. I felt my vagina gently twitching involuntarily around him, my passion building with each contraction until a gentle orgasm washed over me.

I carefully climbed off and lay quietly beside him for maybe half an hour before his eyelids twitched, and then his eyes opened. “Good morning sweetheart. I just had the most amazing dream. It was morning, in some beautiful place, and we were making love. Looking at you now, I want to make that dream come true.” And we did, and I came again for the third time in the last eight hours.

Friday morning, he surprised me again. I was in the kitchen making coffee when he walked into the kitchen stark naked and hard as a rock. He pulled my nightgown up and off, and stared hungrily at my naked body for the first time since my surgery, and he didn’t avoid looking at my damaged right breast. He gently reached out and touched it, and bent down and sucked on the hardening nipple.

Then, he took me right there on the kitchen counter. I wondered what had gotten into him as we fucked like a couple of teenagers in heat. Normally, John can barely communicate before he’d had his first cup of coffee, and now this! When we were done, he picked up my nightgown where I’d tossed it on the floor, kissed me on the lips, and said, “I’ve got to get ready for work. When I come back, I want to see you naked, reading the newspaper”, and walked out of the room with my nightie in his hand and a cup of coffee in the other, naked as he walked in. I admired his backside as he walked away. He really did have nice buns.

I was shocked when I realized that I hadn’t gone out to get the newspaper yet, and I was standing in our kitchen stark naked. I looked down at my pubic hair between my breasts, slick with the juices of our lovemaking. My nipples were still hard, and stuck out like pink pencil erasers even though the left one was pointing across the room, and the right one was pointing at the floor.

I went to the front window, and hiding behind the drapes, peered out to see if anybody was up and about, and if the paper was there yet. I couldn’t see the paper, but the street looked deserted. I tiptoed across the entry to the front door and unlocked it. My stomach full of butterflies, I opened the door a crack and reached around to be sure it was unlocked. I opened it further until I was standing in the open doorway, naked.

I looked around, but I couldn’t really see anything, so I stepped out onto the porch. I looked to the left. Nobody around. I looked carefully to the right, nobody, when I was startled by the sound of the newspaper hitting the front lawn, and the sight of the paperboy riding away on his bike. As I wondered what he’d seen, or if he noticed, a bright flush washed across my breasts and neck. My whole body was tingling like it might catch fire.

I took a deep breath and ran across the front lawn, scooped up the paper, and sprinted to the front door. When John came Uzun porno back downstairs I was sitting in the breakfast nook, still naked as the day I was born, reading the paper with a calmness I hoped I showed, but I sure didn’t feel.

John walked in, dressed for work in suit and tie, fancy leather briefcase in hand. He looked me over, and gave a low whistle. “By the way, I have a late tee-time at the club tomorrow, maybe we can do this again before I go”. He bent over to give me a lingering kiss on the check as he cupped my right breast, and with a quick tweak of my nipple, he was out the door.


I had so much energy on Sunday I didn’t know what to do with myself. My pickup was full of the sod I’d dug out of the Carlson’s yard, but rather than take it to the dump as planned, I got to looking at my parent’s rather bare backyard. I could rake it down and re-sod half of it with what was in my truck. I’d get enough next weekend to do the rest, and my parents would have a new lawn.

Even though I worked like a man possessed, it took most of the day, and I was tired and sweaty by the time I was finished. When I jumped in the shower, the minute the water hit my back my mind was filled with the image of Ellen leaning against the wall of her shower, legs apart and my dick sliding in and out of her. I could see the water running off her breasts, and down her belly and through the forest between her legs. I pumped my rigid member and came within a minute, but by the time I’d finished soaping off and rinsing, I was hard again. “What the hell” I thought, and pulled off another. Two in one shower, another first for me.

It was pretty much like that for the rest of the week. The smallest things would remind me of her and I’d get hard. Whenever I had the chance, I’d “take matters into my own hands”, as they say and I must have jacked off 20 times that week. It’s a miracle I didn’t go blind.

By Friday night I was like a caged animal, and on Saturday morning I practically flew out of bed and raced over to the Carlson’s. I didn’t know what to expect, but my mind was full of fantasies involving Ellen in her silk robe, and the morning light streaming through it.

I rang their doorbell, and was disappointed to see Ellen answer the door, fully dressed in a bright yellow sleeveless top, white slacks, and white sandals. She gave me a quick peck on the check and said, “John has a late tee time, so he’s upstairs sleeping in. I’m going to have breakfast with my girlfriends, and do a little shopping.”

She saw my face drop, “Cheer up lover. If you get a day’s work done this morning, we will have all afternoon to play. I’m meeting John at the club for dinner, so no chance of him coming home in the afternoon. And, I have something to help tide you over.”

She led me by the hand and around the corner to their sumptuous living room, where she sat down on the white leather couch as she pulled me towards her. She unbuttoned my shorts and pulled them down around my ankles, and took my rapidly hardening penis into her mouth. She grasped my buttocks with both hands and pulled me deep inside her mouth.

It wasn’t long before I felt the sperm rising, but when I tried to pull out, she just pulled me in harder and started sucking like a vacuum cleaner. I started cumming, and she kept sucking and swallowing until I was done and she had it all down. I worried I’d make a mess of her yellow blouse, but she didn’t spill a drop. Another first for me. Not one of my girlfriends liked to suck cock, and none of them had done anything but express disgust at the idea of swallowing.

With that, she pulled up my shorts, stood up and planted a sloppy kiss on my lips. I tasted my own cum on her mouth, another first. “Now we both have something to remember each other by. I will be tasting you all morning. Help yourself to a cup of coffee and a sweet roll. I’ll see you later.” And with that, she turned, picked up her purse, and was down the hallway towards the garage. I stood there for a minute, stunned, and then went in the kitchen, poured myself a cup, grabbed a roll off the counter, and went outside to drive my truck around back.

A couple of hours later, John came out, dressed in his usual Saturday country club attire. Unlike most Saturday mornings when he usually looked pretty hung over, he had a gleam in his eye and a spring in his step. He looked at the progress I was making and nodded his approval. “Damn boy, you “lay more pipe” in a day than I could in a week. Öğrenci porno Ah, to be young again”, he sighed as he peeled a couple of hundreds off the wad in his pocket and stuffed them into the back pocket of my cutoffs. “And I gotta tell you, Ellen is happy, real happy. Me too. Keep it up, maybe she will get a fish pond before the summers over.”

With that, he turned and practically skipped back into the house. I wondered if I should feel guilty as I bent over and cut another slab of sod free and carried it to my truck. I heard his garage door open, and then after a while, close again. I kept working like a demon.

It must have been two o’clock when I heard the sliding door open, and I looked up to see Ellen stepping outside with two Bud longnecks in her hands and striding across the lawn towards me. Except for the string of pearls she was still wearing from this morning, she was stark naked. I couldn’t decide where to look as my eyes danced from her full breast on one side, to the deflated one on the other, and the brown patch of hair between her legs. As she got closer, I saw her swollen lower lips peeking out of the fur. I could feel myself getting hard again.


I rushed out the door to the garage and drove away with the taste of Steve’s fresh cum in my mouth. I didn’t want to be late for my monthly breakfast with “the girls”, including my best friend Lily. I did my best to compose myself as I walked up to their table, the last to arrive, but they all took one look at the shine in my eyes and they knew something was up.

“So what’s the story, Ellen? If I didn’t know better, I’d say you look like a woman that’s been getting laid recently. Something get into that worthless husband of yours?” As if I was alone with that problem. Pretty much all we did when we got together was bitch about our miserable sex lives.

“No, that couldn’t be it. You got a new lover?” she said, as all the girls started chanting, “Lover! Lover! Ellen’s got a lover!” Not that there was any chance that any of us had stepped over that line, and they all knew it. And I was considered the least likely of them all. If only they knew.

I kept looking at my watch, knowing that I didn’t want to return home until after John had left for his one o’clock tee time. I was too distracted to really participate in the conversation, but I kept up appearances as best as I could. After we finished breakfast, and went to the big department store, it was more of the same. I couldn’t really pay enough attention to buy anything, which must have been a first for me. John could pretty much count on me to spend a couple of hundred dollars on shit I didn’t need every time we girls went shopping.

Finally, the clock passed noon, I made my excuses to my friends and headed home. I parked my Lincoln in the garage and went upstairs to bedroom to change. I wasn’t sure what I was going to wear, but white pants and a bright yellow blouse weren’t going to hold up to what I was planning.

I took off my blouse and looked at the window. Steve had gotten pretty far and had dug up the sod almost all the way to the back wall. He was shirtless as usual, and the muscles on his back shone with a layer of perspiration as he worked. I reached back and unhooked my bra and stood at the window topless, secretly hoping he’d look up and see me. The sun felt warm on my breasts.

I kicked off my sandals, pulled down my white slacks, stepped out of them and stood at the window in just my white lace panties, gently rubbing my mons with one hand and my nipples with the other. Steve still didn’t turn, so I decided to up the ante, and pushed my panties down my hips and onto the floor. I was standing at the tall window, in the full sun, stark naked. Our backyard was totally private, but our neighbors could see in the second floor bedroom window and I was usually careful to pull the blinds at night for that reason. Now I didn’t care. I wanted somebody to see me like this.

After a few moments, I turned to my room to decide what to wear. A voice in my head said, “Honey, you wearing everything you need, right now.” I looked down at the string of pearls around my neck, at my unbalanced breasts, and the tuft of public hair below my belly, and down to my bare feet and pink toenails, and said to myself, “Damn right”.

I went downstairs and out into the garage, where I got two Buds out of the fridge and popped the caps. As I walked back through the house naked I wondered why I hadn’t done this before. I was always so prim and proper, and before last week had never even left our bedroom without being fully dressed. Now I was in our living room naked as a jaybird, and it felt great.

I opened the sliding door, and stepped outside. I was hyper-sensitive, felt the sun and the air on my bare skin, felt my pussy lips sliding against each other with each step, and the cool grass on the bottoms of my feet. I felt two cold slick beer bottles in my hands, and the pearls touching my neck. I licked my lips, and felt my tongue moisten them.

As I walked up to Steve I noticed him staring openly at my bare body, “ruined breast” and all, and saw the bulge growing in his cutoffs before my eyes. “Hi” he said, reaching for one of the beers.

“Not so fast mister” I said. “Looks to me like you’re packing some serious heat, and if you want this cold beer, you’re going to have to show me. Drop the pants, boy. Maybe I’ll give you more than just the beer.”

A wicked smile came over his face as he reached down, unsnapped the cutoffs, and pushed them and his underwear to the ground in one motion. He stepped out of them as I admired his penis, standing proud in the sunshine. I handed him his beer, we clinked bottles, and we both drank them down straight.

“You know Steve, you’ve got a beautiful dick, and I just love looking at it, but you’re not as tan down there as the rest of you. I’m afraid you might get a burn, which could be really painful. Maybe we should get it out of the sun before that happens”.

He pulled me towards the outdoor chaise lounges on the patio. “I think my tongue needs to get out of the sun too.”


I waited about half and hour and bought a couple of things I didn’t need before I told my friends that I had some errands to run, gave them all air kisses, and headed out of the mall. I got in my car and drove over to Ellen’s house, which looked deserted.

I had a key to their house, because I watered their houseplants and brought in the mail when they were out of town. I knew what I was about to do was wrong, and I stood on the porch for a while thinking about it, but in the end, as I knew I would, I quietly opened the door and stepped inside. The house was quiet.

I peeked around the corner into the living room, which was empty but then I saw what looked like Ellen’s head through the sliding doors. She was lying on one of the chaise lounges on the patio. For some reason, I tiptoed towards her, and as I did I could see another head of hair between her legs. I got closer.

Ellen was naked, and so was the man between her legs, who had a beautiful tan and muscled back. He was kissing her pussy! I was right. She had a lover, and from the looks of him, a damn good one. Reflexively, my hand began rubbing my own pussy through the front of my sundress. I stepped closer, staying in the shadow along the wall.

As my right hand started undoing the buttons on my sundress from the top of my panties down, my left rubbed my breasts. Once the front of my dress was open, my hand found its way into the top my panties and down to my bare slit, which was soaking wet. The man pulled away from Ellen’s pussy and I thought he would look up and catch me, but before I could move away, he bent down and kissed her navel, and then started working his way upward towards her breasts.

I knew she’d had a masectomy a couple of years earlier, but as I saw her breasts for the first time, I saw how much damage it had done. “She must wear a falsie on that side”, I thought, because it had never been obvious when she was dressed.

When is lips reached her breasts, he lifted his hips and I saw his penis bobbing between her legs. I rubbed myself frantically as Ellen reached down, and positioned him at her entrance. He pushed forward and disappeared into her. My panties were getting in the way, so I pushed them down until they fell around my ankles, and went back to work on myself. The man went to work on Ellen, pumping vigorously. He had really nice buns, and every time he pulled out, I got a look at his delicious shaft. I rubbed myself harder.

After a while, he started taking longer and longer strokes, until his penis came completely out of Ellen on each stroke before he plunged back in to the hilt. Ellen was screaming with joy. “Damn, that guy can fuck”, I thought, surprising myself with my inner language, but not as much as when I thought “And I want some of that too.”

Ellen starting screaming, “I’m cumming, I’m cumming, Oh God, fill me up” and the man gave one last deep push inside her and held himself there as he did. I could see the muscles in his back and butt rippling with his orgasm as mine took me away for a few seconds. We I opened my eyes, he looked up.

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