Marie’s Perfect Breasts Ch. 06


Marie was horny. At Mary’s direction, she hadn’t had sex nor masturbated for the week prior to the final corset fitting. During the week she’d continued to pump her nipples each day. In the past she’d ended each pumping session with self play and a climax so for the past week she had effectively been teasing herself each day with no release.

Adding to her sexual mood, on Wednesday she’d had her first ever Brazilian waxing. Mary had required it stating that it was the proper preparation for receiving the corset. Nancy had also been pushing her to get waxed ever since they’d first been intimate. As a result she’d finally gone to Nancy’s favorite salon and suffered through the procedure. With the pain a distant memory her newly smooth Venus Mound and vaginal area was eager to be touched. In fact, she’d had to restrain herself each day since the waxing. Taking showers was a particularly tough time. She loved how she felt and really enjoyed feeling her new smooth skin. She had to force herself to stop before making herself too frustrated or bringing herself off.

The Saturday of the final fitting finally arrived. Marie drove to Nancy’s wearing her boots with their 5″ heels. She was wearing no underwear under a simple blouse and skirt. While dressing this way in the past had seemed incredibly lewd, she’d become better at walking in the high heels and more accustomed to her DD breasts bouncing freely. She no longer felt like a hooker. She felt sexy but that was appropriate for someone about to be fitted with a custom made leather corset.

At Nancy’s condo Marie surrendered her blouse and skirt. She donned Nancy’s raincoat. Paul locked her cuffs on and clipped her wrists behind her but for this trip to Mary’s she was allowed to sit up in the back seat without the blindfold or posture collar of previous trips. She was to be much more of a full participant in the unveiling of the corset than she’d been in the design and fitting. While still feeling like a sex object, Marie felt proud that her body was soon to be displayed in custom fitted leather.

Mary greeted them warmly. Paul started to open Marie’s cuffs to remove her coat. Mary interrupted him saying, “Remove those cuffs; they’re Nancy’s. I’ve made Mary her own set of locking cuffs. Lock these on her but leave them unconnected for now.”

Once cuffed, Marie was directed to stand in the center of the room with her arms at her sides. Mary brought out the corset with the upper chest attachment connected to the corset by numerous small rings. While the corset itself ended under her bust, the optional top section included her chest and ran over her shoulders. There were openings for her breasts but Marie knew that there were attachable pieces that could be used to alter or cover the openings. The entire back of the garment was open. Mary said, “Nancy, help me please. Make sure her breasts are properly fitted in the openings and that the shoulder seams are squared up. Then hold it in place.”

Marie was aroused by the weight of the garment; it felt like bondage even before she was laced into it. Mary moved to Marie’s back and started the tedious task of threading the laces through the numerous eyelets.

Mary noted, “Many corsets have a front busk that opens so the corset can be removed without fully removing the laces. I’ve always felt that was contrary to the feelings a good corset should engender. A leather corset is a form of bondage- why should it be easy to remove? When I make a corset like this, there’s no easy dressing or undressing.”

Nancy watched the lacing as best she could from the front. Mary pointed out that she was threading the laces from the top and bottom of the corset but not tightening anything. The top section was laced separately. Mary said, “Tightening is a distinctly separate step. Actually, it’s several steps in order to keep the tightness uniform.” Finally, Mary said, “Okay, the laces are all in place. Nancy, if everything is all lined up, I’ll start tightening. Watch how it’s done.”

Marie could feel the laces at the top of the corset being tightened and then at her hips. She hadn’t anticipated the constriction at her hips and found the sensation unexpectedly arousing.

As the laces were tightened, Marie could feel herself standing a little straighter and her breasts sticking out more proudly. Being hugged by the leather garment was definitely sexy; if it got tighter it would be even more so. The thought of being locked into the corset was highly arousing.

Mary moved to the laces on the upper back and Marie felt as if she was being bound. While the torso felt like a garment, the full enclosure of her upper body was true bondage. It made the whole garment exciting in a new way. Marie’s level of arousal increased even more as Mary re-traced her movements up and down Marie’s back to tighten all of the laces just a little more. Finally, Mary clipped Marie’s wrist cuffs together behind her back to pull her arms back and thrust Avrupalı porno her chest forward. Marie could feel the moisture gathering in her pussy as she knew she was now fully on display.

Mary announced she was done for now. She characterized the tightness of the laces as “moderate” and whispered into Marie’s ear, “If you think this is exciting you’ll either pass out or cum when Paul tight laces you for the first time.” Mary then said to Paul, “It’ll take the leather and Mary’s body a few hours to settle in to each other. I wouldn’t suggest tight lacing for several days. Let me show you how the locks work on the laces.”

She demonstrated the locking procedure and handed the keys to Paul noting that all of the locks on Marie’s cuffs and the corset were keyed alike. Mary declared that she was going to leave Marie’s breasts exposed to show that aspect of the corset. Marie was then told to walk about the room so that everyone could see her and to help the leather settle on her body.

Mary, Paul and Nancy all stared as Marie walked back and forth in the small shop. Paul and Nancy each congratulated Mary on her work. Paul said, “Her breasts look fantastic surrounded by the black leather. The lift of the corset and color contrast really set them off. They cry out for attention.”

Mary said, “You can enjoy them as they are but let me also show you a variation.” As she spoke Mary fondled Marie’s breasts and twisted her left nipple causing Marie to grimace. “”Paul, feel these beauties now and then I’ll show you a different presentation.” Paul stepped closer and fondled both of Marie’s breasts. She stood still and basked in the attention as her pussy clenched with arousal.

Mary stepped away and returned with two sets of leather straps. She put one aside and brought the other to Marie’s left breast saying, “These straps can be attached to the corset with the connector rings but I like to use them separately. Lift her tit for me.” Mary encircled Marie’s breast and pulled the 1″ wide strap snuggly around it, cinching it into a closed circle with a Velcro tab. Without prompting, Paul lifted Marie’s other breast so Mary could apply the second strap. Marie’s breasts bulged out obscenely and she struggled to stand still as her breasts promptly began to ache from the internal pressure.

“Based on the bulge in your pants, I guess you like that look,” said Mary.

Nancy added, “He’s had that bulge since we arrived. In fact, I think Marie should kneel down and relieve Paul’s bulge.” Nancy helped Marie kneel and dropped Paul’s pants and boxers for her since her wrists remained bound. Marie’s mouth enveloped Paul’s cock as soon as it was exposed. She devoured his cock with enthusiastic, noisy sucking as Nancy and Mary watched. Paul closed his eyes and enjoyed having his cock ravished by his aroused friend. Within a minute Paul’s cock exploded in Marie’s mouth and she sucked down every drop. Finally, he pushed her head away.

Paul looked over to Nancy and said, “Help me get her up and I’ll share her tits with you.” Nancy took one of Marie’s arms and together they helped Marie to her feet. Nancy reached out to feel Marie’s swollen right breast and said, “It’s so hot and hard.” She kissed Marie’s nipple and said to Paul, “You can enjoy your side as you want but I’m going to release the strap and assault this tit in its natural state. It’s so hot.” With that Nancy removed the strap and held Marie’s breast with two hands as her mouth attacked her nipple. Marie groaned as the returning blood caused pain but Nancy’s attention transformed the pain to sexual pleasure. Paul was a few seconds behind in releasing the strap on her other breast and then ravishing her breast. Marie was writhing in the mix of pain and pleasure. Gradually her arousal replaced any other feelings and she built to a huge orgasm. The three friends held each other as Marie’s body shuttered through her release and then parted.

After Marie had recovered Mary said to Marie, “I think you understand but it should be said. The corset is more than just a garment. When you’re corseted it defines you and your relationship with Paul and Nancy. They can establish whatever rules they wish regarding the corset. For example, they may require that you refer to them only as Master and Mistress when you’re corseted. They might choose to subject you to periods of tight lacing as discipline or for pleasure. You might be subjected to periods of enforced chastity. Conversely, they might give you multiple, forced orgasms. That all seems fair, does it not?

“Yes, Mistress,” replied Marie.

Mary then looked at Paul and said, “Paul, Nancy and I have a surprise for you. Please strip Nancy down to her boots.” Mary stepped to the side of the room and returned with what appeared to be a second corset saying, “About two weeks ago, Nancy told me she was jealous of Marie’s corset and asked me to make one for her. I was able to use Marie’s as Video porno a starting point. Nancy’s been coming to me on the sly for fittings so hers is ready for today as well. I’ll need your help in putting it on her.”

Nancy stood as Mary placed the upper part of the corset against the front of her body. Paul held it in place as Mary moved to the back. Paul noted Nancy was wearing her barbells in her nipples. He smiled as he remembered Mary had said nipple stretchers worked with barbells rather than rings.

Mary said, “Since I just gave Mary a speech about the meaning of her corset, I should tell you, Paul, that I discussed similar things with Nancy. Nancy still views herself as Paul’s equal partner but when she’s wearing the corset she’ll be more than willing to submit to any directions or restrictions he may provide. She wasn’t just jealous of the corset; she wants to experience what she thinks Marie will experience when corseted. In other words, she’ll be you sex object and submissive. She is looking forward to being corseted and used as you see fit. Is that a fair summary, Nancy?”

“Yes Mistress, that’s a great description of my feelings.”

As the corset was laced and tightened around his wife, Paul said, “Wow. Having my two ladies in matching corsets with their breasts sticking out is a fantasy come true.”

Mary told Paul to pay attention to the starting point of the laces and the lacing technique since he’d be responsible for lacing Nancy in the future. As an afterthought, Mary called Marie over to watch saying, “I guess Paul might delegate this task to you or you and Nancy might corset each other as a surprise for Paul so watch how it’s done.” She laced the main corset and then the upper piece showing Paul and Marie how it should be done. She continued her instruction as she began tightening the laces.

Mary explained that she’d be tightening the laces moderately as she had done for Marie and would be locking Nancy in. “Her keys are keyed alike but are different from Mary’s”, she explained to Paul. “”I’ve marked Nancy’s with red nail polish.” As she completed the lacing Mary told Paul, “I’d suggest both women stay corseted for 24 to 36 hours. In the morning, after they’ve been up and about for an hour or so, tighten the laces a bit. This will make up for any stretching that’s occurred. By tomorrow night the corsets and bodies should be pretty well adjusted to each other but actually the fit gets better with each wearing if the lacing is done well.” Mary locked the laces and handed Paul the key.

Nancy was instructed to walk about so her corseted body could be appreciated. As she did Paul said, “Perfect. Mary you really have a gift. You’ve made my sexy ladies even sexier.”

Mary thanked Paul for his compliment and said, “We’re not done yet. As I’ve told you before, John is a true genius with fine metal work. He’s come up with a variation of the nipple stretcher for both Marie and Nancy that I think you’ll all love. When Nancy first called me about a harness for Marie she told me about their lunch at a restaurant wearing some of my leather pieces under modest outside clothes. I repeated the story to John and he was intrigued. He’s come up with what you could call a low profile stretcher. It omits the tallest stretcher notch which is fine since it’s intended for extended wear. The top edges are covered with some smooth metal so under most clothes the breasts just look a little pointed. I think you’re going to enjoy wearing these in public with or without the corsets.”

Mary turned to Nancy first. In just a few seconds the stretcher was in place on her left nipple. Mary then picked up the second one and had it installed in short order.

To Marie Mary said, “I should have started with you since you’ll take longer. You really should be pierced. She applied suction cups to each of Marie’s nipples and said, “I’ll give them a few minutes to swell.” Mary moved to a side table and said to Paul, “There’s a box here for each of your ladies. The contents are the same. Each piece has the woman’s initial inside. There’s a bondage bra. It works just like Nancy’s old one but this one can be attached to the corset or worn separately. There’s a bag of extra connector rings.”

Mary dug into the box again and extracted a jewelry box saying, “This has the regular nipple stretchers. These have three notches like the ones John demonstrated on Marie last week.” Mary put the small box back and retrieved a leather piece, saying, “Each lady has a set of breast bondage straps, a set of crotch straps, garters and last but certainly not least, this chastity panel. It locks into place and is very effective at preventing any access to the wearer’s pussy and ass.”

“I’ll be making a breast harness for each woman that connects to her corset but they’re not done yet.” Mary returned to Marie and removed the suction cups, noting, “Your pumping has made your nipples swell very easily. You’re ready for the stretchers.” With that Mary pressed the first stretcher into place. Marie winced as the stretcher was pushed into her flesh. The collar piece squeezed the base of her nipple and was then pulled outward. Mary then repeated the installation on the second nipple.

Mary said, “As you know I use high quality soft leather in the garments I make. Nonetheless, being new the corsets will initially be stiff. I suspect you won’t be too comfortable sitting down today. You might want to go home, put on some clothes and walk through the mall or plan something else where a lot of bending isn’t required.”

Paul replied, “Speaking for myself, I think the corsets need to be broken in with some sex.”

“That’s fine, of course, “said Mary. Just keep in mind if you get the ladies all sweaty they’ll remain that way until you undress them. Some men like that; others don’t.”

“I’ll take my chances,” replied Paul. “I can’t leave them alone when you’ve presented them so perfectly for me. I like the idea of going to lunch with their hidden corsets and stretchers so I’ll delay my gratification for an hour or two but that’s my limit. I suspect Marie and Nancy are rather eager as well. As to the sweat, I can have them undress and redress each other which I’m sure they’ll enjoy so having them take a shower isn’t really a problem.”

Paul said, “Mary, I trust you’ll join us for lunch and come back to our condo for a sexy afternoon. We’ll need to stop there on the way so Marie can pick up her blouse and skirt.”

“I thought you’d never ask,” quipped Mary. She returned the loose leather pieces to their respective boxes. Mary then said, “Just so you know, I’m wearing a leather cincher and open tipped leather bra under my clothes. I thought we might be going to lunch and wanted to share in your kinkiness. Let me just change into higher heels. I don’t want to look like the dowdy one in your entourage.”

“Great,” said Paul.

The foursome drove to the condo where Marie and Nancy’s wrist cuffs were removed and Marie put on her blouse and skirt. They then went on to lunch. Marie and Nancy found entering and exiting the SUV difficult. Sitting in the car with seatbelts holding them erect in the seated position was somewhat uncomfortable; the new leather simply didn’t bend easily. Mary assured them that the leather would soften after 20 to 30 hours of wear and would feel like a second skin in due course. Paul said, “Obviously, we’ll have to work through the break-in period. I think I’ll set up a corset schedule for you both so you’ll have 30 hours by the end of the month. Then the corsets can be worn more naturally for everyday activities.”

Sitting in the restaurant was a little uncomfortable for Nancy and Marie. They got up several times claiming a need to use the ladies’ room but actually just wanting to relieve the pinching of the stiff leather. Paul loved watching them walk to and from the table commenting to them, “You both look incredibly sexy. You’re carrying yourselves so straight; it’s as if you’re runway models. I keep visualizing what you look like under your clothes. The vision of your breasts on display and your nipples in the stretchers is fantastic.”

After lunch the group returned to Paul and Nancy’s condo. Paul offered the women some wine and they all accepted a glass. Nancy said, “I’m a little new at calling anyone Master or Mistress. I’ll try my best. The corset does make me feel controlled. Mistress Mary, you teased us by saying you’re wearing leather under your clothes, may we see?”

Paul said, “Let me draw the drapes and then let’s all take off our outer clothes. I’m also anxious to see Mary’s cincher. I remember her body well. All three of you have spectacular tits and great bodies. For this afternoon I don’t think anyone needs to be deferential to anyone else and there’s no need for cuffs. I think it’s also time to remove the stretchers so my ladies’ nipples are more available. Let’s enjoy each others’ bodies.”

Paul assisted Nancy and Marie in removing their clothes and their nipple stretchers. Mary stripped herself. Marie immediately noted Mary was shorter than Nancy and herself but had a trim sexy body. Her tits were slightly smaller but looked large on her body. Whether they were natural or not wasn’t obvious as they were encased in a leather open tipped bra. Mary’s two large nipples carried prominent gold rings. They poked blatantly through openings in her bra. Marie wasn’t surprised that Mary’s nipples were pierced; she practiced what she preached. Seeing Mary’s nipples confirmed that Marie was the only one with no piercings and it made her shiver at the thought that her friends would keep pushing her to get hers done. It also seemed that Mary’s rings were of a distinctly thicker gauge than Nancy’s. Even though they were gold, they had an industrial look. The thought of having heavy gauge rings hanging from your nipples was unsettling but arousing.

Marie also took notice of Mary’s waist cincher. It looked very well worn suggesting that perhaps Mary wore it every day. Marie found that thought very sexy; might she also be wearing a leather corset every day? It would be up to Paul.

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