The Surfing Holiday


My mother rewarded me for doing well in my first year at university by organizing a holiday to stay with her sister. My mother was 40 and her sister a few years younger and living in some sort of hippie community up the coast with plenty of surfing and swimming and sun. My aunt and uncle picked me up from the train and we drove to their house. We drove off the highway for a short while and came to a gate with a big sign,’ PRIVATE PROPERTY. NO TRESPASSING.’ I asked what that was all about and Brett said, “This is a private community where we are all members and it is not open to public. You have to be invited and clothing is optional. It’s like a big club with a great beach and great surf. You’ll enjoy it. Optional clothing.”

Well that was the first time I’d heard about optional clothing. There was no way I was going to take my clothes off. It was a beautiful day, warm, and the sun shining.

Jessica said, “Monica, your room’s down the end. The bathroom’s there. Put your things down and we’ll have something to eat.”

The reality of optional dressing hit me when I saw Jessica standing at the stove naked. She had a very nice bottom and when she turned around I could see that she had nice breasts and a hairy pussy. I tried to hide my surprise. I was dressed in a T-shirt without a bra and shorts. I had seen a little bit of porn but not much – I was not very interested. I have seen naked women in dressing rooms and the sight of pubic hair never aroused my interest before but I was suddenly interested. I will try to look her in the eye while at the same time taking in the view of her breasts and pussy. She looks pretty sexy. At that moment Brett walked in naked too. My eyes instantly concentrated on his penis as he walked towards me. This was the first time I’d ever seen an adult penis in the flesh. I’d seen a few porn ones, all long and straight and they were things of beauty. Brett’s was quite long and hanging loose and the head was covered by skin. It looked ugly. I tried to imagine what it looked like stiff and hard. For the first time in my life I looked at two people and realised that his penis was designed to enter her vagina. Oh my God. Sex was confronting me like never before. I’d never really taken much interest but the sight of Brett’s penis was making me a little bit excited. More than a little bit. I looked at Jessica’s hairy pussy and realised that her pubic triangle was just there to hide her vagina. I must be like that too. The images raced backwards and forwards in my mind as we all ate lunch.

“We’re going to go down to the beach. We’ve got a spare surfboard for you. Do you know how to use one?”

“Yes, I’ve used one a few times and I’m getting better.”

“The surf is not very big. It starts a long way out and you get a good long ride in.”

“You go on. I’ll change into my swimming costume and meet you down there.”

I made sure they had gone and when they did I got out my trusty vibrator and had a quick orgasm before changing into my two-piece costume. I felt so much better.

I walked down to the beach and they were standing there waiting for me and introduced me to a few of their friends and then we headed for the beach and quick surf. I couldn’t believe how they treated being naked as so normal. Jessica explained that most of the people stayed in front of the clubhouse but over near the rocks there was a group of people who were less inhibited. Apparently in the very first days the organisers of the gated community had sent two people to do a tour of other nudist beaches and come back with ideas. They came back with the idea that we should set up an area separate from the common area where people who wanted to make love and go beyond visual enjoyment could do what they wanted to do without bothering anybody. That’s why we set up that area over there. There were no signs – everybody just knew it.

I felt really stupid. I think I was the only one on the whole beach who was dressed. Nobody else. I’d never felt so embarrassed in my life before. We sat down on the beach together and then I moved over to join a group of young people. They all said hello but I felt frozen out of the conversation. What was I going to do? I had told myself I would not get undressed but peer pressure was being silently applied. I took off my costume top and revealed my breasts. I felt confident about them because I knew they had good shape and size and I had already checked the girls in our group. I was up amongst the best of them.

Immediately two of the Avrupalı porno boys moved over closer and started talking and then all of a sudden everybody was up with their surfboards and in the water paddling out. I have no idea how many times we went out and came back in but I was feeling a bit tired by the end. Everybody lay down on their towels to get the sun and then it became obvious that not one of them cared a hoot if anybody looked at their penises or pussies. It certainly gave me an opportunity to look. I had never looked on such a sight in my life. The boys were short and long, circumcised and uncircumcised. Take your pick. Most of the girls had shaved pussies and a few very hairy. After I had seen all I wanted to, I lay down too. Curiosity got the better of me. I couldn’t help looking. I couldn’t believe how nonchalant they all were at exposing their most private parts.

We went out several times on our surfboards and it was time to go to the clubhouse for a drink before dinner. It was my chance to look at more dicks but this time on older blokes. Their wives were with them and I kept imagining them making love. We had a few drinks then went back home for dinner. After watching TV for a while it was time for bed. We said good night and went to our rooms but I decided to come out to the kitchen and have a drink of water. Brett was out there too, not expecting anybody and boy did he have an erection. His ugly penis had turned into a thing of beauty. Jessica was in for a fine time tonight. As I gave myself an orgasm I could hear little noises coming from her bedroom. The next morning I gave in. I decided that I would go without my costume and I would show my pussy in public for the first time. Brett and Jessica were surprised. Jessica said, “I’m glad you’ve decided to join in with everybody. Nobody here cares. You will enjoy yourself much more. You’ve got a terrific body.”

She was right. When I got back to the beach I was much more accepted by the others. Nobody actually looked at me closely although they were obviously aware that I was displaying my pussy for the first time. Strangely enough I didn’t feel as if I had made such a major step. All the girls had pussies and they were not ashamed of them. I watched the other girls and they often sat with crossed legs so that you could see their cracks but they were not embarrassed. I didn’t realise that girls could have such different pussies. The variation in clitoris size was amazing. I should not have been surprised. I knew that boys had big dicks and small dicks. Even the ones that had their clitorises sticking out from their cracks proudly showed them. The more confident I got, the more I showed myself. I looked down and saw that my crack opened and you could see my clitoris clearly. I was looking from the top. I wondered what it looked like front on. I noticed that the boys came closer too and were taking more interest in me. I liked that because when they got closer I could look at their dicks better. I had decided that I preferred uncircumcised ones until one boy Jimmy started talking to me and in front of my eyes his uncircumcised dick started to grow and the large pink head of his penis began to peek through his foreskin and I have to say, I found that the most beautiful sight. I had an unbelievably strong urge to reach out and hold it but I controlled myself. That would have given him license to put his finger into my crack and I didn’t want that. We talked for a while and then we all got up and took our surfboards into the surf. Jimmy walked next to me and I watched in amazement as his large beautiful cock stood out in front of him. I was proud of myself. He must be excited by my body. I had never had that reaction on any boy before and I feel immensely proud that I could be so sexy.

We made many trips out and back and Jimmy helped me with a few tips so that my technique got better and I was really surfing very well. We had lunch and came back and surfed some more. When it got close to dinner time everybody else left and we were more or less alone. It was getting dark and the sun was setting and Jimmy suggested we go out and ride tandem. I had no idea what he meant but he demonstrated that I should get on the front of his surfboard and he would get on the back and we would paddle out together and then surf in together. The first time was a bit difficult but I got the hang of it soon enough and on the second time we were doing very well. On the third trip in Jimmy pushed his penis against Video porno my bottom so that I knew it was there. I didn’t resist because I was quite taken with him. Halfway into the shore his hand snaked around and his finger slipped into my crack and touched my clitoris. It was the most glorious feeling and he rubbed until finally the surfboard stopped in the shallows.

“Do you want to have another one?”

“Yes. I liked that.’

We paddled back out again and turned to come back in again. This time Jimmy put his hand on my breast and twiddled my nipple. Oh God. It was good. Then his finger went back to my clitoris again. He was relentless and I could feel myself getting closer and closer to an orgasm. Finally the surfboard shuddered to a halt in the shallows and we stepped into the sand. Jimmy was pressed hard up against me and I could feel his large erection against my bum crack while his fingers kept on. I knew an orgasm was coming and it got stronger and stronger and my body erupted as never before. When my body spasms had subsided I turned around and kissed Jimmy and held his erect penis for the first time. I have no idea how long we stood there wrapped in each other’s arms until I finally said, “Let’s go and dry ourselves.”

Jimmy dried me and his hands spent an inordinate amount of time drying my breasts and my pussy while I was drying him and spending an inordinate amount of time drying his penis and balls. It was still warm and we lay down on our towels and kissed and cuddled. His finger must’ve been drawn like a magnet to my clitoris because it was back there in a flash. I loved it and all I could think of was how much I loved Jimmy. I knew it was crazy but I couldn’t help myself.

Jimmy said, “Are you safe?”

“I think so. Yes I’m pretty sure I am.” Did I realise that was giving him the all clear to put his penis in my vagina? Of course I did. When I came on this holiday sex had been very far from my mind but being so close to a real penis had changed everything. All of a sudden I was obsessed about getting his beautiful looking tip into my vagina. I never realised how it was shaped to just open me up and slip in. Oh boy!

No further invitation was needed. In what seemed like a flash to me Jimmy had separated my knees and was kneeling between them and the next thing I felt was his penis sliding right into me. It was the most wonderful feeling and after a few minutes I felt him come inside me.

“I’m going down to the water again. I have to clean up. You should come too.”

We walked back to Jessica’s hoping to get dinner.

“Sorry I’m late. I’ve been with Jimmy. Is it too late for dinner? Is there enough for Jimmy?”

“Sure. There’s plenty. Hi Jimmy. We’ve known Jimmy for a long time and we know his parents well.”

“Did you wonder where I was?”

“Yes we did and we walked down to the beach and saw you and Jimmy together. I think you’re in love.”

Oh no. Jessica saw me making love to Jimmy. I’m so embarrassed. It was pretty dark. She couldn’t have seen much. I think I’m going to blush.

“Don’t worry, I won’t tell your mother. I don’t think she’d be very happy but I’m happy for you. You’ve discovered yourself and you’re enjoying it. That’s great. That’s the philosophy up here.”

“It’s been quite a day hasn’t it? I never had a boyfriend until today and now look what’s happened.”

“We are very happy for you. Let’s get out a bottle of wine and celebrate. If Jimmy wants to stay the night here he can. Would you like that?”

“Jimmy. You should ring your mother and tell her you are not coming home, otherwise she’ll be worried.”

We sat around and talked for a while and then went to bed. We were no sooner in the bedroom and I had shut the door and I could see Jimmy’s penis rising from its slumber and getting longer and harder in front of my eyes. I threw my arms around him and I could feel it pressing into my body and then I turned the light off – I stupidly thought that it would somehow give my aunt and uncle the impression that we were sleeping if they didn’t see a light coming under the door. In retrospect I’m sure they knew we were fucking. I lay down on the bed and Jimmy was massaging and sucking my breasts and I was in heaven. It didn’t take long and his finger had gravitated to my clitoris again I could feel myself getting wet and that his finger was in my vagina. It felt great. The next thing I was on my back with my knees separated and he was vigorously pumping into me and then I felt his body stiffen and his penis pulse a few times and it was all over.

We kissed and cuddled again and then we had another session. This time I made sure that my finger was on my clitoris and rubbing at the same time that he was pushing in an out. It was a great move. I had a great orgasm and made a few sounds. I hope they didn’t hear me. We waited a while until Jimmy got hard again and then we did it again. I tried to silently slip into the bathroom and clean myself up. I must’ve been a mess. When I got back to bed Jimmy was asleep. We must have slept really well because it was late when we got up and I went into the kitchen and there was a note from Jessica saying that they had gone down to the clubhouse and we could meet them down there for lunch later on. I was very pleased because it gave me a chance to be with Jimmy alone in the light and be able to examine him. Everything had happened so quickly.

“I need a shower after last night and I think you need one too.”

It was one of the most erotic things I’ve ever done. His hands were all over my body and between my legs and rubbing my breasts and my hands were all over his body and playing with his penis and balls. We dried each other in the most salacious way while we kissed and cuddled at the same time and then we went to the bed.

“The first time I met you and you were sitting cross-legged in front of me and I could see your erection growing and the tip of your penis was starting to peek out and it was so exciting. I really want to look at it again. Lie down so that I can hold your penis and watch the skin move up and down over the tip. I love seeing the tip appear and then disappear. I didn’t realise just how hard your penis got. I guess it has to be hard to force its way into my vagina.”

My lips wrapped around his dick and I sucked and I could see that Jimmy was enjoying the attention. I went for quite a long time but he didn’t seem as if he was going to come. It must’ve been the four times we did it last night. After a while I stopped and lay on my back. In those few moments of silence I thought to myself, “is this same girl who would not show herself naked in public and now 24 hours later she is opening her legs wide and showing everything to somebody she only met yesterday. It’s hard to believe. I hope he likes it. I’ve never really seen it myself. My God. He is separating my lips and now his finger is on my clitoris and rubbing backwards and forwards. God it feels good. Now he’s pulling my hood back.”

“Can you see my clitoris?”

“Yes. Just. It’s a tiny little thing like a bean and it’s hard. I’m going to lick it.”

Oh God I can’t believe how good that is. If he wanted to do that for the whole day I’d let him. No he can’t do that for the whole day. I can feel an orgasm coming. It feels so good. My hands involuntarily pulled his head down to stay in position as if he was going to run away. My thighs have locked him in position and now I’m spasming all over the place. Oh God. It’s too much. He has to stop. I pushed his head away while the last few spasms exhausted themselves and I lay panting. I drew his head down and kissed his lips and tasted pussy for the first time. Funny taste. Nice. Jimmy drew himself up, separated my knees and in a flash was pounding on my vagina. When he was finished he just rolled over and looked at me.

“What made you interested in me?”

“When we were sitting cross-legged and you were looking at my penis getting longer and harder I was looking at your breasts. You have got beautifully shaped breasts and very nice nipples. When I looked down at your pussy it just looked so attractive. I can’t tell you why exactly but you aren’t very hairy. You’ve got a nice light covering and with your legs apart like that I could see your crack and there was just a little bit of flesh poking out. I knew that had to be your clitoris and I was dying to look at it and touch it. It felt so good touching it for the first time when we were on the surfboard. I could feel your body respond. That was good. It felt great and it was exciting to feel it get harder and then feel that you were getting wet. I could tell that you were initially reluctant but your body responded to my touch. Later I slipped right in and you were so welcoming. I could never have imagined that my first time would be so great. Thank you.”

“I think we should go down to the clubhouse otherwise they will think we’re fucking. I have to stop being embarrassed and remember that everybody is fucking and nobody cares. I have to stop being ashamed of my pussy and get used to the fact that I am like everybody else and enjoy it.”

“You are right. Stop thinking about it and just let it happen. It’s natural.”

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