Change of Control Ch. 01


Chapter 1

Riding in the fitted leather passenger seat of the well-equipped German sedan, she can feel the brakes being applied to slow the vehicle. Smooth yet firm breaking that followed the swift acceleration, all of his driving skills are exact, precise. The highly tuned car fits his personality she thinks as she feels the car come to a near stop. His words are always well thought out, choosing them carefully as to convey his thoughts, but not to overly endure any listener with unnecessary babble. Intelligent, creative, efficient, precise. Yes, his car and driving mannerisms are the extension of the man, what else may that say about him she wonders. The slight audible click of a turn signal is followed by what she perceives is a slow left-hand turn. The car accelerates only a little an continues for several seconds at this slow pace. Is this finally the destination? They have not driven that long actually, a few turns out of the parking lot. A stop that was apparently a red light. Another minute at a seemingly decent pace, the car undulating a little on what was likely a paved country road that mother nature is beginning to win the battle over smooth new pavement. No, they haven’t been driving all that long, but when you are blindfolded, time can be a very sly adversary.

They met only two weeks earlier, at a charity function. Actually, meeting would not be the exact way to describe the encounter, but more of a reacquaintance. The two had gone to the same school in a small midwestern town 25 years prior. They were a year apart in age and did not have the same circle of friends back then, but you can’t help but know most people in the town, or at the very least recognize the person. Age had actually been agreeable to both, and looking up from his glass of wine, he recognized her instantly from the girl he knew to the woman standing in front of him now.

“Katie…is that you? Wow it’s been a very long time, how have you been?” he said, already knowing it was her and trying to maintain a calm demeanor when his thoughts already reacted to her vision.

He was by no means a predator as one might think with thoughts betraying him so quickly. As a matter of fact he tried very hard to never react to the thoughts that were in his mind. It took years for him to realize that being wired very erotically was ok, that he was not actually that abnormal from what a lot of people likely fantasize or dream about. 30 years ago, this notion was very different. However with the internet and more information online than a person could possibly absorb in a lifetime brought an erotic awaken, and this comforted him to a degree knowing that there are like-minded people, people who were far more extravagant with ideas and thoughts, and some that were timid but curious. He was definitely in the middle of that scale, but very erotic none the less.

At an early age he knew he had thoughts that were different but did not know how to process or handle them. At an age when transitioning from adolescence to adulthood brought a flood of erotic feelings for virtually all young men, compounding the growth with deeper erotic thoughts was challenging. He had learned early, mostly for fear of being rejected or labeled to be thoughtful with this idea and did not share them quickly. Through dating some he was able to explore which proved to be an amazing experience. He knew these feelings were deeply rooted in his soul. He also learned through those early experiences that it was rare to find someone who would share those same desires. His experience at the time was that nice girls didn’t exactly like to play like that, and girls who wanted to play were not necessarily nice.

Life threw him a curve ball when he met the woman to be his wife. All things within that relationship were very good except for the single element of the eroticism. He had long since given up on finding that needle in the haystack and married a terrific woman. Life dealt them a blow twenty years into their marriage, and he found himself single. His daughter was grown and out of the house, and he now had nothing but time and resources, a combination that once again fueled all of those desires and thoughts. The world had evolved as well, and he soon began to realize that awareness, acceptance, understanding and even approval around erotic ideas were very different.

He had been successful in life which caused him to also be mindful that people he knew or might get to know may have different motives to take advantage of his success. He dated some, but kept quite a distance from anything serious, and frankly that was fine by him. He was a man that always had lots to do, he had a woodshop that he kept busy making fine furniture. He enjoyed exercise and was outside as often as the stubborn weather permitted. He had no problem filling his time and was not one to become needy for companionship. He fulfilled his erotic needs by creating some self “play time” as he liked to call it, keeping things very private and controlled. In life, and now in love, he Ataşehir Sınırsız Escort was a cautious, careful, thoughtful person, and planned to explore long before anything serious would be allowed in his heart.

“Oh my gosh… Derek, how are you?” she said back with a grin, trying to hide the sensation that her nervous system was just plugged in to an extension cord leading to a wall socket.

She had always been quick to inwardly react to people she found interesting or exciting, and Derek was no exception. She had remembered him in school as well but did not have the opportunity to really connect their friendship in those days. She distinctly remembered a look that lingered slightly longer than it should from him and then a smile when their eyes met. Back then it produced nearly the same intense reaction her nerves were feeling now. She didn’t know him to be overly flirtatious and always wondered what that long look and smile was truly about in his mind.

After school they did not cross paths again. She had met a man soon after graduating whom she married and soon after began their family. This part of her life fulfilled her greatly as she very much loved her two children. However, she desperately missed more out of life and a part of her was searching in her mind almost constantly for this need. Little would anyone realize from her outwardly appearance the level of thoughts that frequented her imagination. She was very pretty but not one to overly exaggerate her physical features. She was slightly short standing at five foot three, but had very nice curves and slightly longer than average legs. She had somewhat of an athletic build or even a dancer’s style of body. She had always had dark hair which framed her face and her amazing brown eyes, which were always subject to her trademark accessory, a pair of stylish glasses. Her smile could melt hearts, but also was a telling sign of her inner feelings, as she was accustomed to biting her lower lip when she was slightly nervous or felt some anxiety.

Growing up also in a small town she went through a few phases in her youth. Most of these she kept to herself for fear of others who were much more traditional thinking less of her. At one point in her life she had a gothic phase, painting her room dark colors and adorning the walls with decorations, some very questionable in nature. Changing from this phase and maturing some, she changed her room to a light green color and matched the walls with a light green and plaid bedspread. Although her phases of cloths and room colors changed somewhat, an inner erotic desire never altered. In fact the more she grew and understood her own needs and desires, the more her erotic feelings pushed to the surface. She had to be careful with these feelings as the small community would definitely not understand the depths to which she fantasized. Little did the two reacquaintances know how much that had in common in that respect.

She pushed in her marriage for communication and was open regarding her desires. Her husband who was not the best communicator did like the added sexual attention, but he was not as secure in the levels of which she often fantasized with him. He had an erotic side as well, but at times it would turn to jealousy, confusion, resentment, and she often wondered if it was worth the anxiety and pull it caused in the relationship. She began to closet those fantasies and thoughts and opted for a more traditionally way of expressing her physical desires. Once again, she found herself as in her youth, having to change her inner desire to please the outward judge of her current life.

Over time, the two drifted apart and as her children grew and matured, the decision was made to go their separate ways. She was happy, free, taking life one step at a time, and at a whim from an invite from a girlfriend, found herself at a charity event. She certainly didn’t have a desire to bid on overly expensive items that most likely didn’t match her style, but her friend explained there would be wine, and an excuse to dress up. That sealed the deal, and an hour into the event and two glasses of wine later, her nervous system was on fire at their initial conversation.

“I’m well thank you” he said with a smile that continued to charge her nervous systems energy. “I am happy to have a distraction from this boring event. It’s a great cause and I am happy to help, but I was actually considering leaving shortly, but if I may, can I get you another glass of wine and we can catch up”? he looked at her with that smile and she bit her lower lip slightly as he asked.

“That sounds nice actually, as my friend has seemed to disappear, and I am about empty with this glass.” She said flashing a smile and tapping on her glass indicating a soft red.

“I’ll be right back, perhaps you can help me choose something on this silent auction table while I get more wine?” he asked as he moved by her, indicating the table he was referring to and bushing her arm as he directed her attention.

As Ataşehir Suriyeli Escort she walked over to the long table with several items on the table, she was completely lost in the thought of carrying on a conversation with him and how quickly it had ignited the feelings in her soul. Surely this cannot be anything, but she also realized how she has missed the excitement of something or someone new, and already pondered the magic of a first kiss. She quickly shook her head clear of that thought as she walked over to the table to begin her charity assignment.

As he stood at the makeshift bar, he turned to observe his new friend. He watched as she walked over to the long charity table, her black high heels clinking on the hard floor and she moved. It was cool outside that evening, and she clearly opted for pants instead of a little black dress which is fairly common at functions like this. As he watched her and truly soaked in her appearance for the first time from head to toe, he was very taken back. She had worn a black long sweater shirt that suggested just a little bit of cleavage, not at all distasteful but suggesting a little bit of confidence. She wore a black wide leather belt around the shirt at her mid torso, complementing her figure. The shirt hung low and stopped just above the lower portion of her nicely shaped bottom. What he could then see was already driving him crazy. She had on a pair of black leggings that appeared to be a very wet look type of material. He was very aware of this look as it often was the subject of many of his google searches when he would research ideas for erotic outfits. In this particular occasion however, it was completely tastefully done, and the entire outfit was then finished with a pair of black high heels. It was the perfect mix of class, style and sexiness. A hard combination to do well, and she had it perfectly presented he thought to himself.

She was nearly through the row of silent auction items when she felt his presence beside her. She turned to see the wine glass extending to her, “and I believe this was what you were drinking?” he asked as she took the glass and gave a sip.

“That’s exactly it, so are you psychic?” she asked with a grin and another bite of her lower lip.

“Perhaps, or when there are limited bartenders and you tip well, it’s fairly easy to ask for another glass of what the woman in black was drinking.” He said and glanced at her outfit.

Noticing the glance and blushing slightly, she said, “Oh this old thing, it was last minute so I just grabbed what I could find.”

“I would certainly hate to imagine what you might come up with given a little time to plan then.” He returned to her witty comment. “So, what do you think of this silent auction table, anything worth a look?” he asked.

“It’s a bit difficult to say, understanding that I have no idea your tastes or hobbies. However, there are tickets to a ballgame on one end of the spectrum, dinner for two at nice restaurant that’s new in town, and a vacation package at the other end of the spectrum.” She said looking over the table with pride in her observance.

“Hmmm, the dinner sounds interesting and I have wanted to try that new place, let’s see what happens.” He said as he walked to the auction sheet and wrote down his name and bid amount.

They turned and walked over to a stand-up table that was nearby and stood, reaching for some snacks that were provided and began to strike up a conversation in more detail. She recounted her children’s age and what had happened to her relationship and he shared the same perfunctory details about his life. They each discussed their lack of a dating life but how each was very happy in their respective current situations. She was easy to talk to, and he continued to be captivated by those eyes.

“If only I were psychic”, he thought, it would be very good to understand what was really behind those brown eyes. And while she spoke to him, she was thinking thank god he is not psychic as I would not want my thoughts known right now.

“So, this is where you got off to”, said Aesha, Katie’s friend who brought her to the event. Aesha was taller, an attractive woman who also was clearly a little more outgoing and borderline flamboyant when she arrived at the table, making it clear she wanted some attention. Katie looked at her and Derek perceived a slight irk in Katie’s expression, perhaps frustrated by her friends’ attitude or maybe slightly disappointed that Aesha might get some attention from Derek. “I’m Aesha, Katie’s closest friend” and she proceeded to produce her hand for a shake.

“Pleasure to meet a friend of Katie, I’m Derek, nice to meet you” he said with a manufactured smile. He noticed Katie smiled slightly at the distance of the greeting. “And may I compliment you?” he continued.

“Oh, by all means” Aesha said with a slight increase in excitement and interrupting Derek.

“I was going to thank you, for bringing Katie with you to the event Ataşehir İranlı Escort this evening. It’s been a real pleasure getting to know her” he said with a very matter of fact smile and glancing over to Katie he saw her blush slightly, smile and another lip bite.

Aesha, slightly taken back by the lack of a direct compliment regained her composure quickly and smiled in return, “Yes, she is a great lady!”. With that she turned and saw another friend and was quickly off to be the center of another circle of attention.

“Thank you for that, and sorry. She can be a little overbearing, but I love her dearly. She’s been very good for me through all of the last couple of years” Katie said while looking at him with another smile and sipping the end of her glass of wine.

“I believe you are almost done with wine, and I wouldn’t be a gentleman if I didn’t ask if you would like another, but I must admit I need to be leaving shortly, I have an appointment early in the morning. I believe they have closed the bids on the table, should we go see if I won?” he asked.

“Oh no, I am fine with this last glass of wine, and yes, let’s go see if you were able to sneak a win on the auction.”

The two walked back over to the silent auction table, side by side and slightly rubbing arms to shoulders as they walked. Neither tried to avoid slightly being in each other’s personal space. As the arrived at the table the silent auction bids were closed and along each list of names and bids, the winning bid was circled.

“Hey you won!” she proclaimed. “Holy shit, did you make a mistake on your bid?” she exclaimed before she could stop the words from leaving her mouth. The shock of seeing the $1,000 bid for a dinner was a surprise to her.

“I did win, great. And no, I can assure you that was not a mistake Katie.” He said as he looked slightly deeper in her eyes, which caused the nerves already heighted in her body to shoot directly deeper into her womanly needs, feeling slight weak in the knees and a hint of moisture developing.

“Oh, I see” she said pausing, “I see someone is an over achiever when they want to be” she tried to recover with some humor.

“It is for a good cause, I wanted to do my part in supporting it” he said in return, smiling again and finishing the last of his wine.

There was a bit of a pause at this, and neither said anything for a moment.

“I enjoyed this evening very much, but as I mentioned I must be going. Are you ok with Aesha getting you home?” he asked looking around for her over ambitious friend.

“Yes completely, I am sure she is still here and would not leave me alone with a complete stranger, she protects me.” She said, secretly wondering if she needs protection and if Derek is a complete stranger at this point.

“Quite wise indeed Katie. However, how do you feel leaving your wingman and being unprotected?” he asked with a smile.

She looked at him for a second not sure to interpret this comment.

Letting the pause again heighten her anxiety slightly that he clearly had tried to induce, he smiled and said, “I was thinking as you were instrumental in helping me with the silent auction choice, you would like to join me for dinner? To celebrate the win.”

She relaxed slightly with this invitation and with a little grin said, “That sounds nice. I am curious to find out what a $1,000 diner tastes like.”

She took out her phone and asked, “What is your number?”

He paused for just a moment and told her the number. She typed in the number and hit send, and soon his phone indicated a message had arrived.

“Please let me know the details when you can, and thanks again for a nice evening. I enjoyed getting to know you a little Derek.” She said, touched his arm slightly and walked away making sure he could watch her walk. He could not see the smile on her face and the lower lip being slightly bit again and her triumphant exit.

He smiled to himself and began to try to put at bay all the thoughts that were developing in his mind as he indeed watched her walk away.

The next day Derek waited until late morning before sending a text message to Katie. He cursed himself for thinking of the gamesmanship of not coming across too eager. What did he care if he did or didn’t? Shaking his head clear, he picked up his phone.

“Hi Katie, it’s Derek. Thank you again for turning a dull evening into a memorable occasion.”

A minute when by and he saw that she was returning the text.

“Hi Derek. And thank you for a great evening! Looking forward to dinner details. K8T”

“K8T…clever. How does Friday sound for dinner?”

“Friday is good. What time and I can meet you there? Also, I can let Aesha know in case I need saving again ;)”

He smiled as she clearly was more adapt at texting than he.

“Reservations are at 6:30. Good plan regarding a lifeline, you never know.”

She was beginning to sense a true bit of flirting going on but wasn’t sure exactly which way to take it. If only she knew what kind of person he was on the inside and where his mind was leading. She in no way was thinking anything more than a fun opportunity for a bit of an adventure. She was happy and knew long ago to not set hopes on relationships early. They evolve when it’s right. Yes, an adventure, that was it.

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