For the Whored: Stormwind Ch. 23

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Ariana Marie

Making her way down to the training yard, Elunara had some energy to burn. She picked up her staff and, as she walked to the center of the ring, soldiers dove out of her way.

Grogek tugged out his axe and grinned. “I had a feeling you’d be down here… after last night.”

“You got me so revved up, I’ve got energy to burn, Sugarbear.”

“Well, have at it then.”

“Damned skippy.” She launched.

They worked for quite some time, dodging attacks, landing blows. She bounced and jumped around, dodging his swings. The crowd grew, bets were made, money exchanged. Even Varian heard of the melee and came to watch.

Jordan jumped in. “Can I join this party?”

“You know I love it when you double team me.” She winked. Many of the men in the crowd grinned and snickered. “Come on lovers, work me harder. I need to burn some energy!”

Grogek and Jordan nodded to each other, changed stances, and attacked.

“Yes! Like you mean it! Stop toying with me!” She giggled wildly.

“Uh, did this just get meaner?” One guy asked.

Elunara dodged, jumped, flipped. She kicked off of Jordan’s breastplate, bounced off of Grogek’s shoulder. “Oh, stop taking it easy on me!”

“As you command, my love.” Grogek increase his speed and range.

“Let’s give her all she can take.” Jordan grinned.

Elunara landed in the center. “Well, this is a common sight…” She looked back at Grogek. “You at my ass…” She grinned at Jordan. “You in the front.”

“Are you trying to fight? Or make us all hard?” Gerald called out from the sidelines.

“You mean they’re not one in the same?” Elunara dodged the next attack and landed her own blow.

“I don’t know any more!” Gerald cried.

“Holy shit, are they serious?” One of the other soldiers gawked, as the three in the ring seemed to be killing each other.

Gerald shook his head. “Elunara’s still just playing.”

Elunara flipped over Jordan’s head. “Come on; let’s show these meat bags what you two are really made of.” She put a hand on Jordan’s back and shot him with energy. Twisting and dodging, she did the same to Grogek. “Fueled up?”

Grogek cracked his neck. “I do enjoy when you do that.”

Jordan rolled his shoulders. “Like drinking ten cups of coffee at once.”

“Good, now pound on me dammit.” She went for the kill.

They fought like crazed demons, neither one giving an inch. When at last, Elunara collapsed to her knee, huffing and panting, she began to laugh. “FINALLY!” She fell back and stared at the sky.

Grogek leaned over. “Are you alright?”

Jordan’s face entered her field of vision. “You’re bleeding an awful lot.” His sweat hit her in the face.

“No, it’s cool, watch this.” She closed her eyes and the golden glow surrounded her body. She began to rise into the air, her arms out, her eyes closed. Her body healed completely and she sat down lightly on her toes. “Ta da!”

“Ok, that’s not even fair.” Jordan wiped his hair out of his face.

“Oh, don’t be big babies.” She kissed Jordan and transferred a shot of her healing energy. Turning to Grogek, she did the same. “See? Nice and healed.”


“I’m getting better every time I do it.”

“That’s a fascinating trick.” Varian called. “You certain you’re not a healer?”

“Sweetheart, I’m dual specced, I’m a rogue AND a priest!”

“How is that even possible?”

“Goddess, remember?” She winked. “Or should I show you again?” She blew him a kiss and wandered off.

“Hey, love!”

“Yes, Sugarbear?”

“That was a bit out of character. Should we be worried?”

“No! I just figured out how to block all that excess energy flooding me, without actually damaging me. I FINALLY got to the end of a store of energy! I’m just so damned happy I can return to normal.”

Jordan snorted. “You mean what PASSES for normal to you.” He stuck out his tongue.

Elunara climbed on the platform. “Damned skippy. I can control the influx and out pour. It’s quite euphoric.”

“Ugh, she’ll be obnoxious now.” Jordan snorted.

“I don’t know.” Grogek leaned on his axe. “Her in a euphoria usually works to our favor.”

“This is true.” Jordan considered.

“You horndogs.” She winked.

Grogek snorted. “I believe the phrase is “Look who’s talking.”

Elunara cackled.

Varian grinned. “Do I get to benefit from this as well?”

Elunara looked up, and giggled with a wink. “You betcha.”


She barely held herself up, as both boys wrapped themselves around her.

“THAT WAS AWESOME!” They cried in unison.

Lydia stopped in front of her. “Yes, Miss Elunara, that was amazing!”

“Lydia’s been training on the staff!” Bradly nodded. “She wants to be like you.”

Lydia blushed. “Bradly!”

“Well, we kind of all have to learn the staff.” Darguni shrugged. “Papa Jordan calls it the basics.”

“Well, yes. You have to learn how to take a basic weapon and make it part of your body. It’s not just a weapon, it’s an extension of yourself.” Elunara shrugged. “Perhaps I’ll take a day every month and just teach you porno video some of my moves.”

Lydia gasped. “Would you?”

“Of course.”

“Hey, Momma, some of the guys have been asking to spend the night…” Bradly hazarded.

Elunara laughed. “Well, this was the best possible time to ask me. Sure, but only if you make sure their parents know. If they’re from the orphanage, then make sure the matron says it’s fine.”

“And Lydia?” Darguni jerked his head.

“You know she’s always welcome in my home. So long as her parents know as well.”

Thomas laughed from the sidelines. “I’m pretty sure Linda would never say no to you.”

“Yes, but as a parent, I would rather have certainties.” Elunara winked.

“Let’s go tell everybody!”

“IN REASON!” She called after them.

“But why LYDIA?” One of the boys scrunched his nose.

“Lydia is always welcome in our home.” Darguni crossed his arms.

“Yeah, so? This was supposed to be the guys, and Lydia is a GIRL.”

“Our mother is a GIRL, and you’ve seen what SHE can do!”

“Your mother isn’t a GIRL, she’s a GODDESS. Even King Wrynn says so.”

Bradly tugged on Darguni’s sleeve, and they stood to the side, whispering back and forth.

Lydia stared down at her shoes and dug her toe in the ground.

Bradly and Darguni came back to the group. “Because Lydia is the Chosen of the Goddess.”

“Do what?”

Darguni nodded. “It is true.”

“She has received the blessing of the goddess,”

“Which is why Lydia trains with momma, personally.”

“It doesn’t matter Lydia’s gender, because she is the Chosen of the Goddess,”

“And, as such, is treated better than the rest of us.”

Lydia watched Darguni and Bradly talk back and forth in that way they did. She just openly stared at them, this was a new track.

“Therefore, if we are to have a sleepover,”

“She gets prec… press… She appears first.”

Bradly turned to Lydia. “Didn’t you receive the blessing of the goddess?”

Lydia blinked. “Well, I guess so. I mean she did…” Lydia flushed and wiggled her legs. “Yes, she did.”

Bradly gestured. “There you go.”

“I’m not sure my mom would let me at a sleepover with girls.” One frowned.

“Ask. Momma says that, all you can do is ask. If she has any questions, then ask my momma to talk to her. He said it,” Bradly gestured to one of the others. “our Momma is a Goddess, even King Wrynn says so, so she should have final say.”

Linda frowned and wiped her hand on a dishtowel. “With a house full of boys?”

“It’ll be fine. I have a spare room she can sleep in, if need be.” Elunara cocked her head to the side. “In fact, Lydia can invite a few of her girl friends, and they can have a sleepover in my spare room. You still get the night to just you and your husband,” Elunara winked. “And Lydia doesn’t get left out.”

Linda put her hands to her mouth. “There are no limits to your kindness.”

“If you cry on me again, I will kick Thomas in the nuts out of principle.”

Linda laughed. “I do not doubt it.”

When twelve boys and five girls showed up at her house, she began to question her sanity. She was grateful Tippy loved the catering business.

Jordan opened the door, took one look inside, said “Oh, shit.” And tried to bail, but Elunara grabbed him by the arm.

“Oh, hell no.”

“Hey, this was your project not mine.”

“I don’t know a damned thing about kids; especially a herd of boys. I need your help.”

“You were a kid once…”

“You’ve read my work, no I wasn’t. YOU were a little boy in Stormwind, remember?”

He sighed. “FINE.”

“Stop acting like I’m leading you to execution.”

“How many?”

“Twelve boys. Remind me to have a discussion with our sons about restraint.”

Jordan snorted. “Do you even know the meaning of that word?” He shook his head. “I’m going upstairs to change out of my armor.”

“You better not hide on me, I know where you live.”

“DUDE! You have three floors?”

“Uh huh. Momma designed it that way.”

“Who’s this guy?” Tommy pointed to a picture.

“That’s my birth father.”

“I thought Jordan was your dad?” Tommy frowned.

“My real dad died, so Jordan is my dad now.” Bradly shrugged.

“I wish I had a dad.” Morgan sighed.

“Maybe your momma can remarry.” Darguni patted Morgan on the shoulder. “Hey, maybe my momma can help. She’s always finding people husbands and wives.”

“Hey, yeah!” Bradly bounced. “She’s gotten all sorts of people married off.”

Morgan perked up. “You think?”


Elunara stuck her head in the door. “Walk and get me, don’t bellow like a cow. Now, what?”

Bradly giggled. “Sorry. You think you can help Morgan’s momma find a husband, so Morgan can have a dad?”

Elunara just stared. With a sigh, she leaned against the door. “First, I would have to meet his momma and talk to her. Second, I’d have to find out if she’s even interested in it, and then there’s a whole mess of steps. If she came to me and asked, then I would do what milf porno I can. I make no promises.” She pointed at them. “And you DAMNED well better not make it look like it was MY idea, or I’ll have your heads.”

“Have you gotten a lot of people married?” Morgan asked timidly.

She began to tick off of her fingers. “Renwa and Zelinnia, Gerald and Chrissy, Charnak and Tylia, Tippy and John, Mark and Jenny… I myself have two husbands and a wife… Oh, Jerry and Louis.”

“Jerry and Louis finally got married?” Darguni cocked his head to the side.

“Yeah, they just told me. Anyway, I’m sure there’s a few others in there I’m forgetting.”

“See? If anybody can find you a dad, momma can.”

“No getting his hopes up.” Elunara pointed. Shaking her head, she left the room.

“Your mom is obsessed with marriage.” Eric wrinkled his nose.

“Nah, Momma’s obsessed with bodies… people just happen to come along with it.”

“That makes… no sense.”

“Is it true?”

Elunara looked down at a girl she didn’t recognize. “What?”

“That you’ve gotten so many people married?”

“Yeah, I’m a regular dating service.” She sighed.

“Can you help my mom?” She whispered.

Elunara sighed. “Sure, kid.”

Jordan laughed. “What did you just start?”

“Why don’t you ask your SON about that one?”

Tulani wound up having a great deal of fun showing the girls her studio and all the pretty dresses she was designing and making. Jordan spent a chunk of time with these boys showing them fighting moves. Elunara just wanted to know where she put her sanity.

At the knock on the door, she prayed it wasn’t more children. Yanking open the door, she was utterly shocked to see Varian on her doorstep.

“Adebawuh?” She stared.

He laughed. “I take it you had a strong showing?”

She backed up, and he stepped in to the gasping amazement. Children popped out of everywhere to stare at the King of Stormwind.

“Why… are you here?”

“Can’t I visit?” He twiddled a lock of her hair between his fingers.

She closed her mouth and considered him. “You came to gloat.” She pointed a finger at him.

He raised an eyebrow and grinned. “Perhaps. I did want to congratulate you on completely stunning my foreman. I do believe you proved the “will of the goddess” to everyone the other night.”

Elunara licked her teeth and crossed her arms. “No one defies me.”

“That I can tell.” He laughed.

“Other than that, did you enjoy my concert?”

“It was a knock out. I hope you do it more often.”

“I guarantee one show a month. Aside from that, I do it when the mood strikes me, but never at the cost of my other projects.”

“Understood.” Varian looked over at Jordan. “It’s rare I see you out of uniform.”

“I got drafted.” Jordan snorted. “Uh, sir.”

Varian raised an eyebrow at Elunara.

“I am not about to handle twenty children by myself.” She crossed her arms.

He brushed her hair back from her neck. “Another time, then.” He grinned, before turning and heading for the door.

“Are you having an affair with the King?” Some random voice asked.

Everyone looked around for the offending voice, but none would cop to it.

Varian turned and grinned at Elunara.

“Yeah, the jerk gave me a title and everything.” She snorted. “Any other dumb questions?”

Varian laughed his ass off as he walked out.

It was nearly four o’clock the next day, before her angry mob of parents showed up. She was sitting on the porch filling out portraits when they walked up.

“What kind of depravity happens in your house?”

“You guys are late, I expected you hours ago.”

One woman put her hands on her hips. “Excuse me?”

“Ok, let’s start from the top. The name is Elunara, I have two husbands, a wife, two kids, and a bevy of lovers. Your kids, I’m assuming, spent the night at my house, and asked me a bunch of weird questions, of which I answered honestly, because I only have one mode and I never speak “kid”. So, air your grievances one at a time, starting with your name, and kid of reference.”

After they all looked at each other, one stepped forward. “My name is Jessica, and my son Morgan came home this morning and told me you’d find him a dad.”

“Last night, my son Bradly explained that his birth father had died, and that Jordan took over the position. They then asked me if I find people dads… I explained that yes, I have been directly responsible for a handful of marriages and cited my cases. Then the children began to ask me if I’d find them dads or mothers or what have you, and I told them that if you CAME to me and ASKED, I would do my best. But to NOT say it was MY idea, because it damned well wasn’t.” Elunara spread her hands. “Next.”

Two of the other woman stepped over with Jessica and said nothing.

Another woman marched forward. “My name is Melissa, and my son Patrick said you were having an affair with King Wrynn!”

“Varian came for a visit last night, and in front of him AND my husband, I was mobil porno asked if we were having an affair, and MY smartass remark was, “Yes, and he gave me a title and everything.” To which Varian just laughed and walked off, leaving ME to deal with the fall out. Which, I’m so going to have his head over.” She rolled her eyes with a sigh.

The air seemed to go out of the woman. “Oh.”

“Anything else?”

“Do…” An unnamed woman bit her lip. “Do you really have a dating service?”

Elunara shrugged. “I cannot give you an honest answer to that. I have hooked couples up, and most of them have wound up married. It just happens that way, I guess.”


She began to tick off of her fingers. “Renwa and Zelinnia, Gerald and Chrissy, Tippy and John, Mark and Jenny, Jerry and Louis … I, myself, have two husbands and a wife.”

“You’re the one who finally got Tippy that husband she hasn’t shut up about?” Melissa blinked.

“That I did.”

“Well, hell, I like you just for that.”

“Tippy was a pain in the ass, wasn’t she?”

“Gods, yes.”

Linda marched up, holding Lydia by the arm.

Elunara put her board to the side and stood up. “What the hell, Linda?”

Linda shoved Lydia forward. “Well? Tell her.”

Lydia crossed her arms and glared to the side, the edge of tears glistening in her eyes. “No.”

“She PUNCHED another girl in the face!”

“Lydia, get in the house.”



Lydia ran in the house, slamming the door behind her. Linda made to follow, but Elunara stepped in the way. “No. You stay out here.”


“Do you trust me?”

“With my life…”

“Then stay. Sit in my chair; look through my board if it will calm you. Just STAY out HERE.”


Elunara turned and went in the house.

Numbly, Linda sat in the chair.

“You let her handle your child?”

“Elunara’s given everything to me…” Linda began.

Lydia stood in the center of the room, biting her lip. Elunara walked over and wrapped her arms around the little girl. “What did they say to you, sweetie?”


“You know my rule. Spill it.”

“They…” Lydia hiccupped and began to cry. “They told me that I wasn’t a girl, that I was just a deformed boy. That I only did boy things and hung out with boys, and that I was born deformed and I’d always BE deformed. That… just because I look like one thing now, didn’t mean I wasn’t another.”

“Oh, sweetie.”

She buried her face in Elunara’s shirt. “That no one would have me but freaks.”

Elunara held on to her until she cried herself out. “Alright, my sweet girl, come sit down.” Elunara led her to the couch. “I know I should lecture you on how you should have taken the upper road and ignored them, but I’m not. They’re a bunch of little shit bitches and I hope you broke her fucking nose.”

Lydia gave a watery laugh. “I don’t think so. But, I gave her a black eye.”

“That’s my girl.” Elunara brushed Lydia’s hair out of her face. “Listen, I’m going to tell you a secret. A deep, dark secret, that no one, not even my husbands or my wife know.”

Lydia wiped her nose and stared.

“I knew they had to of said something horrible to you, because I recognized that look. I had that same look, the day my mother threw me out of Darnassus, calling me a worthless, irredeemable, whore. It was the absolute worst day of my life, and I know that you wouldn’t have reacted in such a way if they had not said something just as awful. You see, even though I believed, for the most part, that I was incapable of emotion… nothing has ever hurt like that. Ever.” She shook her head. “My family believes, as I did for the longest time, that I had no reaction to it. However, I was just in shock. When I finally understood emotions, I understood what that day did to me. I have never spoken of it to anyone else until today.”


“I recognize that pain in you. I also know you wouldn’t DARE risk being able to work in the training yard.”

Lydia shook her head.

“Now, on the surface, I WILL have to punish you. You just can’t do these things. However, realistically, we’re going to be plotting a little revenge.” Elunara grinned.

Lydia licked her lips. “Revenge?”

“You will not be allowed to train in the yard for one week.”


Elunara held up a finger. “This is your surface punishment. Hear me out.”

Elunara opened the door and was surprised to find the group of women still outside. “Linda, come in please.”

She closed the door. “Tell her.”

“They…” Lydia swallowed and fought the tears. “She called me a deformed boy. They were saying I wasn’t really a girl.”

“Oh, baby…” Linda stepped forward.

Elunara grabbed Linda’s shoulder. “Stop.”


“Lydia is on punishment for the next week. She will not be allowed on the training yard, and instead will be helping me and Tulani. I figure it’s time for her to do a few girly things for a little bit. Far be it for me to say a girl shouldn’t be capable of any damned thing she wants… but I think Lydia needs a more rounded education. So, she will be helping Tulani with sewing and dresses. She will be helping me with portraits and a little bit of housework. Yes, I WILL keep her out of my shadier business, you have no worries there.”

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