Forgiveness of the Highest Order Ch. 02


Dropping herself down to the carpet one knee at a time, 44 year old Ellen Simmons kept her right hand steady on the top of her Daughter’s head as Mikala slithered her tongue through the tingling, blood filled floods of her Mother’s cunt. Using her thumb to peel back the bangs of light brown hair from Mikala’s eyes, Ellen stared deep into her oldest Daughter’s reddened and flush face as she felt her own seeping arousal being swept up by Mikala’s churning mouth.

Dizzy and exhausted from the physical excursion he’d just put his body through, all Tucker could manage to do was rock backwards on his knees and allow his cum-smeared cock to slip free from his Daughter’s vaginal grip, landing with a wet, greasy plop against the inside of his right thigh.

His eyes glued to the spot in front of him where Mikala’s tongue was darting inside his Wife’s shaved quim, Tucker’s chest rose and fell as he tried to absorb what was happening. It was clear from the ease and efficiency Mikala went about her cunnilingus act on her Mother, and from the nonchalant smirk on Ellen’s face, that this was a well practiced act for both.

Playfully picking her left hand through Mikala’s hair once she’d starting softly rubbing her Daughter’s back with her right, Ellen simply knelt there on both knees allowing Mikala to nurse from her pussy.

“Like I said Tucker… it all started one day last year while you were shacked up down in Boston… the girls were still home from school and I was out late one night. I came home drunk with one of my friends and I guess we never made it further than the sofa… both girls sorta heard some commotion downstairs and when they came down… well you can fill in the rest.”

Tucker sat back against the edge of the coffee table, mesmerized by his Wife’s words, knowing when she mentioned the word, ‘friend’, she meant one of her numerous lesbian flings.

“And did … you two… stop?” Tucker’s voice drifted out of his mouth like overcooked oatmeal.

“No… not exactly,” Ellen replied with quick, sober clarity. “I was sort of in a compromising position there on the sofa and the woman I was with was a little past the point of good judgment as well… and then one thing just led to another and… “

“… And Mikala and Angie… joined… in,” Tucker finished his Wife’s sentence in a hushed tone, on one level not wanting his gut instinct about what Ellen was insinuating to be true, but on another completely different level, one he felt himself slowly being sucked into, wanting the illicit thought of it all to be true.

All Ellen did was nod down to the image of Mikala’s mouth clamped around her pussy to give her Husband his answer.

Tucker could hear the tender sounds of Mikala’s tongue lapping through his Wife’s drenched vagina, and he suddenly couldn’t pry his gaze away from the remnants of his buried cum beginning to bubble from the girl’s cunt each time she squeezed her vaginal muscles together. It was painfully clear his 21 year old Daughter was getting aroused eating her Mother out.

Continuing to lean backwards against the coffee table, Tucker was startled when he saw his other Daughter’s body shift from her kneeling position beside Mikala, and slowly turn towards him. It felt like a sledgehammer hit Tucker in the spine when he locked eyes with Angie. It was the first time since he’d entered the house that he’d met the gazes of either of his Daughters, and when he did, Tucker felt as if every secret he’d concealed was now as naked and exposed as his kids and Wife were. Before he could corral his quivering lips and even think about making them work however, Angie had spun around on her knees and was now face to face with her Father.

Angie’s breasts hung from her chest like two perfect, pert, pale white pendulums as she inched closer to Tucker, who continued to sit there silently on the floor, like a large buck stuck in headlights. Without saying a word, Angie lowered her hands down to the front of her Father’s shirt and deliberately began unbuttoning it. Lifting his tee-shirt up when she could sink enough of her hand inside the opening she’d created, Angie then bent forward and placed her lips on the center of her Father’s exposed chest.

The back of Tucker’s shoulders trembling against the edge of the coffee table as he looked down at the top of his youngest Daughter’s head, he could feel 19 year old girl’s soft lips flutter up and down between his breastbone and belly button. Tucker’s breath suddenly got lodged in his throat a few seconds later when Angie removed her lips from his chest and leaned a little lower between his parted legs.

All that air trapped in his throat escaped in a thunderous whoosh when Tucker felt Angie’s mouth close around the cumsplattered girth of his cock.

Another wave of glorious adrenaline shot like a runaway comet up Tucker’s spine and exploded inside his head the instant Angie’s lips wrapped around the head of the same penis he’d just fucked her Sister with. The back of his head rocking Bycasino side to side on the surface of the coffee table in disbelief, Tucker finally rocked forward once again just to make sure everything he was experiencing was real. Tilting his head slightly to the left to get a better look, he could in fact see Angie’s distended lips clamped around the upper third of his cock at the same time the metal stud she had in her right eyebrow glistened in the yellowish light of the lamplit room.

“It’s all real,” he just shook his head and mumbled.

Casting one lazy eye over to the floor, Tucker could see Mikala was now resting on her belly with her mouth still pressed tightly against her Mother’s syrupy crotch. Tucker could also see the expression on Ellen’s face seem to scrunch and tighten each time Mikala’s tongue swept hard over the puffy and aroused folds of her Mom’s vagina.

Helpless to just sit there with his Daughter draped over his lap, all Tucker could do was gently pat his right hand down on Angie’s silky soft blonde hair as she scrubbed her lips up and down on his cock.

“God… Baby,” Tucker muttered over and over, feeling his dick start to re-inflate inside the warm and wet cocoon of his youngest Daughter’s mouth.

His hips gyrating across the carpet as his loins once again caught fire, Tucker’s attention was snared by the vocal tinges of joy escaping his Wife’s lungs. Darting his gaze back to Ellen and Mikala on the floor, Tucker could see his Daughter had worked herself back up to her knees, as if she was a shark smelling blood as her Mother’s body began weaving back and forth. It was clear from the increased pace and thrust of her oral assault, Mikala knew she was driving her Mom towards orgasm. And from the special way the 21 year old girl seemed to tongue and chew at Ellen’s erect clitoris, it was painfully apparent it was a task she’d performed more than a few times before.

“AAWAAAAAAHHH… WWAAHHMMM… AAAAAHHH… AAHHH,” the older woman’s husky, but steadily withering groans increased in volume until they were echoing down the halls of the cavernous house.

“GOD… AAHHH… MIKALA… AHH BABY… YEAHHH… FUCK ME… EAT ME BABY,” Ellen continued to moan in full throat until her entire body was rocking back and forth on her bent knees.

Angie never so much as turned around as her Mother’s voice ripped through the room, more concerned with keeping her mouth clamped around her Father’s growing erection. It was noticeable to Tucker however that each time one of his Wife’s spastic wails bounced against the walls of the room, the pace and urgency of Angie’s lips and tongue did increase around his throbbing prick.

“YEESSSSSS… UUMMMM… YYEESSSSS… CCUU… CUUUMMMM… CCUUUMMMIINNNGGGGGG,” Ellen’s orgasm finally tore through her a few seconds later.

Clamping her right hand down on the back of Mikala’s head, Ellen pulled her Daughter’s face tight against her flooded snatch, spraying her rich vaginal crème all over the girl’s pouty lips and tanned cheeks as her Father looked on.

His eyes as wide as saucers, Tucker could feel his dick now bulging inside Angie’s mouth as he watched the physical transformation his Wife’s 44 year old body endured, allowing Mikala to literally eat her past the point of no return.

Looking down at the tangled mass of naked flesh laid out before him, it almost felt to Tucker as if a tornado had blown the roof off his house and laid waste to his life as he knew it. Keeping his back wedged against the edge of the coffee table however, he did nothing to stop his youngest Daughter from continuing to devour his fully erect manhood as Mikala and her Mom began to cuddle on the floor.

Stroking the palm of his hand over the top of Angie’s head, Tucker guiltily couldn’t resist staring down at his Daughter as she went about her carnal chore. On one hand, Angie still had the same youthful look of the girl he’d bounced on his knee as a child, yet there was something else Tucker could see, a clear aura she was giving off that she wasn’t as innocent as he’d always imagined. He could feel her right hand anchored against the opening she’d made in his shirt, and her fingertips rubbing at his hairy chest as she continued to roll and swirl her tongue around his straining cock. In ways he could have never fathomed, Tucker was starting to understand just how much his little girl had grown up.

A few moments later, Angie cranked her neck all the way around until she could look up into her Father’s eyes as she serviced him. She could instantly see the glassy look of want etched across his face and that only served to spur her on until she could feel her Dad’s behind beginning to lurch off the carpet until he was crudely trying to fuck her face.

Not wanting to completely expend what little energy he had remaining in his 46 year old body, Tucker reached down with his free hand and removed the saliva drenched slab of his manhood from Angie’s eager mouth before she could finish him off. Framing Bycasino giriş her face to memory for several seconds as his cock continued to bob expectantly beside her left cheek, Tucker stared deep into Angie’s eyes before finally nudging her backward until she was flat on her back in front of him.

Crouched now directly above his youngest Daughter, Tucker steadily worked his pants off, then undid the remaining buttons of his shirt until he was as naked as the rest of his family in the den. Sliding forward, as Mikala and Ellen looked on from their embraced position to the right, Tucker took his place between Angie’s trim white legs. Pushing her knees all the way apart with his trembling hands, Tucker looked straight down at the girl’s freshly shaved vagina.

Tucker had long known about the piercing in Angie’s eyebrow, not to mention the diamond stud in her nose she’d come home from school with the previous Christmas. Staring down between her thighs, Tucker was now at a total loss seeing she’d got her clit pierced as well. Going numb as he knelt there examining the shiny piece of jewelry adorning the upper part of Angie’s bald mound, Tucker felt his head and his cock each pound in brutal rhythm as he watched his Daughter slide her fingers through the slick and soupy fissure.

Gathering all the internal strength he could, Tucker raised his right hand and guided it forward until it was directly above Angie’s crotch. He could feel the steamy warmth radiating out against his skin as he flexed apart his fingers and pinched them around the stud anchored into his Daughter’s clitoris. With a look of care and caution on his face, Tucker pressed his fingers together and jiggled the smooth and shiny piece of jewelry back and forth until a low and soft mewing groan shot from Angie’s throat and she began to shiny her rear end across the carpet.

So entranced there on his knees, Tucker nearly toppled forward seeing the way Angie’s entire body reacted to him pinching and jiggling at her clit.

“MMMM… AAAHH… Yesss… Daddy,” a low whisper fluttered from the 19 year old girl’s lips as she spread her thighs all the way apart for him.

Massaging her breasts as she looked down between her cleavage at her Dad’s fingers inspecting her cunt, Angie winced and sighed when she finally felt his thumb scoop delicately inside her.

Scooting his knees backwards until his legs were spread out beneath the coffee table, Tucker lowered his face down to Angie’s cunt. Her blistering scent immediately filled Tucker’s senses, and he felt his eyes water as he inhaled the girl’ rich fragrance.

Gently rubbing his right hand up and down the skin of Angie’s left inner thigh, Tucker rolled his tongue around his mouth several times, in the process casting his Daughter one last look before finally diving in.

“AAAHH… YYEEAAHH,” Angie grimaced immediately, digging her fingers into the scalp of her Father’s short, grayish brown hair as his tongue split her tender labia.

Scooping and swirling his tongue deeper into her slit with each chewing gesture he made on top of her crotch, Tucker worked his way down until his lips were flush on top of Angie’s gurgling quim. Her juices flowing down his throat like liquid velvet each time he swallowed, goosebumps began to rise across Tucker’s naked flesh as the taste of his Daughter’s sweet, fruity essence absorbed deep into his palate. It wasn’t long before his cheeks and chin were absolutely covered in Angie’s leaking arousal.

Somewhere deep in the recesses of Tucker’s mind, he knew he could hear some shuffling going on around him but he was so locked into the cunnilingus he was performing on the 19 year old girl below, tearing himself away from that was the last thing on his mind.

Slurping and twisting his mouth between his Daughter’s obscenely spread thighs, Tucker alternately sucked and nibbled at Angie’s pierced clit before clamping his mouth down hard on her burning cunt to ingest the resulting spray of vaginal dew his manipulations had produced. Over and over he did that until Angie was melting like a stick of butter on a scalding skillet beneath his face. Tucker could hear Angie’s heaving moans increase in urgency each time he plowed his tongue deeper into her womb, but the moans sounded strangely muffled. Assuming the distortion in sound was due in large part to the way Angie’s thighs repeatedly flapped against his ears each time he scraped his lips and tongue across her clitoris, when Tucker finally did steal a quick look up to gauge his Daughter’s reaction, he saw there was another reason for the strange way she sounded.

From his nest between Angie’s legs, Tucker looked to his right and saw that his Wife had snuggled down beside their 19 year old Daughter, and was slowly rubbing her left hand up and down Angie’s trim belly. Focusing his eyes a little more intently, Tucker gulped seeing how Ellen had wrapped her mouth around the lower part of Angie’s left breast, and the blood that was already boiling Bycasino deneme bonusu through his system raced that much faster seeing how the muscles in his Wife’s neck and throat worked as she sucked her Daughter’s tit.

Shaking his head with disbelief, when he did Tucker then saw that Mikala was on her knees and leaning forward directly over top of Angie face. Twisting his head to the side to get a better look, Tucker could see Mikala’s lips had created a vacuum seal around her younger Sister’s right breast, as her own full bosom hung straight down on top of Angie’s hidden face. Narrowing his focus as best he could, Tucker’s failing vision could make out just enough of Angie’s mouth chewing hungrily at her older Sister’s heavy and swaying endowment.

His dick was pressing so hard beneath him, Tucker swore he could have burrowed it straight through the floor if he’d wanted to as he laid there eating Angie out, the whole time keeping his eyes fixed on Ellen and Mikala ravaging her from above. Angie’s arousal was now splashing in slick, rapid bursts against Tucker’s buried face and suddenly a knot of desperation formed in his stomach. A lit fuse seemingly burning down the expanse of his spine, the older man knew there was only one way to make that all-encompassing heat go away.

Almost as if his youngest Daughter could read his mind, or at least divine the urgency and lust pouring from his pores, Angie uttered the words, “Fuck me Daddy” in two angelically soft whispers just as Tucker was about to pull his mouth away from her pussy.

Looking like a dazed and punch-drunk boxer pulling himself up from the canvas as he got to his knees, a wicked, almost psychotic grin spread across Tucker’s face as he stared down at the three women. Licking the accumulated layer of Angie’s juices from his lips as he took his cock in his right hand, the rock hard cylinder of flesh felt like freshly forged steel as Tucker guided it towards his Daughter’s vagina.

Just then, as if answering a primal call of their own, Mikala and Ellen shifted their weight around until they were flanking Tucker on each side. His dick jutting straight out from his groin, Tucker watched as Mikala crawled closer to him on his left while his Wife inched towards him on the right. Holding his breath as Mikala’s shadow drifted across his face, Tucker stared deep into her smoky brown eyes as her lips came together with his. Kissing his oldest Daughter back until their mouths appeared to become one, Tucker synapses crackled when he felt Mikala’s right hand close around his painfully erect cock.

“You just fucked me with it Daddy,” Mikala whispered into Tucker’s ear, “Now fuck Angie with it.”

The hair on the back of Tucker’s neck stood on end feeling Mikala’s hand sliding up and down on his shaft, and he found himself growing dizzy inhaling the alluring perfume she’d dabbed on her neck and cleavage.

Continuing to kiss her Father on the lips as she openly fondled his manhood, Mikala could feel the remnants of her own vaginal stew soaking his cock and she rubbed it in her hand. Rolling her tongue delicately across her Father’s, Mikala glided her free hand across his chest, paying special attention to pinching each of his nipples between her long fingernails. With each stroke her hands made on his cock and chest, Mikala could feel her Dad quickly turning to putty beside her.

The only part of Tucker that wasn’t softening were his will, and his shamelessly aroused dick. Looking down with an almost mystical glee at Mikala jacking him off while she french kissed him, out of the corner of his right eye Tucker could see his Wife was lowering her hand down on top of Angie’s crotch.

Tucker’s pupils bounced like spinning quarters in their sockets seeing Ellen’s fingers dip and swirl through Angie’s buttery pink depths before finally flexing apart as if to hold the girl’s labia open for him.

“Go ahead Tucker… Fuck her,” Ellen sighed to her Husband as she snuck her free hand lovingly around his back.

“Yeah Daddy… Fuck her,” Mikala’s whispered into her Father’s ear, adding further to the insane chorus in his head.

His cock flexing wildly in Mikala’s warm grip, Tucker gradually worked himself between Angie’s thighs with the sole purpose of penetrating her womb. Feeling his Wife’s hand caressing his lower back as she simultaneously held Angie’s vagina apart for him, Tucker was left with nothing to do but look deep into his youngest Daughter’s eyes.

They were the same eyes Tucker had stared into the first time he’d put Angie on a swing. They were also the same eyes he’d looked into with so much joy and frustration the day he tried to teach her to ride a bike. Now he was staring straight down into those eyes as Angie spread her legs wide, unrepentantly beckoning him to enter her.

A cosmic wave of crazed lust rippled through Tucker’s body the instant the head of his penis smacked into his Daughter’s soaking wet vulva. Even though he’d fucked Mikala just minutes earlier, her back had been turned towards him the whole time. He never once had to look into her eyes as he pumped his dick to completion inside her. Now Tucker found himself face to face with Angie as he carefully stuffed his bulging manhood inside the girl’s bubblegum pink quim.

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