Love Is All You Need Pt. 01


This is a work of pure fiction. Everything written here is a figment of my imagination and has been made up. Any resemblance to anything and anyone living or dead is completely unintentional. The story may seem to be in bit of a raw format. I am an amateur writer and reading stories of a specific author has inspired me to write something a little more content oriented rather than just wish-fulfillment. If you have any comments, suggestions, feedback etc., please do feel free to write to me at the contact on my profile.


“MATHEW!” cried a voice.

“What?” said Matt.

“We were discussing the sales projections for the middle east,,” said Johnny.

“Oh, yea. Sorry, I just drifted off,” said Matt. “Listen, lets do this tomorrow. I am not really feeling too well. How about first thing tomorrow, we sit down and talk about this then.”

“Is everything ok?” asked Johnny.

“Yea. I am just not up to it today. Been a hard couple of days and I don’t think I am feeling too well,” replied Matt.

“Ok. No problem. Its not an urgent matter anyway. We can talk about this in the next couple of days as well,” said Johnny.

“Great. I’ll talk to Barb and have this meeting rescheduled,” said Matt.

“Works for me,” said Johnny.

The two men got up and shook hands as Johnny walked out the door.

Matt walked back across the room and sat down at his chair. A young man in his mid 30’s. Dapper in his looks, smart and intelligent, he gazed outside his office window. The CEO of NetCom. A position very few men his age create for themselves in this world. Deep in thought. He kept getting flashbacks from a fortnight ago.

“How could you?” cried Shannon. “How could you cancel the trip to Paris without even talking to me?”

“Shannon, it was important! This is a very important meeting and I need to be there!” said Matt.

“So, it was not important to discuss this with me?!!” yelled Shannon.

“Shannon, you know this is an important deal. The CEO of QuestTel wants to meet with me. Cant you see that this is good for me. I have to be there,” said Matt.

“It’s my birthday Matt. You said we would go to Paris. We had planned it for months. And without even talking to me you just decided your work was far more important. All you care about is your work. You never pay attention to me. You have no interest in what I like. It’s all about you!” she yelled again.

“What do you mean? We have been together for 2 years now and I have done everything up until now for us!”

“You’re never there. You haven’t been there for a long time now. I feel like I don’t have a boyfriend,” said Shannon.

“So what? You want me to quit everything just to be with you all the time?” asked Matt irritated.

“No. I don’t want you all the time. But at least I want my boyfriend around when it matters!” said Shannon. A tear started to roll out the corner of her eye.

Matt’s phone rang and he picked it up. It was James Edison, the CEO of QuestTel.

“I have to take this,” said Matt.

“That’s it. I’m done,” said Shannon.

“What?” asked Matt.

“This isn’t working for me anymore,” she said.

With a hard look on his face. He stared at her. There were no words he could say. She was breaking up with him.

“I’m sorry Matt. But I cant live like this anymore,” she said.

She picked up her bag and left.

It wasn’t easy for him. But he had accepted it. He had gone though much harder things in life. This was just another breakup for him. Even though for 2 years he had been completely faithful to one woman, he was done. But it kept gnawing at him. Accepted or not. It kept eating him. After everything he had done for her, he felt unappreciated. But what was done was done!

He hit the intercom switch in his office. “Barb”

“Yes Mr. Carver,” said a female voice over the intercom.

“Please hold all calls and cancel my meetings for today,” he said.

“Yes Mr. Carver,” said the female voice. “Anything else I can take care of?”

“No Barb,” he said.

He went to the corner of his office. He opened a cabinet and took out some scotch and poured some into his glass. He gulped the drink in one go. He was ready to work.

He went back to his desk and removed the file on QuestTel. This was the biggest deal that Matt could land. His company produced high speed Network equipment that could change the whole home user experience in terms of Internet, Telephony & Television. And QuestTel was the biggest company he would be dealing with. He worked hard in etching out the details and the complete requirements of this company. This was a matter too important to be delegated to anyone in his sales team.

By the time he was tired and and looked at the clock in his office, it was almost 6pm. He hit the intercom switch.

“Barb, I am done for today. Could you call Al and ask him to bring the car up front”

“Yes Mr. Carver”

He started to put everything back into his file. He grabbed another drink of scotch. This was good scotch he thought. Once he was done. Bostancı Esmer Escort He proceeded to exit his office. Sitting outside was his secretary hitting the buttons on her keyboard rather fast.

“Don’t stay too long Barb,” he said to his secretary.

“I wont be long Mr. Carver. Just finishing up a few things,” she replied.

He proceeded to walk past all the cubicles in the office and towards the elevator. Except for one or two people in the office, the whole place seemed deserted. There was a bing at the elevator. The lift arrived and he proceeded to head down.

He proceeded to the car that was waiting for him and got in.

“Let’s go Al,” said Matt

“Would you like to go Ms. Shannon’s place or should I drive towards home?” he asked.

“Home,” he said.

The next couple of weeks went by rather fast. His negotiations with QuestTel were going rather well. He was sure that he was on the verge of finalizing the deal with them. He was on an all time high. SO much so that the breakup with Shannon had never again entered his mind.

It was 12pm and just then the intercom ran in his office.

“Mr. Carver, you wanted me to remind you that tonight is the Humanitarian Aid Gala.”

“What? That’s tonight?” said Matt.

“Yes, Sir. You asked me to RSVP you and Ms. Shannon for the dinner a month ago,” said Barb.

“Okay. Thank you Barb,” he said.

“Oh and Sir. I am also sorting out your travel arrangements to Dubai for your sisters wedding which is taking 2 weeks from now,” she said.

“Thank you Barb,” he said.

Shit. How could he have not remembered that the Gala was tonight. He had already confirmed seats for himself and Shannon. Now that they had broken up he would have an empty seat. He thought about it for a while. Who could he take with him tonight. It was completely last minute and it would be very difficult to find a date at such a late time.

It would be a bit disastrous for his reputation if he went alone. Especially since the CEO of QuestTel was also going to be there. He thought hard for a moment. Who could he take. He kept racking his brains.

Finally, he decided that there was no one he could take and that maybe it was best that he didn’t go. Then again he kept thinking, how could he not go. Finally he thought to himself, maybe he could hire an Escort. Yes, that was it. He could hire a high profile escort to be his date for the night. This way not only would he fill the seats he had booked, plus he could have nice woman seen on his arm.

He started to go through the internet, looking for an agency that would help him with his needs. He kept searching online and most of the women he saw on there were not women he seemed too enthused to take with him. Then he reached a website which intrigued him a bit. There were no pictures of the escorts on the site but it promised a nice evening with a nice educated and sophisticated woman. That was what he wanted. So he called the number advertised on the web page.

The call was answered by a woman.

“Welcome to Paramour Agency. How can I help?” asked the woman on the other line.

“Hello. Hi. I would like to hire a nice professional woman for a date tonight,” he said.

“Would this be a normal date or are you looking for someone who could join you for a social occasion?” asked the woman on the other line.

“It’s a social occasion. It’s for gala dinner,” said Matt.

“Ok. Please hold on,” she said.

She put him on hold. Matt was a little nervous. Nervous. A closer on big deals and dealing with some of the toughest clients known to man didn’t make him nervous. But this. This was making him feel a little awkward.

“Sorry for the wait,” came the response. “But I have only one lady available tonight sir”

“All I’m looking for is one,” he said.

“Well, she is a nice blonde woman. She is well educated and excellent company in such social engagements. However, I must inform you that she is not a Genetic woman. She is a male to female transsexual.”

“Oh,” he said. “Umm, well don’t you have any normal women?” he scoffed.

“Sir, we do not have any genetic ladies available tonight. If you wish we could arrange a lady for you for another date, but there are no genetic women available for tonight.”

“This is a very important dinner for me and I do not want to be seen with … you understand me, yes?”

said Matt

“Yes, sir. I do understand. However, she is a very beautiful and that she is absolutely feminine and looks 100% every bit a woman. She is available anytime today and can accompany you tonight, if you’d like,” said the woman.

“Our time involved with not include any…how should I put this delicately, any carnal activities?” he inquired.

“Sir, we do not guarantee any such services. All we offer is for a lovely woman to accompany you and we charge you for a nice evening with pleasurable and intelligent company. Anything beyond that is a matter for consenting adults,” she said.

He thought about it for a moment. Maybe it Bostancı Eve Gelen Escort wasn’t such a bad idea. I mean, he could always leave if this person would in anyway seem like a hag.

“If you have any reservations sir, I could always set up a small meeting between you and her for a cup of coffee and you could decide if she would be the right companion for you,” said the woman.

“OK. I think that would be better,” said Matt.

“Do you know the Caribou Cafe on main street?” asked the woman.

“Yes. It is just a few blocks away from where I am,” he said.

“Good. I can have her meet you there in an hour,” said the woman.

“That would be great!” he said.

“Would you please hold on for a minute sir,” she said.

“Yes,” replied Matt.

He waited on the line for about 2 minutes and he hear the woman’s voice again. “She will be there in about 30 minutes,” said the woman.

“How would I recognize her?” he asked

“She is blonde and would be dressed in a black pant suit and white silk dress shirt,” she said.

“Ok. I will be there in 30 mins,” he replied.

“Sir, it would also help to know your name, so that she isn’t blind sided,” said the woman.

“Of course, my name is Mathew Carver,” he said.

“Very well Mr. Carver. She will be there at the cafe in 30 minutes. Please try to be on time as she is only available for a short time as she has other engagements to take care of,” the woman said.

“Done,” he said.

30 minutes later. Mathew was in his car. He had asked Al to drive him there. He was running a few minutes late. He was a little nervous. He didn’t know what to expect. He was going to meet an escort and one that was born a man. It took them 15 minutes because of the traffic on the streets but he finally reached there.

He got out of the car and proceeded to walk inside the cafe. He tried to look around and then he saw he. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He walked over with his mouth open to get a better look. She was absolutely drop dead gorgeous. He had a hard time believing that she was a transsexual. She was sitting there already having a cup of coffee. Her mannerisms those of a feminine woman.

“Hi. You are Chloe,” he said.

“Yes. You must be Matt,” she said.

Her voice was so divine. It was like an angel. He could only stare at her with a tiny goofed smile.

She looked up at this gorgeous man. Tall. Well built. A man who was well groomed. She instantly knew he came from money. He was dapper. She felt as if this was some sort of joke. Why would a man like this want me, she thought. She kept staring.

“Sorry,” he said as he sat down. “Truthfully, you are not what I expected,” he said.

She just looked at him. “UH, I’m sorry. What?” she said.

He smiled. She smiled back at him. She felt a little flustered.

“You are Chloe aren’t you?,” he asked..

“Yes. Sorry. I just zoned out,” she said.

“Oh. Maybe I am not what you were expecting,” he said.

“Sort of. I usually don’t get asked to meet like this in advance,” she said.

“Well honestly. I was a bit nervous. I didn’t know what to expect,” he said. “I have never met someone like you.”

“No, its ok. I understand. You expected a man in a dress,” she laughed.

He felt embarrassed. “Well, you look stunning. I had a hard time believing that you are…,” he said.

She raised her eyebrow. “A transsexual,” she said.

“Sorry. I am being rude,” he said and smiled.

She smiled as well. “So. I was told that you require a companion for a date tonight?” she asked.

“Yes. Its a ball. Its for charity. I have two tickets and no one to go with me,” said Matt.

“Well, I can do that. But that is if you want me to be your date,” she said.

“Umm. Yeah,” he said.

“Well, you can call the agency again, if you want me to join you. They will take it from there,” she said.

“Ok,” he said.

Their eyes were locked with one another. Matt could only smile like a goofy little puppy dog. He was completely smitten. So was Chloe. She had honestly not expected such a handsome man. She smiled a little awkwardly and looked down at her cup and back into Matt’s eyes. His eyes she thought. So dreamy.

Then suddenly, the spell was broken. Matt’s phone rang. It was the office.

“Sorry. I have to leave now…work,” he smiled goofily as he started to get up.

“Ok. I understand,” she said,

“So, tonight?” he asked.

“Yes. Call the agency. They will fix it up,” she said.

He started to walk out with a silly grin on his face. Chloe looked at him as he walked out. Tonight it is, she thought and smiled to herself.

Matt reached the office. He couldn’t stop thinking about that beautiful face. He walked towards his office and heard his secretary’s voice.

“Mr. Carver, Johnny has been calling since the last hour and trying to get in touch with you,” she said.

“Call him and tell him, I will get back to him,” he said.

“But Mr. Carver..,” she said but was stopped Bostancı Evi Olan Escort by Matt.

“Barb! I will call him. Please let him know that I will call him back within the hour,” he said.

“Yes Mr. Carver,” she said.

Matt walked into his office. He fell into his chair. That face. It was all he could see. That gorgeous angelic face. He picked up the phone and called the escort agency.

“Hello, Paramour Escorts. How can I help,” said the woman.

“This is Matt Carver. I had an appointment to meet Chloe a while ago,” he said.

“Yes Mr. Carver. I hope everything was alright?” asked the woman.

“Yes. It was. I would like Chloe to join me tonight,” he said.

“Ok. I can do the booking right now. How would you want to meet her? Would you pick her up or have her meet you at a designated place?” he said.

“I can pick her up,” he said.

“Ok. I will forward the address to you once we complete the payment”

“That’s fine,” said Matt.

“Well I will inform her to be ready by then.”

“I will pick her up by 7,” he said.

“Her name is Chloe Windsor. I have booked you down for tonight. The charges will $2500. We accept payments via Cash, Credit Card or Bank transfer as well. If you choose to pay via credit card or Bank Transfer, we do assure that it is safe and discreet. So how would you like to pay?” she asked.

“I will pay via Credit card please,” he said.

He gave her his credit card information down. She asked him to wait for a few minutes and then she said “Ok, the transaction is complete. I will notify Ms. Windsor to be ready by 7pm for you,” she said.

“Please note down the address…”

Matt grabbed a paper and pen and jotted down the address. He quickly kept the phone.

The rest of the day went by without him even thinking about it. The hours were ticking by fast. It was now nearly 5pm. He decided that it was best that he leave now, so that he could change and go pick up Chloe. Chloe. Her face flashed in his mind once again.

By the time he got home, took a shower and was ready, it was already 6:30pm. But now his could feel the knots in his stomach. He was taking a transsexual woman to a big fancy dinner. Now he was beginning to get nervous. He was hoping that the night would not be uncomfortable for him in anyway and that in no way he would be obligated to sleep with this woman. To give him some courage, he moved to the bar and got himself a scotch. He took a quick drink to let himself loose and was on his way out through the door.

He had to drive around 8 miles to reach the place that the woman had given him. He drive for a while and as he neared his destination, he saw a small townhouse. Quaint and charming he thought. The place looked rather lavish for someone who escorted for a living. But then again, who was he to judge. He got out of the car and walked up to the door and rang the bell.

About a minute later the door opened. What he saw next completely vexed him. Chloe stood there at the door dressed in a blue cocktail dress that would have left any mans tongue wagging on the ground.

“Hi,” she said.

He just stared at her. Just stared at her and then he realized that she was speaking to him.

“Uh..Hi…yea. Sorry about that,” he said rather sheepishly.

“Would you like to come in for a drink or something or are we getting late?” she said pleasantly.

“Um. No, I thought we could just get going and have drinks there,” he replied.

“Ok,” she smiled.

He took her arm as he walked her towards the car. He was completely mesmerized. He opened the door for her and she got into the car. He quickly went towards the drivers side and they were soon on their way.

On the way to the benefit, there was a bit of an uncomfortable silence. He didn’t know what to say. She could feel his nervousness and put her hand on his.

“Don’t be nervous,” she said.

Unexpectedly, this put him to ease. He looked back at her and smiled back.

She beamed at him and said “There it is!”

They reached their destination and he parked the car right outside, the Marquee Grand Hotel’s valet station. The Valet quickly opened his door while another one opened the door for Chloe. He moved quickly towards Chloe and they walked as she put her arm around his.

They quickly moved around the large number of people that were attending the gala. As he was moving around, he could see that everyone was staring at him. They quickly moved around the crowd towards the bar.

“What can I get you sir?” asked the bartender.

“I’ll have a scotch on the rocks,” said Matt. “What would you like?”

“I’ll have a white wine please,” said Chloe.

They grabbed their drinks and started to move around. They met a host of different people while moving around mingling. Matt was more at ease now because it was quite apparent that no one knew that Chloe was who she was. It put him at ease. But was even more refreshing to see was how good a conversationalist she was. Not only did the woman have beauty, but she had brains.

No sooner had they sat down and just when Matt thought he could have a moment alone with Chloe, he heard a familiar voice greet him from behind.

“Matt Carver,” said the deep voice.

It was the CEO of QuestTel, Richard Gilmore.

“Mr. Gilmore. Pleasure to to see you here,” said Matt.

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