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Someone asked me to write another lesbian story so here it is. Copies of this story may not be made for distribution, be publishing or copied to another webpage without explicit permission from the author.

Maggie Chandler peeked out of the scorer’s tent next to the large marble clubhouse and saw the scores of reporters and photographers waiting for her. Things had blown up into huge proportions the past week as she attempted to win the LPGA’s Grand Slam of golf. Only two players had won the career Gland Slam in the modern era and now Maggie had not only joined that group she had become the only one to win all four in one year.

At the ripe age of 36 Maggie had thought her career might be dwindling down especially after the back problems she had three years ago. It was during that year that an extensive diet and exercise program toned her body down from 173 pounds to a lean mean 140 pounds with very little fat. She now felt so good she was thinking of at least five more years on the tour.

“MAGGIE!” her best friend Janet yelled as she moved into the small tent. “OH MY GOD YOU DID IT!”

It was the first time Maggie smiled all day. “I did it,” she said softly. “I did it!” she said with more volume. “I DID IT!” she screamed as she hugged Janet into her sweaty body.

They hugged and danced around the small tent. “Maggie the TV guys are waiting.” Her caddie Roxie said looking at the two best women golfers in the world dancing.

As Maggie pushed away from Janet she felt the other woman’s lips gently brushed against her own. At first she was shocked that she would kiss her there but as the warm tingling feeling moved down her body she smiled. “I’ll wait for you in the locker room,” Janet whispered.

Maggie heard the loud screams and applause as she emerged from the tent and waved to the thousands of fans who had not left the course. She saw her husband Jim and her teenage daughter Megan running towards her. She grinned as they both hugged her at the same time.

“Mom I’m so proud of you,” her daughter whispered. “Me too,” Jim added as he kissed her on her cheek.

The CBS president broke them up and asked Maggie to come onto the eighteenth green to accept her Weetabix British Open trophy and a huge check for 160,000 pounds.

“That’s a lot of fish and chips,” Maggie joked for the cameras and the fantastic British fans. She thanked the sponsors and her fellow players. After a few pictures of her kissing the trophy she finally was allowed to go to the clubhouse for a shower and some relaxation.

“In here,” Janet said to Maggie as the woman pulled her into the champion locker area. It was a private area off the large locker room to allow the winner to have some private time. “I think this locker area belongs to the Queen,” Janet joked as she sat on the plush velvet settee across from the two brass lockers. “I have to get my stuff,” Maggie said looking around for her large duffle bag.

“Already taken care of,” Janet smiled. “Open the right locker.”

Maggie pulled on the locker latch and starred at the shelf of clothing. She could see sweaters, blouses, shorts, slacks, and even underwear. All of it was brand new.

“What is this?”

“Evidently your corporate sponsor anticipated you winning the Grand Slam,” Janet smiled. She was still dressed in her golf clothes that were just as hot and sweaty as Maggie’s were.

Maggie shook her head in disbelief. She turned and looked at Janet. “Since we are the same size please take what you want.”

“Really,” the other woman said as she moved to the locker and pulled out a white lace thong. “I’ve had my eyes on these.”

“You are so bad,” Maggie giggled. She had known Janet for almost fifteen years and knew the other woman had a sexual appetite that could not be satisfied. She also knew she had sex with both men and women. Her lips suddenly remembered the kiss on the lips Janet had given her in the tent before. “Now can I trust you in this private shower?”

“Yes but can you really trust yourself?” Janet asked as she pulled her light green polo shirt over her small but perky breasts. She never wore a bra which was a big hit by the many men in the gallery that followed her around.

“Uh yes I can, you know I don’t swing that way,” Maggie laughed as she quickly pulled off her shirt and pushed down her shorts. She looked at the goose bumps on her legs and arms and realized she was nervous and excited about showering naked with her best friend.

“You never really know until you try it,” Janet said seriously as her eyes moved to Maggie’s 36C breasts and long hard nipples as she removed her bra.

“My husband and daughter are outside so behave yourself,” Maggie giggled as she removed her white bikini panties and moved quickly into the large shower stall. After setting the right temperature of the water she moved her tired body under the warm spray.

“Let me do your back,” Janet whispered as she stood naked behind the gorgeous woman. She didn’t give Maggie a chance to say no as bursa escort bayan her soapy hands moved over the Grand Slam champs bare shoulders.

Maggie thought about stopping it before it got too far along but her fingers felt so nice and soft on her skin. It had been almost three months since Jim and her had sex and her body was ready to explode. But, she knew he would be expecting some hot sex tonight in the hotel.

“Lift your arms,” Janet commanded as her soapy fingers moved down Maggie’s sides. Maggie did what she said and realized it was a mistake because she felt the hot fingers move under her armpits and over her naked breasts. The fingers found her hard nipples and gently played and toyed with them.

“Janet don’t,” Maggie whispered. “I’m married, please.”

“Does he make you this hot? Just give me five minutes and if you don’t like it I’ll never ask you again.” Janet pushed her naked front up against Maggie’s backside.

The hot water was beating on her chest which helped to raise Maggie’s body temperature even more. She was dizzy with desire and excitement for the first time in a very long time. “Five minutes.” She repeated softly not caring about Janet’s fingers massaging her soft orbs.

“Just five minutes,” the woman said now smiling as she realized her long time dream was going to come true.

“Ok,” Maggie moaned. Her need to be satisfied had overcome her resistance. She didn’t object when Janet’s fingers moved slowly down her taunt stomach, over her navel and into the thick puff of dark brown pubic hair. She moaned in anticipation as the hot pokers split her bush and dived deeply into her womanhood. “OHHH!”

Maggie’s eyes filled with tears of happiness as Janet quickly used her feminine experience to bring her up to the top of the mountain. She felt her body being turned and another woman’s lips press against her own. She opened her mouth and tasted a female’s lips and tongue for the first time. It was so much different than her husband’s.

Maggie didn’t even make it to five minutes. It was just about three minutes when she cried out, “I’m coming….oh my…I’m coming!” Her arms moved around Janet’s body and hung on as her body exploded.

Janet giggled as she held her up. “And that was just a sampling of how good it will be.”

“It was great but I can’t do this again,” Maggie said grabbing a large towel and moving away from the shower stall.

“But…” Janet said.

“No buts,” Maggie smiled. “I’m a happily married woman.” She turned and realized that she had just lied to both Janet and herself.


“God Mom you are all over the TV,” Megan said while sitting on the large sofa in the huge suite. The hotel had upgraded her room after the victory. It was around ten o’clock at night and Maggie and Jim were hoping their eighteen year-old daughter would leave them alone.

“I think we need to call it a night,” Jim said.

Megan turned and laughed. “I get the picture. See you two love birds in the morning.” She kissed them both on their cheeks and headed out the door.

“I’m sorry I haven’t been home much,” Maggie said as she pulled his body to hers on the bed. She had felt guilty when she had first seen him after being with Janet in the shower but had told herself it was not really cheating because it was not with another man.

“Yeah it’s been tough with Megan lately. She’s gotten pretty serious with Mike and I have a rough time talking to her about sex and all of that.”

Maggie laughed. “From my conversations with her she probably knows more than the both of us combined. When I was home she confessed to me that they had gone all the way.” She looked at her husband for his reaction.

“Shit all the way. What if she gets pregnant?”

“I took her to my doctor. She’s protected.”

“Fuck Maggie don’t you think I need to be part of this decision?”

“I was not even part of it,” Maggie added. “I was part of the not getting pregnant.”

“Well maybe if you were home more things like this wouldn’t happen,” he said.

“We’ve been through this before,” she said. “I’m making very good money right now and we will need it for Megan’s future and our retirement.” She knew Jim as an art teacher at a local community college barely made enough money to pay the electric bill each month. “It’s only for a few more years.”

“How about my needs?” The real truth was coming to the surface.

“You don’t think I get horny as well?” She asked now pissed. “I’ve asked you to travel to the closer towns but you didn’t want to.”

“I don’t want to be one of those husbands who just follow their wife around.”

“Well what do you propose? Should we get some temporary lovers?”

“I don’t know. Maybe.”

“I was just kidding,” she said shocked that he could even think seriously about it.

After that they just sat for about five minutes before Jim smiled and put his arm around Maggie’s neck. His fingers pushed down on top of her soft breast. görükle escort “It’s getting late so we better do it.”

Maggie pushed his hand away. “I don’t want to put you out. Maybe you should call room service for a temporary lover?” She stood and grabbed her purse and her room key. “I need a drink.”

Jim watched her leave and realized he had really fucked it up. He thought about the new college girl in his classroom that had come on to him lately and last week had volunteered to pose nude for him after class. He didn’t want to mess up his marriage but at the same time had his needs.


Maggie took a back booth in the small bar of the hotel so no one would recognize her and wanted to talk. Right now she didn’t want to talk to anyone. She thought that she had found seclusion until she saw a young girl on the other side of the bar smiling at her. She smiled back and quickly looked away.

“Hi,” the soft voice said to Maggie as she closed her eyes thinking about the events of the day. The victory was the best time of her life but her discussion with her husband was one of the worst. She was thinking about Janet’s fingers in her hot pussy when she heard the voice and saw the girl standing at her booth.

“Hello,” Maggie said smiling. The girls face looked familiar. “Do I know you?”

“No, I’ve never met you. My name is Lani Loo.”

“Oh yes, Lani Loo who is supposed to be the next Maggie Chandler,” Maggie laughed. “Please sit down.” She held out her hand and shook the nervous girl’s hand.

“I’m your biggest fan,” the girl said smiling. “I’ve modeled my game after yours and have watched you since I was five.”

“That can’t be too long ago,” Maggie laughed. “How old are you?”

“Nineteen,” she replied.

“You played the whole tournament right?” Maggie had read the only amateur was Lani who made the cut to the final rounds. “How did you finish?”

“Bad yesterday but today was pretty good.”


“I had a two over 72 yesterday but finished with a 64 today.”

“A 64!” Maggie exclaimed. “In those winds?”

Lani giggled. “I’m from Hawaii where the wind gets bad at times.”

“What place did you finish?”

“Tied for 25th,” Lani said proudly.

“That’s great. How much money would you have won if you were not an amateur?”

“23,000 pounds.”

“Too bad. That’s more money than I made in my first year as a pro. Do you want a glass of wine?”

Lani giggled. “I’m not old enough to drink.”

“Sorry,” Maggie laughed. The girl had brightened up her spirits somewhat and she had immediately felt a warmth between the two of them. They talked for two more hours about their families and their games. When the bar closed at 1:00AM they headed up the elevator.

“I really enjoyed meeting you,” Maggie said as they watched the numbers blinking on and off above the elevator door. The elevator suddenly stopped on the eighteenth floor. “Well this is my floor,” Lani said smiling.

Neither of them knew what possessed them but they moved together and looked into each others eyes just before their lips pressed gently together. Maggie opened her eyes first and pushed back. “Lani, I’m sorry…”

Lani giggled and moved her mouth back to the woman’s. This time they were not as gentle. Their lips pressed hard together and their tongues moved into the other one’s mouth.

“God!” Maggie said when their lips finally broke apart. She was gasping for breath.

“I love you,” the girl whispered while her slim body pushed through the elevator doors that were closing.

Maggie starred at the closed door. What the hell was that? She moved off the elevator when it made it to the top floor and quietly opened the door to the room.

Jim heard the door open and then the door to the bathroom. He pretended to be asleep until he felt her body move next to his in the huge bed. “Honey I’m sorry,” he whispered as he turned his naked body towards hers.

“Me too,” she whispered back. The girl’s kiss had started a fire that needed desperately to be put out. Her fingers quickly stripped out of her short nightgown and then found his hard-on. His lips moved to hers and she tried to push his mouth lower but his strong body only wanted one thing. “Touch me,” she begged but she might as well have not spoken because he pushed his legs between hers and jabbed his stiff prick into her damp pussy.

“Wait please slow down,” she said as his hips pushed in and out of her. She knew he was close and tried to touch her clit with her fingers before he came but was too late. Her mind thought about the soft kisses of Lani as she fingered her hot hole. “OH YES!” she screamed as he pulled his lifeless penis away from her.

“God that was so good,” he whispered in her ear.

“Yes it was,” she lied.


Maggie took off a few weeks because of what Jim had said about being a good wife which did not make the sponsors of the next two tournaments very happy. She did bursa escort bayan it more for Megan and made sure she got her senior year started correctly. They had a long talk about sex and commitment and Megan promised to keep it under control. It was the night before she was to leave for her trip to Springfield, Illinois for the State Farm Classic that she realized she hated to have sex with her husband.

“Let’s do it doggie style,” he begged as he pushed her body onto its front.

“Jim, let me get on top,’ she begged as his strong arms pulled her hips upward. At least when she was on top she could control the speed of their fucking and it also allowed his fingers to touch her.

“Open up,” he ordered as he aimed his hard tip up and under her ass.

Maggie did as he asked and hoped he would take his time however the doggie position she hated because it did little to rub against her clit. Her fingers moved up under her stomach to relieve her spent up passions when she felt him push his huge crown against her anus. “No Jim please,” she gasped. He had wanted to try anal sex with her in the past but she had always refused.

“Just the tip,” he groaned when he pushed into the small puckered opening.

“OH GOD!” Maggie cried as she thought she was going to be split in half. Her hands moved back to spread open her cheeks to help relieve the pain but all it did was enable him to push his prick deeper. “OUCH….STOP!” she cried. But he pushed deeper. Finally Maggie got enough strength to pull her body forward until his hard prick slipped out. She fell onto her stomach and started to cry.

“Did it hurt?” his voice asked as he gently fell on top of her back.


“I thought you were moaning because you liked it.”

Maggie, who normally maintained her temper, had reached the end of the rope. She moved out from under him and jumped onto his back. “Let’s see how much you like it.” She cried out and before he could react she jammed her thumb deeply into his bowels. His ass moved forward into the soft bed as much as it could. “OHHH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” Suddenly she added another finger into the tight hole. “FUCK MAGGIE STOP!”

She laughed. “I thought you were moaning because you liked it.”

Jim felt her pull her fingers out and then heard the bathroom door open and close. He just lay naked on the bed until she came out. “I’ll be in the spare bedroom,” she said as she grabbed her favorite pillow off the bed and slammed the door.

The next morning Jim did not come down for breakfast or to see her before the limo came to pick her up for the trip to the airport.


“You look like shit,” Janet said to Maggie when she walked onto the practice tee the next morning.

“Thanks, you don’t look very good either,” Maggie said without smiling.

“Was it him again?”

Maggie didn’t have to answer as she broke down in tears. “Fucking men,” Janet said as she hugged the weeping woman to her body. Janet looked at the other players who had stopped driving the balls and were now looking at them. “Let’s get you back to the clubhouse.”

“OK tell me about it,” Janet whispered as they sat in the back of the coffee shop. For the next fifteen minutes Maggie unloaded on her best friend.

“He wants temporary sex?” Janet repeated. “There are a couple of news guys that would love to help you out if you are interested.” She expected Maggie to tell her to get lost but all she did was stop crying.

“Can they keep a secret?” Maggie smiled.

“Oh yeah, they can definitely keep a secret. They are both married too.”

“You’ve slept with them?”

“Yes and I’ll even tell you which one is the biggest.”

“I’m not looking for a fuck,” Maggie whispered. “I’m looking for someone to make love to me.”

“Let me think about that one,” Janet giggled. “Let’s get our practice round finished first.”

The women made it through the first twelve holes when the sky opened up and it poured. By the time they made it back to the clubhouse they were both soaked. Janet moved down the hallway to the locker room first with Maggie close behind. She opened a door towards the end of the hallway and smiled. Sitting at a table in front of their laptops were two very handsome guys.

As Janet pulled Maggie in the room Maggie stopped her, “I’m soaked.” She looked down at the wet white polo shirt and at the wet bra. “They can see everything.”

“I know,” Janet giggled.

“Hi guys,” Janet said smiling. They both looked up surprised to see Maggie Chandler standing next to her soaking wet. “You know Maggie right?”

“Yes of course,” the dark haired guy said smiling. His eyes focused on the dark shadows of her nipples through her clothing instead of her face. “Looks like you got caught in that downpour.”

“We got a little wet,” Maggie giggled. She also knew the beige shorts were doing little to hide the shape of her bikini panties.

“We are going up to my room and wondered if you two wanted to come along.” Janet said smiling. The golf club had an attached hotel.

Maggie blushed when the blonde guy’s eyes caught hers and when he realized what was being offered.

“You mean?”

“Yes, room 215. Now give us a ten minute head start.” Janet said smiling.

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