one thing lead to another


one thing lead to anotherThis is the story of how a hard truth lead to a weekend I will never forget. My wife and I, married 22 years living a rather normal blue collar existence, ups and downs, our only c***d out of the house serving our military overseas (not Iraq or Afghanistan, thank god), we both stay in good shape, me through my job and Donna through all those spartan races, run for cures and Tough mutters, she turned into a fitness fanatic a few years back,her new found fitness stepped up her libido so our sex life was healthy if not too exciting. We both make a decent living, me in the stone business, her as a part time masseuse for a chiropractor in town, we struggle from time to time, but we get by, own a fairly nice home. I work hard, I don’t drink too much, gave up pot years ago, I never cheated , only blemish on our clean marriage was a bout I had gambling on sports or just about anything else, I almost lost everything, I swore to give it up and did for years (hard to do with the mohegan Sun 20 minutes away), even had to give up lotto and scratch offs..I had a long ass day at work putting in a 1500 sq. foot stone patio, a job for the small company I have in Ct, long hours, unreliable help, it pays the bills and I get to call the shots, on my to work that morning, I stopped for a coffee and a pack of smokes (one of my only vices, Donna does not approve, I don’t smoke at home), I also bought a 5 dollar diamonds scratch off ticket (something , I can’t help doing, only once and awhile) I had gotten a phone call and put the ticket on the seat of my truck and forgotten about it, when I pulled in my driveway, I saw it sitting there, I knew D was already home and would be beyond pissed , so I sat in my truck scratched and bang, I had just won 5 Grand, I checked it a dozen times and sure enough five thousand bucks. I was so excited I pulled out of the driveway and drove around the block to have a cigarette/ I was faced with the dilemma of how am I going to tell my wife, I won it doing something that almost destroyed our marriage a few years ago. I can go on and on about what I told her, but the bottom line was I lied to her about the sudden windfall , I could of not told her about the money at all and went with my first impulse to fly up to the casino and try to double it, no triple it, but I know if I did not tell her about it, that’s what would have happened and this story would be much much different .I told her that I was going to make a good chunk of cash on my next job and asked her if maybe she wanted to plan a little vacation, a romantic get away, maybe a trip to Florida to escape the coming New England cold, she said she’d look online, I knew we could both use a get away. I came home from work a few days later and we decided, a flight bursa escort into Orlando, visit a couple of her friends from the Tough mudder crew, stay in Orlando a couple of days and work our way down to Key West for 6 days in a little place on the beach. I’m not a stupid guy and I knew if I cashed the ticket for 5 grand, I’d have to claim it on my taxes, so I had one of the guys from my crew( young black guy, strong as an ox, but not to bright) do it and flipped him 200 bucks, I walked in the door and handed her an envelope with 4800 dollars in it, enough for our trip. a little shopping for her beforehand and even a couple bucks to put in the bank, we were to leave in two days.Our flight into Orlando was uneventful ( I’m not a big flier, I took a muscle relaxer and slept through it) we picked our car up at the airport and went to our hotel, the plan being some dinner and an early night. I knew D was happy to get away as she even gave me a rare massage( very rarely as its her job) and even finished it with a happy ending. The next day we met up with Stephanie, one of D’s friend who used to live in connecticut, mid 30’s, hot, tan fit blond, divorced a few years back, now living in florida with her boyfriend, I did not know her real well, but we always got along, she took us to lunch and showed us around. The plan was to meet her and her boyfriend for an early dinner, get to bed early and start our trek to the keys the next morning. We went back to the hotel to shower and change, we even fooled around again for a little while, the trip was doing D good. She off handedly mentioned that Stephanie’s new boyfriend was also from Ct and she knew him and had in fact introduced Steph to him, she also mentioned that Jay was in his twenties and a black guy. I’m not a racist by any means, but never really been a big fan of the interracial thing, frankly, I’m a little scared of black people in general, lol, so when we left the hotel I was of the attitude of, quick dinner and make an escape.We got to the restaurant a little early, got our table. I ordered a beer and my fitness freak wife opted for a glass of wine rather than her standard lemon water. I was on my third beer when I saw Steph walk in looking as hot as ever, her teeth were so damned white and coming in behind her was this really big black guy in incredible shape, I felt insecure the moment I saw him (lol) and my thoughts immediately went to him on top of Steph banging away (hey, I’m being honest) Jays face lit up when he saw D and my first thought was damn, his teeth are even whiter than Stephs, he came to the table and he hugged D like she was a long lost friend( I noticed that she hugged back too), he commented on how great she looked and laughed at how pale she was bursa escort bayan in comparison to Steph, he was polite with me and had a very firm handshake, much to my surprise I was having a good time and the drinks were flowing Steph was leaving to go to California on business (fitness model stuff) and Jay was having one last night of partying before getting ready to train for something or another, I kind of felt like a 4th wheel , so I just drank more and listened, blah,blah,blah, D introduced Jay to Steph and a romance began, Steph never felt better, blah,blah, Jay was hitting on D, D said she was married, hahah, blah,blah, remember the time D helped Jay by massaging his cramped calf or some shit, she is a professional after all, we have to do this again, blah,blah, too bad steph is going out of town, I just kept drinking and could not help notice what a good time my wife was having, D was drunk too, could tell by her laugh (not my favorite) Steph finally shut it down by having to go home to get to bed for her flight in the morning, when Jay hugged D goodbye (rather long in my mind) I could not help notice how pale she was in comparison to him, I was more than a little jealous.I had planned on going to bed after such a long day, but D, with a bottle of wine in her had other plans, hell she was grabbing my cock in the elevator, chalk it up to the wine, the atmosphere of escaping the cold, the little romantic getaway, she was horny, but in my alcohol induced mind, what made her horny was Jay, I was thinking should I just go with it an enjoy it or get jealous and pissed and start a fight, she was all over me, horny as I’ve ever seen her, when she came out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a pair of panties, I was rock hard and leaning towards just enjoy it, as she was sucking my cock, I was still thinking, just enjoy it, but I couldn’t help myself, I was in her from behind (this was not making love, this was fucking) she was really into it, I put my head close to her ear and asked her if she though Steph was fucking Jay right now, she let out a moan and started fucking me back hard, I was surprised, not at my wifes reaction, but mine, I could actually feel my dick getting harder as I thought about Jay fucking Steph long and deep with what I assumed was a really big cock, so I went with it and started talking dirtier and dirtier, I pushed D’s head down into the pillow and started banging away, talking about big black cocks and white pussy, hell I don’t remember half of what I said, but I do remember asking D, if she wanted that big black cock, her mouth was saying no, but her pussy was screaming yes, we both came so hard and I all but del off and went to sleep.I woke up in the morning with D still sleeping escort bursa next to me, it was already 10 am, we should of been on the road 2 hours ago, she was having none of it and wanted to sleep, I took a quick shower and hit the streets of downtown Orlando, to find a coffee and sneak a much needed cigarette, I ended up at some sidewalk cafe enjoying the coffee and smoke, figuring let her sleep for an hour and get the show on the road, now if any of you have never been to Florida, let me start by saying they have like 50 scratch games from a dollar to 30 dollars, I had some time to kill, a little vacation money in my pocket and the bodega across the street had all those signs up in the window saying how many winners they had, I could not help myself and bough 50 dollars worth ranging from 3 dollars to 30 dollars, I went back to the cafe to finish my coffee and scratch away while my wife slept. I was concentrating on matching up some numbers in a ridiculous bingo game, I did not see Jay until he was standing in front of me, he asked me if I had any winners and asked where D was, I said she was still sleeping, he made some comment about them getting no sleep I was too busy looking at the tickets in front of me, he asked if we were still leaving today, I said it looked like we might stay another day, we said our goodbyes and away he went,as he left, I was thinking about the 20 dollar winner I had and and him on top of Stephanie, I spent another 20 minutes exchanging winners and getting losers until I was 30 dollars in the hole, I went back to the hotel to find my wife waiting for me pissed off. This Jay guy called our hotel to talk to my wife and mentioned he saw me at the cafe scratching lottery tickets like a man possessed , she was so pissed off, the only defense I had was ” why is this guy calling you? Is he trying to fuck you? did you already fuck him? I brought up how horny she had been the night before, “where you fucking me or were you fucking that nigger”, that set her off, she called me all sorts of names and stormed out of the room. I could do nothing but sit in the room and worry. I fucked up pretty good and was scared of what was to come. I called her cell a dozen times and it just kept going to voice mail, she finally called me at 8:00pm and told me that we needed to talk and she would be there in 20 minutes, I was a wreck waiting for her and killed the time drinking a bunch of alcohol in the mini fridge. I was buzzed when she came in and was ready for an big argument, but when she came, she didn’t seem angry or upset, she said she was so pissed off when she left that she called Jay and they met up and HE calmed her down and told her to give me another chance, we are on vacation and things happen, let it slide, now I don’t know if I should of been happy that he intervened on my behalf or angry that she had spent the day with this guy, she told me to take a shower, we were going out to eat. I did what she asked, to avoid anymore argument, much to my surprise, she came in the shower with me.. to be continued if you like

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