

Hi, A word of caution. If you are looking for blow by blow descriptions of sex it might be best to go to other author’s stories. I like to think that the mind is our greatest sex organ. So I try to leave out the graphic details then you can use a little imagination.


My wife had passed away over a year ago when an old friend sent me a message asking if I was interested in having lunch with her one day. We had been friends for many years but after her divorce we had drifted apart. As a result I had no contact with either of them for several years. Paula was the most straight laced person I had ever met. The kind of person that wouldn’t use a bad word even if it was called for or her life depended on it. I was bored and this sounded like a great chance to get out of the house if only for a few hours. Paula was a kind, caring person, would do almost anything for a friend. Maybe even a stranger. Oh yes…also very easy to look at. Tall, maybe close to six feet, slim with small breasts, a narrow waist finished with a great butt and long legs.

We meet for a late lunch on a hot Wednesday afternoon. It was great. I enjoyed myself. We caught up on what had been going on the past few years. Paula seemed to have no hard feelings against her ex. Talked about kids and grandkids and great grand kids. Yes we both are getting up in years. Lunch was great and after it was over she suggested a walk along the lake.

Then a thunder storm popped up and we were caught several blocks from our cars or any shelter. Paula was wearing a t-shirt and with the rain it stuck to her chest and she wasn’t wearing a bra. The result was a show that was hard to ignore. When she noticed me staring a bit too much she realized what was happening. To say she was embarrassed would be an understatement. She turned red, could only stammer and mutter. When almanbahis she finally got herself back under control “My goodness Mike I’m so ashamed of myself. What must you think? I forgot that I wasn’t…you know. Can we please go back to our cars? I need to go home.” So we rushed through the storm to the vehicles. I made sure she was safely in car and just stood there watching as she drove away. I was already totally soaked so another minute didn’t make any difference.

I didn’t know what to do. Lunch had been good. I enjoyed her company. And the show had kindled feelings that had fallen away over the past year. So I did nothing. The next day I received a message from Paula telling me she had enjoyed our lunch and asking if maybe we could do it again someday. I quickly answered her back and saying I would love to and told her I was going to be gone for about a month on a trip. Would she mind if I let her know when I was home again and we could set up another lunch?

That evening I was working on the computer when a vision of Paula and her tight t-shirt entered my head. The next thing I knew I was looking at porn on the internet. That created tightness in my jeans. So I had to remove them. Then my boxers were in the way. I finished with a mess all over my chest and in the short hairs.

For the next week I was obsessed with what I found. I was afraid I would get calluses on my hand or blisters on a very sensitive place. Watching videos and reading stories from morning to bed time often times I was picturing Paula in them. Thank the stars I had to stop for the trip I had already paid for or I might have canceled it. In the end I was happy I did the trip. It broke my habit and I may have been back to normal when I returned home.

I had been home for less than a day and was shopping for groceries when I saw a almanbahis giriş young woman, tall, braless and wearing a tight t-shirt and her nipples poking out. It all came back in a rush. That night I was back surfing the porn sites.

The next day I had a message from Paula in my In Box. “I heard you were home. A friend saw you at the store. Want to get lunch one day soon?” I was torn. Yes I wanted lunch with her. But I felt maybe it would be best if we didn’t meet anymore. In addition to my viewing habits lately, I was fantasying about Paula and I doing some of the solo stuff I had been watching or reading. Most of it looked like it would be fun. I also had dreams in which she had a starring role.

So being a coward I sent her a reply that maybe it wasn’t a good idea if we had anymore lunches. Her question back, “Did I do something wrong? I so enjoyed our lunch. Please tell me what the problem is. I would hate to lose you as a friend.” I ignored her message. What could I say? There was no way to tell her she was an object of my dirty mind. That I could picture her doing the things I had been watching.

A week went by and another e-mail showed up. “Hi Mike, Maybe my last message didn’t go through. You know how crazy this technology is sometimes. I was hoping maybe we could do lunch again someday. Let me know what you think. Paula” Now what in the hell do I do? I didn’t want to hurt her by ignoring this message. There was no way to explain my problem. Or was there? Maybe just tell her the truth? Oh crap, I had better think this out before I do anything.

In the end I kind of told the truth. Maybe not all of it, but I hoped enough that she wouldn’t not feel it was her fault. My message; “Hi, I’m sorry I haven’t gotten back to you earlier. I just almanbahis yeni giriş feel that what I might want and what you are interested in are not the same. I enjoyed the lunch we had and I think you are a wonderful person. It’s just that I’ve grown in the wrong direction. Mike.”

I assumed that would be the end of it. Paula would read between the lines and tell herself he’s a loser and I don’t need that. Two days later, “What are you talking about? I don’t understand. I would like a better explanation, please. Paula.” The ball was back in my court. Finally I decided that I might just as well l tell her everything. Pull the bandaged off quickly. Do it and get it over with. Cut the cord. Take my lumps. And hope she doesn’t report me to my other friends or the mortality cops.

So I sent her an honest message. “Paula, I guess I should just tell you what is going on. After our lunch I had dreams about you. Improper dreams and fantasies with and about you and they are rather graphic. In short what our lunch made me realized what I have been missing. I also realized you are not the type of person that would ever want to get involved with those types of behavior. You’re kind and gentle. You’re a lady and I’m not what you want or need in your life. I’m sorry to be so blunt, but I had to tell you it is nothing you have done or said. Mike.”

Within an hour she answered me. “Damn you Mike. Who are you to say what I might want in my life. My ex was a wuss and especially in bed. Maybe you should man up and ask what others might want or think. Just because I try to be a lady in public doesn’t mean I might not have desires others might have. Bobby was a prude in bed. When I would try to spice things up I was treated as a bad person. Lately on many nights I have been in my bed thinking about you. In case you have missed my point; if you want to get together give me a call and if not you can kiss my ass right in the middle of the crack. Paula”

The end

I hope you enjoyed this little walk down fantasy lane. Your thoughts are welcome.

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