The Cabin Getaway


** To remember a magical night and a magical weekend… thank you **

Shay pulled the door closed behind her, dropping her keys on the foyer table. She had been out running errands most of the day, and was a little bit drained. She made her way to the office and powered up her computer. She had tons of work to catch up on, and was not looking forward to what was bound to be a very busy afternoon. Sitting at her desk, she noticed a folded piece of paper that had been slipped under her keyboard so that just the edge of it was poking out. She pulled out the piece of paper and unfolded it, smiling to herself as she started to read.


I’m sorry that last night didn’t work out the way we wanted it to. I’ve decided that I’m whisking you away. Meet me at the cabin tonight. You should remember how to get there, but if for some reason you forgot, I have left turn by turn directions as well as the spare key on your pillow for you. I will have everything waiting there for you, so you need not pack anything aside from a change of clothes.

See you there once it gets dark… after you’re finished up for the day.

Love you,


Shay smiled as she folded the note back up and absentmindedly placed it to her lips. He was right – they could both use a quick little getaway, and going back to the cabin sounded wonderful. She suddenly forgot about the pile of work calling for attention on her desk and headed for the tub for a long soak in a bubble bath.

Shay turned on the water and began to disrobe as the tub filled. She turned to the mirrored wall and caught a glimpse of herself, now completely naked. Watching herself, she ran her hands down over her breasts, stopping at her nipples, and feeling a jolt of electricity shoot straight from her nipples directly to her clit. Letting out a long sigh, Shay released her hold on her nipples and slid into the warm sudsy water.

Shay laid back in the tub and closed her eyes as she felt the day’s tension start to melt. She ran her hands up and down her body, lathering herself with the fragrant bubbles. Slowly she raised her left leg out of the water and slid her hands down the curves of her thigh, towards her calf. Working her way back up, she submerged her left leg and raised her right one. As she massaged her leg up and down, she began to think about the last time she and Ken had made love. Her hands kneaded into her upper thigh as she replayed in her mind each thrust, each lick, each moan, and each sigh. She could still hear the sounds of his ecstasy in her head, and she knew that she would hear it again tonight. Almost trance like, Shay’s hands found their way to her pussy. It was somehow warmer than the steamy water that surrounded her.

Shay inhaled as her left hand found her hardening clit while her right fingers worked into the folds of her pussy towards her opening. She slipped her middle finger into herself as her left hand rubbed in circles over her aching clit. Her breathing began to quicken and get shallow as she approached her release. The last image that flashed through her mind was the look on Ken’s face the last time he came for her… the look of agony mixed with so much delicious pleasure was all it took for her. Shay’s entire body exploded as she felt her pussy spasm and clench around her finger. Her cries echoed through the empty house as she rode the waves of her orgasm. Finally feeling the spasms subside, Shay sank into the warm water even deeper and slid her finger out of her, letting out a small moan as it brushed on her pussy lips on the way out.

Shay finally made her way out of the sunken tub and began to towel off… she wrapped a towel around her hair as she reached for her jasmine dusting powder. She knew that this was one of Ken’s favorite scents and that it would drive him absolutely wild. Toweling her hair dry, Shay made her way into her room, throwing on some sweats so she could get back into her office and tackle some of her work now. Between the tension release she had just given herself and the thoughts of what was to take place later that night, she suddenly found it a little easier to deal with the looming stack of contracts and service orders that needed her attention. She slipped into her desk chair and settled down to work. It was a long drive to the cabin, but she had plenty of time to catch up on some things before it was time to go.

Ken was already out gathering supplies for the evening. He made his way down the aisles of the grocery store stocking up on enough to get them through a day or two. Plenty of fresh fruit, milk and juice for the morning, as well as fresh box of Rice Krispies, knowing that that would score major brownie points. Looking over the items in his cart, he proceeded to check out and make his way to the liquor store to finish stocking up for the night…

In his car headed across town Ken began to play scenarios of the coming evening in his head. He smiled from ear to ear at the thought of just bedava bahis the two of them being shut away from the world for a while. He suddenly found himself sitting in the parking lot of the liquor store with absolutely no recollection of how he had gotten there. He sat there in the car for a couple of moments, trying to change his train of thought to lessen the bulge that had developed in his shorts. He turned on sports radio hoping that some good old baseball talk would take care of the problem. He finally felt himself subside enough to make his way into the store, picking up a bottle of Cuervo, some champagne, and a couple of bottles of merlot. The cashier smiled at him as she rung up the bottles.

“Looks like a party tonight” she noted to him as she scanned the bottle of Cuervo.

Ken glanced at her name tag “Just a private little get together…. Charlene. Just want to make sure everything’s just right.”

“I’m sure she’ll love it” she responded with a reassuring smile.

“Now who said anything about a she?” Ken asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Your smile did, hun,” Charlene responded, snapping her gum. “If it were any bigger, you’d have to get a permit for it.”

Ken winked at her as he grabbed his bags and made his way to the door. He opened his trunk and carefully placed the bags inside, shuffling around the rest of his supplies to make room. He opened up his CD changer and set up music for the trip. He opened up a black DVD case that had 3 CD’s in it. Shay had made them for him a few weeks back, and they quickly had become the favorites of his collection. He closed his trunk and slipped into the driver’s seat, turning the key and flipping on the cd player. Ken’s smile grew even bigger as “What’s Forever For?” piped through the speakers and he started to wonder about where he had to go to find that over sized smile permit. Sighing one last time, he slid his Honda into first and started the 2+ hour drive to get to the cabin. He had lots to prepare before Shay got there.

Shay started to wrap up her stack of work. She had flown through the pile on her desk, getting done what absolutely had to get done before the weekend hit. She fielded a couple of phone calls, but could barely focus on the questions her customers were asking her. Her mind was already at the cabin with Kenny. She glanced out the window just in time to catch the sun beginning to set. She made neat piles of what was left on her desk and prissed off to her room to pick out her clothes and pack her bag. She picked out a powder blue sheer fabric blouse – very simple, but she knew it was one of Ken’s favorites. Seeing as the blouse was sheer, she picked out her powder blue lacy bra to match, completing the visual. She pulled herself into a pair of acid wash wranglers, just tight enough to perfectly accentuate her ass and thighs. She intentionally neglected to put on panties, wanting to feel her jeans against her for the drive. She slipped on some short nylon socks, her short white roper boots, and a matching belt. Sliding on her normal bracelets and putting in her earrings, she admired the finished product in the mirror. She was ready. She could already see the look in his eyes when she walked in that cabin looking like this.

Shay threw a change of clothes, her toothbrush, and everything else that she needed to make herself look and smell pretty in the morning in the bag… it was just before 8. She had a long drive in front of her and decided it was time to hit the road. She grabbed the directions and the key and headed for the door.

It was getting dark and was starting to rain. Ken flipped on his high beams trying to see better through the downpour. He was concerned about her getting to the cabin through the storm, but didn’t want to call her cell and disturb her driving in case she had already hit the bad weather. He turned up the dirt road that led to the cabin just as Luther came on through the CD player. “Always and Forever” he sang to himself. He had timed the trip just right music wise. As he approached the dark cabin, he was glad that he went up there ahead of Shay. After the long drive and the tough weather, at least she would have a nice cozy warm and well lit cabin to welcome her.

Ken pulled into the driveway to the cabin and shut the engine off. He dashed out of the car and opened the trunk. He grabbed two armfuls of bags and ran for the cabin door, trying to dodge the raindrops. Fumbling with his keys, he finally unlocked the door and hip checked the door open, stumbling through the darkness until he got to the counter in the small kitchen. Placing the bags on the counter, he ran back out to grab the rest.

Walking back into the cabin, Ken finally flipped the lights on as well as the outside lighting, It had been a few months since he had been up here, but everything seemed to be in place, just as he left it. He put the groceries away and began to make a mental checklist of what he had to get ready before she arrived. casino siteleri As he shed his soaked shirt, he surveyed the main room of the cabin. Glancing over at the fireplace and hearth, he was so happy that he had stocked the wrought iron rack full of wood before he left last time. A fire would be the perfect way to shake off the raw cold dampness of the rain tonight, and a little ambiance never hurt either. He made his way to the hearth and crouched down as he began to stack logs into the fireplace, finishing with a fair amount of kindling on top. After a couple of tries, he finally got a flame. “You’re out of practice” he thought to himself as his laugh echoed throughout the empty cabin.

Once the fire was well on its way, Ken reached up to the mantle over the fireplace, pulling the lighter out of his pocket to light the candles that lined it. he then went around the perimeter of the room, lighting the candles on the end table, the bookcase, and the big candle on the kitchen table. Shay had made this candle for him, and it was by far his favorite. As the jasmine scent started to fill the room, Ken finally felt the chill from the rain start to leave him. He wasn’t sure if it was the fire building or just her scent wafting into his nostrils that warmed him. Seeing that all of the candles were lit, Ken dimmed the lights in the cabin, letting the flickering of the fire and the candles dominate the lighting of the room.

Ken rearranged the pile of pillows that had become a permanent fixture on the floor in front of the fire. He smiled at the memories of night after night they had spent here on these pillows, just staring into the fire together… how there were so few words between them as they just took comfort in being there with each other.

Ken was brought back to reality by the ringing of his phone. “Hi baby” a familiar gentle voice cooed through the phone. “I just wanted to let you know that I’m ok and I’m almost there. This rain is something else, isn’t it?.”

“Just take it easy darlin” Ken answered. “Slow and easy. It’d kinda put a damper on the night if you didn’t get here in one piece, don’t you think?”

“I’ll see you in a few, Kenny. I’ll sure be glad when I’m in out of this rain and curled up warm with you.”

“Well, Shay Lyn, that makes two of us. Now be careful and just get here. Everything’s ready. Bye baby.”

Hanging up, Ken made his way to the kitchen. He grabbed the tequila and margarita mix and went to work on the blender, figuring that Shay could use a bit of Jose after her long drive. He took the pitcher off of the blender and slipped it into the freezer, keeping it nice and cold for her. He reached for the cupboard and pulled out a bottle of merlot, expertly uncorking it and pouring himself a glass. Thinking now that he was as ready as he was going to be, he made his way over the pillows, plopped down on them, and waited as he sipped on his wine. The sound of the rain on the roof and the crackling of the fire seemed to complement each other perfectly

Shay turned up the familiar dirt road that led to the cabin. The path was familiar to her, but she had never driven to the cabin this late at night, let alone in a downpour like this. She was taking it nice and slow, knowing that her Mustang wasn’t really best suited to wet dirt roads. Looking ahead, she saw light poking through the trees, and she sighed in relief knowing that she was there. Turning into the driveway, Shay pulled up next to Ken’s car. She killed the headlights and engine and grabbed her bag from the passenger seat, sitting in her quiet car for a moment as if to prepare herself for the trek in the rain from her car to the front door. Almost holding her breath, she swung her door open and bolted out into the wet night, moving as fast as her white roper boots would carry her.

Ken had heard Shay pull up, but was still startled as the door to the cabin burst open. He rose to meet her and smiled. Shay was soaked from head to toe and looked like she was chilled to the bone. Despite her dripping clothes, Ken pulled Shay tight to him and drew her close to his bare chest, trying to warm her a bit. He brushed some strands of wet hair from her face and leaned down to kiss her hello. “You look beautiful, baby” he whispered to her. “But why don’t you go get into something a little more dry before you catch cold.”

Shay nodded through a shiver or two and made her way to the bedroom. Ken watched her go as he sauntered into the kitchen and poured out a margarita for her as well as refilling his glass of wine. Ken went back to the fire and the pillows as he waited for her to come back to him. He chuckled as he heard her humming down the hall and through the door. Finally he heard the click of the doorknob and watched her emerge from the bedroom. Her wet hair was down and brushed out. She had changed out of her wet clothes and decided to get comfortable. She was wearing one of her favorite sleep tshirts… pink and with bahis siteleri the word “Princess” written across it.

Ken patted on the pile of pillows next to him and offered the margarita glass to her. Shay lowered herself down to him and gladly took the glass, placing it to her lips and taking a sip before swallowing and softly saying “Thanks, Kenny”. He just smiled at her and turned to face the fire.

Ken closed his eyes and sighed softly as he felt Shay melt into him and start running her fingers through his chest hair. She lowered her lips to his chest and floated rows upon rows of light kisses onto him. Shay looked up at him and whispered to him “I’m kinda hungry, Kenny… know what I’m in the mood for?”

“Uh uh” Ken responded as he watched the flames twinkle in her blue eyes.

Without saying a word, Shay jumped up from the pillows and prissed her way into the kitchen. He listened to her rummaging through the cabinets. She finally emerged from the kitchen smiling at Ken. “Good Bear” she said. “I knew you wouldn’t dream of a night at the cabin with a fire without marshmallows”. Ken smiled back and nodded as he got up heading for the closet, taking a wire hanger to fashion into two roasting skewers. They met back at the pillows and began to kiss again, lowering themselves down to the pillows without parting lips.

Sitting next to each other in the nest of pillows, Ken opened the bag of marshmallows and began threading them onto the makeshift skewers. After he had stacked 3 on each skewer, he handed one to her and explained “Tell you what, Shay Lyn, I’ll do yours and you do mine.”

“Ok Kenny” Shay replied. “But I like mine well done.”

“Uh huh” Ken chided. “Hot, gooey and sticky… I got ya. I’ll make sure your marshmallows end up that way too”

Ken smiled as Shay blushed slightly and held her skewer into the fire. Ken slipped in behind her, wrapping one arm around her as he reached in towards the fire with his other, rotating the marshmallows over the flames slowly. He squeezed her tight and kissed the side of her neck, eliciting a giggle from her as his beard tickled her soft skin. The smell of jasmine on her didn’t go unnoticed as Ken stayed nuzzled into Shay’s neck, intoxicating himself with her sweet scent.

They both pulled their skewers out of the fire at the same time. Ken looked at his handiwork and confirmed with Shay that the marshmallows were done to her liking. He plucked the end marshmallow off and placed the remaining marshmallows down on the hearth. He took Shay’s skewer from her and placed it next to his. Releasing his hold on Shay, Ken dipped his right index finger into the marshmallow he held in his left hand while Shay turned to face him. coating his finger with melted marshmallow, Ken reached to Shay and dipped his finger into her mouth, feeling her suck slowly on it as she moaned in approval. Her tongue wrapped itself around his finger while she held it in her mouth to ensure that she cleaned it thoroughly. Ken reluctantly pulled his finger from between her lips, causing a small popping sound.

“Tastes good, Kenny” Shay purred.

“I’ll be the judge of that” Ken answered softly as he dipped his finger into the marshmallow and placed his finger to her lips again. Shay opened her mouth in anticipation but Ken shook his head no. Shay closed her mouth and tilted her head quizzically as Ken smiled and began to paint her lips with a sticky coating of marshmallow. Once she was thoroughly coated, Ken leaned in and placed his lips to hers, kissing her hungrily. He explored her lips and mouth with his tongue, and finally pulled away licking his own lips.

“You’re right, Shay Lyn, that is yummy”

Ken took another marshmallow from his skewer and popped it into his mouth grinning at Shay as he pulled her tshirt up over her head. He leaned in towards her exposed breasts and took her right nipple in between his lips, using his tongue to press the marshmallow against her hardening nipple. The warm stickiness coated her, and Shay grabbed the back of Ken’s head and held it to her. Ken reached up to her left nipple with his hand and held it in between his thumb and forefinger, rolling it gently back and forth. “Oh Kenny” Shay whispered as she lost herself in the sensations.

By now, Shay’s entire nipple and areola was smeared with marshmallow. Ken swallowed the remaining marshmallow that was in his mouth and began to lick nibble and suck on Shay, loving how the sweet of the marshmallow mixed with the slightly salty tang of her skin. Shay started whispering Ken’s name over and over to him between gasps and moans, which only served to egg him on more. Ken began to hum as he suckled on her, taking her nipple between his teeth as he increased the suction on her. Shay’s breathing began to get shallow and fast, increasing in pace until she suddenly stopped – holding her breath. Shay finally released her breath in a quick rush and a sweet moan as her entire body began to shake. She held Ken’s head even tighter to her as she rode her waves of pleasure. Ken felt his cock throb in his jeans at the very thought that he had just made her cum by loving on her nipples. It was the first of many for her for the night, he thought to himself.

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