The Retreat Day 02

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A niece, her mother and more weirdness

Author’s note: This is Part 2 of a 4 part story arc. As with all my stories, this one starts slowly with background and character development. Please vote – it is the only way I can see if I am pleasing you, the reader.

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I woke to three distinct things: First, Beth was astride me, humping me again – she had me very hard and buried very deep within her. Second, bright sunlight was streaming into the cabin making my eyes hurt. And third, I heard my brother Eddie’s voice say, “Holy Shit!”

Amazing how two words can turn your blood to ice water.

Part of me was tensing up to push Beth off me and do something… I had no idea what… when Beth’s commanding tone said, “Don’t move, Uncle Jim! I’m not done with you, yet.”

It is axiomatic that whenever a woman says, “Don’t move!”, or “Right there!”, or “Don’t stop!”, we stupid males will do exactly what we were just told not to do… Although some of us smarter ones have learned to pay attention to the female of the species in such precarious conditions. I chose to not move. Beth was facing away from Eddie, who had to be by the hallway to the kitchen, but I was sure she had heard him.

With accelerated moaning and groaning and grinding into me, loud enough to embarrass the most ardent voyeur, she finished building to her cum and went over the edge. And so help me God, I really tried not to get swept along. Really, I tried.

So when we both got done cumming our brains out and were calming down, what does she do? She stands up, buck naked with my cum dripping out of her pussy and turns to face Eddie.

“Hi, Uncle Eddie!” she greeted him. “Did you bring the towels?”

If I weren’t melting into my own puddle of shame, I would have laughed out loud at Eddie’s expression. And I thought I had been googly-eyed at Beth. Eddie stood there holding a toolbox in one hand with a bag slung over his other shoulder and his mouth just opening and closing, looking like a fish out of water. I’m sure he was trying to say something, but nothing was coming out.

She sauntered over to him and standing in front of him, took the sack off his shoulder, asking “In here?” Without waiting for a response, she turned and walked back over by the fireplace end of the mattress and started sorting through the bag. I was watching Eddie and Eddie was watching her.

I decided to stand up and start pulling dry clothes off the lines, also facing away from Eddie.

“How’d you cross the river?” I asked him.

“Um…” he fumbled, obviously a bit flustered. “Uh… I crawled my way over the bridge. Jeep’s on the other side with the rest of your stuff. You want me to go get it?”

“I want the power on first, if you brought whatever will fix it,” I told him. “Doing things au natural has its disadvantages.”

“Sure it does…” he agreed, but the sarcasm was dripping from his voice.

“I talked to Linda and Sherry last night,” he went on. “They’d seen the news about the freak storm but presumed you wouldn’t be stupid enough to get caught in it. When the land line to the cabin was dead, they both called me. I told them what I knew – you and Squirt had made it here okay, the power was out and I was coming up today to help you.”

I finished pulling clothes on as he told me, “Linda and Maggie are done with the college visit and will be here sometime Monday. Sherry finished her jewelry stuff and will be here sometime this evening. I told them the bridge was out, but both of them seemed really interested in getting up here to you two…”

“Maybe to stop what I didn’t just see,” he added a little accusatorily.

“Generator, Eddie,” I told him. “I’ll be right with you.” I turned around to talk to Beth and found her standing up with a couple of towels.

“I’m going to heat some water and wash up, if it’s okay with you, Uncle Jim,” she told me. “Unless you really need my help with something.”

“No, you go ahead and clean up,” I decided. “After that, you could go look in on Jesse and Sunny, and bring the saddle blankets in here to hang up and dry.”

“Will do,” she told me brightly, then walked past a still stunned Eddie standing in the doorway as she went to pump a bucket of water.

“Generator, Eddie,” I told him again, this time walking up to him and physically turning him towards the door.

“It’s still pretty brisk out, Jim,” he told me, eyeing my jeans and flannel shirt.

“The down vest is still soaked,” I told him. “Let’s go get some power on.”

* * * * *

It turned out to be slightly worn glow plugs combined with a marginal fuel filter on the intake rail. Once we got them changed out, the generator started right up.

“You know, Dad used to have that old windmill for pumping water,” Eddie told me. “I’ve been seriously considering restoring it and converting it to run a series of automotive alternators to charge a bank of batteries. An inverter could give us a certain amount of AC power even without illegal bahis the diesel.”

“After this weekend, sir, that is an excellent idea,” I told him. “Let’s go take a look at the bridge.”

“Don’t ‘sir’ me…” Eddie started.

“Yeah, I know… you work for a living,” I finished. With the generator running smoothly, we headed out to the bridge. Which was a fucking disaster.

The tree had fallen at an angle, taking out about two-thirds of the bridge, leaving only the anchor points at each end and a bunch of busted timber.

“Well, that’s going to take for-fucking-ever,” I groused as we realized the extent of the damage.

“Look, we’ll start on the other side,” Eddie told me. “Chainsaws to bust it up and we’ll use the Jeep to pull it clear. Anything we can’t get from that side, we’ll use Jesse and Sunny to pull away on this side. Your new girlfriend knows how to handle the horses, so she could come down and help.”

“Watch it, Eddie,” I warned him. “She isn’t my new girlfriend and regardless of what Beth thinks, I still think Sherry will kill me if and when she finds out. Or Linda will. I didn’t start it, but I did go along with it, and right now you need to let it go.”

“Fine,” he grumbled, “but just tell me one thing… how the hell did it happen? How did you end up fucking Squirt? Christ, she just – and I mean just – turned eighteen!”

“Oh, it’s worse than that,” I told him. “She used to be a virgin.”

“Are you fucking kidding me???” I thought Eddie was going to have a coronary.

“No, I’m not kidding,” I told him seriously. “Look, let’s traverse this disaster and go over by the Jeep. If I know you, there’s a cooler with some beer in it. I’ll tell you the story, but it’s got to stay between us. I’m not currently in the market for death or divorce.”

“Man, oh, man…” he just shook his head. “Yeah, there’s beer on ice…” He started crawling his way through the wreckage and I followed him. When we got to the Jeep, we opened a couple of beers.

I pretty much told him the story the way it had unfolded. I left out the bit about the videos, since he wasn’t a part of that, just indicating that she’d decided I was going to be the one and that she’d set out to seduce me – and succeeded. Along, apparently, with her mother’s blessing… something I was not going to presume was true.

“I don’t know if this is a one-shot or what,” I finished up. “I may have been her flesh dildo to get rid of her pesky maidenhead. I’m not presuming anything and I’m sure as hell not going to push her. It was a great end to a miserable night and I think I’ll just be grateful and keep my mouth shut.”

“The way she was humping you when I walked in,” Eddie informed me, “she’s not thinking one-shot, believe me. She had that Nirvana look all over her. And especially if she had Sherry’s blessing. I’m not going to say anything, and… you are one lucky sonofabitch. She’s a fine looking girl. Or woman, I guess. And really nice to be around.”

“She was a woman long before she jumped me,” I told him. “And in a lot of ways, she’s still a girl. For now, I’m treating her as the competent adult I believe she is. I have no idea what happens next, except we’ve got to get this bridge cleared.”

“Chainsaws, gas, logging chains, rope, axes, wedges, come-along…” he rattle off, pointing into the back of the Jeep. “Let’s do it.”

We had the bridge about a third cleared from the side away from the cabin when Beth came looking for us. She had a thermos of coffee with her and thought we’d appreciate the pick-me-up. Notwithstanding the beer to steady my nerves earlier, I definitely could have used it and Eddie didn’t turn her down, either.

I caught him several times watching her with what I would call an “appraising eye”, but if she noticed, she kept it hidden. On the other hand, she was fascinated with the chainsaws and actually wheedled us into letting her get out there on the bridge and help. Not the least of my concerns was the fact that the river was about a foot higher and a helluva lot faster because of the rains. We made her wear a safety harness, but other than that she was on her own and doing a damned good job of it.

We had her do a stint of driving the Jeep, too, pulling out the branches and pieces of trunk we were cutting. All the way around, she was enjoying the hell out of it. When we needed to switch to the horses, I sent her up to the barn to retrieve them while Eddie and I sat down for a spell, cooling off. It might have been cold out, but we were definitely working up a sweat. When Beth returned, she tethered the horses near the bridge and came over to me and Eddie.

“Thanks, Uncle Eddie!” she told him, “for not giving me shit about wanting to play with power tools” and she gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

“And thanks, Uncle Jim,” she added, coming over to me, “for treating me like a grown up…”

My kiss wasn’t on my cheek. She stepped into a full body hug and went into a lip-lock with me casino siteleri that redefined the term “sucking face”. Hot, tired, sweaty and she was still getting me hard!

And tactless Eddie, of course, had to laugh.

“Eddie…” I managed to growl when Beth eased off the kiss, “shut up!”

“Sorry,” he said, keeping his gaze averted as he went over to the horses, but I saw the impish smile on Beth’s face.

“And you, Squirt…” I started.

“Yes…?” she drawled, looking up at me and batting her eyes provocatively – although I knew she was just hamming it up. I hate to admit it, but she definitely had the knack of seducing me.

“Never mind…” I caved. “Let’s finish getting this bridge cleared. I’m hungry.”

* * * * *

We did, in fact, finish clearing the bridge… or what was left of it. We opened a bunch of cans of stew and heated them in the microwave which was now working, along with lights, baseboard heat, the water heater, the well pump and some incidentals like the clothes dryer. Eddie finished up and pointed out he needed to beat feet back to his place to intercept Sherry. He left our gear behind and told us he’d contact us on the CB once she showed up.

Beth and I bade him a fond farewell – and Beth actually behaved herself, although I think Eddie was hoping otherwise – then brought the horses in from the paddock and brushed them down, set them up with food and water and went to get cleaned up. Which, according to Beth, meant showering together.

“Squirt, you know this has to stop when your mother gets here, right?” I asked her as she bobbed up and down on my raging hard-on while the hot water cascaded off of us.

“Not necessarily,” she said, coming off me long enough to speak clearly, then taking most of me back in her mouth.

“Well, it sure as hell has to stop before my wife and daughter get here!” I pointed out.

She just shrugged noncommittally and stuck a soapy finger up my ass.

I came.

I had no choice. This young woman was going to know all my secrets in very short order.

We took turns soaping each other, again, and then lazied around the fire, cuddling. She asked me to go down on her and make her cum and I did. She curled up with me and nodded off and I followed very soon thereafter. It was Eddie’s voice on the CB that woke me up.

I tried to dislodge myself from Beth without waking her but failed miserably. She pulled me down into a make-out session that went long enough that Eddie started making comments over the radio like “Gee, hope I’m not interrupting anything important,” and “come on, you two, you can rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic later”. When he got to, “Jesus Christ, guys! Give it a rest!”, I pried myself loose and answered him.

“Just got in from taking care of the horses, Eddie,” I told him – a bald-faced lie, but what the hell… Sherry was probably listening – “what’s up?”

“Is that what they call it these days?” the smart-ass had to come back.

“Knock it off, little brother,” I told him, making sure to emphasize the implied threat. “What’s the story?”

“The story is, Sherry’s here and she wants to come up, even though it’s dark and late. She also wants to talk to Squirt, if she’s about.”

“She’s about,” I told him and motioned to her to be cool. “Hang on a minute.” I set the mike down and turned to Beth. “You’re mom’s on the line. Please remember, I don’t want to feel dead or divorced, so be judicious. I’m going to make some more coffee.”

I pulled on some jeans while Beth picked up the mike, and I headed out to the kitchen. I came back to find out it had been a short conversation.

“She wanted to know if her coming out was going to interfere with any plans I might have – and I think she was being circumspect because of Uncle Eddie – and I told her no problem, she could come out or not as she wanted. Just to be damned careful. She said she has the Suburban with her, loaded with jewelry stuff, and figured she’d bring it out. She’s going to borrow a radio from Eddie and let us know when she’s at the bridge. We can go out and help her across.”

I started muttering, more than singing, Styx’s Renegade – “Hangman is coming down from the gallows and I don’t have very long…” Beth burst out laughing.

“Fine,” I told her in resignation. “Let me know when your mom calls.” I sat down on the mattress, cracked my neck a couple of times and lay down. There wasn’t any point to panicking – yet.

I wish I’d had more life to flash before my eyes before Beth was kissing me on the forehead, waking me from a combination reverie and nightmare.

“Mom’s at the access road turn off and she’s headed for what used to be the bridge,” she told me. “You want me to saddle the horses? I think she’s got a lot of stuff to schlep up here.”

“I’ll take care of the horses,” I yawned. “You get on the radio and ask her exactly how much stuff needs schlepping. This isn’t the best time for it, since we’ve got to come across poker siteleri the remains of the bridge and the river’s flooding.”

“I know,” she smiled at me, “but you know Mom… not exactly sure where she gets her stubborn from…”

“Have you ever even met your Grandmother?” I asked in faux-disbelief. Which got the intended laugh.

I headed out to put pack frames on Jesse and Sunny – they were not going to like it – and prepare for hauling some heavy-ass shit up to the house. It might look light in its final form, dangling off some woman and making her look good, but the raw components? Bulky, heavy, and lots and lots of little pieces… so don’t dump a tray. Beth caught up to me when I was just about done.

“Mom says she’s brought out her portable studio. She’s going to be doing some teaching out this way over the next several months, so she intends to set the cabin up as a base of operations. That translates to a lot of stuff, all in boxes – not loose – and it doesn’t all have to come up to the house tonight. So, what should I say? Be Prepared…”

It turned out not to be that bad, especially with Beth’s help, but that was later. In the meantime, I was walking down to my doom.

We led the horses down to the bridge just in time to see Sherry’s headlights coming.

“Do not… please do not… get me in trouble with your mother,” I pleaded. Beth just shook her head like I was crazy to be thinking like that.

As Sherry pulled the Suburban up to the bridge and the headlights lit up the damage, she came to a stop. Beth handed me Sunny’s reins and started working her way across the bridge to go meet her mother. I was torn between the panic induced by the idea of the two women meeting and sharing information at a distance and the relief that hiding behind the excuse of holding the horses gave me.

I watched with a major knot in my stomach as I saw mother and daughter hug and kiss each other in the glow of the headlights. Whatever was being said, I couldn’t hear it. But both women were smiling and Sherry was pointing at the bridge while Beth pointed upstream, obviously to the ford. Eventually, Sherry killed the headlights and she and Beth started making their way across the bridge to me. The knot in my gut was becoming Gordian.

My Doom appeared on swift wings, bearing down upon me in the form of a long time friend, balling buddy and sister-in-law who walked straight up to me – helpless with reins in both hands – threw her arms around my neck and kissed me deeply. Right straight to the groin, the way she’d always been able to do it. And she wasn’t being stingy with her tongue.

“So!” she exclaimed as she let up and allowed me to breathe. “It’s mission accomplished!”

“What?” I asked, with more than a little trepidation.

“She seduced you,” Sherry clarified. “You got Squirt’s cherry. Congratulations! I never thought you’d help her out.”

“Um, Sherry…” I fumbled, “I didn’t… I mean, I never… um, it just sort of…”

“Jim, sweetheart?” she interrupted me. “Shut up. You’re fine. And now that I’ve seen the bridge, I understand why trying to unload the car would be asking for trouble. So it can all stay there tonight and we’ll move it over later. Do you have any idea what Eddie’s doing about a repair crew?”

The way that she just blew right through any guilt or apology or anything else I might have had waiting, and went straight to the practical, was rather unsettling. No, actually, that’s an understatement. It was very unsettling.

“Hi, Jesse!” Sherry walked up to him and stroked his nose and withers. “Long time no see. And you, too, Sunny,” she added as she walked over and petted her as well. “Let’s get you back to a nice warm barn and us in front of a nice hot fire!”

I had no idea how to react to this. Beth saved me.

“Come on, Uncle Jim,” she said softly as she came up next to me and took Sunny’s reins. “Let’s head back on up to the barn.” And bless her, she turned and took my arm and started walking up towards the cabin, pulling me along with her and incidentally, the two of us leading the horses as we walked, arm in arm. It was almost romantic. No, make that, it was romantic. And that got me thinking about what Eddie had said about her not acting like it was a one-shot.

This was going to get really awkward if she went after me with her mother around. That alone was enough to sober me up to the reality of sleeping arrangements. We hadn’t set up any of the other bedrooms, yet, and on limited heat the best place to sleep was still the Great Room with the fire.

I had just about decided on putting the king-sized mattress back and pulling out three twins when we got to the barn. The walk had pretty much squelched any conversation, but now Sherry went off again.

“How are you fixed for food, drink and sleeping arrangements?” she asked as she helped take the tack off the horses and hang it up. My train of thought kind of derailed at that moment, but Beth jumped in.

“We’ve got plenty of canned stuff we can heat in the fireplace or microwave, plus well water and bottled water and bottled juices and coffee, and right now the mattress from the master bedroom is on the floor in front of the fireplace. It’s pretty big and pretty comfortable.”

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