The Scion of Shyamgarh Ch. 03

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[ continued from Part II ]

Rajesh and Ranjan were already at the breakfast table when a rather demure Radha walked in and sat down between them. Ranjan was very eager to know what she had decided upon but being the gentleman that he was, he was waiting for his wife to speak her mind. Rajesh, on the other hand knew what his mother would say. She had after all waken up in his arms on the floral bed and the two of them had spent a good hour arguing on the ethics of a son fucking his mother while, paradoxically, both being in the nude!

“Ranjan” she said very quietly, and with a blush that spread all over her fair face,”I will have a child with Rajesh”

“Excellent”, Ranjan clapped his hands in pleasure, “I knew that left to yourself you would do the right thing”

“But you had a very persuasive advocate in Rajesh. I could really not turn him down”

“So the heart won over the head? Or did the head win over the heart?”

“Whatever, now tell me what next?”

“We have two little hurdles to cross”


“First a close relative of mine, but certainly not my well wisher, will be coming to meet you today as a representative of the family. By the principle of primogeniture, the throne is supposed to go my eldest living male child and if he does not exist then the it goes into my brother’s line — so they want to make sure that you are really bearing my child.”

“But how would they know for sure?”

“Generally my word should be enough but still there are spies around who would not hesitate to report anything unusual that they see or hear about.”

“Then Rajesh is the safest bet! After all he is my son and he has every reason to be around.”

“Why do you think I chose the two of you?”

“Fine, we can handle that .. what about the other hurdle?”

“Let me explain about that …”


Night had fallen on Shyamgarh. It was a full moon night and Ranjan, Radha and Rajesh had assembled on the roof of the palace which had been set up for havan or fire ceremony.

“When is this Darshan fellow going to show up?”

“Not until he thinks that the time is auspicious”

“And you really think that this is of any use?” Radha was a bit apprehensive about the ordeal that she would have to undergo.

Ranjan had explained to her about the custom that has been followed by all princely estates in India since the dawn of time to ensure the birth of a male heir but like all modern women Radha was yet to be convinced that any kind of religious mumbo-jumbo could have any impact on the gender of child.

“A lot of it is obviously bullshit but there is one part of the ceremony that has a lot of potent science in it, but as in all other cases, it has got covered under layers of irrelevant rites.”

“What is that?”

“He will introduce a small stalk of a secret Himalayan tree into your cunt and then you will have keep it in for some time. The juices secreted by the stalk will change the chemistry of your womb for some time and make the environment hostile for the female sperms.”

“And this will enhance the probability of a male child? Are you sure?”

“Generations of people have used this in India”

“But then is it not widely known?”

“There are not too many people who can recognise this plant, let alone bring it down from Tibet, Oh there he comes.”

A door opened and a rather wild looking man — with matted hair and clad in a loincloth — appeared on the roof.

“Namaste, Darshan-ji” Ranjan welcomed him with folded arms and introduced him to his wife and his step son.

“So will he be the third person in our triad?” Darshan’s voice was deep and low. His eyes were glowing like hot coals and obviously he was high on marijuana.

“He is young, but I believe he fulfils all the requirements and is perhaps the most trustworthy adult male other than you and me out here.”

“You are right, you have too many enemies. When did the the princess bleed last?”

“That was ten days ago, now I am clean and ready.” Radha answered softly.

“Then we are ready, let us start”

Darshan pulled out a stack of 21 short sticks from his bag and laid them out on the floor of the roof. “One for now and the rest for each night till her next period”

The three men dropped their clothes and encircled Radha within their outstretched arms. Then Darshan started chanting some sonorous verses and Radha, who had kept her eyes tightly closed, bedava bahis found that her clothes were being removed from her body, one by one, until she too was stripped naked.

Next Darshan took a pot of butter and started applying it all over her body and Rajesh was reminded of his own experience with the ointment and he started to get an erection at the sight of his mother’s naked body glistening in the moonlight.

Now for the delicate part, Darshan spread out a small carpet on the floor. Then he asked Radha to lie down on her back, with her knees raised and legs spread out and directed Ranjan to kneel between her legs. Rajesh was told to sit behind her head and place his hands on her bare shoulders. Earlier in the day, they had shaved Radha’s pubic hair and her mound was as clean as her cheeks but for the gaping slash of her spread-out cunt. Darshan handed one of the sticks to Ranjan along with a knife and asked him to scrape off the bark and taper it down to a blunt point — and as the bark came off, there was thin resinous liquid that started oozing out of the stalk.

Darshan started to chant more verses and Ranjan carefully took the stick and started to push it into Radha’s cunt. For a second, Radha was tense but as the stick moved in easily, she relaxed and almost the entire eight inches went into her with only a small bit sticking out.

Rajesh now helped her to sit up and carefully, so as not to eject the stick in her cunt, Radha folded her legs in the lotus pose. Then once again all three men encircled her.

“Princess, you must sit like for some time while we light the fire and say our verses” Rajesh realised that the fire and the verses were crap. The resinous jelly must be allowed to work its magic in his mother’s womb, but in any case they went along with the rites and ceremonies for the next thirty minutes.

Finally Darshan asked Radha to stand up and pull out the stick from her cunt and throw it into the fire so that it burnt to ash.

“Thakur-saab, it is now up to you to plant your seed in her.”

Radha had been afraid that Ranjan would have to fuck her in the open and thus be forced to reveal his incapacity but thankfully enough, their forefather’s had had the foresight to mandate privacy for the copulating couple. So the two of them — Radha and Ranjan — disappeared into a small tent-like room that had been temporarily erected on the roof and Darshan and Rajesh sat outside and waited for the fornicating couple to do their work.

Rajesh of course knew that his father was incapable of fucking his mother but he also knew that the two of them were smart enough to fool anybody and so for the next couple of minutes or so, they listened to the grunts, groans, moans, shrieks and what ever that human couples do when they are in the throes of erotic excitement. Finally all went quiet and Ranjan came out and said a few words to Darshan and handed over a big packet of currency notes to him for his services. He smiled, wished him well and left.

Ranjan took Rajesh by his arm and walked into the tent which had been set up as cosy little love nest with a low cot piled with lots of sheets and cushions. Radha, still naked as ever, was lounging on a pillow and smiled at her son who had thrown a wrap around him.

“So did you hear us make love?”

“We certainly heard you, but I know better.”

“But was it convincing? Because Darshan must be convinced that I was indeed fucking your mother”

“I would think so, but unlike me he did not get an erection.”

“For him it is business, wonder how he manages to fuck his own wife!”

“Let him worry about that, but now I want to know when my son will fuck his mother”

“Here? Now?”

“No, if walls have ears, they can have eyes too. … let us go down to our bedroom”

So they all trooped down to their living quarters and only when they had the locked door behind them did they breathe a sigh of relief.

“Now Rajesh beta, time to earn your living or live out your dream?”

“Shall we, mother?” Rajesh voice was edgy with lust.

“My son is so darned eager to fuck me.”

“Why blame him, when his mother too is so darned eager to be penetrated”

“But in reality we do not have too much time as the effects of the stick in your cunt will wear out soon.”

“So let us begin” and with that Radha pushed Rajesh on to the bed and start licking and sucking his prick and balls.

Ranjan retired to the sofa, poured himself a shot of mahua that Mantran had thoughtfully casino siteleri left on the table and watched as ..

Mother and son, both stark naked, wrestled around on the bed. For sometime it was mother on top, kissing her son on her lips and then it was son on top squeezing his mother’s tits and grinding his prick on her groin. But finally — and this was because it would be Rajesh’s first time — the converged on the classic missionary position.

Radha found herself spreadeagled with her shoulders pinned down on the bed and Rajesh climbed atop her and positioned his erection on her cunt. Then with one hand kneading her breast he started to jerk his way into his mother.

“Rajesh, Raju .. my son .. come, come into me” Radha whispered knowing that walls have ears

“At last, at last” replied Rajesh, “at last I am entering your sacred portal” and with that his jerks became more vigorous and violent until with one big grunt he was fully inside. Radha squealed with pleasure.

Radha squealed with real pleasure because after all these years of foreplay and masturbation she was being well and truly fucked by a hot, hard, throbbing and erect penis — no more fingering, no more toys and sticks but a real penis but the pleasure did not last too long because her inexperienced son could not hold himself back too long and squirted what seemed like a bucket of cum deep into her cunt.

Rajesh collapsed beside her mother but Ranjan would not let him relax.

“Come on kid, don’t be selfish. Just because you have had your ejaculation you cannot leave your mother high and dry”

And so under his father’s orders and direction, Rajesh fingered his mother’s cunt till she too had screamed and shivered to her own orgasm.

The journey to a new life begins with a single sperm and that sperm was ejaculated into her cunt today and life would never be the same again.


Radha was pregnant and radiant! She was sitting in the cool, air-conditioned comfort of a hotel waiting for her son to arrive on the train from Calcutta. It was barely the ninth month after her marriage and much to the relief of her husband, her son had not failed impregnate her in the first week after the event. Ranjan had had her checked up with the best gynaecologist in Ranchi but had also brought her out of Shyamgarh and had put her up in a hotel because he did not wish to take a risk with the ride. Rajesh had of course gone back to college but now that the baby was due in a day or two, he was on his way back to give her comfort and company.

The bell rang and Radha opened the door to see Rajesh standing outside with a huge bouquet of red roses for her.

“Oh how sweet of you sweetheart, to have brought these lovely flowers”

“But only I know where I will place them.”

“You naughty boy” but her admonition did not carry any conviction.

“Come mother .. I have never seen you swollen like this?”

“How could you? You were still inside here … when I was last like this”

“But now that I am outside, let me see what my pregnant mother really looks like”

Being at home, Radha was wearing nothing more than a slip with a sort of a nightgown thrown on top and Rajesh pulled it off over hear head leaving totally naked. Then he knelt in front of her and kissed the smooth swell of her tumescent belly.

“Can you hear your little brother inside?” The sex-determination test, though illegal in India because it led to abortions of the female foetus, had revealed that there was a little boy who was waiting at the far end of the tunnel.

But at the near end, there was another boy, much older of course, who was peering at her mother’s crotch and occasionally pressing his lips into her lips and giving them a little lick of pleasure.

“Rajesh, don’t. It tickles.”

Rajesh got up and hugged his mother tight. He ran his hands over her breasts and lifted her chin and kissed her on her lips. He felt his erection tightening inside his pants and he felt his mother’s groin grind against his prick.

“Shall we, mother?” he asked mischievously.

“No Rajesh, I am also itching too, it has been so long, but we are too close to the event and I do not know whether it would be safe to try anything funny”

But that did not stop her from pulling down his pants and sucking him off till ejaculation and then the two of them got into bed fooled around — just as they had been used to doing, when penetration bahis siteleri was still taboo!

That evening, as if she had been waiting for her son, and the father of her to be born son, to arrive, Radha went into labour.


A week later the happy family of four was back in Shyamgarh with the proud mother showing off her new born son — the Scion of Shyamgarh — when a sleek Honda CRV SUV drove into the palace grounds and two neatly dressed men stepped out.

These were Ranjan’s nephews and they wanted to meet him urgently and were led to the drawing room by Mantran, the butler. Radha, with the baby in her arms and Rajesh joined Ranjan to welcome them.

After the usual pleasantries, the nephew burst what he thought would be a bomb.

“Thakur-ji, we are happy that you have a son, but will he be the future ruler of Shyamgarh?”

“Why not? That is what is our law, is it not”

“Pardon me sir, the rule says that he has to be your son.”

“But he is, is he not?”

“Are you sure? We are not sure?”

“Are you casting aspersions on my wife? Are you saying that she has been unfaithful?”

“That is for you to decide, but we need to be convinced that this child has the royal blood of Shyamgarh flowing in his veins.”

“And what would convince you?”

“Nothing short of a DNA test.”

“Oh is that all? Ho ho ho ….” Ranjan broke out in a loud laughter, much to the consternation of all in the room. “I thought you would like to do something more inhuman like Shylock in the Merchant of Venice and ask for some blood to be pulled out and shown.”

“Jokes aside, Thakur, unless we have the DNA test within a week, we are going to file a suit against you in the court … for misrepresentation and fraud”

“You really do not have to bother .. because I can give you a copy of the same right now”


“Rajesh, will you please go and bring the brown envelope from my desk”

“Look, this is a certificate from the National Forensic Laboratory in Calcutta and you can read what it says here” he handed the document to one of the nephews.

“The DNA patterns of the infant born to Radha Singh, age 42, at Ranchi”, read the nephew with increasing incredulity, “is, within statistical limits of significance, similar to the DNA patterns of Thakur Ranjan Singh, age 83, of Shyamgarh and there is a very high probability that they are related by blood”. He was speechless or did not know what to say.

“Give it to me”, said the other nephew and read it once again, as if he could not believe his eyes.

“Now do you want anything else?” But they were too stunned to speak.

“In which case, I would request Mantran to please lead you out of the palace”

“But, but”

“No ifs and buts. I would have offered you tea and cakes to celebrate my son’s birth but since you cast aspersions on my wife, you have forfeit all claims to my hospitality”, boomed Thakur Ranjan Singh. “Now get out and don’t ever come back here.”

The two walked out with their tails between their legs but the left behind two equally stunned people — Radha and Rajesh!

But once the heavy door had closed behind them, the big question burst out.

“When they asked for the DNA proof I thought we were sunk”

“Ha Ha … Thakur Ranjan Singh may not be able to father a child but he knows how to handle wimps”

“Did you bribe the laboratory?

“No dear, there was no need to … because your child is indeed carrying my blood”

“That is impossible, I know that you never fucked me. You cannot fool me.”

“Of course I can and what I tell you should go nowhere beyond the three of us — not even the little one.”

“Promise ..”

“Then let me tell you that your first husband, and Rajesh’s natural father was actually my son — an illegitimate son — and had it not been for a set of unfortunate events it is he who would have sat on the throne of Shyamgarh.”

“Oh my god, you mean you are my father in law?”

“Was or could have been, but now your lord and lover”

“And my grandfather?”

“True and that is why you, your father and I carry a very similar set of chromosomes and any normal DNA test would find it very difficult to discriminate between us in paternity.”


Thakur Ranjan Singh passed away within a year of of the birth of his child and evil people were heard criticising Radha for using strong drugs and black magic to forcibly make him father a son so that she could inherit a fortune. But fact is stranger than fiction and we know that the Thakur passed into the next realm happy in the fact that his genes were still ruling the previous one.

[ Concluded ]

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