The Woman From The Gas Station


A little bit about myself, I am 28 and even though I am currently single, I had my share of girlfriends. I don’t really have a type of females I prefer, blond or brown, blue or black eyes, large to small breasts – I don’t really care as long as I like the person inside (sounds corny, I know…). But, if there is one thing I really notice then it is large breasts. I said before I don’t care when it comes to girlfriends but for some reason, I have a hard time NOT to look (or more precisely, stare) at a cleavage when I see large breasts. I usually manage to not look but it was apparently not successful this time…

I was on my way home from work and decide to stop at the gas station across the street to get some smokes. When I walked through the entrance I almost bumped into a black female that was on her way out. She was carrying two large packs of coke and she was really struggling with it. But what really caught my eye were her gigantic cleavage. I had to concentrate on keeping my jaw from dropping to the floor, not starring and drooling. Too many tasks so I failed preventing the staring part, especially since I also had to say sorry for almost bumping into her. After a few seconds I managed to move my eyes up and look in her face. What I saw was an older but still good looking female a little bit on the heavy side. She looked at me with a smile that had the tone of catching someone doing something…

“Sssorry…” was all I could say

“No problem.”

We were standing there and when she started to walk again I guess my manners came back, I asked her if she needed some help with that.

“Oh thank you, that would be great. If it is not too much to ask. I live right there” she glanced to an apartment complex right next to the gas station.”

“Absolutely no problem!”

I took her things and she led the way. I was wondering what I am doing, a second ago I was on my way to buy cigarettes and now I am schlepping something for a person I had never seen before. But the image of her cleavage popped to mind and I knew why I was so happy to help. Maybe I get to view that a few more times and that was certainly worth it. We walked into the elevator and she pressed the second floor button.

“It’s really nice of you. Thank you again!”

Oh great, we were in the smallest elevator I have ever seen and I was inches away from her breasts and cleavage, I just couldn’t help it, I could have either stared at the ceiling or at her breasts and I chose breasts… We walked out and she led the way to her apartment. She quickly opened the door and again, I just followed her in.

“You can just place it in the kitchen,” pointing to a doorway.

I walked into the kitchen and placed it next to a table.

“Can I offer you something? Water, coffee, anything?”

What I really wanted was to view her breasts and masturbate but a picture would be fine so I can relief myself at home. Of course I didn’t say that. And I tried to not think about it because I felt blood flowing between my legs. I wore slacks so if something would happen, it would show.

“A water would be great,” I said.

She walked to a cupboard and even though there were glasses right in front of her, she decided to try and grab one from the top shelf. Since she was looking up, I stared at her breasts again, they seemed more then gigantic and felt an erection was on the way. She poured water into the glass not looking at me which meant, I was staring again. I sported a huge tent and tried to hide but I guess I was very unsuccessful. She handed me the water and I just wanted to get home, it felt like my erection got harder by the second. I quickly emptied the glass.

“Thanks and have a great day,” I said and started to walk towards the entrance.

“Are you sure you want to leave like that? You will have to cross the street and all…”

Now I was embarrassed… Obviously she was not referring to my hairdo. I looked down and saw a big tent between Ataşehir Ukraynalı Escort my legs. Yes, I had a full erection…

“Uhm, I am sorry, I… I… I don’t know why and…”

“Haha, don’t worry. You are a guy and not 90 years old. I guess you do like what you saw,” she said with a smile.

I was now turning red and surprised there was enough blood in me to turn red and have an erection like that.

“Look, if you like you can quickly go to the bathroom. Take your time and I won’t disturb you.”

Wow… she offered me to use her bathroom to masturbate? She didn’t say the word but it was pretty obvious. Under normal circumstance I would thank her and just leave but the thought of masturbating in her bathroom was just to good. And she was right, I had nothing in my hands to hide it and given how it feels, that erection will not disappear in a few seconds. I didn’t want to walk back to my car with people looking at me…

“Uhm… I… I… guess I could. I…” I tried to form sentences…

“Embarrassed, huh? No need to. I only have a daughter but two brothers. Trust me, you would probably sick if you don’t have urges like that. Go ahead! I won’t disturb you and it is ok.”

I thought to myself if I should… Being embarrassed walking back in public or here in the safety of an apartment, I opted for the apartment.

“Uhm… ok, I guess you are right,” I said and she pointed to a door. I walked through the door and was in her bathroom. She closed the door behind me and I locked it. I walked straight to the sink, opened my pants and my dick almost jumped out. It was already wet with pre cum, no need for lube or anything, I grabbed my cock and started to jerk of. From the very first down movement it was like heaven. It felt like I am cumming with every up and down motion… I knew I would not last long, my heartbeat increased, my breathing was heavier and I could not suppress moaning. I looked at my hand racing up and down, I felt myself tensing up, I moaned out loud and felt my balls moving up

“Ohhhhhh.. ohh god… ohhh… yes… yesssss…. ahhhhhh”

My hand raced down and I saw my first squirt shooting out hitting the sink. I didn’t change my speed and it just came shooting out and eventually slowing down… Wow… I just masturbated in some woman’s apartment I don’t even know…. I washed the sink, cleaned up and walked back out.

“All relaxed and happy?” she said with a smile looking between my legs.

“Uhm… yes… I…I guess I am ok now.”

“Great. Sorry for causing it but I was happy to help you out. Listen, would it be ok to ask you again if I need some help? I don’t really know my neighbours…”


“Could you stop by tomorrow? I will be taking my car and do some shopping. Getting it here is no problem, just getting it up to my apartment is the problem.”

We quickly exchange phone numbers and she said she will give me a call around 6 or 7.

When I walked back to my car I still couldn’t believe what just happened. But hey, I had fun, saw great breasts, sort of, just the cleavage but better then nothing! I also felt that thinking about it cause my penis to become active again. But I was almost home so I was looking forward to another orgasm at home…

Next day she did call around 6. I was thinking about it all day constantly fighting with erections…

“Do you have time at 6:30?”


“Great. And if I may ask, is it ok for you? Can we do this every time I have to do shopping? Then I don’t have to buy so much now if I know I can count on you again.”

“Sure, no problem!”

“Great, be in front of my apartment at 6:30.”

So, I walked over at 6:30 and she was already in the parking lot next to her car. Wow… I must have either forgotten how big they were or she gained weight since yesterday. Images of breasts and myself in her bathroom came to mind and sure enough, my penis Ataşehir Üniversiteli Escort started to grow before even saying hi. When I said hi she smiled at me and looked between my legs, it wasn’t full grown yet but I guess visible. Damn, she knew she caused something again. She had 7 or 8 bags and I have to run twice. She followed me and even though it was still a tiny escalator, same es the day before, I was basically forced to stare at her breasts and within seconds I had an erection again. I carried the remaining bags and we were back in the kitchen again.

“Seems you have a problem again. Bathroom?” she said with a big smile.

Again I was embarrassed but not as bad as the day before. But I still turned red.

“Uhm… sure, thank you!”

“Wait. I bought something that might help you. I am no expert but I heard Vaseline is good for that?”

Ok, now I was back to full embarrassment. She handed me a new jar of Vaseline she apparently just bought. I grabbed it even though I have never used Vaseline but I didn’t want to talk to her about that.

“Thanks,” I said and walked into the bathroom. Again my dick jumped out, this time I tried to use Vaseline but I didn’t like the consistency so I wiped it off and jerked off like I did the day before. Within seconds I had a mind blowing orgasm. I was still surprised why it went so fast and why so intense. The orgasms I had in her bathroom were stronger than anything I had before… Out of breath but with a smile on my face I walked out.

She was smiling again “It sounded like you are happy now. Was the Vaseline stuff ok?”

“I didn’t use it. Don’t like the consistency and I don’t know why guys apparently use it?”

“Listen, why don’t you bring whatever you use at home over here. You can just keep it here, I don’t mind.”

“But then I don’t have it at home? I can just bring it every time?”

“Well… you don’t live far. If you need to, you can always stop by. I am usually home.”

That blew my mind. Did she just offer me to use her bathroom for masturbation whenever I wanted? I didn’t know what to think of that but even though I just masturbated, I was almost getting horny again.

“Uh… I guess I could do that. If you don’t mind of course!”

“Ah, don’t worry. It doesn’t bother me. Just stop by tomorrow evening.”

So I walked back home and masturbated at home the second I walked in. Wow, what have I gotten myself into?

Next day I walked over with my lube in my hand. Was I really doing this? Setting her apartment as my masturbation place? What was I thinking? She opened her door.

“Hi. How are you? Glad you came by.”. She pointed to her living room and I walked in.

“So, how are you feeling? I guess you don’t want to go to the bathroom right away? We can just talk a bit until you have seen enough. Does that sound ok?”

“Uhm… yes… well, actually, I could go right now because, well, I pictured stuff and uhm… but sure…”

“You have pictured stuff? I see… is that enough? If not, I am wearing a shirt which shows more cleavage to help you out. Given how fast my other shirts worked for you before, this shouldn’t take long,” she said with a smile.

Oddly enough I thanked her. I thanked her for showing cleavage so I can better masturbate? What am I doing here? But I looked and become more excited by the minute. She seemed to notice…

“So, you seem ready, you may go to the bathroom now.”

You may go? What? I didn’t care, the though of jerking off in her bathroom again was to strong. For some reason… I almost raced into her bathroom, opened my pants and applied lube. Within seconds I was jerking off like there is no tomorrow. It was faster and rougher then usual, I was moaning, breathing heavy, moaning louder until I tensed up and grunted, cum was lying into the sink and I almost passed out. Wow… I was still breathing heavy when I walked out.

“So you used Ataşehir Vip Escort your lube? Looks like it worked,” she said with a smile.

“Uhm, yes, it, it worked fine. Thank you.”

“Great. You can leave it in the bathroom. From now on you will come here when you have an urge. If I am not at home for some reason you will have to wait. Is that ok? Only here, ok?”

Wow… The first answer that came to mind was “Are you nuts?!!” but what came out was “Yes, understood”. When I said it I felt my still a bit erect cock to feel like it is about to grow again…

“Good boy. Now, no more fun at home for you. Great that that is understood. And since you are a guy, I am pretty sure you have visual aids. Why don’t you go home, grab ALL of it and bring it over here?”

Again, I was baffled. All my porn? What? But again I said something I wasn’t sure why I said it. “Uh, ok, I guess, I can also store that here”

“Great. Go bring all your stuff over now.”

Ok, she wanted me to bring everything and I agreed. I walked to my apartment… So, here is this older, heavier black woman that I didn’t know until a few weeks ago and now I am carrying all my porn to her house so I can masturbate at her place? This was nuts. At the same time, I was incredibly turned on thinking about it. In fact, since it started, I was pretty much turned on 24/7 no matter how often I masturbated. I opened my apartment and started to collect all dvds, magazines etc and carrier everything back to her apartment. It was almost a full box! My history of masturbation since my teenager time!

“Great. Now, I want to go through them with you. I can’t keep that much at my place. I let you keep a few and I select them.” She grabbed the box and started to go every item. She seemed to not like most if not all of it. She eventually threw one magazine on the table.

“That is ok…”

I looked at it. Oh boy, that was one that was part of three or four pack I bought years ago. I didn’t throw it out because I paid for it, well, all of them without knowing that was part of the pack. It showed a tough looking woman on the cover, title was ‘Mistress Alexandra – Goddess of Humiliation’. No wonder I never looked at it…

“Ok, lots of junk in there. You don’t need that. I have picked one and I will bring two or three more so you have some variety. I guess the one I picked out was bought by accident?”

“Sort of, yes”

“Good. Now that we have an agreement, here are the ground rules. I know you like my bathroom. I can understand that, but every time after you use it to relieve yourself, I had to clean it. I will setup a special place for you where you can do it. I may need to supervise you until I am sure you don’t make a mess and do it properly. I don’t want you to do it too often but I also understand that it is unhealthy if you don’t do it often enough. Very simple. So, we will start with twice a day and see how it goes from there.”

Besides the shock about rules and all that, I also noticed she stopped asking ‘if it’s ok with you’. No more questions, it was more a set of rules that I had to follow without a yay or nay from me. When I realized that I felt my penis growing again. Why was that? I was standing next to the table she used to sort or weed out my porn. She looked at my growing tent and got up.

“Let’s prepare you new milking station.”

Milking station? Where did that come from? She never used a word like masturbate or jerk off or penis and now that? I looked at her. She went to her bedroom and returned a minute later.

“So, this will be your new spot. Since I don’t trust you yet, you will kneel in front of this little table.” She place a tiny table in the middle of the room. “I know aiming is not your thing. This bowl will now be your target. Rules are very simple. You will kneel in front of this table, start your business and when you are about to release, you move your hands to your head and not touch anything. If you do it right, it should just flow out. IF you manage to do that, you may go for a second time and continue your touch VERY slowly again, aiming at the bowl. If you miss the bowl, you will be punished. If your hands are not on your head, you will be punished. Let’s try it. And since it’s day one, we won’t look at the limit.”

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