Travels to the Great Valley Ch. 01


Another day, another 3,000 frequent flyer miles.

Flying around from town to town for a living sounds pretty good — and much of it is. But sometimes the last place you want to be is in seat 9B on a small commuter plane heading into San Francisco. There are many aspects of my job that are a pain in the ass including having to lay my head on far too many unfamiliar pillows in the course of a week.

But did I mention the sex is great? This morning’s blowjob would certainly epitomize that fact. The way she took my cock down her throat and hummed a merry-little-tune was simply amazing. And to have her keep the cock deep in her throat as I was cumming was sublime.

But I’m a bit ahead of myself.

I’m a consultant who fills a very special niche in the world, and it’s made my life a great one (despite that earlier whining about unfamiliar pillows). I help schools — private and public — raise money to improve their education system. It may be a sad statement that schools have to scrape and scratch to have enough money to provide students with a quality education, but the reality is that this is a growth industry. I help develop the strategies and programs that give schools a few more dollars for arts programs, field trips and (unfortunately) good books.

The people I work with are the parents who care desperately about the quality of their kids educations. The moms and dads (and more moms) are committed to do what they can to supplement the meager public funding available to schools. They have great commitment, seemingly endless energy and great passion for their schools. (That passion seems to spill over in a few places, much to my advantage.) I have ideas, experiences and the ability to motivate people to make a difference. I do it well, and therefore can charge a lot of money for my services. If a $30,000 contract to me can bring an extra $400,000 to a school, it’s money well spent.

I’m flying out of the Central Valley of California today to head back east yet again. But the last couple of days were among my very best. I experienced a few things that I had only dreamed about before, and I’m a happier man for it.

Four days ago, I was coming to town to help oversee a school auction that was expected to raise big bucks to supplement the scholarship program of a small private school. Parents are willing to pay a lot of money for this education, but the school has a very strong commitment to offer this quality education to some kids who can’t afford it. If we can raise another $400,000 this week, we can bring in another 20 students and make the school a better experience for everyone.

I know, blah, blah, blah. But I was practicing my presentation to the board and hoping to motivate them to make this project a success. I landed in the small airport and was greeted by the parent committee chair, a women I had only spoken to by phone. She was meeting me on the early flight and shuffling xnxx me around for the next couple of days leading up to Saturday’s big event.

I walked through the security gate and into the public area and looked for someone who might be looking for me. I didn’t know what Trudy Scott was going to look like, but I knew she knew what I looked like. A picture on one of my books always gave people an advantage over me in that department.

I noticed two things when Trudy came up to greet me: an absolutely winning smile, and amazing cleavage. She smiled with her entire face — eyes, mouth, everything. I made me smile back and feel completely at ease. I was also struggling not to focus on the amazing tits that were conservatively peering out from the white dress shirt. I’m sure she could have buttoned one more button, but I was glad she hadn’t.

We chatted each other up as we headed toward her car. Traveling light meant we didn’t have to wait and walked straight to her car in the lot. Another wonderful surprise greeted me: she had a great car, one that I had coveted myself. A beautiful Infiniti M35 was shining red in the lot.

“Nice car. How do you like it?” I was about to assume that this was her husband’s car and she was just driving it today. I was pleasantly surprised.

“Oh, this is great ride. I got this about six months ago but I’m just loving it. I know it was a splurge, but I really like it.”

“Splurging for quality is not always such a bad idea,” I said.

“Well, we splurged for you — I hope it’s as true there as it has been with this car.”

I’d never been compared to a car before, but I didn’t mind in this case. Now I just needed to perform.

We quickly got into our details, talking about the meetings we had set up, the calls I was to participate in and all the preparations leading up to Saturday. It became clear that Trudy was thorough, focused and had a great sense of humor. I enjoyed everything about her approach to this project. I also had an emerging hard-on. Few things excite me more than a woman’s passion, intelligence and humor. Add a stunning body and my cock has its own agenda.

I noticed Trudy glancing at my cock at one point. I caught her eye briefly and then slowly moved them down to her tits. The conversation halted a bit right there, but it was a nice little moment. I had permission to enjoy the view from that point and did so a bit more regularly: the full breasts, the nice legs, the gorgeous neck. I realized this was a fantasy woman here, and while I was unlikely to fulfill that fantasy, I was all-too-prepared to enjoy it completely. My dick got harder.

We blew through our morning and early afternoon meetings and as we hit mid-afternoon, Trudy announced a reprieve. “We’re done until tonight’s meeting. It’s going to start kind of late — 7:30. What would you like to do?”

“Well, I’d love to kick up my heels a bit and relax. Maybe bakire porno I should check into my room.”

We headed off to the hotel. We got there and as I checked in I was overwhelmed with a lobby full of tourists and two buses clogging the parking lot. I waited patiently for my turn in line as Trudy went to the gift shop to get a bottle of water.

“Hi, I’m checking in. Last name’s Dotson.”

“Mr. Dotson, I’m sorry but we have no room tonight. We’ve had a tour group stay an additional night and we have no rooms.”

“I have a reservation. Are you completely full?”

“I apologize, but yes, we’re completely booked.”

You learn a few things when you travel all the time. One such lesson is that reservations are not as firm as you think. Some states require hotels to give people staying at a hotel preference over those who have a reservation coming in. That means that if a group decides to stay an extra day, there are likely to be a few sad customers.

“We should have room tomorrow night. I’m very sorry.” The women behind the desk awaited my outburst — I’m sure she had heard her share in the last few hours. “Is there ANYTHING I can do?”

I let that thought hang in the air for just a moment and then calmly said, “No, I understand that you have no control. Just promise to be nice to me when I come back tomorrow.”

She smiled a very relieved smile and said, “I would be happy to be nice — thank you for being so nice to me. I’m REALLY sorry.”

Trudy came up at exactly that point. “All set?”

“Well no. There’s no room at the inn,” I explained. I told her the circumstance. She began to lay into the clerk. “You can’t do this — this man has a reservation. I made it.” The clerk tried to explain but Trudy just interrupted. “No, no, no — he’s the guest of our school. You’ve got to make this work.”

“Ma’am I can’t do anything.” Then came the really bad news. “I think the only rooms available are down in Modesto.”

Oh man. This was it. The pink cloud of travel had blown away to reveal the ugly landscape of what can happen.

We all stood there quiet for a second and then Trudy stood a bit taller and said, “Okay, well thank you. Come on, Bryce. Let’s see what we can make work.” We walked out into the afternoon sunlight. I could see Trudy was thinking this through.

“So, I don’t think it makes sense for you to have to shuttle back and forth to Modesto. I know you’re pretty clear about this, but would you be willing to stay in our guest room? It’s actually pretty nice and I can make it as private as possible. I’m really sorry about this.”

“That would be fine. I think it’s only for tonight. There should be room by tomorrow. I appreciate your offer.”

So off we went to Trudy’s house. Kids were expected home in about an hour. I had some time to kick back and get ready for tonight’s meeting, certain to be a bit of a pressure cooker.

Trudy bedava porno showed me my room — it was very nice, very private and very adequate. I put my bags down and said I’d like to take a shower and just kick back. She brought me a towel and pointed the way to a shared bath in the hall. “I’ll be in the kitchen — make yourself at home.”

The shower felt wonderful. The warm water cascaded over my body, and the negative ions soothed my tired soul. As I soaped my body, I enjoyed the thick weight of my cock as I thought about Trudy and her beautiful body. I emerged from the shower refreshed and ready for a quick nap.

I threw on my boxers and t-shirt and scooted around the corner into my room. As I closed the door, I was surprised by Trudy sitting on the bed.

“How was your shower?”

“It was great,” I stammered. I decided not to be shy about my near-naked state. I did wonder why she was here. She answered that quickly.

“I’m so sorry about the mix-up. I just wanted to apologize again for you having to stay here. I thought I might apologize appropriately.”

“Trudy, it’s really fine . . .” I started to say. She waved me off.

She walked to me slowly and dropped to her knees. “Plus, I just really have to see this thing.” She pulled my shorts down and pulled out my heavy cock.

“Oh, yes . . .” She held my cock in her hand and admired it from several angles. “I’m going to enjoy this apology very much.

My cock isn’t huge. It seems to be just right — medium length and quick thick. Women enjoy its size and are not intimidated by it at all. It seems to get this common reaction — admiration and desire. Few women can swallow it but all seem to appreciate its size and girth.

I scooted my ass back to the edge of the bed and sat. She scooted with me and pushed my legs apart and began licking my cock. Soon she began to push the head into her mouth. She focused on just my head, and used her lips perfectly to stimulate the edge. It felt perfect. Deep throat is the ultimate, but a keen understanding and focus on the head of the cock is a very close second. Trudy had me thinking it might be first.

And then she slowly swallowed me. She took me deeper and deeper into her mouth and down her throat. Soon she was moving from top to bottom, sucking me at my head, then taking me down her throat. Doing my favorite one-two was absolutely perfect, and within a minute I could feel the tingling in my balls.

“Oooh, Trudy, you’re going to make me cum,” I warned softly.

“Let me swallow it,” she asked, looking up with those beautiful eyes. She maintained eye contact, put me back into her mouth and increased her intensity. She went a bit faster and faster, focusing on the head for a second, then swallowing me to the root. When I was ready to cum, Trudy held my head inside of her mouth and sucked hard. Soon cum was shooting out my cock and into her mouth. Tight suction and wet friction combined to bring total ecstasy to my body. Trudy held my cock until I was completely drained.

“There, that should make this foul up better.” Then I heard her say quietly to herself, “Yum.”

“Apology accepted.”

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