Woodland Landing on a Short Cock Ch. 03


When I arrived in Grand Mare I felt uneasy, anxious, even scared but New Years Eve changed all that. Even if it was only for a moment I felt protected safe and secure. However a mere three days later I felt lost. How strange the human emotion is that feelings can change so quickly and so drastically.

I hadn’t heard from anyone since Sherrie’s visit. I have received no phone calls, no visits and I was beginning to believe that my neighbors could no longer make eye contact with me. Just yesterday Nat Pittman came in to the post office to mail a package, he looked away from me as I waived to him. I felt pathetic; blabbing my secret seemed to have destroyed any chances of making friends in this little town.

I was beginning to believe that all my plans for a fresh start had been in vein and I only had myself to blame. After dinner I decided to take a long walk to clear my head and decide what to do next.

As I strolled left out of my gate and passed by Paul’s house I passed Jake Carrol, apparently on his way to visit Paul. I attempted not to make eye contact but waived half heartedly. “That’s the golden shower guy.” I thought to myself but kept moving. It was then I realized that, that’s how everyone at the party must refer to the others- by the fetish that they have. “Maybe that is the reason I haven’t had so many visitors lately.”

I turned back toward Jake. “Hey Jake, it’s pretty warm for January, huh?” Jake sighed and turned to greet me. “For a minute I thought this whole town was going to ignore me. I think my wife and I went a little overboard on New Years.”

I chuckled at the thought of us both feeling the same way. “Yeah, I was starting to feel that way myself.” I replied and then went right back to feeling a little uneasy. “Well, I was going for a short walk to clear my head and sort a few things out. I am glad the stuff I was feeling was all in my head.”

Jake extended a handshake, I took his hand. “Well it was good seeing you again.” We shook hands but he didn’t automatically let go. “You know, Paul invited me over for a drink, if you are up to it, why don’t you join us.”

The offer was tempting but I declined by explaining that I really needed the walk, however I might stop by when I returned.

As I walked a lot of things ran through my head; first and foremost I was beginning to believe that I gave up on people and things too quickly. Every time I got serious about someone and decided I would confide in them my secret I would get a snicker or a laugh, I would find a reason to excuse myself and then never call or see that person again. Maybe I expected too much from people. Maybe I need to give them some room to get used to the idea to having a boyfriend with an extra small penis.

When I returned from my walk I swung by Paul’s house, rang the doorbell and waited. Inside I heard shuffling and then Paul yelling for me to “Hold on just a minute.” before the door cracked open.

“Hi Chris, come in.” Paul said as he opened up the door for me. “I was just showing Jake my new outfit. I went to town yesterday and spent a fortune” He said and then guided me into the foyer. “How do I look” He beamed as he took the hem of his dress and spun around in a circle for me.

I have to admit for a guy he sure did look like a girl. I knew right away he had perfected the art of applying makeup. “You look good Maltepe Fetiş Escort Paul.”

“Pauline.” He corrected in a sweet, soft tone.”

“To tell you the truth-Pauline-I thought you were embarrassed about your fetish. You seemed a little shy about sharing the other day.” And to tell you the truth, I felt a little uneasy staring at this, guy-girl or whatever you want to call him.

“I am only embarrassed when I confide my secret dressed like a man. I know people will never understand until they actually see me, they have to see the whole package to know that I was probably destined to be a girl.”

He was correct, after I gave him another once-over he did look good, some would even say sexy. I couldn’t see any man left in him at all.

“You can join Jake in the living room. I will get you a drink- any preferences?”

“Scotch if you have it.” I replied before moving out of the foyer..

Jake didn’t notice me entering the living room because as I turned the corner I caught him rubbing his cock over top of his jeans. I began to think that I might have interrupted something between Paul and Jake. “I am sorry.” I stammered, “I, I didn’t mean to intrude.”

Jake laughed and then stood up. “No, No you didn’t intrude at all. Pauline was just showing me some of her collection but I have to admit she is kind of hot- don’t you think?”

I found it quite odd that Jake didn’t have a problem calling Paul, Pauline or even calling him a her. I know that, that’s what Paul wanted but I felt kind of weird saying it however I refrained from correcting him. “Well one thing’s for sure he doesn’t look like a man.”

Paul returned from the kitchen with my drink and handed it to me. “Here, and here is the bottle just in case you needed another drink.”

I downed the drink and instantly poured myself another.

There was a moment or two of uncomfortable silence before Jake cleared his throat and spoke. “You know Pauline was telling me that she has been on hormones for the last six months. Right before you got here she was telling me that she was beginning to develop. I was telling her that I didn’t believe her. If you don’t mind Chris, I was hoping she would prove it for us.”

At that point I wasn’t sure what to think or say but after going over it briefly in my head I realized that it would be a mans chest I would be seeing nothing at all to be embarrassed over. “Sure Pauline if you want to show Jake your chest, be my guest.”

Pauline glared at me, “It’s not a chest, its a breast, just you wait and see.” He laughed as he began to unbutton his blouse. “I mean they aren’t very big yet but they are a lot better than they were 6 months ago that’s for sure.”

As she let her blouse fall to the floor Jake stood up next to Paul to get a better look, they had their back to me but I could still tell that Jake was fondling Paul’s chest. “Oh my god they feel so real.” Jake responded.

“They ARE real dummy. I spent enough on hormones that they better be.”

“Chris, you got to check this out, really.”

I poured myself a drink tossed it back and then moved to where they were standing. “Yes they do look real.” I said and then started to return to my seat.

“No, feel them.” Jake corrected. “You can’t really tell by looking.”

I already had my third drink and I knew Maltepe Gecelik Escort after I groped Paul I would want another but why not, it might be my only chance to feel up a mans breasts.

Even though I was a virgin I had felt enough women’s breasts to know they felt real. I nodded and smiled before I returned to my bottle of Scotch.

The next few moments were a blur but I distinctly remember Jake turning his attention away from Paul’s breasts to his mouth. I also remember wondering how Jake could cheat on his wife with a stranger sitting in front of him.

Paul moaned as Jake took him into his arms and kissed him. I had never witnessed two men kissing before, strange thing was that it didn’t look like two men kissing. Jake glanced over at me as if he were a proud stallion ready to mount his mate and then winked at me. I took it a sign for me to sit back and watch the action.

Jake picked Paul up and took her to the couch and then let him drop. “I am going to fuck you so hard you are going to beg for me to stop.” He said as he began to unbuckle his pants.

When Jake took his cock from his pants I had to stop and wonder if I were the smallest man on earth. I felt ashamed, embarrassed and at the same time I was disgusted with myself yet I found myself rubbing my cock through my pants.

“How bad do you want it Pauline?” Jake snapped. “Tell me what you would do for my cock.”

Paul moaned as he removed his skirt. “I need it Jake, please god give it to me.”

As I sat there watching them and Paul I couldn’t help admit that Pauline was beautiful. Although her breasts were a tad small, every curve on her was feminine; every waive of her hair was woman; Paul- no Pauline was beautiful.

“Tell me what you would do for my big fat cock Pauline.”

“Anything, treat me like your whore wife. I will do whatever you say.”

Pauline attempted to remove her panties but Jake quickly stopped her. “I don’t want to see that, leave the panties on.” And then leaned over her and stuffed his 7 inch cock into her mouth. She looked like a starving animal as she swallowed him whole.

“Do you know what I am going to do Pauline?”

She nodded without taking his cock out of her mouth.

“Are you ready?”

Pauline shook her head with approval and remained still as Jake closed his eyes and released his bladder into her waiting mouth. “Swallow quickly bitch or you will choke.”

Jake looked over and got a good look at me masturbating. I had no shame I continued to rub my cock up and down with my index finger and thumb while he watched. For the first time in my life I didn’t care if anyone saw me play with my cock. I was going to cum whether he laughed or not.

As soon as Jake finished pissing down her throat Pauline removed his cock from her mouth. “Please Jake I am begging you, fuck me now.” She said as she stood up and faced away from him to pull down her panties.” I will keep it covered for you, I promise.”

As Pauline kicked off her panties I got my first real look at her cock and there are no other words to say except I was dumbfounded. Pauline, the girl standing before me was almost as small as I was. If I were to guess without measuring we would have been no bigger than 3 1/2 inches

“You feel better don’t you honey?” Pauline chuckled and then winked Maltepe Genç Escort at me. “If you want to get a better look why don’t you lay on the floor and Jake will fuck me right above you. How does that sound baby?”

I don’t know why but I absolutely couldn’t help myself. I had no problems at all with my voyeur role. I flopped down to the floor and rolled over on my back as Jake pushed her onto her hands and knees. I was going to get to see a girl getting her ass fucked up close and personal.

Jake positioned himself directly behind her and then began to rub the head of his cock against her puckered hole. Pauline’s hard little cock was about six inches away from my face but I didn’t think about that, all I could think of was there was no way Jake was going to get that inside her ass without a little lubrication.

I was wrong, in fact by the time he pushed his entire length into her ass she was begging for more and Jake had no problems giving her what she wanted. He pounded her so hard that she nearly collapsed on top of me. Occasionally her cock would brush my lips but at that point I could not of cared less and as time went on I craved the smell of her tiny clit. I wanted it, it was almost like I was looking at my own cock.

I pushed my cock upward in hopes that Pauline would suck my cock but she was oblivious to my desires and from the sounds of her moans all she cared about was Jake’s cock filling her up.

Jack tensed up and his pounding intensified. It was the first real sexual experience I had ever had and even I could tell that he was on the verge of an explosive orgasm.

Pauline’s little cock was again brushing my lips. I am not sure why I did it, it wasn’t anything I had ever fantasized about but I found my self opening up my mouth and letting her penis slide into my mouth.

As soon as her shaved balls rested on my chin she began to climax, dumping mouthful after mouthful of cum down my throat and for a moment I thought it would never end.

“Fuck my pussy.” Pauline groaned at Jake but at the same time had the wherewithal to reach down and stroke my cock. Actually it was more like Sherrie did to masturbate me, she rubbed it like it was a clit. I came instantly.

“Take my cum bitch.” Jake screamed as he shoved his cock deep inside her ass and grunted like an animal and pumped her ass full of cum. For a short time we remained motionless. I wasn’t sure what was going through their mind at the time but mine was full of guilt. “I am not gay; I am not gay…” I continually thought to myself.

Jake was the first to move. He excused himself to the restroom to get cleaned up. That left me and Pauline alone and honestly I didn’t know what to say.

Pauline turned around to face me, both of us still on the floor she smiled brightly and dabbed a bit of her cum from the corner of my mouth. “That was so sweet of you, I wasn’t expecting that.”

And before I had a chance to explain or say anything she pressed her lips against mine. As her tongue penetrated my mouth I could still taste the urine on her breath but I allowed her to continue to kiss me until we were finally interrupted.

“Okay you two lovebirds get a room.” Jake laughed.

Ashamed I pushed Pauline away. “I really have to go, I have a busy day tomorrow.” I complained, but before I had a chance to say anything else the sounds of sirens filled our tiny neighborhood. All three of us rushed to the window to see what the commotion was.

The problem was easily spotted. The house on the next street was filled with flames. “Oh my god that is Nat and Lisa’s house.” Pauline sighed.

“Damn, I hope they are alright.”

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