Daddy’s Slut Ch. 03


Harry had no regrets over what had happened, as far as he was concerned, if an attractive young woman wanted him to fuck her then he wasn’t going to let the fact that she was his daughter stand in his way. She was no child being exploited, she was a married woman with children, old enough to know her own mind. One big lesson he had learned from the speed with which he lost his wife was that you had to live for the minute and let the future take care of itself.

Mary had been an incredibly sensual woman, the sort of woman that men mentally undress on their first introduction. She had been the ideal partner for Harry, both of them keen to explore every avenue of sexual enjoyment. No doubt that was where Rachel got her wantonness from, she certainly inherited her mother’s tits. Yes, Harry was intent on enjoying his new found slut, because that was what she wanted.

Wednesday evening was dominoes evening at the local pub. Harry showered and prepared himself a meal, then tidied up, making his way to the pub at 7.30. This had been a Wednesday night ritual for more years than he could remember, Ron, Jimmy and Gordon had been mates since they had all played in the same pub football team every Sunday. They had shared many adventures together over the years and for the last ten years before she passed away, the four of them had regularly given her a good fucking on a Sunday evening.

When Harry entered the pub, Gordon was already at the bar getting the first round of drinks, the weekly ritual was for each one to buy a round every week, four pints would see them through the evening. Ron and Jimmy were already seated at the table, the dominoes ready to be shared out for the first game. They had played in a league for many years, half a dozen trophies on display behind the bar as testament to their skill, but the league had folded six months previously, another victim of the economic times, with pubs closing through lack of customers.

Gordon brought the drinks over, Ron asked him, “What do you reckon then?”

“Oh they’re real alright,” Gordon replied.

“What’s that?” Harry asked.

“The new barmaid,” Jimmy replied, “we were wondering if her tits are real.”

“They’re real alright,” Gordon repeated, “nice bit of movement in them when she pulls a pint, and when she bends down to get a glass they swing nicely. Got a nice arse too, wouldn’t mind getting up that one.”

“Young Steve Baker reckons that when she worked at the Lamb and Flag she did a turn with a couple of the lads in the car park,” Ron told them all, giving the dominoes a mix.

“Well she seems very friendly,” Gordon added, “she only started yesterday, she pulls a nice pint.”

“She could pull my todger anytime,” Harry said, “wouldn’t mind making her squeal.”

Ron laid his first domino saying, “That fucking horse’s dick you’ve got would make a cow squeal, l was always amazed your Mary could even feel mine up her after you’d stretched her.”

“Now there was a real woman,” Jimmy added, “finest fuck l ever had, crying shame she went too soon.” They all raised their glasses in a toast to Mary.

They carried on playing, with Ron keeping score on a peg board, they played a game called ‘Fives and Threes’ scoring points for making multiples of those numbers with the spots on the dominoes.

Ron was next to buy a round, coming back to tell them all that her name was Stella.

“Stella needs a fella up her bum,” Jimmy sang out, making sure his voice didn’t carry as far as the bar.

“Those days are over for you me old mate,” Ron told him, “over for all of us most likely, can’t see us finding another woman like Mary at our age.”

“You speak for yourself,” Gordon interrupted, “that woman that delivers the free meals, you know her Harry, she lives by you.”

Harry had to think then piped up, “Oh l know, Sally Jessop,, old Simon’s widow, don’t tell me you’ve fucked her?”

“Well not fucked her,” Gordon replied, “but l’ve had a hand job off her and a feel of her tits, nice big buggers they are.”

“How the fuck did you manage that you dirty old bastard,” Harry and Ron said in unison.

“I had been watching a porn movie that Harry loaned me when she came last Friday, obviously l turned it off before she saw it, but l had a stiffy so couldn’t get out of the chair. She came and put the tray on my lap and her hand brushed against the front of my trousers. Anyway, she asked me if l’d been wanking.”

“What, just like that?” Ron exclaimed.

“God’s truth,” Gordon continued, “she asked me if l wanted her to give me a hand with it, then she put the tray on the floor, undid my trousers and gave me a wank. I didn’t last long as l’d been wanking before she arrived, she caught my spunk in some tissues then did me up and gave me my meal. She said she used to do it for old Simon, then she buggered off a sweet as you like. Anyway, she comes Tuesdays and Fridays so when she came yesterday l took a risk, l was sat in the armchair with my cock out, playing with it when she came in. She never batted an eyelid, gave me a wank as l casino siteleri felt her tits. She said she’ll leave me till last in future so she’ll have more time so l reckon she might be good for a fuck.”

“You jammy bastard,” Jimmy said, “ask her if she’s on for a two up will you?”

“You should get your missus sorted out Jimmy,” Harry told him, “you’re the only one of us left with a wife and she never lets you touch her. You should have put her over your knee and given her a few with your slipper mate.”

“I haven’t had a fuck there for nearly twenty years, she said she used to put up with it when we were younger but that now l shouldn’t be thinking about things like that at my age.”

The game carried on, with them all discussing what they would like to do with the barmaid and bemoaning the fact that now Mary was not around for them to play their sex games there was little prospect of them finding anyone else. Harry had a little smile to himself, thinking of what he had been doing to Rachel earlier, he almost told them about it but knew that they would be pestering him for them to have a turn at her. Not that he would object to that, in fact he thought it would be fun, but he wanted to make sure Rachel really meant what she said about wanting to be a slut for him.

Harry went up to the bar for the next round, taking the opportunity to have a good look at Stella.

“Four more pints please love,” he said when she approached him, “Stella isn’t it?”

“Yes love, and you’re Harry then,” she replied.

“That’s right love, have we met before then?”

“Not really no, well not for a good many years, but you knew my mother Linda, used to be Linda Horton when you knew her.”

“Bloody heck love, that’s a while back… must be what, twenty odd years.”

“Twenty four actually,” Stella replied, “l was in primary school then, you used to be round our house a lot when l got in from school, obviously l didn’t know then that you were shagging my mother while Dad was in work.”

Harry went quiet, obviously embarrassed.

“Oh don’t worry,” she continued, “l’m not having a dig at you, my Dad was a pig so he got what he deserved, and Mum was a bit of a slag, she ran off with the manager from the supermarket where she worked when l was thirteen, you had stopped coming round by then.”

“I remember she had a daughter but l don’t think l ever met you.”

“No, whenever she was entertaining her men l was shipped next door to play with my friend.”

Harry didn’t know what to say, he almost apologised but then thought that was silly, the woman was obviously a slag, it was just a shame this young girl had to grow up in that sort of environment.

“When she pissed off,” she continued, “I was angry and found out where a couple of you fellas lived. I went round your house and told your wife but she said she knew about it.”

“Yes, she knew; she never told me about you though.”

“She was lovely, she wasn’t cross with me or anything. We talked for ages, we used to meet every now and then up until she went into hospital. I was so sad when she died, she was a lovely lady, she loved you very much.”

“Thank you, yes l was a very lucky man. She never mentioned you, l would have liked to have met you.”

“Well you have now and l hope to be working here for a while, the last two pubs l’ve worked in have closed down. You had better get back to your mates, they will be thirsty.”

Harry picked up the tray of drinks, telling Stella they should have a better chat sometime, then returned to his pals.

“You took long enough,” Gordon greeted him, taking a mouthful of his fresh beer, “chatting her up were you? Trying to get into her panties?”

“No l wasn’t,” Harry replied indignantly, “we’re not all like you,” he smiled. “Do you remember that woman used to live at the corner house on Green Street, worked at the supermarket.”

“I remember her,” Ron chipped in, “dyed blonde with big tits and good legs, what was her name… Linda, that’s it, didn’t she run off with the manager when he nicked all the money from the safe?”

“Yeah, that’s her; well Stella there is her daughter.”

“No wonder she’s got nice tits then,” Jimmy added, “l fucked her a couple of times myself… Linda l mean, not her daughter.”

“Half the town went through that slag,” Ron told them, “she used to take three at a time in the back room of the Con club on a Saturday night, l had a piece of her arse a couple of times, you did as well Harry didn’t you?”

“Yes,” Harry replied, “and l used to go round her place and fuck her there, anyway that’s where Stella recognised me from.”

“You should keep friendly with her Harry,” Ron laughed, “you never know, like mother like daughter, she might do a turn for us oldies, especially if she knew about that monster dick you’ve got.”

They all laughed at that, each telling tales about when they had fucked Stella’s mother and speculating about whether they had any chance of getting into Stella’s panties. Harry though about Ron’s comment ‘like yüksek bahisli casinolar mother like daughter’ thinking how true it was proving with his own daughter.

The rest of the evening passed as it usually did, they all swapped stories about the women they’d had over the years, quite a few featured Mary and Harry was proud that they all agreed she was by far the best. By the time Stella called ‘Last orders’ the lads were finishing off their game and their fourth pint, ready for the walk home. Ron walked part of the way with Harry while the other two went in the opposite direction.

“What do you reckon to that Stella then Harry? Any chance of getting a piece of that, she must have inherited something from her Mum and she looked very friendly when you were talking to her.”

“Can’t see a pretty young thing like her wanting old men like us pawing her, she’s probably got plenty of randy young fellas to pick from,” Harry replied. “You not getting any at the moment?”

“Nah, the Vicars’ wife came round the other day, tidy woman her. She sat opposite me having a cup of tea, she had a fairly short skirt on, l got a glimpse of her knickers. Wouldn’t mind going a couple of rounds with her, not very big tits but she must only be in her young thirties and very friendly. She wants me to make some scenery for the church Christmas nativity. Even offered to pay me… wonder if she’ll offer to pay in kind,” he laughed.

“You dirty bugger, must admit l’ve looked at her myself, she does like to swing her arse when she walks on those high heels she wears. Not exactly the image of the usual Vicars’ wife, mind you, he’s a young chap, bit of a wet fortnight but very pleasant, l arranged to have some cameras installed after those kids broke into the church last month. I did a bit of the work myself, she was always popping in to see if l wanted anything; watching her arse swing when she walked down the aisle, l nearly felt like telling her what she could do for me.” They both laughed.

They reached the corner of Harrys’ street, Ron turning off to the opposite one, said their goodnights, arranging to meet up for the local rugby match on Saturday as usual. Harry arrived back home and made himself a sandwich, deciding to watch a bit of tv before bed time. There was a film on with a young actress who looked a bit like Rachel, that started him thinking about the afternoon; soon he had his cock out, reaching for the tissues as he had a slow, pleasant wank, thinking of her warm, welcoming cunt enveloping him. “I’m going to have some fun with you young lady,” he said to himself as he unloaded his spunk into a wad of tissues.

Harry liked to keep himself busy, he also liked to look in on the business at least once a week so on Friday morning decided to take a trip down to the office. He was planning to sell the business to the young lad who was managing it, he had hoped that Rachel’s husband Jack would take it on but he never showed any interest. Having checked out the business he stopped off for a pint and a pie on the way home. He was disappointed that Stella wasn’t on duty, Richard, the landlord, was behind the bar.

“Hello Harry,” he greeted, “what can l get you?”

“Pie and a pint please Richard, the new girl not working today?”

“Stella? No, she doesn’t work in the day, only evenings. You’ve met her then, what do you reckon?”

“She’s very pleasant, pulls a good pint too.”

“Got nice tits too!”

“Can’t say l noticed,” Harry replied with a smile.

“Pull the other one Harry, l bet you four sat over there last night talking about little else but how you’d like to bend her over the bar and give her one.”

“Richard! What do you take us for?”

“A bunch of dirty old men Harry, that’s what l take you for. I don’t mind but don’t go doing anything stupid like grabbing her tits, she has some good references from her last place and some of their old customers have followed her here, so don’t go upsetting her; l don’t really mean you personally but Jimmy is the worse one, he can’t keep his hands to himself, my missus is always complaining about him feeling her arse.”

“I know, Jimmy can go over the top sometimes. As it happens l knew her mother when Stella was a kid.”

“Fucked her did you? The mother l mean, from what l’ve heard half the town had ploughed that pussy.” He handed Harry his pie and pint.

Harry decided to eat at the bar as there were only two other customers and they were playing pool.

“Well, as it happens yeah l did. Anyway you want to watch your missus, she might have complained to you about Jimmy but she seemed to enjoy it when he was doing it.”

“I bloody will… l don’t know what’s got into her lately, l thought women were supposed to go off sex when they reached the change, she’s gone the other way. She only ever used to let me do it missionary style and she stopped sucking my cock almost as soon as we were married, now she’s turned into a bleeding nympho, l caught her watching porn on the computer, now she sucks me mobil casino and swallows and she wants fucking at least once a day.”

“Well if you need a hand Richard, there’s four willing volunteers to help you out, she’s a good looking woman your missus, fine pair of… you know… nice figure.”

“You dirty old bugger,” Richard laughed, ” you would too, wouldn’t you?”

Harry just smiled and tucked in to his pie as Richard went to serve a young couple that had just walked in.

He was back home by two o’clock, Sian usually arrived about three to see to his leg, he always felt the benefit of her expertise. He had a shower then dressed in just his boxer shorts and dressing gown and waited for her. She arrived just before 3, bringing her portable massage table with her.

“Hi Dad,” she greeted as he opened the front door. She gave him a kiss on his cheek as she passed, setting up the table in the lounge then going back to her car for her bag of equipment. “How are you? How’s the knee?”

“I’m fine sweetheart, the knee is doing well, feels a bit heavy sometimes but l suppose that’s normal, after all there’s a big lump of metal in there. What’s your news? You’re not usually dressed like that when you’re working.”

Sian usually came dressed in her working tracksuit but today had come dressed smartly in a button fronted minidress and high heels.

“Yes, well l’m meeting an old friend in town later,” she replied.

“Be careful you don’t get any of that massage oil on your dress than,” Harry warned as he took off his dressing gown and climbed onto the massage table, lying face down.

“Don’t worry Dad, l’ll be careful,” she said, slipping off her high heels and applying massage oil to her hands.

Harry noticed that she didn’t place a towel over his bum as she usually did but said nothing as he enjoyed the relaxing feeling created by her hands working on his calf muscle. She worked on that for a while, then moved up to the back of his thigh, working on his hamstring, again with firm pressure, stretching and pulling. After a while her hands began to work higher, sliding under his boxers to his buttocks, Harry couldn’t remember her doing that before, especially when she moved to the inside of his thigh, between his legs, he felt a thrill as momentarily her fingers made contact with his balls.

“Right, that’s the back done,” she said, “now the front.”

Harry rolled over, getting comfortable on his back as Sian put more oil on her hands. She began working just above his knee, again with firm pressure, teasing out the muscle. Gradually she moved up his thigh, again moving higher than she had done before, the sensation of her hands sliding up to the top of his thigh bringing back thoughts of Rachel.

He felt a reaction as his cock began to swell, Sian moved to the inside of his thigh, again briefly touching his balls. This time his cock reacted.

“I spoke to Rachel last night,” Sian said as her fingers worked on the inside of his thigh, “she said she’d popped in yesterday, said you were quite lively, whatever that means.”

Harry felt his cock pressing against the material of his boxers, the combination of Sian’s hands on the top of his thighs, and his thoughts of Rachel doing nothing to reduce his erection.

“Hey! What’s this then?” Sian gave his erection a playful tap, “this doesn’t usually happen.”

“Er… sorry… er, let me get up,” he made a move to sit up.

“Oh no you don’t,” she said, putting a hand on his chest and pushing him back down, “l heard plenty about this over the years,” she took hold of his erection still inside his boxers, “l wouldn’t mind a little look myself.”

Harry went to protest but it was a weak attempt as Sian pulled his boxers down all the way, tossing them across the room.

“Wow!” She exclaimed, getting her first ever look at this magnificent erection that she had heard Rachel talk about so often. “Now that’s what l call a proper cock, no wonder Rachel makes such a fuss about it.”

Harry wasn’t sure what to say, mumbling something about not knowing what she was on about but it was a feeble protest as he felt Sian’s hands encircling his manhood, drawing her nails over the sensitive glans.

“Don’t worry,” she continued, “she told me all about what you were doing yesterday, she’s been desperate to get this up her for years, she could’t wait to tell me last night, the dirty cow.”

Harry tried to say something but the sensations coming from his cock took over. Sian wasn’t gentle with him, gripping him firmly, she twisted and squeezed him, digging her nails into his shaft, then forcing her nail into the eye of his cock as her other hand kneaded his balls. The words he tried to say just came out as a groan of pleasure. He reached out to her, finding her leg, then sliding up, under her dress. His hand went between her legs, expecting to find her panties but finding only the naked, fleshy lips of her cunt.

“See, l came prepared for this,” she smiled down at him as she unbuttoned her dress then shrugged it off revealing her naked body. “My little fried eggs don’t compare to those mega tits of Rachel,” she said, resuming her mauling of his cock and balls. “I’m not a submissive little slut like her either, it takes a proper man to satisfy my cunt, you’ve got the cock for it Daddy dear, l just hope you’ve got the staying power.”

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