Locked in Chastity


This is a short work of erotic fiction containing furry, or anthropomorphic, characters, which are animals that either demonstrate human intelligence or walk on two legs, for the purposes of these tales. It is a thriving and growing fandom in which creators are prevalent in art and writing especially.


Locked in Chastity

Dimitri squirmed as he pushed his shaft into the chastity cage, the metal rings encasing the dinosaur anthro’s moderately sized cock as if it had been perfectly made just for him, a custom device. In his case, however, it was one that the Deinonyx ‘saur had won from a competition, even if he did not quite remember entering. The masculine-type hermaphrodite, after all, did enter rather a lot, his work leaving him working away from home for long periods of time and, well, more than a little bored. Was anyone really to blame him?


He panted heavily, leaning back in the hotel desk chair, though his laptop was, thankfully for the moment, tucked away in his bag. It was not needed, no, not when he had something like that to occupy his time and attention, cock trying to throb and harden even with the rings of the device encasing it. He had no nuts to lock in the device though, being as they were held internally, but the cool metal, swiftly warming to the heat of his body, brushed just right over his clit, hidden behind the little hood, even if it was not on prominent display.

In the lamplight, his brown, slightly striped, scales shivered, head rolling back, although he did not boast hair like other anthros. Too caught up in the moment to care about anything else, Dimitri fumbled for the lock, slipping it around – something fairly innocuous but with so much promise.

He had to give it a go. He had to lock it, letting the device click closed with that satisfying them, his jaws parting, tongue fluttering out briefly with the passage of breath. It was all in the act of discovery and experimentation and, truly, that was an act in itself that could have been more difficult for a male-herm than others, even though he didn’t need to be too open about how he viewed his own sexuality and gender, keeping his breasts bound moderately most of the time. It was not needed, not really, but he did need to know lust, to know passion, to stoke a kinky need to be denied, even if he, of course, would still have the key.

…He still had the key, didn’t he?

His curses rose to the ceiling and beyond as he tore the room apart, the box that the chastity cage had arrived it, all to no avail. It was gone, if it had even been to begin with, and the cage tucked so securely around his shaft and around his hips too, like a female chastity device, that there was no way he could get it off without. Panic sank demonic claws into his heart and he bent over with one paw on the desk chair, chest heaving, the T-shirt that he’d left on soaked bahis siteleri through under the arms with terrified sweat.

“Fuck… Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!”

He had to do something – could he break it? It was too much and, still, he could not have denied how his cock strove to throb up for his own attention as he tugged and worked at the device, ignoring the pain as he tried to ease it down his hips, to work it over his thighs. Alas, that was just where his hermaphrodite status failed him as his hips were a little more defined than they would have been on a normal male, ensuring that the bands of the device that encircled him were tucked in above the bone, fixed too tightly to be removed. Though he supposed that that was the intended use, he cursed its design, throwing the box across the room with enough force for it to shake open as it hit the opposite wall, spilling its guts of plastic protective wrapping and paper instructions to the floor. Yet what was done was done and no amount of prying or twisting or grinding would force it free as he panted and heaved, shaking his head over and over again as the deadly solitude of the bedroom closed in anxiously around him.

What was he supposed to do? Looking down at his beautifully caged cock with tentative worry, Dimitri grunted and rolled his hips, sinking onto the edge of the bed as his legs trembled. The dinosaur’s paws were down by his crotch before his mind actively caught up with what his body was doing, running over and over the chastity cage as he grunted and rocked his hips, thrusting into his own grasp as if it would give him any sense of relief. Of course, any sensation that he did manage to glean was short-lived, even if his pussy was left bare. Yet how was that part of him supposed to help when it was his male half, his shaft, that craved attention so badly.

Panting, he squirmed in place, though the twist of his body back and forth did little to ease the turmoil in his soul. He could wriggle, he could shift – yet how much of that was playing to his masculine side, really? It was too feminine, too soft, for Dimitri to squirm like a lady with her legs crossed against her lust, yet the throbbing of his male parts was too much to sit still, the bed giving and squeaking beneath him as he panted and tipped his blockier muzzle back as if that would relieve any of the tension in him. Like so much else, as he tugged helplessly at the chastity cage, it was an absolutely futile endeavour.

“Oh… Hell…”

No words should have been needed but it felt better to get them out, to release them into a world that was not ready for them, not ready for him. He tried to close his hand around his cock but he could barely touch the skin itself as it squeezed out against the bars of the cage, quite literally locking his cock away as if jailed. Dimitri grunted, head twisting, rolling from one shoulder to bonus kodu the other, his tail pressing down, although it had nothing to cover, no reason for him to hide away. After all, there was neither anyone there to bear witness to his seedy frustration or rescue him from it either, whimpering and grunting into the back of his arm as he pressed it to his muzzle, humping and grinding, urgent need thrumming through.

He couldn’t get his cock off but there was his pussy…yes… His female sex could be teased and Dimitri, with a heady blush that tingled through his scales, rolled onto all fours, tail lifted and trembling while his fingers ground back and into his cunt. Only briefly did he begrudge the fact that he had not brought any toys along with him but, hell, he’d thought his paw and his dick would be more than enough for anything like that! But the pleasure was still there and he drove his fingers deep, the digits seeking out the most sensitive parts inside his cunt, although it truly didn’t get as much attention as his cock. The fact of the matter, however, still remained that he rarely got off without using his cock either but maybe that was something that he could worry about later…

He just needed to orgasm, right?

But it was no good. He could thrust and pump as much as he liked but the pain encasing his cock – not terrible, but enough to distract the hormones pumping through his body – stopped him from quite getting there. His pussy was open for any attention and yet that accursed cock cage stopped him from getting off, the pressure unpleasant and just too much for him to seek out that pinnacle, that edge over which he needed to tip, fingers soaked with his juices and yet…not there.

He growled and tried again. And again. The dinosaur’s pussy ached and his cock throbbed until he, finally, had to call it quits, sprawled on his back and sweat dripping to the sheets, cheeks and neck hot with shame. It shouldn’t have been such and he, again, tried to find a release on the cage, groping and prodding it, trying to find…anything. Anything at all. And yet, as always, there was nothing. That was all he could expect, of course, unless he found some way to get the cage off.

Sleep did not come easily that night.

The next day didn’t bring him any answers and the dinosaur was forced to go to his meeting still locked up and uncomfortable, even sneaking off to the bathrooms of the high rise building to try and fail to get the cage off again. He cursed and swore under his breath (hell, no one there really knew who he was anyway and be blended in with the crowd in his rarely worn smart garb) but only a couple of occupants came and went from the other bathroom stalls or by the urinals. Truly, Dimitri didn’t care who was there or what they were doing, sweating viciously in the raw grasp of need.

He didn’t want to call but he yeni slotlar 2024 had to, cheeks burning and head in his hands. From his hotel room, bags packed around him, he spoke to the customer service line of the company that sold the chastity device, hoping for a resolution. As embarrassing as it was, it was the right thing to do and surely those things came with some sort of safety feature too, right? They’d have answers for him, right? It would all be worth it…right?

They said he could return it. For a refund.

“What good is a refund when I didn’t spend anything on it in the first place?” He snarled into the phone, no doubt making the, admittedly clueless, representative on the end of the line quail. “I need something to get this off! Now!”

But they had nothing and, of course, his subsequent swearing had them off the line again quicker than anything, although a customer in his predicament could surely be forgiven for being more than a little uptight. Dimitri didn’t mean to lose his temper but it was as if they just weren’t hearing a single fucking word that came out of his mouth, for lord’s sake!

Days passed and he tried and tried, lubricating up his crotch until he was dripping in the stuff, heaving and panting, eyes wide and wild. He went home and the flight, well… That was an experience in itself that he really would rather not repeat. The cage pressed in and he even tried squeezing himself into the tiny aeroplane bathroom to relieve himself, a hastily picked up toy from the airport (wow, that they would even have that kind of shop there…) straining and buzzing over his clit and into his cunt.

It was not enough. It would never be enough.

Dimitri grunted in the privacy of his home, straining and pumping. The cage couldn’t stay on forever, he was sure. If he kept grinding and thrusting and working away at it, it had to break at some point. Hell, it had already broken! It was not too far a stretch to think that it could break again, but in a way that benefitted him this time.

Not getting off was torture and yet it sharpened his mind, focused him beyond all belief and recognition. As distracted as he was, Dimitri was determined more than ever to do good, to be resolute, to concentrate where he could. It would come off, he was sure of it, he had to be patient, had to keep wiggling, had to keep working. It was something that he wanted and yet it would only come when it came, though the thought of using more powerful tools around his cock had not yet fallen out of the realm of possibility. He just didn’t want to see any blood in the process of going to rather extreme measures there.

It would come. He drifted in and out, his sexual pulses ever-present day in and day out. They clarified as much as they clouded and, still, the frustration of it all thrummed through beneath everything, a current that lifted him up higher and higher. Head back, weekend sunshine streaming in through the bedroom windows, Dimitri moaned, desperate for something that he simply could not put a name to.

He had no hope of getting the cage off.

He wasn’t even sure whether that was a good or a bad thing anymore.

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