Lord Benfords Gala


Lord Bedford’s Dungeon
Won’t you come and play?
Lord Bedford’s Dungeon
Debauchery on display.

She shot up in bed, with those mimicking lyrics rolling through her head. It sounded like children’s voices chanting in her head. She turned the light on, in a cold sweat Who in the world was Lord Benford and why did that name haunt her?

Today was Saturday, her day of leisure. It was almost time to get up so she started her day early. There was no possible way she could get back to sleep now. The name Benford rolled around in her head making her pause more than once throughout the day.

She spent the morning cleaning and catching up on bills, then walked to retrieve her mail after hearing the squeak of the mailbox lid. The mailman waved hello to her when she popped her head out, then headed on his way.

Bills, bills, bills!… She was so tired of spending every last cent she earned, on bills. Throwing the pile on the countertop, she noticed a pale blue envelope amidst the pile of white. Cautiously she pulled it aside and looked at the handwritten name and address, which belonged to her. The return address was simply… L.B. She knew it was Lord Benford, but her memory of him was so vague, it only frustrated her more.

Her fingers shook slightly while she opened the envelope using great care, for some unknown reason, to not tear the envelope. Using a knife she slid it under the corner and made a slow clean cut across the top.

You are cordially invited to a gala
at Lord Bedford’s home.
Black and white attire is requested.
Saturday, August 19th
Please RSVP by Saturday, August 12th

Today was August 12th. What should she do? The questions that taunted her and haunted her could send her either direction. She knew that part of dealing with fears was facing them, so she picked up the phone and dialed. A gentleman answered the phone.


She swooned slightly…that voice… did something to her.

“Hello? Is anyone there?”

“Oh yes, hello.”

“How may I help you, Miss?”

“I am calling in regard to the gala invitation.”

“Ah yes, the gala. Will you be attending?”

“Well, yes, I think so.”

“Yes or no, Miss?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Very well. I will have a limo at your home by 5:00pm, next Saturday.”

“No wait, you don’t have to do that. I can drive myself.”

“I have no parking accommodations Miss. If you wish to attend you must be chauffeured.”

“Yes Sir, I understand.”

“Is there anything else, Miss?”

“What shall I wear? I have nothing opulent, as it seems is expected.”

“I will send an outfit in the limo for you to change into, my Queen. There is a privacy wall between the driver and the back, so you may change on the way here.”


“I must be going now. I anticipate your arrival next Saturday. Good day.”

~click… the phone went dead.

She pulled the phone away from her ear and watched in slow motion as her hand laid it in its cradle. Queen?… my Queen? Why did that have such a familiar ring to it?

The following weekend approached quickly. After her errands, she showered and prepared to be picked up at the indicated time. Just to be safe she wore her best black dress and heels, in case he forgot to send an outfit for her. Since it was a gala, she thought she should do something special with her hair. Pinning it in place with a comb in the back, she worked diligently to draw down small pieces to curl and form ringlets that framed her face and neck.

Supposedly the new rage is shimmer dust that girls wear, so she bought some just for this evening. Dusting it lightly over her chest and arms, there was a glimmer to her skin that wasn’t overbearing. Lastly, she held the power puff over her head and shook it softly allowing a very few of the sparkles to land in her hair.

She thought better of wearing a lot of makeup, and opted for a more natural look. With light reddish brown tones she did her and lips and finished with a soft sable eye shadow. Looking in the mirror she laughed to herself. “I do look like a Queen… ok, well maybe a Princess.”

Giddy, she pulled on her dress, hose and heels and tossed a few items in her purse so she could freshen up later. At precisely 5:00pm the limousine arrived in front of her small home. The driver came to her door. A few neighbors were out walking and stopped to stare. In her town a limo was an oddity, especially in her quaint neighborhood. The driver escorted her to the limo and opened the door for her. She gasped at the interior, it was so spectacular.

As they drove away, the onlookers watched in awe. She knew that they had a good hour drive before they arrived, so she looked around.

The driver spoke, “Miss, there is a package for you lying on the seat.”

“Oh, thank you Sir.”

“You’re very welcome, Miss.”

She saw a rather large box and opened it. Inside was a beautiful black dress with a very low swooping V in the back. The front looked like it would cover her for the most part with a modest neckline. bahis siteleri Under the dress she found undergarments to don, as well. Black breast pads that adhere to the skin under the breast so there is no bra strap in the back were something new to her. Crotchless fishnet stockings and a pair of black heels with a small leather clasp that fastened around her ankle were at the bottom.

“How am I going to change, Sir?”

“I will put up the privacy wall.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

The black wall rose when he pushed the button, until she found herself encased in the interior of the limousine with tinted windows. She dug through the box looking for panties but found none. Shimming and slithering her way into the new outfit she loved how the clothing felt. It was obviously very costly because of its texture. The dress was made of silk. It shimmered from the vague light cast on it, by the small opera lights inside the limo.

The driver noticed less movement and spoke to her over the intercom. “Are you finished dressing, Miss?”

“Yes Sir, I am.”

“To your right, you will find a bottle of champagne and another small gift box.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

She reached to find a bottle of champagne chilling. The small gift box was there as well. Opening the long narrow box, she found a diamond bracelet that took her breath away. With dainty fingers she removed the bracelet and placed it upon her wrist. Even in the dimly lit limo, it glistened brilliantly. Removing a champagne flue from a closed cabinet she poured a small drink and nestled into the plush leather seat for the duration of her ride to Lord Bedford’s gala.

When they were close to the city the limo driver pushed another button that raised a panel over all the windows rendering her sightless. She wanted to see the city but to no avail. When she asked the driver to put them back down he ignored her and finally said he was doing his job.

The limo weaved and veered through the city until she had no concept of where she was. Finally they halted. She heard him get out. It wasn’t long before he came to open her door. She stood before an entrance to a beautiful townhouse with a curved driveway.

The limo was parked under an awning, to protect those arriving from the elements. Pillars stood at each side of the entrance. He stood at the limo door and left her to walk alone. She summoned all her courage to walk toward the door.

Two butlers greeted her and bowed politely, at her arrival. Inside she was ushered past a few other guests, by a beautiful woman with long dark hair. From there she was taken to a private room. The woman spoke to her in a soft voice.

“I will leave you for now. Someone will be in shortly.”

“Thank you.”

She looked around the small sitting room. It had a medieval appearance with leather and cast iron décor. There were several books in bookcases and a large mahogany desk. Thick rich curtains covered the one window in the room. An ancient tapestry adorned another wall. Candles burned in a standing cast iron candelabrum, creating an aura that was chilling.

The door creaked open. She turned. It was he, Lord Benford.

“You remember me, I see.”

“Yes Sir, I do.”

“How well do you remember me?”

“Vaguely, I have to admit.”

“Good, that is how it should be.”

“Why am I here tonight?”

“For the gala, of course.”

“But, why me?”

“I have something for you to drink that will revive all your memories.”

“What memories?”

“You shall see, drink it please.”

He handed her a goblet. She drank and swooned slightly. When the memories of her prior visit began to surface in her mind she dropped to the leather sofa. She recalled everything… the dungeon… the men… the way they used her… the powder he used to renew her virginity… and the retaking of her virginity by him… Lord Benford.

“Do you remember now?”

“Yes, my Lord, I remember it all.”

“Then you will remember also that I made you a promise.”

“Yes, my Lord, I remember that as well. If I contacted you again, I would be yours forever. But, at the time you invited me I was unaware of these memories.”

“Would it have changed your attendance this evening?”

“No, my Lord… it would not have changed anything.”

“Why do you feel this way, my Queen?”

“I’m not sure, my Lord. I do know that I felt safe in your arms that evening.”

He smiled for the first time; a brilliant soft smile that warmed her heart. Walking toward her he sat with her and pulled her head to his shoulder, with his arm around her body. She fell into his embrace and renewed that feeling that had lingered in the back of her mind for the last few months.

Softly she spoke, “What is this evenings gala for, my Lord?”

“It is a very special gathering for my Queen.”

“For me?”

“Yes, if you will accept.”

“Oh yes my Lord, I accept.”

“You will need to make a vow to me, in the presence of others.”

“What kind of vow?”

“A vow of commitment.”

“What does that online casinolar mean?”

“You will come here and remain with me, forever.”

“What of my home, my job and my responsibilities?”

“They will no longer exist.”

“And my family?”

“You will be allowed to visit your family; family is important.”

“Will they be here this evening, for my vows?”

“No, my Queen. Tonight is not for family, tonight is for friends only.”

“Will you give me the potion so I don’t remember things tonight?”

“No dear one. Tonight I want you to remember everything.”

He rose and extended a large hand to her, helping her to stand as well. Looking down at her petite body, he took her face into his hands, kissed her softly on the lips then turned to leave.

“Rose will be in shortly to help you prepare for this evening.”

“What more preparation is there? You have already dressed me like a Queen.”

He laughed heartily, “You have yet to see what a Queen lives like, my sweet one.”

When he left the room, she felt alone. It wasn’t long before Rose returned. In her hands she carried a red crushed velvet floor length cape and a box. Rose was very shy and quiet in her demeanor as she approached her. She set the items on the sofa and turned to her.

“Please, follow me.”

Rose led her through a door into the next room. It was a large feminine bedroom with a vanity to the side. She motioned her to sit at the vanity. Looking into the mirror she couldn’t help being in awe of the richness of the room. Roses soft smile reassured her as she went to retrieve the items from the sofa. She deposited the cape on the high four-poster bed and opened the box. She came to the vanity and took down her hair that she had worked so hard to prepare. Before long, Rose had worked her magic and had her hair looking lovely. It was pinned up again but much more fashionable.

“Did you wear what he sent you for undergarments?”

“Yes, I did.”

She blushed slightly, “Good. I had something to add to your attire.”

She reached into the box and pulled out a pair of panties, but they weren’t ordinary panties.

“Please come here, to the bed with me.”

Standing and walking to the bed, she was afforded a better view of the panties. They were black leather and had 8 snaps in the crotch. There was a hole where her pussy and ass were, with 4 of the snaps around each hole.

“I have never seen any panties like this before.”

“My Lord designed them, that is why.”

Rose pulled a dainty butt plug and a dildo from the box, with a renewed blush on her face.

“Either I can assist you to wear them, or you can insert them yourself.”

“I… well, I don’t know Rose. What do you think?”

“If you are unsure, I can assist you, my Lady.”

“If you wouldn’t mind, please Rose.”

“Please lie back on the bed for me.”

She lay back on the bed, feeling very uneasy. Rose gently took her legs and raised them so her feet were on the bed. She felt as though she were being prepared for a physical examination. Her most intimate parts were fully exposed with the crotchless fishnet stockings.

“Rose reached for a tube and squirted something onto her fingers. “This is something my Lord created as well. It is a numbing agent that will make insertion easier and pain free.”

“Thank you Rose.”

She smeared it over her ass and pussy, slipping her dainty finger inside her ass to aid the process. Her finger felt good sliding into her puckered ass. She felt her body react and her hips moved slightly. Pursing her lips she withheld a soft moan.

“Are you ready now?”

“Yes Rose.”

She slid the small anal plug into her pussy to wet it then removed it and slowly slid it into her ass. There was slight pressure, but no pain. Next she reached for the dildo, which was larger. Slowly she began to insert it into her pussy until she felt it bulking from its wide girth and slid it out again. Roses’ finger stroked her clit for a moment making her want to jump out of her skin. Rose continued to stroke until her wetness grew and slid all 5″ of the dildo into her wet and waiting pussy. The dildo was not long, but very thick, filling her nicely. Rose put the panties over each of her feet and pulled them to her bottom. She raised her bottom so she could slide them one her. When they were in place, Rose joined the snaps to the receptacles on the dildo and plug.

“You may put your legs down and sit up now.”

She did as instructed and felt the toys rubbing her inside while she moved.

“Oh my Rose, how on earth am I to walk gracefully with these between my legs?”

She giggled merrily, “I’m sure you will do just fine, my Lady.”

They both laughed together and smiled at one another.

“Come, stand for me, I had two more items for you to don before your presentation.”

When she stood the pressure from the toys let up slightly. Rose grabbed the red velvet cape and fanned it before bringing it to her neck to tie it. She was persistent that her gerçek para casinoları neck be exposed and patted the collar of the cape down, just so.

“One last thing, and you are ready.”

“I can hardly wait to see what is next.”

She smiled softly, “You will love it, my Lady.”

Rose presented a diamond tiara in her dainty hands. “Would you like to sit at the vanity and put it on, my Lady?”

“Oh my heavens, it is gorgeous! It is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.”

She extended her hands, laden with the tiara, for her to take. Carefully she took the tiara and walked to the vanity seat. Sitting carefully she held the tiara ready to place it in her hair. Rose stood close by, with anticipation.

Noticing Rose, she asked, “Would you like to assist me Rose?”

“May I, my Lady?”

“Please do Rose. You have assisted me so well with everything else. It is only fitting that you add the crowning touch.”

“Oh, thank you, my Lady…thank you so much!”

When Rose placed the tiara into her hair, she saw herself transform before her eyes.

She felt very much like a Queen. After the magical moment between the two women there was a light knock on the door.

“Are you about ready?”

“Oh, my Lady, it is my Lord calling for you.”

“Tell him we are ready.”

Rose walked to the door and opened it. “She is ready, my Lord.” Rose excused herself with a curtsey and left.

Lord Benford entered the bedroom to find her sitting at the vanity, and extended his hand,

“Come, my Queen, the time is upon us.”

She wiggled against the toys one last time and rose from her seat to join him. Her slight wiggle did not go unnoticed.

“I see you like your new panties.”

She glanced at him with playful eyes, “Yes, my Lord, I do very much.”

He whispered into her ear, “Just wait until the numbing agent wears off.”

Her eyes got large, and he chuckled softly at her response. They left the bedroom and walked to the top of a large staircase. The floor length cape dragged behind her but she held her posture and walked side by side with him. She looked down upon a room full of approximately 30 people, all dressed to the hilt. When they appeared at the top of the staircase all eyes were upon them, and talking halted. He held his right hand in a fist at his side. She rested her hand upon his and they descended the stairs.

The onlookers stood in appreciation until they were down then watched as he walked her to two large thrones sitting side by side, at the front of the ballroom. He stopped when she was standing in front of the throne designed for her, and had her sit. He took his seat in the throne of his own, beside her.

With a motion of his hand, he summoned the others to sit also. A violinist came to them and began to play a beautiful song, while they listened. Ingenious as he was he had equipped his chair with a mechanism that she was unaware of. In the middle of the song he touched a button and the seat of her chair began to vibrate. The sensation against the toys that were inside, her made her squirm. Finally he turned it off, much to her relief.

The violinist left and the room was quiet. He stood to speak. All those in attendance rose with him. He motioned to her with his hand.

“I present to you, this evening, my future Queen. Any that decry this proclamation should speak now or forever hold their peace.”

He looked over the audience and waited a moment. “Very well, we shall proceed but first you will all come forth and sip of the community goblet.”

One of his guards stood with a large pewter goblet and served each of the attendees a sip of the drink, as they walked toward it like a fly to honey.

She couldn’t resist asking quietly, “What is this potion, my Lord?”

“It is the potion that will take away all their inhibitions and allow them to do whatever I ask. It will not impair their memory. They will remember all that occurs.”

“It appears they would already do whatever you ask, my Lord.”

They continued to whisper, “Within decorum, yes, but outside of decorum they may be appalled of this evenings events.”

“What events?”

“In time, my Queen, you shall see.”

After all the guests were served the guard slipped into the shadows. He motioned for two of his guards to join them. They stood before her and she stood. Guiding her movements they had her kneel before their Lord, and left.

“Do you wish to become my Queen?”

“Yes, my Lord.”

“Will you obey all that I ask of you?”

“Yes, my Lord.”

“Will you forever be at my beckon call?”

“Yes, my Lord.”

He stood and produced a ring to the audience. “Do you think her worthy to wear my ring, the ring of Lord Benford?”

“Aye, aye,” cheers rose from the crowd.

He held her small hand in his large hand, placing the large gold and sapphire ring ready at her finger, while saying a few words.

“You are a truly special find, my Queen. Your heart is soft and your mind is clear of evil. Your body is enchanting. Sensuality and sexually exude from you. You are the only one worthy to be my Queen, the Queen of Debauchery.”

The ring slid onto her finger. Suddenly she felt weak and crumpled at his feet. The crowd let out a loud cheer. She looked upon them from her low perspective. Their eyes were glazed with lust.

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