Robin , Lisa Ch. 05


Chapter 5

Finals Week

“I’m not blowing you off. It’s the truth.” Lisa said sitting at her dorm desk adjusting her reading glasses.

“Well, then when?” Robyn said on the phone.

“It’ll be over soon.”

“It’s been soon for over a month now! I thought we’d see each other more often after the other night. I know you liked it.” Robyn said.

“I did and I’m sorry, really. But this time it’ll be over over. And once my finals are done, I’ll be done done.”

“You mean completely done? Like graduate and everything?”

“Well, done with my undergrads at least. Yes.”

“Which means you won’t have to study anymore and you can come over and hang out and party and F-U-C-K?”

“Well maybe.”

“Maybe? No. You’re going to come over so I can begin your instructions in Sapphic love.”

“You’re stupid.” Lisa said with a chuckle.

“Seriously Yellow, I’m dying to see you again soon.”

“I’ll call you when my finals are over. I promise, okay?”

“In a week?”


“You’d better be here in a week then, or else.”

“Or else what?”

“Or else I’ll come looking for you and when I find you, I’ll tie a leash around your neck and make you run a marathon with me.”

“Run a marathon? I thought you were going to make me experience a marathon in bed.”

“No Yellow, in bed I’ll have you experience a triathlon, but you’ll be huffing and puffing from orgasms not exhaustion.”

“Sounds like fun, trainer.”

“That’s ‘personal trainer to you, Yellow. I can give you a trial course tonight.”

“That sounds fun, Robyn, but I really have to study.”

Robyn sighed through the phone, “Well, I’m jotting you down for next week then.”

“Okay. Sign me up.”

“Tall sexy Yellow. My place. Next week. All day session.”

“All day?”

“Well, yeah. You haven’t been coming to any regularly scheduled meetings.”

“Okay. Okay. I’ll see you then Robyn.”

“I’ll be waiting. I love you, Yellow.”

“Bye.” Lisa said and hung up the phone.

Lisa smiled blissfully and set her phone down next to her opened textbooks on her desk. She looked them over and the smile faded bringing her attention back to reality sitting in front of her.

Robyn placed her phone in her sling sack and tossed it around her shoulder. She strapped her iPod around her arm popping in her earphones and began her jog to work.

It had been about a month since the night Robyn spent with Lisa. The two spoke over the phone on several occasions and the conversations were always pleasant, although they never physically met. Robyn’s time was flexible and she would have made the time to schedule another meeting, but Lisa’s diligence at school kept them apart.

Robyn’s feet bounced lightly on the sidewalk in a quick pace, yet she showed no signs of weariness. Onlookers would not notice either way, as her heaving breasts garnered all the attention towards her. She paid no heed to anybody around her and kept to herself inside her own little bubble within her thoughts and music.

“It’s a date. Just a week.” Robyn thought.

Robyn was excited that a real date was set for them to meet again. Lisa had warmed up to Robyn’s advances and with their cordial chats on the phone; they had become at least friends.

Katie was outside her café placing her chalkboard lunch specials for display when she saw Robyn jogging up the street with her head to the ground.

“Hey!” Katie said waving her hand with a smile, but Robyn did not notice her.

Robyn was fast approaching oblivious to Katie’s presents.

“Hey!” Katie said dashing into Robyn’s path.

Robyn looked up in midstride, but it was too late for her to stop and collided into Katie knocking her down to the sidewalk.

“What the hell?” Robyn said pulling out her earphones.

Katie fell on her right side and slowly rolled up to a sitting position.

“I’m sorry, but I was trying to get your attention.” Katie said.

Robyn looked at her then realized who the lady was.

“Katie, right?”


“Are you okay?” Robyn said helping Katie to her feet.

“I’m fine.”

“Sorry. I kinda tune everything out while I’m running.”

“That’s okay. At least I got your attention now.”

“Yeah, but it shouldn’t have been so painful.” Robyn said.

“So, where have you been? I haven’t seen you around lately.”

“I know. I still need to return your clothes.”

“I don’t mean that. I thought you were going to come by more and you know…”

“Oh. You liked it when I fucked you, didn’t you?” Robyn said.

Katie smiled embarrassed.

“Does the waitress need another fuck?”

“Uh-huh.” Katie said nodding with a smile.


“Tonight if you can. Maybe you can come after work? I can make dinner here for us in the cafe.” Katie said.

“And what’s for dinner?” Robyn said with a smirk.

Katie laughed embarrassed to look at Robyn, “Something you had before. I think you liked it.”

Robyn looked over her body mentally undressing her to see her curvy petite body.

“I remember it was warm and sweet. I enjoyed bahis siteleri it.”

“So you’ll come? Tonight?”

“You better make me come.” Robyn said with a cocked eyebrow.

“What? Oh.” Katie said and laughed.

“Katie hugged Robyn tight and spoke next to her ear, “I can’t wait for the day to end now.”

“Your pussy better be hot and wet tonight.”

Katie smiled and looked around to make sure nobody heard Robyn.

“I’d better go and open up. I’ll be here waiting, okay?” Katie said stepping back towards the cafe.

The two waved goodbye and Katie watched Robyn jog away with her ponytail flapping back and forth. She clenched her tingling hands and thought of parting Robyn’s ass and bringing her tongue up from underneath her. She felt her nipples and clitoris growing hard and excited at the image in her mind and walked into the café with a smile.

Lisa was still in her dorm room reviewing chapters and lecture notes. Nothing else was on her mind other than the books in front of her when suddenly a loud thumping beat began shaking her dorm walls. Laughing and chatter came through the paper thin walls from the next room. She bolted up from her seat and banged against the wall in protest and in response her neighbors banged back and raised the music volume.

“Bitch!” she said through gritted teeth and slammed all her books shut.

Lisa grabbed her backpack and tossed her notes and books in and slung it over her shoulder. Upon opening her door, the music filled the entire dorm floor. Lisa furrowed her brow and exited in disgust.

“Now what? The library’s going to be all full and so will all the study rooms.” Lisa thought as she trudged over to the library.

Outside the library steps, groups of students huddled around each other comparing notes with one another. Lisa stepped between the groups and entered the library’s main lobby. The quietness had returned, but students littered the hallways finding small nooks around the bookshelves and hunkered down on the floor to study in solace.

As Lisa assumed, there was nothing open. No desk, table or secluded floor space where she could study in peace. She stomped the floor in frustration and exited the main entrance. She looked at the campus from the top step of the library hoping to find an empty quiet space to be alone.

Robyn changed into her black workout tights and sat in her small office reviewing her schedule. She had a low impact aerobic class to start with a few personal training sessions with members and finished off with a yoga class in the afternoon. She paged forward to see what her schedule was going to be like in a week when her cell phone rang.

Robyn snatched it off the desk and saw who was calling her.

“Yellow.” she said and answered it.

“Hey you. Change your mind on that trial course?” Robyn said.

“No, but are you at home right now?”

“No, but I can be. Why?”

“Well, I was thinking if it would be okay if I came over for awhile?”

“Of course you can! I’d love to have you.”

“No. No. I don’t mean like that. I need a quiet place to study and I’ll I could think of was your place. If you don’t mind that is.”

“Oh, sure. You can come over. I’ll be done at around 4 pm. Is that okay?”

“That’s fine. I’ll see you around 4 then.”

“Maybe when you get tired, you can take a study break. You know, something to get your juices flowing again?”

“Don’t you think about anything else?”

“Of course, but only when I’m hungry.”

“I’ll see you later, Robyn and thanks. I mean it.”

“Hey. I love you. I’ll always be there for you.”

“Bye Robyn.”

“See you soon, Yellow.”

Robyn hung up feeling a giddy joy welling up inside.

The lunch hour was just about over and Katie only had a couple of tables left to tend to. The only customers that came in after lunch to closing were stragglers passing by for a quick cup of coffee and a snack to nibble on.

“Okay Edgar. You can go once you’re done cleaning up.” Katie said.

Edgar nodded to her while he finished cleaning the stove.

“You too, Isabella.” Katie said.

“Okay.” Isabella said placing dishes into the dishwasher.

Katie turned and looked at the dining room from behind the counter and thought about her evening.

“What can I do to make tonight more comfortable?” she thought.

Katie looked at the booth sofas, but the tables made it a cramped space for it to be any use. The tabletops were too small for lying on which meant the only place was the floor.

“Edgar? Isabella?”

“Yes ma’am.” The both said.

“I think the floor needs to be cleaned. Not mopped down with water, but scrubbed with soap. When our customers leave, could you both scrub the dining room floor?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“You can leave after that. Thank you.”

Isabella and Edgar both resumed their duties while Katie went back and checked the linen closet. She opened the cabinet and saw a good amount of hand towels and a few extra aprons rolled neatly on the shelves. She patted the aprons with her hand touching her makeshift sheets for radissonbet tonight. She pictured Robyn lying on the ground over the aprons while she squatted down over Robyn’s salivating mouth waiting to eat her pussy. The thought was tantalizing and the day was almost done when the phone rang reminding her she still had work to tend to.

“Katie’s cafe.” she said answering the phone.

“Hey babe I need a favor. Bring back $500.00 after work. I need to pay some bills.” a gruff voice said.

Katie turned and faced away from everybody and spoke quietly.

“This is my business, not your bank, Roberto. Go earn your own money.” Katie said.

“Hey. I’ll pay it back, but right now I need it so just open your register and bring back the money.”

“You haven’t paid me the $200 I lent you the last time. When are you going to pay me for that?”

“I told you already. Once I get this job all worked out, I’ll be able to pay you back. It’s just a temporary situation babe. You’ll get your money. Don’t worry.”

“I don’t think I can lend out that much.”

“Well, as much as you can then. Every little bit will help.”

“I’ll see how much by the end of the day.”

“And soon too. Come home right after work, okay?”


“Great. I love you, babe.” the Roberto said before haning up.

Katie turned and saw Edgar and Isabella glancing at her and quickly turning their heads back to their duties.

“What?” Katie said.

“Nothing.” Edgar said with a grim expression, but Isabella turned and stared at Katie in the eye.

“You know what. You have to leave him. He’s no good.” Isabella said shaking a contemptuous spatula at Katie.

“I know.” Katie said with a sigh.

“Don’t give him anything!” Edgar said with a scowl, “Be strong! Tell him no!” he said choking the sponge in his hand.

“You’re right, both of you.” Katie said while a customer motioned for her attention.

“Thank you for the advice and I’ll deal with it.” Katie said and walked over to assist her customer.

Robyn glanced at her watch and saw it was almost 4 o’clock. She walked down the small offices and stopped in front of Glen’s, who was typing in front of his computer.

“Hey, thanks again for taking over my Yoga class in such short notice.” Robyn said.

“No problem.” Glen said not looking up from his computer.

Robyn smiled and began to walk away when, Glen spoke up.

“Oh, hey! I got a question to ask you.”


“You’d have sex with me, wouldn’t you?” Glen said.

“What? But you’re gay.” Robyn said.

“No, no, no. Would you. Would you have sex with me?”

“Oh. You mean if you liked girls and stuff.”

“Yes. Would you?”

Robyn stared at Glen and thought about if for awhile.

“Is it that hard of a decision?” Glen said.

“No, it’s just that I’ve known you for a long time and I never thought about it.”

“Come on. Yes or no.”

“Why not? I’d fuck you.” she said shrugging.

“Boy, aren’t we enthusiastic.” Glen said shaking his head.

“It’s not like you want to anyway. Why are you asking?”

“Oh one of my girl friends thinks I don’t have what it takes to attract the ladies.”

“Come on. You know you look sharp.” Robyn said.

“I sense a ‘but’ to that statement.”

“You know were friends and all.” Robyn said.

“Come on, just say it.”

“Well, you are a guy, but you come off as a bit too girly?” Robyn said unsure of her wording.

“Well you’re gay. Shouldn’t that turn you on then?” Glen said folding his arms.

“I’m not gay. I’m bi. And you’re the only one here that knows so don’t go around telling everyone. And for your information, I like my men to be manly and my women to be womanly.”

“Well excuse me, Ms. both ways.”

Robyn closed the office door behind her and stepped closer to Glen’s desk.

“Glen, you’re my friend and this is stupid. I don’t want this to come between us, so if you want, I’ll fuck you.”

“No I don’t want you to, but thanks for the offer.” Glen said unfolding his arms.

“Well the offer is on the table if you need it.” Robyn said opening the door, “And thanks again for being my bitch and covering for me.”

“I got you girl friend.” Glen said waving her out of the office.

“Oh and remember, mum on my lifestyle.” Robyn said before leaving.

Glen dragged his pressed index finger and thumb across his lips and Robyn blew him a kiss before leaving.

Robyn stepped out of the main entrance and skipped down the steps popping her earphones in and tightening her ponytail thinking about her yellow haired sweetheart waiting for her. She jogged down the sidewalk and passed Katie’s cafe without a thought on her mind.

Lisa parked in front of Robyn’s apartment and stepped out of her car. She heaved her backpack over her shoulder and grabbed two more books and hugged them with her left arm. She walked up to the entrance and buzzed Robyn’s apartment but there was no answer. She glanced at her wrist watch and saw that she was still a bit early.

Lisa walked back to the sidewalk betsalvador and looked down the street both ways shading her eyes, but Robyn wasn’t there. She walked back to the shaded main entrance and dropped her pack on the ground and sat on it and began reading one of the textbooks in her arms. A few minutes had passed and Lisa was fully engrossed in her studies when the main door opened. Lisa looked up and an undistinguished man stepped out. Lisa dropped her head back down to read again when he spoke.

“Hi, are you locked out?”

“Oh, no. I’m just waiting for somebody.” Lisa said looking up at him.

“Oh yeah? Who is it? I know everybody here.”

“I don’t know them, but they know me.”

“You mean a blind date?”

“No nothing like that.” she said and dropped her head back down to her book.

“Would you like to wait inside? It’s quieter in the courtyard?”

“I’ll be fine here, thanks.” she said without looking at him.

“Well, if you need anything, let me know. Just buzz 1-0-2 and ask for Mike. That’s me.”

“Thanks, but my friend should be along any minute now. I’ll be okay till then.”

“Well if you change your mind, give me a buzz.”

“Okay.” she said continuing her reading.

Mike gave her a long look before stepping back in the courtyard and closing the door behind him. Lisa looked up to see he was gone and let out a sigh with a roll of her neck.

“Been waiting long?”

Lisa turned her head and saw Robyn glistening with a smile.

“No. Not too long.” Lisa said rising to her feet.

“It’s so good to see you again.” Robyn said giving Lisa a tight hug.

“Thanks. Can we go in now?” Lisa said patting her on the back.

“Sure. Why the rush?” Robyn said and opened the entrance door.

“I just want to get out of the entrance before I get invited for dinner or something.”

“By who?”

“One of your neighbors, I guess.”

“It wasn’t Mike was it?”

“How did you know?”

“That guy has probably fucked me a million times in his head and probably has done you at least ten times by now.”

“Ugh. Then let’s hurry up and get into your apartment fast.” Lisa said shooing Robyn quicker.

“You got a lot books there. You’re not planning on reading everyone, are you?” Robyn said walking up the stair toward her apartment.

“No. They’re mostly just in case I need to review something. That’s all.”

“Oh good. I don’t want you to get too burnt out.”

“What do you mean by that?”

Robyn looked over her shoulder at Lisa and cocked her eyebrow with a sly smile. She opened the door for Lisa and stepped in after her.

“I really appreciate you letting me use your apartment to study. But that’s all. I really need to study. I promise once I’m done, I’ll be back and we’ll go out and stuff, but until then I have to stay focused, okay?”

“Oh, I understand. You can’t study all night though. Maybe we could have little quickie in bed during a study break?” Robyn said stepping shyly up to Lisa.

“No. No sex. I really need to focus. Please Robyn.” Lisa said.

“One more week? Then I can have you?”


“I mean have you have you.”

“I’m yours to have. You can twist my body and fuck me like a pretzel.”

“Ohhhh fuck! I love it when you talk dirty!” Robyn said balling her fists with an elated expression.

“So are you fine with that?” Lisa said.

“Can I have a kiss at least?”

Lisa rolled her eyes and scoffed at Robyn turning away from her.

“Hey, just a kiss. That’s it. I promise I won’t lead you on or anything. Please Yellow?”

“Just a kiss?”

“Yeah. But a good one. Right here.” Robyn said pointing to her lips.

Robyn laid her books on the dining table and dropped her pack to the floor and looked at Robyn straight in the eye. Lisa’s gaze pierced through Robyn as she stepped closer to her and grasped Robyn’s body. Lisa bent down and pressed her mouth against Robyn’s and the two women kissed. Robyn felt a rush of excitement across her body feeling her nipples growing firm and Lisa pressed her kiss deeper into Robyn’s mouth. Robyn embraced Lisa’s body and held on to keep from losing her balance.

Lisa pulled away and broke off from Robyn’s mouth licking her lips while Robyn put her hand to her mouth staring at Lisa.

“Was that good enough?” Lisa said.

“Uh-huh.” Robyn said with a glazed smile on her face.

“Good. Now I’ve got to study.” Lisa said and sat down at the dining table and began laying books around the table.

Robyn sat across from Lisa looking at her and thinking about all the things she wanted to do with her next week.

Katie looked at the clock on the wall. It was almost 5 pm and Isabella and Edgar were gone after they cleaned the dining room floor. The shop had a lemony aroma, but the lights now gleamed off the cleaned floor.

There were no customers as usual during the hour and Katie was only waiting for her one schedule appointment. She took out all the aprons and towels and placed them on the counter ready to be used and sat down waiting for her visitor. She remembered the last time they were together in the bathroom. Robyn was wet and her skin was cold from the rain, but this time she’ll be warm and soft to touch.

“What’s she going to do to me tonight?” Katie thought, “She was such a wicked tease that last time. Is she going to do that to me again?”

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